ME8391 Engineering Thermodynamics MCQ
Multiple Choice Questions
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- Vel Tech High Tech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.SakunthalaEngineering CollegeDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringMultiple Choice QuestionsIII SEMESTERME8391-Engineering Thermodynamics(Regulation – 2017)Academic Year 2020 – 2021Downloaded from: annauniversityedu.blogspot.comVisit for more MCQs
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- 901.THERMODYNAMICS1.Basic Concepts & ZerothLaw of Thermodynamics1. The energy of the isolated system is always aconstant, which is given by:(a) Zeroth law of thermodynamics(b) First law of thermodynamics(c) Second law of thermodynamics(d) Third law of thermodynamics(e) Law of stable equilibriumCGPSC Polytechnic Lecturer 2017Ans. (b) : Isolated System–An isolated system is athermodynamic system that cannot exchange eitherenergy or mass outside the boundaries of the system.So, ∆E = 0, ∆m = 0So from the first law of thermodynamics energy of theisolated system will be remain constant.2. A series of operations, which takes place in acertain order and restore the initial conditionsat the end, is known as(a) Reversible cycle(b) Irreversible cycle(c) Thermodynamic cycle(d) None of theseVizag Steel (MT) 2017UPPSC AE 12.04.2016 Paper-IIAns. (c) : Thermodynamic cycle– A series ofoperation which takes place in a certain order andrestore the initial conditions at the end, is known asthermodynamic cycle.3. Heat and work are :(a) Intensive properties(b) Extensive properties(c) Point functions(d) Path functionsOPSC AEE 2019 PAPER - IIUPRVUNL AE 2014UP Jal Nigam AE 2016Nagaland PSC CTSE 2017 Paper-2UKPSC AE 2007 Paper -IIAns.(d) : Heat and work are path function similaritiesbetween heat and work :(i) Both are recognized at the boundary of the system,as they cross the boundary phenomena.(ii) System possesses - energy, but neither heat and work.(iii) Both are associated with process not state. Heat andwork have no meaning at a state.(iv) Both are path functions.• Path function- Magnitude depends on the pathfollowed during the process as well as the end states.• Point function- Magnitude depends on state onlyand not a how the system approaches that state.4. What are the properties of a thermodynamicsystem whose value for the entire system isequal to the sum of their values for individualparts of the system?(a) Thermodynamic properties(b) Extensive properties(c) Intensive properties(d) Specific propertiesTNPSC AE 2018Ans. (b) : Extensive properties- Extensive propertiesof matter that changes as the amount of matter changesExample- Volume, enthalpy, entropy etc.Intensive properties- An intensive properties is a bulkproperty, meaning that it is a local physical property ofa system that does not depends on the system size or theamount of material in the system.Example- Pressure, temperature, refractive index,density and hardness of object.5. Consider the following properties:1. Temperature2. Viscosity3. Specific entropy4. Thermal conductivityWhich of the above properties of a systemis/are intensive?(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only(c) 2, 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4Gujarat PSC AE 2019Ans : (d) : Properties of intensive are as follows-• Temperature• Viscosity• Specific entropy• Thermal conductivity• Specific volume• Specific enthalpy6. An open system(a) is a specified region where transfers ofenergy and / or mass take place(b) is a region of constant mass and only energyis allowed to cross the boundaries(c) cannot transfer either energy or mass to orfrom the surroundings(d) has an enthalpy transfer across its boundariesand the mass within the system is notnecessarily constantBPSC Poly. Lect. 2016HPPSC Lect. 2016Ans : (a)system masstransferEnergytransferopen systemclosed systemIsolated system√××√√×Downloaded from: annauniversityedu.blogspot.comVisit for more MCQs
