Political Science and International Relations (Paper II) 2015 Question Paper
Question Paper
7 Pages
Contributed by
Elias Dey
- CS (Main) £saffi2015c a v z-O-Qpmrwsn ST^ffhET w s m / P O L I T I C A L S C IE N C E A N DIN T E R N A T IO N A L R E L A T I O N SII / Paper II3m : 250Maximum Marks: 250w & f# $ m i 3?k ^ /rtwtf ^ ^ vrfcr wff % 3m&$ /w& m m l &h5 vferrf f m iw f& #w&f; # wr-d-tm^jp& &3m /w&fi wj/w j £ f t ^ l /& 3 m 3 7 ft W & m 4 f r T & 377^ W lf & 3 ^ 3 77 7^ J ^ W - W # /^ 9 7 W # , ??7 m m W f W 3 ^?m~m-3m & W-T& w fw vr ^77 ^77 *7^? / 3®/&r/ w w # 37^7w 3m w W ^ fod ft /#F# # $7^ ?#77, w f f t t , 3^?7^7 ^77 ^77 W7^ /377^ ^ 3n7^ ^ JVJR J fb H l^ HH • J l^f l f <t>ld.l W^f (&, (f t 3777 ^ 3WT ^ 7JUR I W Q ?ff *£f$ Wi? drf< 3/V/rf-- /?«V/ JW fit iim -w-3m $wrft^3tr yw wmr*FtPiz¥?d?m wri w /Question Paper Specific instructionsPlease read each o f the following instructions carefully before attempting questions:There are EIGHT questions divided in TWO SECTIONS and printed both in HINDI and inENGLISHCandidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all.Questions no.1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, any THREE are to be attemptedchoosing at least ONE from each section.The number of marks carried by a question / part is indicated against it.Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate which must bestated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. Nomarks will be given for answers written in a medium other than the authorized one.Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to.Attempts of questions shall be counted in sequential order. Unless struck off, attempt of a questionshall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in theQuestion-cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off.ftvffcrwm: (fhrwiTime Allowed: Three Hours/
Page 1
- TgrrgASECTION AQl. flHfatfed Mcfofi ^ m ^ r R W W 150 Tl^t if :Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : 10x5=50(a) <n 41(?I % WTO f ? % 3TWPTC %<M-flfcl* 3pfan-:f)-H -sfit ^ IWhich are the major approaches of comparative politics ? Explain inbrief, the political economy approach to the study of comparativeinquiry. 10)(b) W 3?W W ^ 3Tft <N-)l(d OTgfos 4lW*JHIR. ■gfiicT: f aik ? <ft f afk q # W jft %% 1^; 3^5 x15 f ?Do yriu subscribe to the view that the modern constructs of the State andpolitics are pre-eminently Eurocentric and not indigenous andappropriate for the analysis of non-western societies ?10(c) Jiffasire; % lifte d ^ % t o3RRf ^ I 55 % 3 R R f^ % icn^tw ^3^ - stt 3wro t ?, Identify the major differences between the classical realism ofHans J. Morgenthau and the neorealism of Kenneth Waltz. Whichapproach is best, suited for analysing international relations after theCold War? 10(d) 3Hi^cb ir 3rrgfH=t>di %Is globalization essentially a process of ‘universalisation’ of capitalistmodernity? 10i(e) ^ WJft % TO t ? w w it ^1 ^ ^ iJjfrTOT'§#RT ^ ^ 3 f ? |What is the difference between Interest Groups and Pressure Groups ?iAre the Pressure Groups in India in a position to fully protect orpromote the interests of their members ? 10C-/H/Z-0-QP/W& 2
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- Q2. (a) ViUcM % frR w f 'R ^ .^ 5 afo { ^ d l % f t f fr f l’n fW H , 3fk nfmR % TTReft % <!<I6<UI 3R^ ^ |TJ, *BTI‘The struggle for democracy has been marked by bitter strife andtribulations.’Examine the statement, illustrating the cases of Pakistan, Nepal andMyanmar. 2 0 >(b) (^cfvffcrc fefrtt *R ^ i w RifeforS R T M T f a ( ( H d R U l ) } ' R f R l f r R f % W f =F T f t % R I T ?Discuss the theory of Nuclear Deterrence. Did Nuclear Deterrenceprevent a superpower war ? 15(c) f^SRT % c|iw(e|=b w f ? w srra% fcfETR 3y ^ iR toRT ^f^Ror afft qKoik -f^ra %<iileia cT^ft TTTH ^R^ if /gtr fj ?What are the real objectives of Millennium Development Goals (MDG) ?Do you think that millennium development goals have been able toachieve the desired goals of poverty alleviation and sustainabledevelopment? 15Q3. (a) W snq w f r ^ f 1% RHW srfacFRf RT MKU)R<*> (^ 1 ? ) W3R Rf^T^ 3 fe w 3?fehiwi41 3v ? z iDo you endorse that the conventional discourse on human rights hasfailed to include women’s rights ? Explain in the context of feministtheories. 12+8=20(b) s R R f^ r gsr ^ c? few -smTfer w t <*Hici;i eraftferora yw'Pi'+i I ? w t if jmrfcrai % fen* snwysn<|<l ?How far are the world governance mechanisms, dominated by IMF andWorld Bank, legitimate and relevant ? What measures do you suggest toimprove their effectiveness in global governance ? 15(c) RET % (fsNsKlcl) 3Tk 3R?Rf^T AM-fiRt ’R 3R% 3TOTcf ^Discuss the collapse of the Soviet Union and its impact on internationalpolitics. 15C - t il/Z -O -Q P / M S 3
