- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE – 45Subject:VB.net Programming CLASS: TYBBA(CA) V SEM (2013 PATTERN)Prof. Gayatri A.Amate www.dacc.edu.inUnit 1 :Introduction to .Net framework1.The Execution Of Applications Created By Using Various Programming Languages.A. InternetB. WindowsC. HardwareD. language2. What Is CLR?A. Common language runtimeB. Compiler language runtimeC. Compiler library runtimeD. Common library runtime3.Which Is The Following Is Not A Component Of The CLR?A. Class loaderB. Garbage collectorC. .NET FrameworkD. JIT Compiler4. Which Of The Following Provides Automatic Memory Management And Resolves TheIssue Of Memory Leaks And Invalid Memory ReferencesA. Security engineB. Garbage collectorC. JIT compilerD. Debugger5. What Is CTS?A. Common type specificationB. Common type-safeC. Compiler type structureD. Common type system
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE – 45Subject:VB.net Programming CLASS: TYBBA(CA) V SEM (2013 PATTERN)Prof. Gayatri A.Amate www.dacc.edu.in6.What Is CLS?A. Compiler library specificationB. Common library specificationC. Compiler language specificationD. Common language specification7.What Is DLLA. Dynamic-link languageB. Direct link languageC. Dynamic-link libraryD. Direct link library8.Which Of The Following Namespace Provides The Classes That Allow You To DebugYour Application Step By Step?A. SystemB. System .DiagnosticsC. System.ObjectD. System.Security9. What Is GAC?A. Garbage collectorB. Global assembly collectorC. Global access cacheD. Global assembly cache10. What Is COM?A. Component object modelB. Common object modelC. Computer oriented modelD. Common oriented model
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE – 45Subject:VB.net Programming CLASS: TYBBA(CA) V SEM (2013 PATTERN)Prof. Gayatri A.Amate www.dacc.edu.in11. A--------- is a collection of software libraries/components which provides a definedapplication programming interface (API)A. FrameworkB. IDEC. ProgramD. software12.The ------------------ is a software development platform which provides a runtime definesfunctionality in some libraries, and supports a set of programming language.A. Dot net frameworkB. IDEC. ProgramD. software13. This framework contains a large number of class libraries known as -------------.A. Framework Class Library (FCL).B. CLRC. CLSD. All of above14. The software programs written in .NET are executed in the execution environment,which is called -----------------A. CLR (Common Language Runtime)B. Dot net frameworkC. IDED. CLS15. functions of the CLR.A. It converts the program into native code.B. Handles ExceptionsC. Provides type-safetyD. All of above
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE – 45Subject:VB.net Programming CLASS: TYBBA(CA) V SEM (2013 PATTERN)Prof. Gayatri A.Amate www.dacc.edu.in16. It includes all common datatypes, string values, arrays and methods for dataconversion.A. SystemB. System.DataC. System.DiagnosticsD. System.Net,17. These are used to access a database, perform commands on a database and retrievedatabase.A. SystemB. System.DataC. System.DiagnosticsD. System.Net18. These are used to access, read and write files.A. System.IOB. System.DirectoryServicesC. System.IO.IsolatedStorageD. All of above19. These are used to communicate over the Internet when creating peer-to-peerapplications.A. System.NetB. System.Net.SocketsC. Both A and BD. None of these20. These namespaces are used to create Windows-based applications using Windows userinterface components.A. System.Windows.FormsB. System.Windows.Forms.DesignC. Both A and BD. None of these
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE – 45Subject:VB.net Programming CLASS: TYBBA(CA) V SEM (2013 PATTERN)Prof. Gayatri A.Amate www.dacc.edu.in21.NET is a software framework which is designed and developed byA. Microsoft.B. Sun microsystemC. IBMD. None of above22. Framework Class Library(FCL) is Also called theA. AssembliesB. PackagesC. header filesD. None of these23. when we wanted to remove the unwanted resources from the code which is no longer inuse can be done by the -------------A. garbage collector.B. AssembliesC. FCLD. None of these24. CLR stands for __________A. Common Local RuntimeB. Common Language RuntimeC. Common Language RealtimeD. Common Local Realtime25. CLR is responsible forA. Garbage CollectionB. Code Access SecurityC. Code VerificationD. All of the above26. GAC stands for
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE – 45Subject:VB.net Programming CLASS: TYBBA(CA) V SEM (2013 PATTERN)Prof. Gayatri A.Amate www.dacc.edu.inA. Global Assembly CacheB. Global Assembly StoreC. Garbage Assemble CacheD. Global Advanced Cache27. This is the final layer in .Net which would be used to run a .net program developed inany programming language. So the subsequent compiler will send the program to the CLIlayer to run the .Net application.A. Common Language InterpreterB. Common language RuntimeC. Common language specificationD. None of these28. ………….. combines the features of the text box and list box.A) Picture boxB) Check boxC) Combo boxD) Option button29. ………. control is used to provide an identifiable grouping for other controls.E) FrameF) LabelG) List boxH) Command button30. Full name of CLI is-A) Common Language IndependenceB) Common Language IntermediateC) Common Library InfrastructureD) Common Language Infrastructure31. A GUI-A) uses buttons, menus, and icons.
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE – 45Subject:VB.net Programming CLASS: TYBBA(CA) V SEM (2013 PATTERN)Prof. Gayatri A.Amate www.dacc.edu.inB) should be easy for a user to manipulateC) stands for Graphic Use InteractionD) Both a and b.32. Visual Studio.NET provides which feature:A) debuggingB) application deploymentC) syntax checkingD) All of the above33. What is the full form of IDE?A) Integrated Development EnvironmentB) Integrated Design EnvironmentC) Interior Development EnvironmentD) Interior Design Environment34.Which one is not the characteristics of Visual Basic.Net?A) User Interface DesignB) Rapid Application DevelopmentC) Object Oriented ProgrammingD) Designer window35. ___________ is not the core part of Visual Studio IDE.
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE – 45Subject:VB.net Programming CLASS: TYBBA(CA) V SEM (2013 PATTERN)Prof. Gayatri A.Amate www.dacc.edu.inA) Solution ExplorerB) Tool boxC) Start MenuD) Designer Window36. How many steps are used to develop any software in IDE?A) 4B) 5C) 6D) 337. Which one is not the property of Common Control Class?A) showB) Back ColorC) FontD) Fore Color38. The Tick event is found only in which object?A)FormB) ButtonC) Text BoxD) Timer39. How many types of Projects in .Net?A) 4B) 5
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE – 45Subject:VB.net Programming CLASS: TYBBA(CA) V SEM (2013 PATTERN)Prof. Gayatri A.Amate www.dacc.edu.inC) 6D) 740. In event-driven programming an event is generated by:A) the system.B) a user’s actionC) the program itself.D) All of the above.1234567891011121314151617181920BACBDDCBDAAAAADABDCC2122232425262728293031323334353637383940AAABDAACADDDADCCADDD
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE – 45Subject:VB.net Programming CLASS: TYBBA(CA) V SEM (2013 PATTERN)Prof. Gayatri A.Amate www.dacc.edu.inUnit 2 :Introduction to vb.net41. Which one is a numeric data type?A) Floating pointB) IntegerC) BooleanD) Both a and b.42. MOD is ___________ operator in VB.NetA) AssignmentB) LogicalC) ArithmeticD) ComparisonCorrect Answer : C43. How many types of Operator used in VB.Net?A) 2B) 3C) 4D) 544. Which of the following converts the expression to Char data type in VB.NET?A) CBool(expression)B) CByte(expression)
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