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- 107. Match the following :1. Closed system a. Increase in static pressure2. Open system b. Increase in kinetic energy3. Pump c. Heat, mass and workinteract4. Turbine d. Heat and work interact5. Nozzle e. Delivers work(a) 1–d, 2–c, 3–a, 4–e, 5–b(b) 1–c, 2–d, 3–b, 4–e, 5–a(c) 1–c, 2–a, 3–d, 4–e, 5–b(d) 1–d, 2–c, 3–e, 4–a, 5–bOPSC Civil Services Pre. 2011Ans. (a) :1. Closed system Heat and work interact2. Open system Heat, mass and work interact3. Pump Increase in static pressure4. Turbine Delivers work5. Nozzle Increase in kinetic energy8. The law which provides the basis oftemperature measurement is:(a) Third law of thermodynamics(b) Zeroth law of thermodynamics(c) First law of thermodynamics(d) Second law of thermodynamicsTNPSC 2019UPRVUNL AE 2014, 2016Ans. (b) : 1. Zeroth law of thermodynamics providesthe basis of temperature measurement.2. First law of thermodynamics provides conservationlaw of energy.3. Second law of thermodynamics provides the basicconcept of entropy.9. Which one of the following is the extensiveproperty of the system?(a) Volume (b) Pressure(c) Temperature (d) DensityOPSC AEE 2019 PAPER - IIUPRVUNL AE 2014Ans : (a) : These properties are dependent on mass e.g.volume, energy, Heat capacity (Cv, Cp), enthalpy,entropy.10. Pressure exerted by a gas in a closed containeris:(a) Weak function of Density and Temperature(b) Weak function of Density and Volume(c) Strong function of Density and Temperature(d) Strong function of Density and VolumeOPSC AEE 2019 PAPER - IIAns : (c) : Pressure exerted by a gas in a closedcontainer is strong function of density and temperature.11. Which of the following items is not a pathfunction?(a) Heat(b) Work(c) Kinetic energy(d) Thermal conductivityBPSC AE 2012 Paper - VAns : (d) : Thermal conductivity is not a path functions.12. Which one of the properties given below is anintensive property of the system(a) composition (b) volume(c) kinetic energy (d) entropyTSPSC AEE 2015Ans. (a) : Volume, Kinetic energy and entropy are theexample of extensive property where as composition isthe example of intensive property.13. Which pair of the following alternatives iscorrectly matched ?List – I List – II(a) Heat – Point function(b) Energy – Path function(c) Entropy – Second law ofthermodynamics(d) Gibbs function – Path functionUKPSC AE 2012 Paper–IIAns. (c) : Entropy – Second law ofthermodynamics14. Thermodynamic work is the product of(a) Two intensive(b) Two extensive properties(c) An intensive property and change in anextensive property(d) An extensive property and change in anintensive propertyUPPSC AE 12.04.2016 Paper-IIAns : (c) For quasistatic process work done iscalculated byP.dV∫Pressure = Intensive property.Volume (dV) = change in an extensive property.Thermodynamic work is the product of An intensiveproperty and change in an extensive property.15. Bi-Metallic strips made of two differentmaterials bend during a rise is temperaturebecause of(a) Differences in coefficient of linear expansion(b) Differences in elastic properties(c) Differences in thermal conductivities(d) Difference in stressTNPSC AE 2014Ans. (a) : Bi-Metallic strips made of two differentmaterials bend during a rise is temperature because ofdifferences in coefficient of linear expansion.16. The gauge pressure in a truck tire before andafter the journey was recorded as 200 kPa and220 kPa respectively at the location whereatmospheric pressure and temperature was100 kPa and 27ºC respectively. How much therise in temperature of tire air after trip?(a) 20ºC (b) 27ºCDownloaded from: annauniversityedu.blogspot.comVisit for more MCQs
