Social Construction Of Gender Unit-5 Quetions with answers

Question Bank 10 Pages

Contributed by

Chitranjan Nawab
    UNIT- V
    1. Which of the following umbrella scheme provides a range of services to women
    affected by violence in 2015?
    a) Women Helpline
    b) Mahila Police Station
    c) One stop centre
    d) Women protection centre
    2. Which of the following North-East states has emerged as the hub of sex-trafficking in
    a) Assam
    b) Manipur
    c) Nagaland
    d) Tripura
    3. Within how many hours after unprotected sexual intercourse, emergency
    contraception can be taken to prevent pregnancy?
    a) 52 hours
    b) 24 hours
    c) 72 hours
    d) 48 hours
    4. Which of the following are duties of the Protection Officer in the protection of
    women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005?
    a) To ensure that the assumed person is provided legal aid under the Legal Services
    Authorities Act, 1987
    b) To get the aggrieved person medically examined, if she has sustained bodily
    c) To maintain a list of all service providers providing legal aid or counselling,
    shelter houses and medical facilities in a local area
    d) All of the above
    5. Under sub-section (5) of 12 of the Domestic Violence Act, 2005, the magistrate is
    mandated to dispose of every application received under sub-section (1) within a
    period of ____ days from the date of first hearing.
    a) 30 days
    b) 45 days
    c) 60 days
    d) 90 days

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  • 6. The ‘aggrieved person’ in the Protection of women from Domestic Violence Act,
    2005 means any woman :
    a) Who is or has been in a domestic relationship with the respondent
    b) Who alleges to have been subjected to any act of domestic violence by the
    c) Who alleges harassment by the respondent
    d) All of the above
    7. Which of the following schemes was launched by the Union Ministry of Women and
    Child Development in 2002 for rehabilitation of women in difficult circumstances?
    a) Swadhar Greh
    b) Nari Shakti Puruskars
    c) Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
    d) Mahila E-haat
    8. A social campaign aimed at eradication of female feticide and raising awareness on
    welfare services intended for young Indian girls is called
    a) Mahila E-haat
    b) Swadhar Greh
    c) Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
    d) Nari Shakti Puruskars
    9. Nari Shakti Puruskars are national level awards given to women and institutions who
    are rendering distinguished services for the cause of:
    a) Women especially vulnerable and marginalized women
    b) People excelling in the field of sports
    c) Old-age people
    d) Scheduled Tribes
    10. Which Article of the Indian Constitution provides men and women to have equal
    rights and opportunities in the political, economic and social spheres?
    a) Article 14
    b) Article 15(1)
    c) Article 15(3)
    d) Article 42
    11. The Child Marriage Restraint Act of 1976 raises the age for marriage of a girl from
    15 years to :
    a) 16
    b) 17
    c) 18
    d) 21
    12. Which of the following Act has declared online pornography a punishable offence?
    a) The Indian Information Technology Act, 2000
    b) The Media Technology Act, 2001

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  • c) The Cyber Technology Act, 2000
    d) The Indecent Representation of Women Act, 2001
    13. Which scheme help in the prevention of trafficking and provide support for rescue,
    rehabilitation, reintegration and repatriation of women?
    a) STEP scheme
    b) DWCRA scheme
    c) Ujjawala scheme
    d) Priyadarshini scheme
    14. Which section of the criminal law provides death penalty to the repeated offender of
    gang rape?
    a) 376 B
    b) 376 E
    c) 276 E
    d) 374 B
    15. Priyadarshini scheme provides:
    a) Women empowerment
    b) To address women legal, political and health problems
    c) Livelihood in Mid-Gangetic Plains
    d) All of the above
    16. What are the provisions given under Section 354 (A) of IPC related to sexual
    a) A demand or request for sexual favours
    b) Forcibly showing pornography
    c) Making sexually coloured remarks
    d) All of the above
    17. The Criminal Law Amendment Act has provided for punishment of the following
    a) Rape, stalking and sexual harassment
    b) Acid attack and voyeurism
    c) Both (a) and (b)
    d) None of the above
    18. Which section of the IPC deals with word, gesture or act intended to insult the
    modesty of a woman?
    a) Section 498 A
    b) Section 499
    c) Section 503
    d) Section 509
    19. Domestic Violence includes all except
    a) stalking
    b) date rape

