4 Pages
Contributed by
Hanuman Ram Korpal
- 1ADVANCED FINANCIAL ACCOUNTINGASSIGNMENT QUESTIONSChapter 1 – Insurance Claims1. A fire occurred in the premises of Mr. Akash on 15-10-2015. The stock salvaged wasRs.8,000. From the following details given below, ascertain the claim to be lodged:Stock on 01-01-2015 - Rs.45,000Purchases from 01-01-2015 till the date of fire – Rs.2,00,000Sales from 01-01-2015 till the date of fire – Rs.3,00,000Manufacturing wages from 01-01-2015 till the date of fire – Rs.10,000Salary from 01-01-2015 till the date of fire – Rs.18,000Rate of Gross profit is 30%It was practice in the firm to value the stock at 10% less than the cost. Amount of Policyis Rs.30,000. There was an average clause in the policy.Prepare a Claim for insurance.2. A fire occurred in the premises of Mr. Arun on 31-03-2016. The stock salvaged wasRs.500. From the following details given below, ascertain the claim to be lodged:Stock on 01-01-2016 - Rs.25,300Purchases from 01-01-2016 till the date of fire – Rs.52,400Sales from 01-01-2016 till the date of fire – Rs.1,56,000Manufacturing wages up to the date of fire – Rs.61,300Salary from 01-01-2016 till the date of fire – Rs.18,000During March 2016, goods costing Rs.2,000 were distributed as free samples. The rateof Gross profit on cost is 30%.3. The Premises of Lucky Traders were destroyed by fire on 15-3-2015. From the booksand other records that were saved the following information is available. The stock onhand has always been valued at 10% less than cost. Determine the amount of claim tobe recovered from Insurance Co.Particulars2012201320142015Opening stock54,18064,80072,00073,800Purchase less returns1,49,8001,60,0001,62,00012,000Sales less returns2,40,0002,64,0002,80,00024,000Wages34,80032,80047,2004,000Closing stock64,80072,00073,800-1Vinutha T.N.Assistant Professor, MES Institute of Management, Rajajinagar
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- 4. The Premises of Ravi were destroyed by fire on 30-4-2017. From the books and otherrecords that were saved the following information is available. The stock on hand hasalways been valued at 10% less than cost. Stock salvaged is Rs.1,500/-. Determine theamount of claim to be recovered from Insurance Co.Particulars2014201520162017Opening stock as valued27,00032,00036,00038,000Purchase less returns74,00080,00081,0006,000Sales less returns1,20,0001,32,0001,40,00012,000Wages17,00019,00020,0002,000Closing stock as valued32,00036,00038,000-5. The Premises of John Traders were destroyed by fire on 20thJune, 2015. From thebooks and other records that were saved the following information is available. Thestock on hand has always been valued at 10% less than cost. Determine the amountof claim to be recovered from Insurance Co.Particulars2012201320142015Opening stock2,7093,2403,6003,690Purchases7,4908,0008,100600Sales12,00013,20014,0001,200Wages1,7401,9002,090200Closing stock3,2403,6003,690-Chapter 2 – Royalty Accounts6. John Coal Ltd. is engaged in working a coal mine. On January 1, 2013 it entered intoan agreement with the owner of the land which provided for:a) A Royalty of Rs.20 per ton of coal raisedb) A Minimum Rent of Rs.50,000 per annumc) The recovery of short workings within a period of first 3 yearsThe annual output was as follows:Prepare necessary Ledger Accounts7. Charan Mining Company took a lease from a landlord for a period of 10 years from1stJanuary 2010 on a royalty of Rs.5 per ton coal raised with a minimum rent ofRs.40,000 and the power to recoup the short workings during the lifetime of the lease.The annual output was as follows:Year20102011201220132014Output (Tons)400060008000900010000Prepare necessary Ledger AccountsYear20132014201520162017Output (Tons)20002250300038005000
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- 8. Mr. Karun, the author of an Accounting Textbook entered into a Royalty agreementwith Himalaya Publishers Ltd. on 1stJanuary 2014. Royalty was agreed @ Rs.50 percopy sold subject to minimum rent of Rs.4,00,000 p.a. with the right to recover shortworkings during the subsequent two years from the year in which short working arises.The other details were as follows. Prepare Royalty Analysis Table.YearNo. of Copies PrintedClosing Stock20146,2001,20020158,0001,80020169,0002,000201710,0001,500201812,0001,000Chapter 3 – Conversion of Partnership Firm into a Limited Company9. Calculate the purchase consideration from the following details: The purchasingcompany has agreed to issue 3000 equity shares of Rs.10 each at a premium of 10%;100, 8% preference shares of Rs.100 each at par; 1,000 6% debentures of Rs.100 eachat 10% discount and pay cash equal to 20% of total purchase consideration.10. Calculate the purchase consideration from the following details: The purchasingcompany has agreed to issue 20,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each at a premium of 10%;2,000 7% preference shares of Rs.10 each at par; 2,000 8% debentures of Rs.100 eachat 10% discount and pay cash equal to 10% of face value of shares and debentures11. SP Firm, having S and P as equal partners agrees to sell its business to a limitedcompany. The limited company agrees to take over all the assets and liabilities exceptcash and investments at the values as agreed upon which are as follows:Cash20,000Machinery99,000Debtors1,70,000Bills Receivable22,500Stock2,33,500Investment30,000Goodwill53,000Creditors1,85,000Bills Payable60,000The Purchasing company agrees to discharge the purchase consideration in the form ofcash, shares and debentures. The company has issued Shares worth Rs.2,00,000 andDebentures worth Rs.1,00,000 and pay the balance in Cash.Calculate the Purchase Consideration and Prepare necessary incorporationentries in the books of purchasing company.
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- 12. X, Y and Z are in partnership sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 4:3:1 respectively.On 31-12-2015 they agreed to sell their business to a Limited Company. The positionon that day was as follows.LiabilitiesAmountAssetAmountCapitalFreehold Property36,000X40,000Machinery24,000Y30,000Debtors30,000Z26,000Stock26,000Loan from Bank8,000Cash4,000Creditors16,0001,20,0001,20,000The Company took the following assets except cash at the valuation shown below:Freehold property - 44,000; Machinery - 22,000; Book Debts - 28,000; Stock -24,000;Goodwill – 8,000. The Company also agreed to pay the creditors which was agreed atRs.15,400. Th Company paid 3,300 shares of Rs.10 each fully paid and the balance incash. The realization expenses amounted to Rs. 1,000.Prepare necessary ledger accounts in the books of the firm.13. Swathi and Preethi are in partnership sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 2:1respectively. On 31-12-2016 they agreed to sell their business to a Limited Company.The position on that day was as follows.LiabilitiesAmountAssetAmountCapitalCash in Hand300Swathi30,000Bills Receivable5,000Preethi15,000Debtors 60,000Bills Payable10,000(Less) Reserves 3,00057,000Loan from Bank31,000Stock43,700Creditors40,000Machinery20,0001,26,0001,26,000The Company took the following assets and liabilities as follows:Machinery – 16,000; Stock – 35,000; Debtors – 50,700; Bills Receivable – 5,000;Goodwill – 6,000. The Company also agreed to pay the creditors which was agreed atRs.38,000 and Bills Payable at Rs.10,000.The company paid Rs.40,000 of the purchase price in Rs.10 fully paid equity sharesand the balance in cash. The realization expenses amounted to Rs.300. Distribute theshares as per original capital ratio.Prepare necessary ledger accounts in the books of the firm.
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