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- 11(c) 47ºC (d) Insufficient dataOPSC AEE 2019 PAPER - IIAns : (c) : GivenPatm= 100 kPa, Tatm= 27 ºC = 300 KPgauge1= 200 kPa, Pgauge2= 220 kPa[P1]Abs= 300 kPa, [P2]Abs= 320 kPathen,V1= V21 12 2P TP T=1 221300 320300T PTP××= =2320 47ºT K C= =17. The condition for the reversibility of a cycle is(a) the pressure and temperature of the workingsubstance must not differ, appreciably, fromthose of the surroundings at any stage in theprocess(b) all the processes, taking place in the cycle ofoperation, must be extremely slow(c) the working parts of the engine must befriction free(d) all of the aboveGujarat PSC AE 2019Ans : (d) :The condition for the reversibility of a cycleisThe pressure and temperature of the workingsubstance must not differ, appreciably from those in theprocess.The working parts of the engine must be friction free.18. Which of the following is an example ofirreversible process?(a) Polytropic expansion of fluid(b) Unrestricted expansion of gases(c) Isothermal expansion(d) ElectrolysisJPSC AE 2013 Ist PaperAns. (b) :Irreversible process-In an irreversible process, there isa loss of heat due to friction, radiation and conduction.In an actual practice, most of the processes areirreversible to some degree The main causes for theirreversibility may be.(i) Mechanical and fluid friction(ii) Unrestricted expansion(iii) Heat transfer with a finite temperature difference.19. Which of the following is considered asthermodynamic potential?(a) Temperature (b) Internal energy(c) Enthalpy (d) EntropyJPSC AE 2013 Ist PaperAns. (c) :Enthalpy is considered as thermodynamicpotential.20. Ratio of absolute temperature21TTat twodifferent states in an adiabatic process is :(a)1121PPγ− (b)( )121PPγ−γ (c)121PPγγ− (d)1112PPγ− OPSC Civil Services Pre. 2011UKPSC AE-2013, Paper-IIAns. (b) :Ratio of absolute temperature21TTat two different statesin an adiabatic process is :12 21 1T PT Pγ−γ = 21. Pressure of 1 (one) atmosphere is equivalent to:(a) 0.101325 MPa (b) 750 mm of mercury(c) 1 bar (d) 0.101325 kPaOPSC Civil Services Pre. 2011Ans. (a) :1 atmosphere pressure = 101325 Pa= 1.01325 bar= 760 mm of mercury= 760 Torr= 0.101325 MPa= 14.6959 Pound-force persquare inch22. A steel ball of mass 1 kg and specific heat0.4 kJ/kg°C is at a temperature of 60°C. It isdropped into 1 kg water at 20°C. The finalsteady state temperature of water is :(a) 23.5 °C (b) 30 °C(c) 35 °C (d) 40 °CRPSC Vice Principal ITI 2018Ans. (a) :mb= 1 kgcb= 0.4 kJ/kgk1bT= 60°Cmw= 1 kg1wT= 20°CLet the final steady state temperature of ball and waterbe T°C.1 1b b b w w wm c (T T) m c (T T )− = −1 × 0.4 (60°–T) = 1 × 4.18 (T–20°)T = 23.5°C23. A 120-V electric resistance heater draws 10 A.It operates for 10 min in a rigid volume.Calculate the work done on the air in thevolume.(a) 720000 kJ (b) 720 kJ(c) 12000 J (d) 12 kJRPSC Vice Principal ITI 2018Ans. (b) :W = VIT = 120 V × 10 A × (10 × 60) s= 72 × 104J = 720 kJ.Downloaded from: annauniversityedu.blogspot.comVisit for more MCQs
