GENERAL STUDIES Test Booklet [Answers]
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104 Pages
Contributed by
Anshu Thakkar
- OFFICERS IAS ACADEMY(IAS Academy by IAS Officers)1Plot No: 935,6thAvenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai-40Ph: 044-40483555,9677120226,9677174226Web: www.officersiasacademy.comTEST-4 Q&A1. Consider the following statements with respect to the Great Himalayas/Himadri1. It is the most continuous range among the three parallel ranges of Himalayas.2. The folds of the Great Himalayas are asymmetrical in nature.3. The core of Great Himalayas is composed of granite.Which of the statements given above is/are INCORRECT?a) 3 onlyb) 1 and 3 onlyc) 2 and 3 onlyd) None of the aboveAns : DExplanation● The Mountain ranges are,o Transhimalayan ranges▪ Karakoram range▪ Kailash range▪ Ladakh range▪ Zaskar rangeo Himalayan ranges▪ Inner himalaya/Great Himalaya/Himadri▪ Middle himalaya/Lesser himalaya▪ Outer himalaya/Shivalik rangeo Purvanchal Himalayas/Eastern himalayas● Statement 1 is correct: The Northernmost range ofhimalaya is known as the Great or Inner Himalayasor the Himadri. It is the most continuous range consisting of the loftiest peaks with an average height of6,000 metres.● Statement 2 is correct: It contains all prominent Himalayan peaks. Thefolds of the Great Himalayas areasymmetrical in nature.
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- OFFICERS IAS ACADEMY(IAS Academy by IAS Officers)2Plot No: 935,6thAvenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai-40Ph: 044-40483555,9677120226,9677174226Web:● Statement 3 is correct: The core of this part of the Himalayas is composed of granite. It is perenniallysnowbound, and a number of glaciers descend from this range.9thNCERTPage no : 112. Consider the following statements regarding the Gondwana land1. It is the Northern part of the ancient supercontinent ‘Pangea’ with Angara land in the Southern part.2. The Gondwanaland included India, Australia, South Africa, South America and Antarctica as one singleland mass.Which of the statements given above is/are correct?a) 1 onlyb) 2 onlyc) Both 1 and 2d) Neither 1 nor 2Ans : B
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- OFFICERS IAS ACADEMY(IAS Academy by IAS Officers)3Plot No: 935,6thAvenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai-40Ph: 044-40483555,9677120226,9677174226Web: www.officersiasacademy.comExplanationAccording to Wegener’s Continental Drift theory, all the continents were one single continental mass(called a SuperContinent) – Pangaeaand a Mega Ocean surrounded this supercontinent. The mega oceanis known by the name Panthalassa.● Statement 1 is incorrect: The supercontinent, Pangaea began to split some two hundred million yearsback. It first split into 2 big continental masses known as Gondwanaland and Angara land forming theSouthern and Northern part respectively● Statement 2 is correct: The Southern supercontinent, Gondwanaland included India, Australia, SouthAfrica, South America and Antarctica as one single land mass.9thNCERTPage no : 83. Which of the following statements with respect to the process of formation of Himalayan mountainsystem is/are correct?1. It was due to the Northward drift of Indo-Australian plate resulting in the collision of the plate with thePacific plate
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- OFFICERS IAS ACADEMY(IAS Academy by IAS Officers)4Plot No: 935,6thAvenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai-40Ph: 044-40483555,9677120226,9677174226Web: www.officersiasacademy.com2. The sedimentary rocks accumulated in the geosyncline known as Tethys were folded to form themountain system.Which of the statements given above is/are correct?a) 1 onlyb) 2 onlyc) Both 1 and 2d) Neither 1 nor 2Ans : BExplanation● The ancient supercontinent, Pangaea began to split some two hundred million years back. It first split into2 big continental masses known as Gondwanaland and Angara land forming the Southern andNorthern part respectively● The Gondwanaland included India, Australia, South Africa, South America and Antarctica as one singleland mass.● The conventional current (a force which causes movement of plates) splits the crust into a numberof pieces, thus leading to the drifting of the Indo-Australian plate after being separated from the Gondwanaland, towards North● Statement 1 is incorrect: This Northward drift of Indo-Australian plate resulting in the collision of theplate with the much larger Eurasian plate (not Pacific plate)● Statement 2 is correct: Due to this collision, the sedimentary rocks which were accumulated in thegeosyncline known as Tethys were folded to form the mountain system of Himalayas
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- OFFICERS IAS ACADEMY(IAS Academy by IAS Officers)5Plot No: 935,6thAvenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai-40Ph: 044-40483555,9677120226,9677174226Web: www.officersiasacademy.com9thNCERTPage no : 84. Consider the following pairs with respect to the division of Himalayas based on river valleysList 1 List 21. Kumaon Himalayas A. The part of Himalayas lying between Kali and Teesta rivers2. Assam Himalayas B. The part of Himalayas lying between Indus and Sutlej rivers3. Nepal Himalayas C. The part of Himalayas lying between Teesta and Dihangriver4. Punjab Himalayas D. The part of the Himalayas lying between Satluj and Kali riversSelect the correct answer using the codes given below1 2 3 4a) A C D Bb) D A C Bc) A B C Dd) D C A BAns : D
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- OFFICERS IAS ACADEMY(IAS Academy by IAS Officers)6Plot No: 935,6thAvenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai-40Ph: 044-40483555,9677120226,9677174226Web: www.officersiasacademy.comExplanation● Besides the longitudinal divisions, the Himalayas have been divided on the basis of regions from Westto East. These divisions have been demarcated by river valleys● The part of Himalayas lying between Indus and Satluj has been traditionally known as PunjabHimalaya but it is also known regionally as Kashmir and Himachal Himalaya from West to Eastrespectively.● The part of the Himalayas lying between Satluj and Kali rivers is known as Kumaon Himalayas.● The part of Himalayas lying between Kali and Teesta rivers Is known as Nepal Himalayas● The part lying between Teesta and Dihang rivers is known as Assam Himalayas.9thNCERTPage no : 115. Consider the following pairsRegions in Northern plains Description1. Bhabar - These are older alluvium which lies above the flood plains of therivers and present a terrace like feature2. Terai - The streams and rivers re-emerge in this region and create awet, swampy and marshy region.
