- 12/28/2020 https://sppu.wheebox.com/WAC-3/allqusdownloadhtml.ils?testNo=5905&code=1052000&showTest=320&actForm=edit&set=1https://sppu.wheebox.com/WAC-3/allqusdownloadhtml.ils?testNo=5905&code=1052000&showTest=320&actForm=edit&set=1 1/14Seat No -Total number of questions : 601001438_T1 MANUFACTURING PROCESS IITime : 1hrMax Marks : 50N.B1) All questions are Multiple Choice Questions having single correct option.2) Attempt any 50 questions out of 60.3) Use of calculator is allowed.4) Each question carries 1 Mark.5) Specially abled students are allowed 20 minutes extra for examination.6) Do not use pencils to darken answer.7) Use only black/blue ball point pen to darken the appropriate circle.8) No change will be allowed once the answer is marked on OMR Sheet.9) Rough work shall not be done on OMR sheet or on question paper.10) Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE for each answer.Q.no 1. Use of tail stock in cylindrical grinding machine isA : To drive the work pieceB : To give feed to the wheel headC : To provide Speed togrinding wheelD : To support theother end of thework pieceQ.no 2. Carbide tipped tools usually haveA : Negative rake angleB : Positive rake angleC : Any rake angleD : No rake angle
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- 12/28/2020 https://sppu.wheebox.com/WAC-3/allqusdownloadhtml.ils?testNo=5905&code=1052000&showTest=320&actForm=edit&set=1https://sppu.wheebox.com/WAC-3/allqusdownloadhtml.ils?testNo=5905&code=1052000&showTest=320&actForm=edit&set=1 2/14Q.no 3. The operation of producing grooves around the periphery of a cylindrical or conicalworkpiece is calledA : profile millingB : Gang millingC : Saw millingD : Helical millingQ.no 4. If l=length of travel of the drill in mm, n=rpm of the drill, s= feed per revolution of thedrill in mm. Then machining time can be given as_____A : (l*n)/sB : (l*s)/nC : l/(n*s)D : (1+n)/sQ.no 5. Which of the following range of numbers represents dense structure of abrasives?A : 0-7B : 8-10C : 10-12D : 12-16Q.no 6. If a cutting tool is designed as 8°-14°-6°-8°-8°-19°-1mm what is the side Rake angle of thetoolA : 14°B : 19°C : 6°D : 8°Q.no 7. As the abrasive flow rate increases, what happens to the volumetric removal rate inAJM?A : IncreasesB : DecreasesC : Increase and then decrease
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- 12/28/2020 https://sppu.wheebox.com/WAC-3/allqusdownloadhtml.ils?testNo=5905&code=1052000&showTest=320&actForm=edit&set=1https://sppu.wheebox.com/WAC-3/allqusdownloadhtml.ils?testNo=5905&code=1052000&showTest=320&actForm=edit&set=1 3/14D : Decrease and then increaseQ.no 8. Steady rest isA : An additional support provided for long jobsB : Used while turning unsymmetricalobjectsC : Used during Plain cutting onlyD : Used when a lathe issubject to vibrationsQ.no 9. Lapping is an operation of_________A : Making a cone-shaped enlargementof the end of a holeB : Smoothing and squaring thesurface around a holeC : Sizing and finishing asmall diameter holeD : Producing a hole byremoving metal alongthe circumference ofa hollow cutting toolQ.no 10. A grinding ratio of 200 implies that theA : Grinding wheel wears 200 times thevolume of the material removedB : grinding wheel wears 0.005 timesthe volume of the material removedC : aspect ratio of abrasiveparticles used in thegrinding wheel is 200D : ratio of volumeof abrasive particleto that of grindingwheel is 200Q.no 11. For which of the following operations, broaching can be used?A : ThreadingB : Grinding
