- ADVANCED FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING_2ND SEMESTER B.COM_BANGALORE CENTRAL UNIVERSITYVinutha T.N, Assistant Professor, MES Institute of Management1UNIT 3: ACCOUNTING FOR JOINT VENTUREBusiness organisations are formed to carry out businesses under challenging circumstances,this would either result in organisations earning profits or incurring losses, which could lead toclosure of the business permanently. The challenges faced by the businesses can be overcomeif two or more such persons join hands to jointly carry on specific businesses on agreed termsand conditions and also to share the profits and losses arising therefrom.MEANING OF JOINT VENTUREJoint venture is also termed as Joint Adventure or Trade. It is a business or specific task carriedjointly by two or more persons for a short duration; after the completion of the specific task orbusiness or project, the venture gets wound up automatically. It is a venture carried on by twoor more persons by contributing capital as per the agreed terms and conditions and also sharingjointly and severally the profits and losses arising therefrom. In other words, it is a partnershipwithout a firm name and the parties to the joint venture are called as 'Co-Venturers’. Uponcompletion of the intended business activity or the duration for which it is formed, the venturecomes to an end and is wound up automatically. Examples of joint ventures are underwritingof shares and debentures. purchase and sale of properties and stocks of liquidated companies,speculation in shares, construction or contract businesses, and joint consignment of goods, etc.DEFINITION OF JOINT VENTUREAs per Ind AS 28. a Joint Venture is a Joint Arrangement whereby the parties that have JointControl of the arrangement have rights to the net assets of the arrangement. Joint Arrangementis an arrangement in which two or more parties have joint control. Joint Control is thecontractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which exists only when decisionsabout the relevant activities require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control.FEATURES OF JOINT VENTURE1. It is a temporary business organisation formed by two or more persons to carry out aspecific task or venture.2. It is not based on the accounting concept of 'Going Concern".3. It is quite similar to the form of partnership but has no firm name or registrationseparately under any law.4. It is constituted on the basis of an agreement between the parties termed as'co-venturers", to share profits and losses in an agreed ratio. In the absence of theagreed ratio in the agreement, the profits or losses get shared between the co-venturesequally.5. It facilitates joint control of the co-venturers over the assets, administration, operationsand the venture itself.6. The computation of profit or loss of a joint venture is usually done on the completionof the venture. However, if the joint venture constituted is for a longer duration, then,the profit or loss may be computed annually.7. The venture gets wound up automatically on the completion of the venture or task.
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- ADVANCED FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING_2ND SEMESTER B.COM_BANGALORE CENTRAL UNIVERSITYVinutha T.N, Assistant Professor, MES Institute of Management28. The joint venture agreement entered into between the co-venturers is valid only for aspecific Joint task alone and gets terminated on the completion of the specific tasks9. It generally observes cash basis of accounting, to an extent that the assets and liabilitiesare usually paid off in cash or also shared by the co-venturers in the agreed ratio,10. The co-venturers are not prevented from carrying on their own separate businessesunless they are forbidden to do so by Joint Venture agreement.OBJECTIVES OF JOINT VENTURE1. To facilitate pooling of capital, resources and expertise to be employed in a venture