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  • c) marital rape
    d) intimate partner violence
    20. The unlawful attempt or threat to inflict immediate harm or death is referred to as:
    a) mayhem
    b) assault
    c) robbery
    d) battery
    21. Asportation means
    a) breathing
    b) carrying away
    c) intimidation
    d) intention
    22. Workplace violence is sometimes referred to as:
    a) Monday morning after rage
    b) Thrash can blues
    c) Desk rage
    d) Trash can rage
    23. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), there are two
    types of legally defined sexual harassment, quid pro quo harassment and
    a) Hostile environment harassment
    b) Sexual favour harassment
    c) Pleasure environment harassment
    d) Exchange favour harassment
    24. Which scheme promotes community participation through involvement of student
    volunteers for empowerment of rural women?
    a) She-Box Portal
    b) Nand Ghar Yojana
    c) eSamvad Portal
    d) Pradhan Mantri Mahila Shakti Kendra scheme
    25. Which type of sexual harassment normally involves a person who acts as a supervisor
    to other employees asking them to do sexual favours for them in exchange for some
    type of employment benefit?
    a) Pleasure environment harassment
    b) Hostile environment harassment
    c) Quid pro quo sexual harassment
    d) None of the above
    26. The 72
    and 73
    Amendment Acts have provided 33 percent reservation of seats for
    whom in the local bodies?
    a) women
    b) teachers

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  • c) graduates
    d) None of the above
    27. Which of the following schemes aims to provide speedier remedy to a woman facing
    sexual harassment at workplace?
    a) Nari Web Portal
    b) She-Box Portal
    c) Mahila E-haat
    d) None of the above
    28. Which of the following provides a platform for NGOs and civil society to interact
    with the Union Ministry of Women and Child Development on relevant subjects?
    a) eSamvad portal
    b) Mahila E-haat
    c) Nari Web portal
    d) PMMVY
    29. Domestic violence involves
    a) Physical violence only
    b) Mental violence only
    c) Violence inside the house
    d) All of the above
    30. Which scheme encourages parents of a girl child to create a savings account in order
    to provide fund for their future education and marriage expenses?
    a) PMMVY
    b) Swadhar Greh
    c) Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana
    d) None of the above
    31. Which of the following aims to spread information about schemes and benefits
    provided by the government to women:
    a) Mahila E-haat
    b) She-Box portal
    c) One stop centre
    d) Nari Web Portal
    32. Which of the following Acts are included in the definition of rape according to 2003
    a) Non-consensual anal penetration
    b) Non-consensual vaginal penetration
    c) Non-consensual oral penetration
    d) All of the above
    33. Which type of rapist is the most common?
    a) Power-assertive
    b) Anger-excitement

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  • c) Anger-retaliatory
    d) Power-assurance
    34. Different strategies have been used in the women’s movement to
    a) Spread awareness
    b) Seek justice
    c) Fight discrimination
    d) All of the above
    35. A pregnant woman employee is entitled to get paid maternity leave for :
    a) 6 weeks
    b) 10 weeks
    c) 26 weeks
    d) 16 weeks
    36. When was Sexual Harassment of Women Employees at the Workplace Act passed?
    a) 2007
    b) 2001
    c) 1995
    d) 2013
    37. As per the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act which of the following is
    not termed as sexual harassment?
    a) A demand or request for a sexual favour
    b) Sexually coloured remarks
    c) Bad physical contact
    d) Meeting in the cabin of the office
    38. When was the National Mission for empowerment of women launched by the
    government of India?
    a) 2011
    b) 2015
    c) 2010
    d) 2013
    39. Which Five Year Plan declared the Empowerment of women as one of the Nine
    primary objectives and the transfer of control of social infrastructure in the public
    sphere to women’s groups as a strategy of the plan?
    a) Ninth plan
    b) Tenth plan
    c) Eleventh plan
    d) Twelfth plan
    40. Which scheme ensures safe delivery and good nutrition for mothers having their first
    child by providing cash incentives?
    a) Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
    b) Rajiv Gandhi National Crèche scheme

