Social Construction Of Gender Unit-4 Quetions with answers
Question Bank
9 Pages
Contributed by
Chitranjan Nawab
- STATUS OF WOMEN IN INDIAUNIT-IVMULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS1. In Ancient India, men had the role of earning and women had the role of:a) Reproduction of heirs and homemakingb) Homemakingc) Earningd) None of the above2. The historical analysis of the position of women in Ancient India shows that:a) Women did not share an equal position with menb) Women share an equal position with menc) Women position was superior to mend) None of the above3. During Ancient India, women were recognized only as:a) Wivesb) Mothersc) Wives and mothersd) None of the above4. In the Ancient Indus Valley civilization in India, evidences show the worship of:a) The mother goddessb) Shivac) Vishnud) Sun5. During Ancient India, education of young girls was considered as an importantqualification fora) societiesb) marriagec) communitiesd) religious duties6. In Rig Vedic society, Dowry system wasa) popularb) unknownc) tabood) none of the above7. As per the Dharamshastras, what does ‘Anuloma Vivah’ mean?a) Marriage between a higher caste man and a lower caste womanb) Marriage between a lower caste man and a higher caste womanc) Marriage between man and woman of the same caste
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- d) Marriage of man and woman of the same gotra8. In Ancient India, the bride was supposed to be at a mature age over:a) 15 or 16 yearsb) 16 or 17 yearsc) 17 or 18 yearsd) 18 or 19 years9. During the early Vedic era, there is evidence to show that women were given some:a) Respect and opportunitiesb) Fair amount of freedomc) Fair amount of equality with mend) All of the above10. ‘Swayamvara’ is the institution of marriage amonga) The higher castesb) The lower casesc) Both (a) and (b)d) None of the above11. Women did not use ‘Purdah’ in which era?a) Vedic erab) Post vedic erac) Medieval erad) modern era12. The literacy rate of women among the Vaishnavite sects was :a) Higher than the other societiesb) Lower than the other societiesc) Same as the other societiesd) None of the above13. During the Medieval period, who was the greatest Muslim queen of India?a) Nur Jahanb) Jija Baic) Zebunnissad) Shivaji14. According to Nandal&Rajnish, prostitutes along with their practices were neverconsidered to be undignified or shameful,rather femake sex workers were depicted asclassy women, without societal restrictions during which period?a) Indus Valley civilisationb) Rig Vedic civilisationc) Mohenjodaro civizationd) Harappan civilization15. Women occupied esteemed positions in religion and were permitted to becomeSanyasinis during:
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- a) Rig Vedic periodb) Later Vedic periodc) Jainism and Buddhism Periodd) None of the above16. Social evils like female infanticide, Sati, child marriage, purdah system and zenanawere prevalent during the:a) Middle ageb) Vedic periodc) Buddhism periodd) Ancient period17. The practice of voluntary immolation by wives and daughters of defeated warriors inorder to avoid capture and consequent molestation by the enemy is called:a) Jauharb) Satic) Devadasi systemd) None of the above18. Which movement flourished during the medieval age giving rise to a new class ofmen and women who cared for gender bias?a) Bhakti movementb) Quit India movementc) Civil Disobedience movementd) None of the above19. Which Article of the Indian Constitution has a provision of equal pay for equal workfor men and women?a) Article 14b) Article 16c) Article 42d) Article 39(d)20. The first college open to women in India is the:a) Bethune collegeb) Lady Shri Ram collegec) Miranda Housed) Banasthali University21. The social movement of women was restricted in the medieval period due to:a) The advent of Muslims in Indiab) The advent of British in Indiac) polygamyd) None of the above22. The Brahmo Samaj was founded in 1828 by:a) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
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- b) Raja Ram Mohan Royc) Dayananda Sarasvatid) None of the above23. The Arya Samaj was founded in 1875 by :a) Dayananda Sarasvatib) Raja Ram Mohan Royc) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagard) None of the above24. The first Indian female teacher who went on to set up 17 more schools that impartededucation to women of all castes was:a) Indira Gandhib) Rani Baic) Savitribai Phuled) 185925. The evil practice of sati was formally banned on:a) January 2, 1829b) January 4, 1830c) December 4, 1830d) December 4, 182926. When was the Hindu Widows’ Remarriage Act recognized by the law?a) 1855b) 1856c) 1857d) 185827. In which year did the Hunter Commission emphasized on the need for femaleeducation?a) 1881b) 1882c) 1883d) 188428. The first Muslim woman teacher of India is:a) Nur Jahanb) Razia Sultanc) Fatima Sheikhd) None of the above29. Who played an important role in getting Sati system abolished, raised voice againstchild marriage and fought for the right of inheritance for women?a) Maharaja S. Raob) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagarc) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
