Object Oriented Software Engineering Solved MCQs
Multiple Choice Questions
72 Pages
Contributed by
Falguni Talwar
- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE - 45PROF . SUPRIYA MANEwww.dacc.edu.inSUBJECT CODE: 504 SUBJECT NAME: OOSEUNIT 1: Object Oriented Concepts, Modeling and UML1. Which of the following UML diagrams has a static view?a) Collaborationb) Use casec) State chartd) ActivityAnswer: bExplanation: A use case diagrams captures only the functionality of the system whereas adynamic model/view captures the functions as well as the action.2. UML stands for?a) Unified Modeling Languageb) Unified Marketing Languagec) Unified Modeling syntaxd) Unifie Modeling LanguageAnswer: a3. What type of core-relationship is represented by the symbol in the figure below?a)Aggregationb)Dependency
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE - 45PROF . SUPRIYA MANEwww.dacc.edu.inc)Generalizationd) AssociationAnswer: a4. Which core element of UML is being shown in the figure?a) Nodeb) Interfacec) Classd) ComponentAnswer: dExplanation: The figure is self explanatory. A component is a modular, significant andreplaceable part of the system that packages implementation and exposes a set of interfaces.5. What type of relationship is represented by Shape class and Square ?
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE - 45PROF . SUPRIYA MANEwww.dacc.edu.ina) Realizationb) Generalizationc) Aggregationd) DependencyAnswer: b6. What does a simple name in UML Class and objects consists of ?a) Lettersb) Digitsc) Punctuation Charactersd) All of the mentionedAnswer: dExplanation: A simple name consists of letters, digits and punctuation characters.7. What Does a Composite name consists of in a UML Class and object diagram ?a) Delimiterb) Simple namesc) Digitsd) All of the mentionedAnswer: dExplanation: Composite name consists of sequence of simple names and simple names alreadyconsists of digits.8. A Class consists of which of these abstractions?
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE - 45PROF . SUPRIYA MANEwww.dacc.edu.ina) Set of the objectsb) Operationsc) Attributesd) All of the mentionede) b, cAnswer: dExplanation: A class is a abstraction of objects, operations and attributes.9. A class is divided into which of these compartments ?a) Name Compartmentb) Attribute Compartmentc) Operation Compartmentd) All of the mentionedAnswer: dExplanation: Class is divided into 3 main compartments mentioned.10. An attribute is a data item held by which of the following ?a) Classb) Objectc) All of the mentionedd) None of the mentionedAnswer: cExplanation: Attribute is a data item held by class or object.
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE - 45PROF . SUPRIYA MANEwww.dacc.edu.in11. What should be mentioned as attributes for conceptual modelling ?a) Initial Valuesb) Namesc) All of the mentionedd) None of the mentionedAnswer: cExplanation: Initial values along with their names are used as attributes.12. An operation can be described as?a) Object behaviorb) Class behaviorc) Functionsd) a,be) None of the mentionedAnswer: dExplanation: An operation is class and object behavior.13. Which of these are part of class operation specification format ?a) nameb) parameter listc) return-type listd) All of the mentionedAnswer: d
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE - 45PROF . SUPRIYA MANEwww.dacc.edu.inExplanation: It consists of all these 3 mentioned format.14. What among these is true ?a) Associations may also correspond to relation between instances of three or moreclassesb) Association lines may be unlabeled or they may show association namec) All of the mentionedd) None of the mentionedAnswer : cExplanation : All the statements mentioned are true with respect to Notations.15. In Unified Modeling Language, diagrams which captures system static structureand provide foundation for other models is calleda) deployment diagramsb) class diagramsc) component diagramsd) object diagramsAnswer: b16. In Unified Modeling Language, diagrams that organize system elements into groups areclassified asa) package diagramsb) organized diagramc) system diagrams
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE - 45PROF . SUPRIYA MANEwww.dacc.edu.ind) class diagramsAnswer: a17. UML provides which of these levels of visibility that can be applied to attributesand operations?a) Publicb) Packagec) Protected and Privated) All of the mentionede) None of the mentionedAnswer: dExplanation: UML provides which of these levels of visibility that can be applied to attributesand operations Public, Package, Protected and Private.18. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) has become an effective standard for softwaremodelling.How many different notations does it have ?a) Threeb) Fourc) Sixd) NineAnswer: dExplanation: The different notations of UML includes the nine UML diagrams namelyclass, object, sequence, collaboration, activity, state-chart, component, deployment and usecase diagrams.19. Which model in system modelling depicts the dynamic behaviour of the system ?a) Context Model
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE - 45PROF . SUPRIYA MANEwww.dacc.edu.inb) Behavioral Modelc) Data Modeld) Object ModelAnswer: bExplanation: Behavioral models are used to describe the dynamic behavior of an executingsystem. This can be modeled from the perspective of the data processed by the system or by theevents that stimulate responses from a system.20. Which model in system modelling depicts the static nature of the system ?a) Behavioral Modelb) Context Modelc) Data Modeld) Structural ModelAnswer: dExplanation: Structural models show the organization and architecture of a system. Theseare used to define the static structure of classes in a system andtheir associations.
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE - 45PROF . SUPRIYA MANEwww.dacc.edu.inUNIT 2: Basic and Advanced Structural Modeling1. What does a simple name in UML Class and objects consist of?a) Lettersb) Digitsc) Punctuation Charactersd) All of the mentionedAnswer: dExplanation: A simple name consists of letters, digits and punctuation characters.2. What Does a Composite name consists of in a UML Class and object diagram?a) Delimiterb) Simple namesc) Digitsd) All of the mentionedAnswer: dExplanation: Composite name consists of sequence of simple names and simple namesalready consists of digits.3. A Class consists of which of these abstractions?a) Set of the objectsb) Operationsc) Attributesd) All of the mentionedAnswer: d
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE - 45PROF . SUPRIYA MANEwww.dacc.edu.inExplanation: A class is an abstraction of objects, operations and attributes.4. A class is divided into which of these compartments?a) Name Compartmentb) Attribute Compartmentc) Operation Compartmentd) All of the mentionedAnswer: dExplanation: Class is divided into 3 main compartments mentioned.5. An attribute is a data item held by which of the following?a) Classb) Objectc) All of the mentionedd) None of the mentionedAnswer: cExplanation: Attribute is a data item held by class or object.6. What should be mentioned as attributes for conceptual modelling?a) Initial Valuesb) Namesc) All of the mentionedd) None of the mentionedAnswer: cExplanation: Initial values along with their names are used as attributes.7. An operation can be described as?a) Object behavior
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