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- OFFICERS IAS ACADEMY(IAS Academy by IAS Officers)7Plot No: 935,6thAvenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai-40Ph: 044-40483555,9677120226,9677174226Web: www.officersiasacademy.com3. Khadar - These are newer, younger deposits of the floodplains which arerenewed almost every yearSelect the correct answer using the codes given belowa) 1 and 2 onlyb) 2 and 3 onlyc) 1, 2, and 3d) 1 and 3 onlyAns : BExplanation● The Northern plains are generally described as flat land with no variations in its relief. It is not true.● These vast plains also have diverse relief features. According to the variations in relief features, theNorthern plains can be divided into four regions.● The rivers, after descending from the mountains deposit pebbles in a narrow belt of about 8 to 16 km inwidth lying parallel to the slopes of the Shiwaliks. It is known as bhabar. All the streams disappear inthis bhabar belt.● South of this belt, the streams and rivers re-emerge and create a wet, swampy and marshy regionknown as terai. This is a thickly forested region full of wildlife.● The largest part of the Northern plain is formed of older alluvium. It lies above the floodplains of therivers and presents a terrace like feature. This part is known as bhangar.● The newer, younger deposits of the floodplains are called khadar. They are renewed almost every yearand so are fertile, thus ideal for intensive agriculture.9thNCERTPage no : 126. Which of the following mountain ranges forms a part of the lesser Himalaya?1. Pir Panjal range2. Zaskar range3. Dhaula Dhar range4. Mahabharat range
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- OFFICERS IAS ACADEMY(IAS Academy by IAS Officers)8Plot No: 935,6thAvenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai-40Ph: 044-40483555,9677120226,9677174226Web: www.officersiasacademy.comSelect the correct answer using the codes given belowa) 3 and 4 onlyb) 1, 3 and 4 onlyc) 1 and 3 onlyd) 1, 2, 3 and 4.Ans : BExplanation● The range lying to the South of the Himadri forms the most rugged mountain system and is known asHimachal or lesser Himalaya.● The ranges are mainly composed of highly compressed and altered rocks. The altitude varies between3,700 and 4,500 metres and the average width is of 50 Km.● While the PirPanjal range forms the longest and the most important range, the DhaulaDhar and theMahabharat ranges are also prominent ones.● This range consists of the famous valley of Kashmir, Kangra and Kullu Valley in Himachal Pradesh.This region is well-known for its hill stations● The range extending to the North of the Himadri/Greater Himalaya and running parallel to it is calledthe Zaskar range (It is not a part of lesser Himalaya)9thNCERTPage no : 117. Which one of the following statements is INCORRECT regarding the physical features of India?a) The peninsular plateau is composed of igneous and metamorphic rocks with gently rising hills and widevalleysb) A flat land of extensive alluvial deposits led to the formation of the Northern plains of Indiac) The longitudinal valley lying between the Greater Himalayas and the lesser Himalayas are known asDuns.d) The whole mountain system of Himalayas represents a very youthful topography with high peaks, deepvalleys and fast flowing rivers.
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- OFFICERS IAS ACADEMY(IAS Academy by IAS Officers)9Plot No: 935,6thAvenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai-40Ph: 044-40483555,9677120226,9677174226Web: www.officersiasacademy.comAns : CExplanation● Option D is correct : The Himalayas, geologically young and structurally fold mountains stretch overthe Northern borders of India. The Himalayas represent the loftiest and one of the most rugged mountainbarriers of the world. The whole mountain system of Himalaya represents a very youthful topographywith high peaks, deep valleys and fast flowing rivers● Option B is correct : The Northern plain has been formed by the interplay of the three major river systems,namely - the Indus, the Ganga and the Brahmaputra along with their tributaries. This plain is formed ofalluvial soil. The deposition of alluvium in a vast basin lying at the foothills of the Himalaya overmillions of years formed this fertile plain. A flat land of extensive alluvial deposits led to the formationof the Northern plains of India● Option A is correct : The Peninsular plateau is a tableland composed of the old crystalline, igneous andmetamorphic rocks with gently rising hills and wide valleys● Option C is incorrect: The longitudinal valley lying between lesser Himalaya and the Shiwaliks(notbetween the Greater Himalayas and the lesser Himalayas) are known as Duns.DehraDun, Kotli Dunand Patli Dun are some of the well-known Duns.9thNCERTPage no : 9,11 and 13.8. What is the correct sequence of occurrence of following mountains as one proceeds from North toSouth?1. Nanga Parbat2. Kamet3. K2 (Godwin-Austen)4. Nanda DeviSelect the correct answer using the codes given belowa) 2-3-1-4b) 3-4-1-2
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- OFFICERS IAS ACADEMY(IAS Academy by IAS Officers)10Plot No: 935,6thAvenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai-40Ph: 044-40483555,9677120226,9677174226Web: www.officersiasacademy.comc) 2-1-3-4d) 3-1-2-4Ans : DExplanation9thNCERTPage no : 99. Consider the following statements with respect to ‘Purvanchal’1. It is a part of Himalayas that spreads along the Eastern boundary of the India, running through the North-Eastern states.2. These are mostly composed of sandstones (Sedimentary rocks)Which of the statements given above is/are INCORRECT?a) 1 only
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