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- Q4. (a) w Hg® 3TTfsfc ^(jranft). T^T t ?Has the reform of the economic and social arrangements of theUnited Nations been effective ? 20i(b) ‘3 f W k -3 iN'ftfci'b ^ ^ 5 w M , ^ t liiRMii^f)^4 ^ ftRl^P^of Ml^ lch tTrTT W t l’ I‘The European Union has become, the most politically influential,, economically powerful and demographically diverse regional entity inthe world.’ Discuss. 15i '(c) ^ t % snffe sfk qg-<!<iwi(S qr 3*^ ^ ^ fe fe r^ff %' *ftcTC t tft, JPH 33FJ ^TT t| | ? w % STTfifo mRu|IH^Tf ?How is it that economic and neo-liberal globalization is beinginterrogated from inside even in developed countries ? What are theeconomic consequences of such globalization ? 15C - r t l /Z -O -Q P / W g
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- BSECTION B...................................V V AfS150 H :Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50(a) ^ WSFJT ^ftfcT-feirfor ^ | I STRcf% sW t^ n -^ te r W R "SmTfecT| ?The social structure of a country influences its foreign policy-making.How does the social structure of India impact the course and direction ofits foreign policy ? 10(b) snftr % 4Wcr sirarte; fy^w f I^ f yl#l*d! <£t I‘Non-alignment’ has been the basic principle of India’s foreign policysince independence. Discuss its relevance in the contemporary context. 10(c) T$wr if srr<te> wrssRnsrf/f^M iIdentify the constraints/challenges to the regional cooperation in .South Asia. 10(d) SrTC-’Jcf ITRcf t fslkflil ^ qffcft ^ 9 % 3TSJ% srcr srsgr ^raf^icr feit ^rr t i w ^ .■ s m t e r ^ r a ; iEthnic conflicts and insurgencies in North-East India can be bettermanaged by improving relations with the neighbouring countries.Substantiate the statement with suitable examples. 10(e) TOT % fttrffor 3fk | ?How does the Parliament determine and influence the making of India’s ; ;foreign policy ? 10C-/W Z-O -Q P/VS5
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- Q6. (a) 2000 $ M t ^ f I^3JT t ?Before the year 2000, the Indo-U.S. relationship has been marked morewith estrangement than cordiality. Why ? 2 0(b) . %T ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ 3TRT | |’ W ■|c |^.-c i h i . 'g R T s f f c i w J i u n . M i 1 % w r q r e R T tW K * € t I f ^ t f t n r I‘Economic interest has emerged as the main component of India’s foreignpolicy.’ Discuss the statement in the light of India’s initiatives toimprove relations with China, Japan and the Central Asian republics. 15'(c) ctf 1998 3, TOT ^ ^ sftfor ftaiT «TT I *JTOTwtpj stjrtk (n pt ) 3fk <^i4<* w n g qftem (CTBT)t ^R?n 11 ^ w ^ ^rf w. % t t,t o t % fi'f’j 'P tt # t ?In 1998, India declared itself as a nuclear weapon state. India refuses tosign, NPT and CTBT. What would be the implications for India’s nuclear- policy in case it signs both the treaties ? 15iQ7. (a) ^ ^IWm-11 TOT t311^ | I W 3 TOT URT *Gt ^ WT=fic?ft 3?k 3*t%[ 's y . Vision of a new world order has emerged as the major objective of India’sforeign policy. Discuss the policy initiative taken by India in this regardand the challenges faced by it. 2 0(b) 3^R«hl 3 TOT 3 *B*ft 3TI^ % fe#5RT Ii Discuss the factors for the decline of India’s presence in Latin America. 15C -rtl/Z -O -Q P/H g6
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- (c) *!K?I ^ fteTR 3rT5RT % Sg®I 1 f^n^t % ^rfai *£t ^tfeir afrc 3qra §$)i$n iRiver water disputes are emerging as a major source of irritationbetween India and its neighbours. Identify the sources of conflicts andsuggest the remedial measures. 15Q8. (a) *hr 2015 3 3PTtf W W % 70 ^ ^ Tfl | I 3TTCH > -iRsnsft ^ TT3r^jf % Rhy,, Wet ^jsnrt % t?i ^ ?The United Nations completes 70 years of its establishment in 2015.What reforms is India asking for to strengthen the global institutions ofgovernance and why ? 20(b) fjTOfrT Sffc 3M » % 3 ^ ^ *TTC<T 3KT^JTsfaT^t f c | ^ r ^ ^ IDiscuss the realistic foreign policy initiatives taken by India to balanceits relations between Israel and the Arab world. 15(c) TO A *PR-TR<T 3 «TRff 1RI 3^1 ^ ciWl’-raiflDiscuss the humanitarian role played by India in the crisis-stricken Gulfcountries like Yemen and Iraq. 15C -r fl/Z -O -Q P /M S
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