- 360EXPERIMENT -1Vernier CallipersSUMMARYThe least count of venier callipers = M-V ......(1)Where,M = The distance between two consecutiue divisions on the main scale.V = The distance between two consecutive divisions on the vernier scale.The length of x divisions on vernier scale = the length of y divisions on the main scale.V Mx y yMVxFrom equation (1) The LC of vernier callipers =yM -y= M - = M -xx x Mx* Zero Error :- When the jaws are made to touch eachother, the zero mark of the main scale and vernier scalemay not be with the straight line.- This gives rise to an error called the zero error.- Positive zero erro = (No. of the vernier division coinciding with the main scale) X (L.C.)- Corrected reading = Obeserved reading - Positive zero error.- Negative Zero error = (No. of vernier division coinciding with the main scale) X (L.C.) 0(Smallest main scale units)- Corrected reading = Observed reading + Negavit zero error)
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- 361MCQ1. What is the least count of the vernier callipers ?(A) Smallest division on the vernier scale.(B) differenceof the smallest division on the mai scale and the smallest division on the vernierscale.(C) sum of the smallest division on the main scale and the smallest division on the vernier scale.(D) smallest division on the main scale.2. What is the least count of commonly available vernier ?(A) 0.01 cm (B) 0.001 cm(C) 0.0001 cm (D) 0.1 cm3. When the zero mark on the vernier scale lies towards the left side of the zero mark of the main scale,when the jaws are connect, then what will be the zero error ?(A) zero error is positive (B) zero error is negative(C) zero correction is positive (D) zero error does not exist4. When the zero mark on the vernier scale lies towards the right side of the zero mark of the mainscale, when the jaws are in contact, then what will be the zero error ?(A) zero correction in positive (B) zero correction is negative(C) zero error in positive (D) zero error does not exist5. If observed reading is OR, corrected reading is CR, zero error in ZE and zero correction in ZC,then what will be the possibility ?(A) CR = OR + ZC and ZE = CR-OR (B) CR = OR + ZE and ZC = CR-OR(C) CR = OR - ZC and ZE = OR-CR (D) CR = OR - ZE and ZC = CR-OR6. When the jaws of a standard vernier are together, the 6thvernier scale division coincides with the 6thmain scale division, then what in the zero error ?(A) -0.4 mm (B) + 0.6 mm(C) -0.6 mm (D) + 0.4 mm7. When the jaws of a standard vernier are together, the 6thmain scale division coincides with the 7thvernier scale division, then what is the zero error ?(A) -0.7 mm (B) +0.3 mm(C) -0.3 mm (D) +0.7 mm
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- 3628. In an anusual vernier, 9 vernier scale divisions coincide with 8 main scale division, then what is theleast count of the vernier ?(A)98mm (B)91mm(C)171mm (D)81mm9. In an unsual vernier, 10 vernier scale divisions, coinside with 8 main scale divisions, then what is theleast count of the vernier ?(A) 0.1 mm (B) 0.2 mm(C) 0.8 mm (D)81mm10. Match the two columns :Column - I Column - II(a) Jaws CD (p) Slide and fix position of vernier scale(b) Strip N (q) depth of a calerimeter(c) Screw S (r) external diameter of a cylindrical vessel(d) Jaws AB (s) Internal diameter of a cylindrical vessel.(A) ar, bq, cp, ds(B) as, bp, cq, dr(C) ar, bq, cs, dp(D) ap, bs, cq, dr11. N divisions on the main scale of a vernier callipers coincides with (N+1) divisions on the vernierscale. If each division on the main scale is of a units, the least of count of instrument is.................(A)1Na(B)1Na(C)N+1a(D)a1N
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- 36312. The edge of a cube is measured using a vernier caliper (9 divisions of the main scale is equal to 10divisions of vernier scale and 1 main scale division is 1mm). The main scale division reading is 10and 1 division of vernier scale was found to be coinciding with the main scale. The mass of the cubeis 2.736 g. What will be the density in3cmgupto correct significant figures ?(A)33cmg1066.2(B)33cmg1066.2 (C)3cmg66.2(D)36cmg1066.2KEY NOTE1 (C) 2 (A) 3 (A) 4 (A)5 (D) 6 (B) 7 (C) 8 (B)9 (B) 10 (A) 11(A) 12 (C)HINT1. If main scale division = M andvernier scale division = V9M = 10 V(10-1) M = 10V10M - M = 10V 10MVM,MVM10 = least count.2. Least countcm01.0mm1.010mm1nM3. Here zero error is positive, so zero. correction is negative, as zero correction = - (zero error)4. Here zero error is negative, so zero correction is positive.5. Corrected reading = Observed reading - zero errorZEORCR CR = OR + ZCORCRZC
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- 3646. As vernier divisions are smaller then the main scale dividions (9M = 10V), the zero of the verniermust be on the right side of the zero of the main scale. Here zero error is positive..Zero error mm6.0mm1.06VM6V6M6 7. zero error MV7M7V7M6 mm3.0mm1mm1.07 8.V9MM9V9M8 MVM9 or mm919MVM 9. M2VM10,V10M2M10V10M8 mm2.010M2VM 11. (N+1) divisions on the vernier scale = N divisions on main scale1 division on vernier scale1NNdivisions on main scaleEach division on the main scale in of a units1 division on vernier scale 1NNa units = a' (say)Least count = 1 main scale division -1 vernier scale division1Naa1NNa'aa12. 1 MSD = 1 mm9 MSD = 10 VSDLeast count,mm109mm1VSO1MSO1LC mm101