toearn profits2. To facilitate large-scale production and attain economies of scale by culmination ofmanpower, know-how, expertise in operations3. To reduce the overall cost involved, improvise on quality and obtain greater access todifferent techniques of production, operations, marketing and promotion4. To expand the market and customer base by entering new, emerging and internationalmarkets that further leads to widened market share5. To mitigate risk associated with business or operations6. To pool huge capital required for investment, which is otherwise not possibleindividually7. To achieve synergy in either procuring of capital, technology or resources8. To make optimum use of resourcesMEANING OF CO-VENTURERSCo-venturers are the persons, parties or partners who subscribe their signatures to the jointventure agreement. They come together to form a business temporarily under no name orregistration under any law to attain short-term goals. They agree to contribute capital to carryout a particular venture and share profits or losses on agreed terms. The co-venturers liabilityis unlimited in the event their venture suffers huge losses. Any assets or liabilities after thewinding up of venture may be shared among the co-venturers in the agreed ratio if theagreement provides so. Examples of co-venturers are contractors (contract businesses),engineers (construction businesses) stockbrokers (underwriting of shares or speculation ofshares), consignees (consignment of goods) and dealers, etc.ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF JOINT VENTUREAdvantages1. Joint venture facilitates earning profits at low cost and expand customer base as well asmarket share2. Co-venturers are not restricted from running their own businesses along with the jointventures,3. Joint venture form of business facilitates easy access to technology, capital, resources,skills, etc. It further facilitates large-scale production and manufacturing at low costand optimum use of resources4. There is an option of terminating a joint venture in the event it is not profitable
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- ADVANCED FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING_2ND SEMESTER B.COM_BANGALORE CENTRAL UNIVERSITYVinutha T.N, Assistant Professor, MES Institute of Management35. It facilitates overcoming or reducing risk associated with conducting of business.Disadvantages1. If Joint venture incurs huge losses, the liability of the co-venturers is unlimited.2. Difference of opinion among the co-venturers may affect the functioning of jointventure3. As there is no restriction to carrying on similar businesses or to compete, the co-ventures may carry business ideas or business secrets into their businesses.4. Due to unclear objectives and roles, it often leads to conflict among the co-venturers.DIFFERENCES BETWEEN JOINT VENTURE AND CONSIGNMENTBasisJoint VentureConsignmentNatureIt is a form of partnershipwith no name or registrationunder any law.It is expansion of business byprincipal through agent/s.PartiesThe parties to the jointventure are termed as'co-venturers'.The parties to the consignmentare consignor and consignee.AssociationThe association between theco-venturers is that ofpartners.The association between theconsignor and consignee isthat of principal and agent.MembershipThe joint venture so formedmay comprise two or morepersons.Consignment arrangementcomprises one' consignor andone or more consignees.Scope of businessThe joint venture can be fordifferent types of business orservices.Consignment pertains only tosale of movable goods.Sharing of profit/lossThe profit or loss arisingfrom the venture is sharedamong the co-venturers inthe agreed ratio or equallyas agreed in the agreement.The concept is sharing profitor loss does not apply in thiscase, as a result of which, theconsignee gets only thecommission.Rights of partiesThe co-venturers have equalpower on purchase/ sale ofassets or collection of dues,they enjoy equal right in ajoint venture.Consignor enjoys the rights ofprincipal whereas, consigneeenjoys rights of agent.DurationJoint venture gets terminatedon the completion of theventureConsignment continuesaccording to the willingness ofboth the parties