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  • c) Swadhar Greh scheme
    d) Pradhan Mantri Mantru Vandana Yojona(PMMVY)
    Fill in the blanks
    1. _____ is a direct online marketing platform launched by the Ministry of Women
    and Child Development to support women entrepreneurs, SHGs and NGOs to
    showcase products made and services rendered by them.
    2. Hitting, kicking, biting, slapping, shaking, pushing, pulling, punching, choking,
    threatening to physically assault are _____ abuse.
    3. Rape is identified as a crime under _____ of the Indian Penal Code.
    4. ___abuse is using sex in an exploitative fashion or forcing sex on another person.
    5. Sexual harassment is identified as a crime under ____ of the Indian Penal Code.
    6. Molestation is identified as a crime under ____ of the Indian Penal Code.
    7. The National Commission for Women was set up by the government of India in
    the year ____
    8. The 73
    Constitutional Acts passed in 1992 by the Parliament ensures ____ of the
    total seats for women in all elected offices in local bodies whether in rural areas
    or urban areas.
    9. The National Policy for the Empowerment of Women was prepared by the
    government of India to bring about the advancement, development and
    empowerment of women in the year _____
    10. Sexual penetration without a victim’s consent is known as _____
    11. _____ of the Indian Constitution provides men and women to have equal rights
    and opportunities in the political, economic and social spheres.
    12. _____ of the Indian Constitution states that the state shall not discriminate against
    any citizen on grounds only of race, religion, caste, sex and place of birth.
    13. Unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or
    under threat of injury against a person’s will is called _____
    14. A pregnant woman employee is entitled to get paid maternity leave for __ weeks.
    15. ____ scheme ensures safe delivery and good nutrition for mothers having their
    first child by providing cash incentives.
    16. The ___scheme helps in the prevention of trafficking and provide support for
    rescue, rehabilitation, reintegration and repatriation of women.

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  • 17. Under sub-section (5) of 12 of the Domestic Violence Act, 2005, the magistrate is
    mandated to dispose of every application received under sub-section (1) within a
    period of ___ days from the date of first hearing.
    18. Sexual Harassment of Women Employees at the Workplace Act was passed in the
    year ____
    19. _____ Violence includes date rape, marital rape and intimate partner violence.
    20. ______ is an umbrella scheme launched in 2015 which provides a range of
    services to women affected by violence.

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    UNIT- V
    1. (c)
    2. (a)
    3. (c)
    4. (d)
    5. (c)
    6. (d)
    7. (a)
    8. (c)
    9. (a)
    10. (a)
    11. (c)
    12. (a)
    13. (c)
    14. (b)
    15. (d)
    16. (d)
    17. (c)
    18. (d)
    19. (a)
    20. (b)
    21. (b)
    22. (c)
    23. (a)
    24. (d)
    25. (c)
    26. (a)
    27. (b)
    28. (a)
    29. (d)
    30. (c)
    31. (d)
    32. (d)
    33. (d)
    34. (d)
    35. (c)
    36. (d)
    37. (d)
    38. (a)
    39. (a)
    40. (d)

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    1. Mahila E-haat
    2. Physical
    3. Section 376
    4. Sexual
    5. Section 509
    6. Section 354
    7. 1992
    8. One-third
    9. 2001
    10. Rape
    11. Article 14
    12. Article 15
    13. Rape
    14. 26
    15. Pradhan Mantri Mantru Vandana Yojana(PMMVY)
    16. Ujjawala
    17. 60
    18. 2013
    19. Domestic
    20. One Stop Centre

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