- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE – 45MCQ SUb:Cases in HRM(606C) class: bbaty vi semProf.Maya Jadhav www.dacc.edu.inUnit-11. Human Resource Management is the process ofA. Recruitment and selectionB. Analyzing the skillsC. Workforce utilizationD. None of the AboveANSWER: A2. Management in HRM refers toA. Labour unionsB. Proper and maximum utilization of resourcesC. Top managementD. Operations managementANSWER: B3. The core purpose of HRM isA. Select the right person for the taskB. satisfaction of employeesC. safety of employeesD. Make efficient purpose of existing HRANSWER: D
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE – 45MCQ SUb:Cases in HRM(606C) class: bbaty vi semProf.Maya Jadhav www.dacc.edu.in4. You must treat your employees with respect and dignity - Quoted byA. Dhirubai AmbaniB. Bill GatesC. Warron BuffetD. Narayana MoorthyANSWER: D5. The resources by themselvesA. Have to be collectedB. Must be coordinatedC. Need to be organizedD. All the aboveANSWER: D6. HRM is anA. Department functionB. Individual functionC. Organization functionD. Environmental functionANSWER: C
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE – 45MCQ SUb:Cases in HRM(606C) class: bbaty vi semProf.Maya Jadhav www.dacc.edu.in7. HRM includesA. Planning personnel needsB. Providing benefits and incentivesC. Appraising performanceD. All the aboveANSWER: D8. The historical rule of the HRM isA. One HR person for 100 employeesB. One HR person for 50 employeesC. One HR person for 25 employeesD. One HR person for 10 employeesANSWER: A9. OPM meansA. Office of personnel managementB. Office of performance managementC. Opinion of person in managementD. None of the aboveANSWER: A
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE – 45MCQ SUb:Cases in HRM(606C) class: bbaty vi semProf.Maya Jadhav www.dacc.edu.in10. The role of HR director isA. solving the disputesB. Extension of planC. AdministrationD. Training and developmentANSWER: C11. "Man of all the resources available to man, can grow and develop" quoted byA. Peter MorrisonB. Peter.F. DruckerC. Adam smithD. Karl MarxANSWER: B12. The prespective for the need of HR isA. Select the legal employeeB. promote the skill employeeC. Distinguishing the features of employeesD. Te right person for the right jobANSWER: D
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE – 45MCQ SUb:Cases in HRM(606C) class: bbaty vi semProf.Maya Jadhav www.dacc.edu.in13. HRM isA. Inter - relatedB. Inter dependentC. InteractingD. All the aboveANSWER: D14. The skill and talents of HRA. Need an opportunityB. Obtained by the managementC. ExemplifiedD. RepresentedANSWER: C 15.HR management on procurement, development and cooperation targetsA. To accomplish social objectivesB. To obtain organizational objectivesC. Both A and BD. Neither A nor BANSWER: C
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE – 45MCQ SUb:Cases in HRM(606C) class: bbaty vi semProf.Maya Jadhav www.dacc.edu.in16. HRM is concerned with the ------------------- discussion in managementA. companyB. peopleC. industryD. societyANSWER: B17. HRM can be understood as a process ofA. ProcessingB. DevelopingC. Maintaining competent HRD. All the aboveANSWER: C18. HRM is an art ofA. Preparation of a taskB. coordinating middle managementC. Helping top managementD. Managing peopleANSWER: D19. What should be the basic positive attitude among workers?
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE – 45MCQ SUb:Cases in HRM(606C) class: bbaty vi semProf.Maya Jadhav www.dacc.edu.inA. Do not join in labour unionsB. Reducing wastage and maximum use of resourcesC. Educate othersD. Effective communicationANSWER: B20. HR policy makes employeesA. Train for future positionsB. A better person/workersC. A knowledgeable personD. All the aboveANSWER: A21. Healthy HRM practices can help the organizationA. To reduce the disputes/ conflictsB. To increase the promotional opportunitiesC. To realize the employeesD. To maintain cordinal relationship unionsANSWER: D22. ------------------practices teach individuals team work and adjustmentA. Personnel managementB. Effective Human ResourceC. Employee welfare
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE – 45MCQ SUb:Cases in HRM(606C) class: bbaty vi semProf.Maya Jadhav www.dacc.edu.inD. Healthy,safety and welfareANSWER: B23. Employee training requires to meetA. Job requirement B. Job enhancementC. Job AnalysisD. Job EnrichmentANSWER: A24. _____________ can be promoted for the future for the top level jobA. Potential employeesB. Legal employeesC. Skilled employeesD. Trained employeesANSWER: A25. When industrial development increased by HR, it also stimulates A.Organizational modifications B. EconomyC. TechnologyD. Socio cultural changeANSWER: B 26. HR also focuses onA. Physical and emotional capitalB. The confident of employees C. Communication styles of the workers D. Attitude ofthe worker
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE – 45MCQ SUb:Cases in HRM(606C) class: bbaty vi semProf.Maya Jadhav www.dacc.edu.inANSWER: D27. What is Harmonious relationship at workplace A. Friendly in natureB. Pleasing and consistentC. cordial and availableD. All the aboveANSWER: D28. Working condition activities refers withA. Decision making of top managementB. Policy and procedure of a firmC. Health, safety, welfare servicesD. culture of the organizationANSWER: C29. Employee welfare is aboutA. Determining employees real needsB. Giving challengable workC. Showing the path by right leadershipD. Salary benefitsANSWER: A30. ___________ is the art and scienceA. Labour legislation B. Union management relationshipC. Allotment of right job to right one
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE – 45MCQ SUb:Cases in HRM(606C) class: bbaty vi semProf.Maya Jadhav www.dacc.edu.inD. All of the aboveANSWER: B31. The objective of the HRM span right from theA. Manpower needs B. Organizational needsC. Social needsD. Industry welfareANSWER: A32. HRM is all about developing and managingA. KnowledgeB. SKillsC. CreativityD. All the aboveANSWER: D33. Social objective of an organizationA. Minimize the profitB. Minimize the negative impactC. Maximize the No of employeesD. Minimize the riskANSWER: B34. The exist of HRM department is to serveA. Not to the labour unions
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