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- 12/28/2020 https://sppu.wheebox.com/WAC-3/allqusdownloadhtml.ils?testNo=5905&code=1052000&showTest=320&actForm=edit&set=1https://sppu.wheebox.com/WAC-3/allqusdownloadhtml.ils?testNo=5905&code=1052000&showTest=320&actForm=edit&set=1 4/14C : Spline cuttingD : Increasing the size of theexisting hole for a certainlengthQ.no 12. The angle between the face and flank of the single point cutting tool is known asA : Rake angleB : Clearance angleC : Lip angleD : Point angleQ.no 13. Of the following properties of nozzle, which of them does not influence the MRR inAJM?A : SizeB : MaterialC : Outside temperatureD : Distance from work pieceQ.no 14. Twist drills are made ofA : High speed steelB : Mild SteelC : Stainless steelD : High Carbon SteelQ.no 15. When the metal is removed by erosion caused by rapidly recurring spark dischargesbetween the tool and work, the process is known asA : Electrochemical machiningB : Electro-discharge machiningC : Ultrasonic machiningD : None of theseQ.no 16. The operation of making a cone-shaped enlargement of the end of a hole is known asA : counter-sinking
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- 12/28/2020 https://sppu.wheebox.com/WAC-3/allqusdownloadhtml.ils?testNo=5905&code=1052000&showTest=320&actForm=edit&set=1https://sppu.wheebox.com/WAC-3/allqusdownloadhtml.ils?testNo=5905&code=1052000&showTest=320&actForm=edit&set=1 5/14B : Counter-boringC : TreppaningD : Spot facingQ.no 17. Which of the following is a not a surface finishing process?A : HoningB : BuffingC : LappingD : TurningQ.no 18. A grinding wheel is said to be of _________ if it holds the abrasive grains more securelyA : Soft gradeB : Medium gradeC : Hard gradeD : very soft gradeQ.no 19. A half nut isA : Damaged nutB : Nut manufactured in partsC : Nut with half the standard pitchD : Mechanism that locks thelathe carriage to the loadscrew for thread cuttingQ.no 20. In centreless grinding, workpiece centre will beA : Above the line joining the twowheel centresB : Below the line joining the twowheel centresC : On the line joining the twowheel centresD : At the intersection of theline joining the wheelcentres with the workpiece
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- 12/28/2020 https://sppu.wheebox.com/WAC-3/allqusdownloadhtml.ils?testNo=5905&code=1052000&showTest=320&actForm=edit&set=1https://sppu.wheebox.com/WAC-3/allqusdownloadhtml.ils?testNo=5905&code=1052000&showTest=320&actForm=edit&set=1 6/14Q.no 21. In Electro discharge machining, materials with low melting point have which type ofmaterial removal rate?A : Very lowB : LowC : MediumD : HighQ.no 22. Cast iron during machining producesA : Continuous chipsB : Dis-Continuous chipsC : Continuous chips withbuilt-up-edgeD : None of theseQ.no 23. A coarse grained grinding wheel is used to grindA : Soft and Hard materialsB : Soft and ductile materialsC : Hard MaterialD : Tough MaterialQ.no 24. Which of the following process has highest rate of metal removalA : Electric Discharge Machining (EDM)B : Electro-Chemical Machining (ECM)C : Ultrasonic Machining (USM)D : Laser Beam Machining (LBM)Q.no 25. Removing dull grains in order to make grinding wheel sharp is known asA : LoadingB : GlazingC : DressingD : Trueing
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- 12/28/2020 https://sppu.wheebox.com/WAC-3/allqusdownloadhtml.ils?testNo=5905&code=1052000&showTest=320&actForm=edit&set=1https://sppu.wheebox.com/WAC-3/allqusdownloadhtml.ils?testNo=5905&code=1052000&showTest=320&actForm=edit&set=1 7/14Q.no 26. Which of the following method is not used for holding tool in drilling machine?A : by a sleeveB : by four jaw chucksC : by a socketD : By tool holderQ.no 27. Which of the following symbol’s range of alphabet represent soft grain in grindingwheel?A : A – HB : I – PC : Q – TD : T – ZQ.no 28. The main purpose of a boring operation, as compared to drilling, is toA : Drill a holeB : Finish the drilled holeC : Correct the holeD : Enlarge the existing holeQ.no 29. In Abrasive jet machining, work piece material of removed by which of the followingmeans?A : VaporizationB : Electro platingC : Mechanical abrasionD : CorrosionQ.no 30. In centerless grinders, the regulating wheel is inclined atA : 0° to 8°B : 9° to 15°C : 16° to 20°D : 21° to 25°