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- ADVANCED FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING_2ND SEMESTER B.COM_BANGALORE CENTRAL UNIVERSITYVinutha T.N, Assistant Professor, MES Institute of Management4DIFFERENCES BETWEEN JOINT VENTURE AND PARTNERSHIPBasisJoint VenturePartnershipNatureIt is a form of Partnershipwith no name or registrationunder any lawIt is a Partnership withname, registered and guidedby the Partnership ActPartiesParties are termed as‘Co-Venturers’Parties are termed as‘Partners’Ascertainment of ProfitProfit of Joint Venture isascertained only on thecompletion of the ventureAscertainment of profittakes place annuallyRestriction on additionalbusinessCo-venturers have nobinding on carrying onsimilar businessPartners are restricted fromcarrying on similar businessBooks of AccountsIt may or may not bemaintained separatelySeparate books of accountsare maintainedDurationJoint venture gets terminatedon the completion of theventurePartnership gets dissolvedonly on the mutual consentof all the partnersACCOUNTING TREATMENT FOR JOINT VENTUREWhen Separate Books of Accounts are maintained1. Joint Venture A/c: It is a nominal Ledger A/c which incorporates the transactionsmade exclusively in the joint venture a/c to find out the profit or losses. Expenses andPurchases are debited & Income and Sales are credited. Finally, the Profit/Loss will beshared among the Co-venturers.ACCOUNTING TREATMENT FOR JOINT VENTUREWhen separate books ofaccounts are maintained1. Joint Venture A/c2. Co-venturers A/c3. Joint Bnak A/cWhen separate books of accounts arenot maintainedWhen 1 Co-venturemaintains1. Joint Venture A/c2. Co-venturers A/cWhen all Co-venturersmaintains books1. MemorandumJoint Venture A/c
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- ADVANCED FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING_2ND SEMESTER B.COM_BANGALORE CENTRAL UNIVERSITYVinutha T.N, Assistant Professor, MES Institute of Management5Dr. Joint Venture A/c Cr.ParticularsAmountParticularsAmountTo Joint Bank A/c(Expenses paid)XXXBy Joint Bank A/c(Sales/Income received)XXXTo Co-venturer A/c(Expenses paid by theCo-venturer)XXXBy Co-venturer A/c(Sales/Income received bythe Co-venturer)XXXTo Co-venturer A/c(Assets/goods supplied by theCo-venturer)XXXBy Co-venturer A/c(Assets/Unsold Stock takenover by the Co-venturer)XXXTo Co-venturer A/c(Profit – Bal Fig.)XXXBy Co-venturer A/c(Loss – Bal Fig.)XXXXXXXXX2. Co-venturers A/c: It is similar to the Partners Capital A/c. It is prepared to account thecontributions and items taken over by the co-venturers. Finally, it helps to find out theamount due from the co-venturers or amount due to them.Dr. Co-Venturers A/c Cr.ParticularsCV 1CV 2ParticularsCV1CV2To Joint Venture A/c(Sales/Income received)XXXXXXBy Joint Venture A/c(Expenses paid)XXXXXXTo Joint Venture A/c(Assets taken over)XXXXXXBy Joint Venture A/c(Asset introduced)XXXXXXTo Joint Venture A/c(Loss transferred)XXXXXXBy Joint Venture A/c(Profit transferred)XXXXXXTo Joint Bank A/c(Bal Fig.)XXXXXXBy Joint Bank A/c(Cash introduced)XXXXXXBy Joint Bank A/c(Bal Fig.)XXXXXXXXXXXX3. Joint Bank A/c: It is similar to normal Bank A/c. Receipts or Income will be debitedand Payments or Expenses will be credited.Dr. Joint Bank A/c Cr.ParticularsAmtParticularsAmtTo Joint Venture A/c(Sales/Income received)XXXBy Joint Venture A/c(Expenses paid)XXXTo Co-venturer A/c(Cash introduced)XXXBy Co-venturer A/c(Surplus Balance)XXXTo Co-venturer A/c(Deficit Balance)XXXXXXXXX