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- 1224. Air is compressed in a cylinder such that thevolume changes from 0.2 to 0.02 m3. The initialpressure is 200 kPa. If the pressure is constant,the approximate work is(a) –36 kJ (b) –40 kJ(c) –46 kJ (d) –52 kJRPSC Vice Principal ITI 2018Ans. (a) :Work done, If the pressure is constant,w =21PdV∫= P(V2– V1)= 200 × (0.02 – 0.2)= –36 kJ25.Match List 1 with List 2 and choose the correctanswer from the code-List-I(laws ofthermodynamics)List-II(Defines)A.First(i)Absolute zerotemperatureB.Second(ii)Internal EnergyC.Zeroth(iii)TemperatureD.Third(iv)Entropy1. (A) (B) (C) (D)i ii iii iv2. (A) (B) (C) (D)iii iv ii i3. (A) (B) (C) (D)iv ii i iii4. (A) (B) (C) (D)ii iv iii iRPSC INSP. OF FACTORIES AND BOILER 2016Ans : (4)(A) First→(ii) Internal Energy(B) Second→(iv) Entropy(C) Zeroth→ (iii) Temperature(D) Third → (i) Absolute zero Temperature26. Which of the following processes is irreversibleprocess(a) Isothermal (b) Adiabatic(c) Throttling (d) All of the aboveVizag Steel (MT) 2017Ans. (c) :Throttling process in whichNo change in enthalpy from state one to state two (h1= h2)No work is done (W = 0)Process called isenthalpicProcess is adiabatic (Q = 0)27. A cylinder contains 5m3of ideal gas at apressure of 1 bar. This gas is compressed in areversible isothermal process till its pressureincreases to 5 bar.(a) 804.7 (b) 953.2(c) 981.7 (d) 1012.2Vizag Steel (MT) 2017Ans. (a) :Volume (v1) = 5.0m3Initial pressure (P1) = 1 bar = 100 kPaFinal Pressure (P2) = 5 bar = 500 kPaWe know that,Work done (w)21PPVdP...........(i)=∫Since, process is isothermalTherefore, PV = mRT = constant.....(i)Now equations (i) and (ii)21P21PPcw dP cP P = = ∫ln21 1 1 1 2 21Pw P V ( P V P V )P = = ∵500w (100 5)100 = × × ln= 804.7 kJ28. If 'h' refers t heat, T refers to temperature,then in the throttling process,(a)21 2h h=(b)1 2h h=(c)1 2fgshh hT= +(d)2 1fgshh hT= +TNPSC 2019Ans. (b) :The throttling process is a constant enthalpyprocess.h1= h229. Which of the following processes arethermodynamically reversible?(a) Throttling(b) Free expansion(c) Constant volume and constant pressure(d) Isothermal and adiabaticTNPSC 2019Ans. (d) :Throttling, Free expansion, Constant volumeand constant pressure processes and adiabatic processare thermodynamically irreversible whereas isothermaland adiabatic processes are thermodynamicallyreversible.30. The most efficient method of compressing air isto compress it(a) adiabatically (b) isentopically(c) isothermally (d) isochoricallyTNPSC 2019Ans. (c) :The work of compression or the steady flowwork input to the gas.12c 1 11PW P V 11 Pγ−γ γ = − γ − For reversible adiabatic compression.Similarly, for reversible polytropic compressionDownloaded from: annauniversityedu.blogspot.comVisit for more MCQs
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- 13n 1n2n 1 11PnW P V 1n 1 P− = − − For reversible isothermal compression of an ideal gasWt= P1V1nℓ(P2/P1).So, for same pressure ratio P2/P1the isothermalcompression needs the minimum work, whereasadiabatic compression needs the maximum work, whilethe polytropic compression work lies between iso-thermal and adiabatic.31. The internal energy of an ideal gas is functionof(a) pressure only(b) absolute temperature only(c) pressure and volume(d) pressure, volume and temperatureGujarat PSC AE 2019TSPSC AEE 2015UKPSC AE 2007 Paper -IIOPSC AEE 2015 PAPER - IIAns. (b) :The internal energy of an ideal gas is functionof absolute temperature only.U =f(T only)32. Work output from a system is at the