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- 12/28/2020 https://sppu.wheebox.com/WAC-3/allqusdownloadhtml.ils?testNo=5905&code=1052000&showTest=320&actForm=edit&set=1https://sppu.wheebox.com/WAC-3/allqusdownloadhtml.ils?testNo=5905&code=1052000&showTest=320&actForm=edit&set=1 8/14Q.no 31. Which of the following specified grinding wheel will have Aluminum oxide abrasive?A : Z 46 K 5 B 17B : C 600 K 5 B 17C : C 8 K 5 B 17D : A 80 K 5 B 17Q.no 32. Which one of the following process is worked on principle of Mechanical errosionA : AJMB : EDMC : ECMD : PAMQ.no 33. Amplitude of oscillation of tool in USM ranges between?A : 0.1-10 μmB : 10-40 μmC : 50-100 μmD : 100-1000 μmQ.no 34. It is desired to perform the operations like drilling, reaming, counter-boring etc. on awork piece. Which of the following machine will be used?A : Sensitive drilling machineB : Radial drilling machineC : Gang drilling machineD : Multiple spindle drillingmachineQ.no 35. Which one of the following process is worked on principle of electrolysis using eletrolyteA : EDMB : USMC : AJMD : ECM
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- 12/28/2020 https://sppu.wheebox.com/WAC-3/allqusdownloadhtml.ils?testNo=5905&code=1052000&showTest=320&actForm=edit&set=1https://sppu.wheebox.com/WAC-3/allqusdownloadhtml.ils?testNo=5905&code=1052000&showTest=320&actForm=edit&set=1 9/14Q.no 36. What is the general life of Tungsten carbide material nozzle in AJM?A : 1 – 8 hrsB : 2 – 5 hrsC : 10 – 15 hrsD : 25 – 40 hrsQ.no 37. Which of the following specified grinding wheel will have Silicon carbide abrasive?A : Z 46 K 5 B 17B : C 600 K 5 B 17C : A 8 K 5 B 17D : A 80 K 5 B 17Q.no 38. In machining operation, Uncut chip thickness t0= 0.8 mm and Chip thickness tc=1.2mm. The correct option for the chip thickness ratio (r) isA : 0.4B : 0.66C : 0.84D : 1.5Q.no 39. At high cutting speed, high temperature at tool-chip interface is caused by1. Heat generation rate increases with an increase in cutting speed2. Friction coefficient (μ) decreases with an increase in cutting speed3. The time required to transfer the heat decreases with an increase in cutting speed4. Localization of heat takes place with an increase in cutting speedA : 1,3 &4B : 1,2,3 &4C : 1,2,& 3D : 2,3 &4Q.no 40. If n=number of divisions required, then find the number of holes to be moved in directindexingA : 12/nB : 24/n
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- 12/28/2020 https://sppu.wheebox.com/WAC-3/allqusdownloadhtml.ils?testNo=5905&code=1052000&showTest=320&actForm=edit&set=1https://sppu.wheebox.com/WAC-3/allqusdownloadhtml.ils?testNo=5905&code=1052000&showTest=320&actForm=edit&set=1 10/14C : 40/nD : 120/nQ.no 41. Find the angle at which the compound rest should be set up to turn taper on theworkpiece having a length of 20mm, larger diameter 45mm and the smaller diameter 30mm.A : 2 Degree 9 MinutesB : 3 Degree 9 MinutesC : 4 Degree 9 MinutesD : 5 Degree 9 MinutesQ.no 42. In AJM, surface roughness value will vary between which values?A : 0.01 – 0.10 μmB : 0.15 – 1.5 μmC : 2.0 – 5.0 μmD : 7.0 – 10.0 μmQ.no 43. Grinding wheel is specified as “A 46 K 5 B 17”. Grain size of a wheel will beA : CoarseB : MediumC : FineD : Very FineQ.no 44. Which one of the following is not a hybrid non-conventional machinig processA : ECDMB : AWJMC : Ultrasonic assisted EDMD : EBMQ.no 45. What is the value of abrasive grain flow rate in Abrasive jet machining?A : 0.1 – 2 g/minB : 3 – 20 g/min
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