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- 365Measure reading of edge LCVSRMSR 1= 10 + 1 = 10.1 mm10Volume of cube V = (101)3cm3= 1.03 cm3[After rounding off upto 3 significant digits, as edge length is measured upto 3 significant digits]Density of cube3cmg6563.203.127363cmg66.2(After rounding off to 3 significant digits)
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- 366EXPERIMENT -2Micrometer screw gauge :SUMMARY Least count of screw gaugepitch=Total number of divisions on circular scale Negative zero error :If the zero error is negative and the nthdivision of the circular scale coincides with the line of graduationthen LC100nz corrected reading = observed reading + zero correction If the zero error is positive and the nthdivision of the circular scale division concides with the line ofgraduation thenLCnz corrected reading = observed reading - zero error. If the zero mark of the venier upwards of the line of the graduation then megative zero error ariseand zero mark of the verniers downwards then positive zero error aris.MCQ1. When the edge of the circular scale lies to the left of O mark on the main scale, when the stud andspindle touch each other, Then what will be the zero error ?(A) zero error is negative (B) zero error is positive(C) zero error does not exist (D) zero correction is negative2. Whe the edge of the circular scale lies to the right of the O mark on the main scale, when the studand the spindle touch each other,then what will be the zero error ?(A) zero correction is negative (B) zero error is negative(C) zero error does not exist (D) zero correction is positive3. When the screw and stud touch each other, the edges of a certain screw gauge is on left of the Omark on the main scale and the 96thdivision of the circular scale coincides with the circular line ofgraduation then what is the value of zero error ?(A) zero error = + 0.96 mm (B) zero error = – 0.96 mm(C) zero error = + 0.04 mm (D) zero error = – 0.04 mm4. When the screw and stud touch each other, the edge of a certain screw gauge is to the right of the Omark on the main scale and 5thdivision of the circular scale coincides with the line of graduation,then what is the value of zero error ?(A) zero error = + 0.95 mm (B) zero error = – 0.95 mm(C) zero error = + 0.05 mm (D) zero error = – 0.05 mm
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- 3675. Screw guage A has a pitch of 1 mm and 50 division on its circular scale screw guage B has a pitchof 0.5 mm and 100 divisions on its circular scale. If (LxC) is least count, then which posibility istrue ? What is the parilrility ?(A)BACLCL2 (B)BACL4CL (C)BACLCL (D)BACL2CL 6. The screw gauge shown above has a zero error of -0.02 mm and 100 divisions on the circular scale.What is the diameter of wire ?(A) 0.28 mm (B) 0.22 mm(C) 0.24 mm (D) 0.26 mm7. The pitch of screw gauge is 1 mm and there are 100 divisions on the circular scale. What measuringthe diameter of a wire, the linear scale reads, 1 mm and 47thdivision on the circular scale coincideswith the reference line. The length of the wire is 5.6 cm.What will be the curved surface area (in cm2)of the wire in appropriate number of significant figures.(A) 2.6 cm2(B) 2.5848 cm2(C) 2.585 cm2(D) 2.5 cm28. Match column A and BColumn - I Column - II(a) A (p) Main scale(b) B (q) circular scale(c) C (r) stud(d) D (s) spindle(e) E (t) Ratchet(f) E (u) Thimble(g) G (v) Screen
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- 368(a) ar, bs, cv, d, dp, eq, fu, gt(b) au, bt, cv, d, dp, eq, fr, g, gs(c) av, bp, cr, d, ds, et, fq, gu(d) ap, bq, eu, dt, er, f, fs, gvKEY NOTE1 (A) 2(A) 3 (D) 4(C)5 (B) 6 (D) 7(A) 8(A)HINT2. Here zero error is positive, so zero correction is negative.3. Here the zero error is negative. LC10096Z mm01.04 mm04.04. Here the zero error is positivemm01.05C.L5z mm05.05. Least countscalecircularondivisionsof.NoPithc6. The observed reading is 0.24 mm. The corrected reading = observed reading - zero error. mm02.0mm24.0 mm26.07. Curved surface area =2 rl
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- 369Experiment - 3SIMPLE PENDULUMSUMMARY Simple pendulum oscillation consider as a undamped oscillation.periodic timel 2πT = 2π =g ωMechanical energy 201E = k A2 Simple pendulum oscillation consider as a damped oscillatien,Periodic time 2 22mr + mlI5T = 2π = 2π I = M.Imgl mglHere2lTg Mechanical energy2–bt22m01E = kA e2 displacement –bt2m0A e cos 't + φx where22k b' = =m 4mMCQ1. Complete the following sentance.Time period of oscillatin of a simple pendulum is dependent on............(A) Length of thread (B) initial phase(C) amplitude (D) mass of bob2. Complete the following seutenceIn a damped oscillation of a pendulam .........(A) the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy is conserved.(B) mechanical energy is not conserved(C) the kinetic energy is conserved(D) the potential energy is conserved
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