expense ofinternal energy is a non flow process carriedout(a) at constant pressure(b) at constant volume(c) adiabatically(d) polytropicallyTSPSC AEE 2015Ans. (c) :Work output from a system is at the expenseof internal energy is a non flow process carried outadiabatically.33. The absolute zero pressure will be(a) When the molecular momentum of the systembecomes zero(b) at sea level(c) at the temperature of –273K(d) at the centre of the earthAPPSC AEE 2016Ans. (a) :Generally, absolute zero pressure is the pointwhere there exist a minimum temperature i.e. zero. Thatcan be possible only when molecular momentum ofsystem become zero. There should not be any motion ofparticles so there is no collision of particles, kineticenergy nullifies and the temperature becomes zero.34. An ideal gas can be taken from point K to pointN in three different paths:K→L→N, K→N, K→M→N. Which of thefollowing is a true statement?(a) The same work is done during each process.(b) The same amount of heat is added to the gasduring each process(c) The same change in internal energy duringeach process(d) The same entropy generated during eachprocessAPPSC AEE 2016Ans. (c) :From this diagram we get that the samechange in internal energy during each process becauseof internal energy. It is the property of the system (i.epoint function) whereas work and heat for each processwill be different because of area under P–V and T–Sdiagram will be different for each process (i.e pathfunction).35. Which of the following is not a property of thesystem?(a) Temperature (b) Pressure(c) Volume (d) HeatTNPSC AE 2017UKPSC AE 2012 Paper–IIAns. (d) :Heat is not a property of the system it is theform of energy whereas temperature, pressure andvolume are the property of the system.36. In reference to Thermodynamic equilibrium, itis required to have,(a) Mechanical Equilibrium(b) Chemical Equilibrium(c) Thermal Equilibrium(d) Mechanical, Chemical and ThermalEquilibriumTNPSC AE 2017Downloaded from: annauniversityedu.blogspot.comVisit for more MCQs
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- 14Ans. (d) :In reference to Thermodynamic equilibrium,it is required to have, Mechanical, Chemical andThermal Equilibrium.For Mechanical equilibrium0∆ ≈PFor Thermal equilibrium0∆ ≈TFor Chemical equilibrium no change in concentration ofreactants and products.37. If the value of n is zero in the equation PVn=C, then the process is called(a) constant volume process(b) constant pressure process(c) idiabatic process(d) isothermal processTNPSC AE 2018Ans. (b) :If the value of n is zero in the equation pVn=c, then the process is called constant pressure process.38. In a free expansion of a gas between twoequilibrium states, work transfer involved.(a) can be calculated by joining the two states onp-v coordinates by any path and estimatingarea below(b) can be calculated by joining two states by aquasi static path and then finding the areabelow(c) is zero(d) is equal to heat generated by friction duringexpansionTNPSC AE 2018Ans. (c) :In a free expansion of a gas between twoequilibrium states, work transfer involved is zero.39. The internal energy of a substance depends on(a) temperature (b) pressure(c) entropy (d) enthalpyTNPSC AE 2018Ans. (a) :The internal energy of a substance dependson temperature.U = mcV∆T40. The temperature at which the volume of gasbecomes zero is called(a) absolute scale of temperature(b) absolute zero temperature(c) absolute temperature(d) dew point temperatureTNPSC AE 2018Ans. (b) :The temperature at which the volume of gasbecomes zero is called absolute zero temperature.At absolute zero temperature (– 273.15 K),momentum of gas molecules becomes zero.41. A fan consumes 20 W of electric power anddischarges air from a ventilated room at 0.25kg/s. The maximum air outlet velocity is nearly(a) 4.7 m/s (b) 8.7 m/s(c) 10.2 m/s (d) 12.7 m/sUPSC JWM 2017Ans. (d) :Fan convert electrical energy into mechanicalenergy.