Intellectual Property Rights

Multiple Choice Questions 3 Pages

Contributed by

Mahmood Prasoon Sarna
  • BPH_E_709_T Intellectual Property Rights
    2020-21 Semester VII CBCS Syllabus
    Q.No.1 The term “WIPO” stands for:
    (a). World Investment policy organization
    (b). World intellectual property organization
    (c). Wildlife Investigation and Policing organization
    (d). World institute for Prevention of organized crime
    Q. No.2 Which of the following is an “intellectual property” as per IPR Laws in India.
    (a). Original literary work
    (b). Industrial Design of Maruti800 car
    (c). Trademark of Tata company
    (d). All the above
    Q. No.3 A company wishes to ensure that no one else can use their logo.
    (a). Copy rights
    (b).Trade mark
    (c). Patent
    (d). Industrial designs
    Q. No.4. A singer wishes to assign the rights to reproduce a video she has made of her concert.
    (a). Copy rights
    (b). Trade mark
    (c). Patent
    (d). Industrial designs
    Q. No.5 A new way to process milk so that there is no fat in any cheese made from it is covered under:
    (a). Copy rights
    (b). Trade mark
    (c). Patent
    (d). Geographical indications
    Q. No.6 A company has decided to invest in outer shape design of bottle in which they would fill the
    perfume produced by them, and which is distinctive, and they wish to ensure that they have sole use.
    (a). Copy rights
    (b). Trade mark
    (c). Patent
    (d). Geographical indications
    Q. No.7 A company decides to use a logo that has the same shape as its competitor but with a different
    color. It is a violation of:
    (a). Copy rights
    (b). Trade mark
    (c). Patent
    (d). Industrial designs

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  • (e). Geographical indications
    Q. No.8 Which of the following is not an intellectual property law?
    (a). Copyright Act, 1957
    (b). Trademark Act, 1999
    (c). Patent Act, 1970
    (d). Customs Act, 1962
    Q .No.9 Copyright law applies to forms of expression contained in-
    (a). Song lyrics and musical compositions
    (b). Sculptures and paintings
    (c). Dramatic and literary works
    (d). All of the above
    Q. No.10 Trade in services includes which of the following?
    (a). Computer hardware
    (b). Textiles
    (c). Insurance
    (d). Aerospace
    Q .No.11 Trademark law protects…
    (a). Words, symbols or devices that differentiate goods or services from one another.
    (b). Only brand names
    (c). Names of specific people and places
    (d). Inventions that feature some sort of utility function
    Q. No.12 Which of the following principles is applicable to trademarks?
    (a). A trademark should be distinctive
    (b). A trademark should be capable of distinguishing goods or services
    (c). A trademark should not cause confusion with previous trademarks
    (d). All of the above
    Q. No. 13: The term of copyright for an author lasts how long?
    (a). The life of the author
    (b). The life of the author plus 60 years
    (c). (c). 95 years
    (d). 75 years
    Q. No. 14: The rights provided by copyrights are
    (a). Reproduction of the work in various forms
    (b). Public performance and translate into other languages

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  • (c). Broadcasting by radio or cable
    (d). All of the above
    Q. No. 15. Why an invention should be patented?
    (a). It gives protection to a patentable invention.
    (b). It gives legal recognition to the invention.
    (c). It makes others aware of the fact as to whom does the invention belong
    (d). Patenting one’s invention make useful data relating to the invention available to other inventions
    for further research and development.
    Out of four reasons given above, identify the correct reasons:-
    (a). (ii) and (iii)
    (b). (ii), (iii) and (iv)
    (c). None of the above
    (d). All of the above
    Q.No.16. The rights of a patentee are
    (a). Sell or distribute
    (b). License
    (c). Assign the property to others
    (d). All of the above
    Q.No.17-Symbol of Maharaja of Air India is
    a. Copyright
    b. Patent
    c. Trademark
    d. All of the above
    Q.No.18-Design does not include
    a. features of shape
    b. composition of lines or colours
    c. mode or principle of construction
    d. None of the above
    Q.No.19-Which of the following is (are) included in Geographical indications of Goods
    a. Handicraft
    b. Foodstuff
    c. Manufactured
    d. All of the above
    Q.No.20- Prior art search includes
    a. Search of Patent literatures
    b. Search of Non-patent literature
    c. Both (a) and (b)
    d. None of the above

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