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- d) None of the above30. Who launched a movement for the right of widows to remarry and worked to improvethe status of women in India?a) Raja Ram Mohan Royb) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagarc) Maharaja S. Raod) Annie Besant31. A women’s rights activist and he founder of Seva Sadan in Mumbai and Pune-aninstitution that trained thousands of women in various skills was:a) Annie Besantb) Ramabai Ranadec) Fatima Sheikhd) None of the above32. The Indian Reforms Association was started with the efforts of Keshav Chandra Senon:a) September, 1870b) October, 1870c) November, 1870d) December, 187033. The minimum marriageable age for a girl since 1978 in India isa) 18b) 16c) 15d) 1234. Through the enactment of the Age of Consent Act, the minimum marriageable age fora girl was raised from 10 years to 12 years in:a) 1890b) 1891c) 1892d) 189835. Through the Sharda Act, the minimum marriageable age for a girl was raised to :a) 12b) 14c) 15d) 1836. The National Commission for Women (NCW) was set up in:a) January, 1992b) February, 1992c) March, 1992d) April, 1992
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- 37. Who was the firstwoman to become President of the Indian National Congress?a) Sarojini Naidub) Annie Besantc) Vijayalakshmi Panditd) Aruna Asaf Ali38. Who was the first Indian woman to become the governor of a state in India?a) Sarojini Naidub) Aruna Asaf Alic) Vijayalakshmi Panditd) Annie Besant39. In which year did Indira Gandhi become the first woman Prime Minister of India?a) 1965b) 1966c) 1967d) 196840. The National Policy for the empowerment of women was passed in :(a) 2000(b) 2001(c) 2002(d) 2003Fill in the blanks1. During the Rig Vedic period, women’s position was acknowledged especially inthe performance of ____ ceremonies.2. In the Rig Vedic period, education of young girls was considered as an importantqualification for _____3. In Rig Vedic society, _____ system was unknown.4. Marriage was a religious sacrament in the ____ period.5. In the medieval period of the Muslims, women were restrained through the ____system and the movement outside the home was checked.6. Medieval India saw many foreign conquests, which resulted in the ____ ofwomen’s status.7. Social evil that existed in the society during the Medieval period was______which resulted in rapid increase in the number of child widows.
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- 8. The ritual of dying at the funeral pyre of the husband is known as _____9. Female poet-saints played a significant role in the ____ Movement which openedthe gate of religious freedom to women.10. A more or less similar form of sati but which is a mass suicide prevalent in theRajput societies in which custom wives immolated themselves while theirhusbands were still alive is called _____11. _____ system is a custom prevalent inSouthen India in which girls were dedicatedto temples in the name of gods and goddesses.12. ____ of Jhansi fought for her kingdom which Dalhousie had unlawfully annexedthus putting the British rulers to shame.13. It was the efforts of _____ that Lord William Bentinck banned the custom of satiin 1829.14. Raja Ram Mohan Roy founded the _____ along with Dwarka Nath Tagore for thereform of Indian Society and emancipation of women..15. _____ strongly supported women education in Bengal and went door to door topersuade people to send their girl child to school.16. Arya Samaj was founded by _______17. ____ of the Indian Constitution declares that government shall not discriminateagainst any citizen on the ground of sex.18. _____ of The Constitution of India says that the government shall not deny to anyperson equality before law or the equal protection of the laws.19. _____ of the Indian Constitution allows for provisions to be made by the State forsecuring just and humane conditions of work and for maternity relief.20. The Hindu Widows’ Remarriage Act was enacted in the year _____
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- PAPER XII (A) ANSWER KEYMULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS:UNIT- IV1. (a)2. (a)3. (c)4. (a)5. (b)6. (b)7. (a)8. (a)9. (d)10. (a)11. (a)12. (a)13. (a)14. (b)15. (c)16. (a)17. (a)18. (a)19. (d)20. (a)21. (a)22. (b)23. (a)24. (c)25. (d)26. (b)27. (b)28. (c)29. (c)30. (b)31. (b)32. (b)33. (a)34. (b)35. (b)36. (a)37. (b)38. (a)39. (b)40. (b)
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- PAPER XII(A) UNIT-IVFILL IN THE BLANKS:1. Religious2. Marriage3. Dowry4. Rig Vedic5. Purdah6. Decline7. Child marriage8. Sati9. Bhakti10. Jauhar11. Devdasi12. Rani Lakshmi Bai13. Raja Ram MohanRoy14. Brahmo Samaj15. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar16. Swami Dayananda Saraswati17. Article 1518. Article 1419. Article 4220. 1856
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