( )21Power Mass flow rate of air × discharge velocity2= ×21P mv2=ɺ2P 2 20v 12.65m / sm 0.25×= = =ɺMaximum air outlet velocity12.7m / s≃42. In a reversible adiabatic process the ratio(T1/T2) is equal to-(a)112ppγγ− (b)112vvγγ− (c)( )121 2v vγγ−(d)21vvγ RPSC AE 2018UKPSC AE 2012 Paper–IIAns. (a) :We know that, Polytropic processPVn= constant ...(1)If process is reversible adiabatic then η = γ = 1.4For ideal gasconstantPVT=then2 1 21 1 2V P TV T P = × ...(2)1 1 2 2P V = P Vγ γ12 11 2V PV Pγ = From equation (2)11 2 12 1 2P T PP T Pγ × = 11 12 2T PT Pγγ − = 43. An isolated system-(a) is a specified region where transfer of energyand/or mass takes place(b) is a region of constant mass and only energyis allowed to cross the boundaries(c) cannot transfer either energy or mass to orfrom the surroundings(d) is one in which mass within the system is notnecessarily constantRPSC AE 2018TSPSC AEE 2015Ans. (c) :Isolated system—An isolated system cannottransfer either energy or mass to or from thesurrounding ∆m = 0, ∆E = 0 for isolated system.Example—Universe, thermal flask bottle etc.Downloaded from: annauniversityedu.blogspot.comVisit for more MCQs
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- 1544. In the polytropic process equation PVn=constant if n is infinitely large, the process istermed as-(a) Constant volume (b) Constant pressure(c) Constant temperature (d) AdiabaticRPSC AE 2018TNPSC AE 2018UKPSC AE 2007 Paper -IIAns. (a) :In the polytropic processPVn= constantIfn= ∞thenPV∞= constant.Then this polytropic process is termed as costantvolume process.If n = 1PV = constant (Isothermal process)If n = 0PV0= constantConstant pressure processIf n = 1.4PV1.4= constant (adiabatic process)ProcessValue of 'n' indexConstant pressure0Isothermal1Adiabatic1.4Constant volume∞45. The instrument which measures thetemperature of the source without directcontact is(a) Bi-metallic cut-out(b) Vapour pressure thermometer(c) Pyrometer(d) Thin film thermometerTNPSC AE 2014Ans. (c) :Pyrometer–Pyrometer is a device use formeasuring relatively high temperature, such as areencountered in furnace. Most pyrometer works bymeasuring radiation from the body whose temperatureis to be measured. Radiation devices have the advantageof not touch the material being measured.46. Work done for an isothermal process is(a)1 1 2 21PV PVn−−(b)2 1( )P V V−(c)1 1 1 2ln( / )PV P P(d)1 1 1 2ln( / )PV V VTNPSC AE 2013Ans. (c) :1isot 1 12PW P V lnP = 12 22PP V lnP = 21 11VP V lnV = Work done for polytropic process1 1 2 2polyP V P VWn 1−=−Work done for constant volume process for closedsystem.WV=C= zerowork done for constant pressure process for closedsystemWP=C= P (V2– V1)47. Which of the following is correct statement for'Energy (E)'?(a) 'Energy (E)' is not the property of system(b) 'Energy (E)' is path function(c) Change in energy between two states of asystem is different for different path followed(d)0dE=∫UPRVUNL AE 2016Ans. (d) : • Energy E is the property of system and it isthe point function.• Change in energy between two states of asystem is same for different path followed.