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- ADVANCED FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING_2ND SEMESTER B.COM_BANGALORE CENTRAL UNIVERSITYVinutha T.N, Assistant Professor, MES Institute of Management6PROBLEMSWhen separate set of books are maintained1. Naveen and Ashwin undertook a joint venture for construction of a college building.A joint bank account was opened in which Naveen deposited Rs.2,00,000 and AshwinRs. 50,000. The contract price was Rs.10,00,000. The profit of joint venture was to beshared as to Naveen 2/3 and Ashwin 1/3. The details of the transactions are as follows:ParticularsAmount (in Rupees)Salaries30,000Wages1,80,000Materials Supplied by Naveen35,000Building Materials Purchased4,00,000Materials Supplied by Ashwin35,000Architect's Fees25,000Carriage45,000Machinery Purchased80,000On the completion of the contract, the unused materials of the value Rs.40,000 weretaken over by Naveen. The machinery was sold for Rs.60,000. Mr. Ashwin was to bepaid a remuneration of Rs.30,000 for his service, which is to be charged to the jointventure. Prepare the necessary ledger account.Solution: In the Books of Naveen and AshwinDr. Joint Venture A/c Cr.ParticularsAmountParticularsAmountTo Joint Bank A/cSalaries and WagesMaterials PurchasedArchitect Fees & CarriageMachinery PurchasedTo Naveen A/c(Material Supplied)To Ashwin A/cRemunerationMaterials SuppliedTo Profit on Joint Venture(Bal. Fig.)Naveen (2,40,000*2/3)Ashwin (2,40,000*1/3)2,10,0004,00,00070,00080,00035,00030,00035,0001,60,00080,000By Naveen A/c(Stock taken over)By Joint Bank A/cSale of MachineryContract Price Realised40,00060,00010,00,00011,00,00011,00,000
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- ADVANCED FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING_2ND SEMESTER B.COM_BANGALORE CENTRAL UNIVERSITYVinutha T.N, Assistant Professor, MES Institute of Management7Dr. Co-Venturers A/c Cr.ParticularsNaveenAshwinParticularsNaveenAshwinTo Joint Venture A/c(Stock taken over)To Joint Bank A/c(Bal Fig.)40,0003,55,000-1,95,000By Joint Bank A/cBy Joint Venture A/c(Material Supplied)By Joint Venture A/c(Remuneration)By Joint Venture A/c(Profit)2,00,00035,000-1,60,00050,00035,00030,00080,0003,95,0001,95,0003,95,0001,95,000Dr. Joint Bank A/c Cr.ParticularsAmtParticularsAmtTo Naveen’s A/c (Deposit)To Ashwin’s A/c (Deposit)To Joint Venture A/c(Machinery Sold)To Joint Venture A/c(Contract Price Realised)2,00,00050,00060,00010,00,000By Joint Venture A/cSalaries and WagesMaterials PurchasedArchitect Fees & CarriageMachinery PurchasedTo Naveen’s A/cTo Ashwin’s A/c2,10,0004,00,00070,00080,0003,55,0001,95,00013,10,00013,10,0002. Naveen and Praveen entered into a joint venture to construct a building for Rs.7,50,000.Naveen and Praveen contributed Rs.3,75,000 and Rs.2,85,000 respectively. Theyagreed to share profits and losses in the ratio of 3:2. It was decided that the work wouldbe looked after by Naveen, who would be paid 10 per cent commission on contractprice in addition to his share of profits. Naveen bought the necessary materials forRs.6,00,000 and paid Rs.18,000 for expenses. He also contributed building materialsfrom his own stock worth Rs.37,500; there was an outstanding wage of Rs.9,000.The building was completed and the contract money was duly received. Praveen tookover the stock of materials at an agreed value of Rs.30,000 and outstanding wages werepaid by Naveen.Prepare necessary ledger accounts in the books of Naveen and Praveen.
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- ADVANCED FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING_2ND SEMESTER B.COM_BANGALORE CENTRAL UNIVERSITYVinutha T.N, Assistant Professor, MES Institute of Management8Solution: In the Books of Naveen and PraveenDr. Joint Venture A/c Cr.ParticularsAmountParticularsAmountTo Naveen A/cCommission (7,50,000*10%)Materials PurchasedExpenses paidMaterial Supplied from ownstockOutstanding wages paidTo Profit on Joint Venture (Bal.Fig.)Naveen (40,500*3/5)Ashwin (40,500*2/5)75,0006,00,00018,00037,5009,00024,30016,200By Joint Bank A/cContract Price RealisedBy Praveen A/c(Stock taken over)7,50,00030,0007,80,0007,80,000Dr. Co-Venturers A/c Cr.ParticularsNaveenPraveenParticularsNaveenPraveenTo Joint Venture A/c(Stock taken over)To Joint Bank A/c(Bal Fig.)