• For point function0dE=∫48. Internal energy of system containing perfectgas depends on(a) Pressure only(b) Temperature only(c) Pressure and temperature(d) Pressure temperature and specific heatHPPSC AE 2018Ans. (b) : Internal energy of a system containing perfectgas (ideal gas) depends on temperature only.U = f(T) [For ideal gas only]49. Which of the following equations is incorrect?(where V,P,T and Q are volume, pressure,temperature and heat transfer respectively)(a)0=∫dV(b)0=∫dP(c)0=∫dT(d)0=∫dQRPSC LECTURER 16.01.2016Ans. (d) :0Q≠∫0V=∫0P=∫0T=∫Because V,P,T are properties of the system whereas Qand work (W) not a properties of the system.Cyclic integration of the system properties will be equalto zero.50. Which of the following statements is correct for"Energy"(a) It is a point function(b) It is a path function(c) It is not a conserved quantity(d) It can be measured by thermometerRPSC LECTURER 16.01.2016Downloaded from: annauniversityedu.blogspot.comVisit for more MCQs
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- 16Ans. (a) :Note:-Option (a) is given by RPSC.51. The heat capacity of the substance is given byexpression:(a) Heat capacity = (Mass) + (specific heat)(b) Heat capacity = (Mass) – (specific heat)(c) Heat capacity = (Mass)×(specific heat)(d) Heat capacity = (Mass) / (specific heat)(e) Heat capacity = (Mass)2+ (specific heat)2(CGPCS Polytechnic Lecturer 2017)Ans. (c) : Heat Capacity–Heat capacity or thermalcapacity is a physical property of matter, defined as theamount of heat to be supplied to a given mass of amaterial to produce a unit change in its temperature.Heat capacity is an extensive property. It is denoted byCC = m×c (J/k)Wherem→mass of the systemc→Specific heat52. Which of the following is NOT an intensivethermodynamic property?(a) Temperature (b) Pressure(c) Energy (d) Specific volume(e) Specific energy(CGPCS Polytechnic Lecturer 2017)Ans. (c) : Intensive Properties–An intensive propertyis a property of matter that depends only on the type ofmatter is a sample and not depends on the amount ofmass.Example–Pressure, temperature, density, viscosityspecific enthalpy, specific entropy, specific volume etc.Extensive Properties– An extensive property is aproperty that depends on the amount of matter in asample.Example– Volume, enthalpy, entropy, mass energy etc.53. A piston cylinder arrangement has air at 600kPa, 290 K and volume of 0.01 m3. During aconstant pressure process, if it gives 54 kJ ofwork, the final volume must be(a) 0.10 m3(b) 0.05 m3(c) 0.01 m3(d) 0.15 m3JPSC AE PRE 2019Ans. (a) : Given,P1= 600 kPaT1= 290 KW = 54 kJV1= 0.01 m3V2= ?W = PdV= P(V2– V1)54 × 103= 600 × 103(V2– 0.01)V2= 0.1 m354. A polytropic process with n = –1, initiates withP = V = 0 and ends with P = 600 kPa and V =0.01 m3. The work done is(a) 2 kJ (b) 3 kJ(c) 4 kJ (d) 6 kJJPSC AE PRE 2019Ans. (b) : Given,n = –1P1= 0V1= 0P2= 600 kPaV2= 0.01 m31 1 2 21PV PVWn−=−0 600 0.011 1− ×=− −= 3 kJ55. Work done in a free expansion process is(a) Positive (b) Negative(c) Zero (d) MaximumJPSC AE PRE 2019TNPSC AE 2018UKPSC AE 2007 Paper -IIAns. (c) :From first law of thermodynamicsδQ = dU +δW,since, for free expansion (T1= T2)δQ = 0 and dU = 0So,δW = 056. For an ideal gas, enthalpy is represented by(a) H = U – RT (b) H = U + RT(c) H = RT – U (d) H = –(U + RT)JPSC AE PRE 2019Ans. (b) : H = U + PVPV = mRTfor unity mass, m = 1H = U + mRTH = U + RT57. Which one of the following represents theenergy in storage?(a) Work (b) Heat(c) Energy (d) Internal energyJPSC AE PRE 2019Ans. (d) : Internal energy—Internal energy of asystem is the sum of potential energy and kinetic energyof that system.58. Heat transfer takes place as per(a) Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics(b) First Law of Thermodynamics(c) Second Law of Thermodynamics(d) Kirchhoff's LawSJVN ET 2013Nagaland PSC CTSE 2017 Paper-2Ans. (c) : Heat transfer takes place as per second law ofthermodynamics.Downloaded from: annauniversityedu.blogspot.comVisit for more MCQs