-11,38,80030,0002,71,200By Joint Bank A/cBy Joint Venture A/cCommissionMaterials PurchasedExpensesMaterial Suppliedfrom own stockO/s wages paidBy Joint Venture A/c(Profit)3,75,00075,0006,00,00018,00037,5009,00024,3002,85,000----16,20011,38,8003,01,20011,38,8003,01,200Dr. Joint Bank A/c Cr.ParticularsAmtParticularsAmtTo Naveen’s A/c (Deposit)To Ashwin’s A/c (Deposit)To Joint Venture A/c(Contract Price Realised)3,75,0002,85,0007,50,000To Naveen’s A/cTo Praveen’s A/c11,38,0002,71,20014,10,00014,10,000
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- ADVANCED FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING_2ND SEMESTER B.COM_BANGALORE CENTRAL UNIVERSITYVinutha T.N, Assistant Professor, MES Institute of Management93. Charith and Chinmay entered into a joint venture and agreed to share profits and in theratio of 3:2 after providing for interest on capital at 10% p.a.A joint bank account was opened in which Charith deposited Rs.4,00.000 and Chinmaydeposited Rs.2,00,000 on 1st April 2017. Goods purchased for Rs.3,75,000 in cash andwere sent to Bengaluru agent for sale.Freight and insurance amounted to Rs.7,500 was paid. All the goods were sold by theagent Rs.7,00,000. The agent remitted the balance amount after deducting hiscommission at 3% and expenses of Rs.4,000. Prepare:a) Joint venture accountb) Co-venture's accountc) Joint bank accountd) Agent's account in the books of joint ventureSolution: In the Books of Charith and ChinmayDr. Joint Venture A/c Cr.ParticularsAmountParticularsAmountTo Agent’s A/cCommission (7,00,000*3%)ExpensesTo Joint Bank A/cGoods PurchasedFreight and InsuranceTo Interest on CapitalCharith (4,00,000*10%)Chinmay (2,00,000*10%)To Profit on Joint Venture(Bal. Fig.)Charith (2,32,500*3/5)Chinmay (2,32,500*3/5)21,0004,0003,75,0007,50040,00020,0001,39,50093,000By Agent’s A/c (Sales)7,00,0007,00,0007,00,000Dr. Co-Venturers A/c Cr.ParticularsCharithChinmayParticularsCharithChinmayTo Joint Bank A/c(Bal Fig.)5,79,5003,13,000By Joint Bank A/cBy Joint Venture A/cProfitInterest on Capital4,00,0001,39,50040,0002,00,00093,00020,0005,79,5003,13,0005,79,5003,13,000
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- ADVANCED FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING_2ND SEMESTER B.COM_BANGALORE CENTRAL UNIVERSITYVinutha T.N, Assistant Professor, MES Institute of Management10Dr. Joint Bank A/cCr.ParticularsAmtParticularsAmtTo Charith’s A/c (Deposit)To Chinmay’s A/c (Deposit)To Agent’s A/c (Sales)4,00,0002,00,0007,00,000By Joint Venture A/cGoods PurchasedFreight and InsuranceBy Agent’s A/cAgent’s CommissionAgent’s ExpensesBy Charith’s A/cBy Chinmay’s A/c3,75,0007,50021,0004,0005,79,5003,13,00013,10,00013,10,000Dr. Agent’s A/c Cr.ParticularsAmtParticularsAmtTo Joint’s Bank A/cAgent’s CommissionAgent’s ExpensesTo Joint Venture A/c21,0004,0007,00,000By Joint Bank A/cBy Joint Venture A/cAgent’s CommissionAgent’s Expenses7,00,00021,0004,0007,25,0007,25,0004. Jayanth, Kumar and Lakshman entered into a joint venture and agreed to share profitsand losses in the ratio of their capital contributions. They contributed Rs.2,50,000;Rs.1,50,000 and Rs.1,00,000 respectively into the joint bank account. The purchasesand sales were as follows:Credit Purchases from A Ltd. Rs.5,00,000Credit Purchases from B Ltd. Rs.3,00,000Cash Purchases from C Ltd. Rs.4,00,000Cash Sales Rs. 9,00,000Credit Sales to C Ltd. Rs.6,50,000Office expenses Rs.30,000, the unsold goods were taken over by Kumar at an agreedvalue of Rs.20,000. Lakshman is entitled to a special commission of 5% on gross sales.All balances were settled through Joint Bank Account at the end. Prepare:a) Joint Venture Accountb) Joint Bank Accountc) A's Ltd Accountd) B's Ltd Accounte) C's Ltd Accountf) Co-venturers Account
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