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- 1759. 2 kg of substance receives 500 kJ andundergoes a temperature change from 100oC to200oC. Then average specific heat of substanceduring the process will be:(a) 5 kJ/kgoK (b) 2.5 kJ/kgoK(c) 10 kJ/kgoK (d) 25 kJ/kgoKSJVN ET 2013Ans. (b) : m = 2kgQ = 500 kJT1= 100oCT2= 200oCQ = mc∆T500 = 2 × c (200 – 100)oc 2.5 kJ / kg K=60. The work done during an isothermal processis:(a)21 1 e1vP V logv (b)11 2 e2vP V logv (c)22 2 e1PP V logP (d)2 2 1 1P V P Vn 1−−TRB Polytechnic Lecturer 2017Ans. (a) : Wisothermal=21 1 e1VP V logV 61. Thermocouples are generally used formeasuring temperature:(a) 500oC (b) 1000oC(c) 1500oC (d) 2000oCSJVN ET 2013TNPSC AE 2018Ans. (c) :Thermocouples are generally used formeasuring temperature up to 1500oC62. Which of the following is not a point functionof the system.(a) Temperature (b) Pressure(c) Specific volume (d) HeatTRB Polytechnic Lecturer 2017Ans. (d) :Heat is path function whereas temperature,pressure and specific volume are point function.63. The enthalpy of an ideal gas is a function of(a) Pressure only (b) Volume only(c) Temperature only (d) None of theseNagaland PSC CTSE 2017 Paper-2Ans. (c) :Enthalpy is a function of temperature only.64. 1ºC is equal to(a) 273.15 K (b) 274.15 K(c) 283.15 K (d) 263.15 KNagaland PSC CTSE 2017 Paper-2Ans. (b) :1ºC is equal to Kelvin, 274.15 K.65. Identify open system and closed system fromthe following(a) Blood circulation and respiration in humanbody(b) Fuel system and radiator in cars(c) Air compressor and boiler(d) Shell and tube heat exchanger and BlowerNagaland PSC CTSE 2017 Paper-2Ans. (c) :Air compressor is an open system and boilercomes under closed system (boiler having closedchamber).66. Compression efficiency is compared against(a) Ideal compression(b) Adiabatic compression(c) Isentropic compression(d) Isothermal compressionNagaland PSC CTSE 2017 Paper-2Ans. (d) :Compression efficiency is compared againstisothermal compression.67. Which thermometer is independent of thesubstance or material used in its construction?(a) mercury thermometer(b) alcohol thermometer(c) ideal gas thermometer(d) resistance thermometerNagaland PSC CTSE 2017 Paper-2Ans. (c) :Ideal gas thermometer in independent of thesubstance or material used in its construction.68. The pressure of air in an automobile tyre attemperature of 27oC is 1.75 bar (gauge). Due torunning the temperature of air in the rises to87oC. What will be the gauge pressure duringthis running? [Patm= 1.01 bar, volume of tyre isassumed constant](a) 2.302 bar (b) 2.914 bar(c) 1.677 bar (d) 3.180 barSJVN ET 2019Ans. (a) :Pabs= Patm+ Pgauge= 1.01 + 1.75= 2.76 bar1 1 2 21 2P V P VT T∴ =( )abs 22abs1P T2.76 360PT 300××= =()2absP 3.312 1.01= −2.302 bar=69. A non-flow reversible process takes placeaccording to315V m ,P=where P is in bar.What will be the work done if pressure changesfrom 1 bar to 10 bar? [Given. ln (10) = 2.3025](a) 3.453 MN-m, expansion(b) 3.453 N-m, compression(c) 3.453 MN-m compression(d) 3.453 N-m, expansionSJVN ET 2019Downloaded from: annauniversityedu.blogspot.comVisit for more MCQs
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