- 259SUMMARYThermal equilibrium, teroth law of thermodynamics, Concept of temperature.Heat, work and internal energy. First law of thermodynamics.Second law of thermodynamics, reversible and irrevessible processes.Isothermal and adiabatic process.Carnot engine and its efficency Refrigerators.0 0 0 0C 0 F 32 C F100 180 100 180 w P V (Isothesmal process)RTn12vv(Isothesmal process)PV = Const (Isothesmal process)P v=Const (adiabasic process)P1-T= ConstTV-1= Constantr =cvcpMonoatomic gasesv p3 5C = R, = C = R,2 2= 1.67Diatomic gasesv p5 7γC = R, C = R, = 1.42 2Polgatomic gasesv p7R 9RC = , C = ,2 2= 1.41 1 2 21W = (P V P V )γ1(adiabafic Process)1 2R (T T )=γ1m Q u W (First law of thermodynamics)Q U Cv t (V = Const)Q Cp t ( P = Const)u 0 (isothesmal process cyelic process)
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- 260Coefricent of Performance of refrigesatos1QWn 1 21Q QQ1 21T TTCoefcient of performance of refrigetors.2Qw 21 2QQ Q21 2TT TI deal gasCp Cv R 1. A difference of temperature of 250C is equivalent to a difference of(A) 720F (B) 450F (C) 320F (D) 250F2. What is the value of absolute temperature on the Celsius Scale ?(A) -273.150C (B) 1000C (C) -320C (D) 00C3. The temperature of a substance increases by 270C What is the value of this increase of Kelvinscale?(A) 300K (B) 2-46K (C) 7 K (D) 27 K4. At Which temperature the density of water is maximum?(A) 40F (B) 420F (C) 320F (D) 39.20F5. The graph AB Shown in figure is a plot of a temperature of a body in degree Fahrenhit than slopeof line AB is(A)95(B)59(C)91(D)93
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- 2616. The temperature on celsius scale is 250C What is the corresponding temperature on the FahrenheitScale?(A) 400F (B) 450F (C) 500F (D) 770F7. The temperature of a body on Kelvin Scale is found to be x.K.when it is measured by Fahrenhitthesmometes. it is found to be x0F, then the value of x is .(A) 313 (B) 301.24 (C) 574-25 (D) 408. A Centigrade and a Fahrenhit thesmometes are dipped in boiling wates-The wates temperature islowered until the Farenhit thesmometes registered 1400what is the fall in thrmometers(A) 800(B) 600(C) 400(D) 3009. A uniform metal rod is used as a bas pendulum. If the room temperature rises by 100Cand theefficient of line as expansion of the metal of the rod is,6 1C2 10 0 what will have percentage increasein the period of the pendulum ?(A) -210-3(B) 110-3(C) -110-3(D) 210-310. A gas expands from 1 litre to 3 litre at atmospheric pressure. The work done by the gas is about(A) 200 J (B) 2 J (C) 300 J (D) 2105J11. Each molecule of a gas has f degrees of freedom. The radioPVCγ=Cfor the gas is(A)12f(B)11f(C)21f(D) 113f 12. Is the cyclic Process Shown on the VP diagram, the magnitude of the work done is(A)2122PP(B)2122VV(C) 2 2 1 1P V PV(D) 1212VVPP413. If the ratio of specific heat of a gas at Consgant pressure to that at constant volume is , the Changein internal energy of the mass of gas, when the volume changes from V to 2V at Constant Pressurep, is(A)γ1PV(B)γ1R(C) PV (D)γPVγ1
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- 26214. The change in internal energy, when a gas is cooled from 9270C³ to 270C(A) 200% (B) 100% (C) 300% (D) 400%15. For hydrogen gas Cp - Cv = a and for oxygen gas Cp - Cv = b, The relation between a and b isgiven by(A) a = 4b (B) a = b (C) a = 16b (D) a = 8b16. In a thermodynamic process, pressure of a fixed mass of a gas is changed in such a manner that thegas release 20J of heat and 8J of work has done on the gas- If the inifial internal energy of the gaswas 30j, then the final internal energy will be(A) 58 J (B) 2 J (C) 42 J (D) 18 J17. If for a gascvcp= 1.67, this gas is made up to molecules which are(A) diatomic (B) Polytomic(C) monoatomic (D) mixnese of diatomic and polytomic molecules18. An ideal monoatomic gas is taken around the cycle ABCDA as Shown in theP Vdiagram. Thework done during the cycle is given by(A) PV (B)21PV (C) 2 PV (D) 4 PV19. A given mass of a gas expands from state A to B by three different paths 1, 2 and 3 as shown in thefigure. If W1,W2and W3respectively be the work done by the gas along the three paths, then(A) W1>W2>W3(B) W1<W2<W3(C) W1=W2=W3(D) W1<W2, W1<W320. One mole of a monoatomic gas5γ3 is mixed with one mole of A diatomic gas7γ5 whatwill be value of for mixture ?(A) 1-454 (B) 1-4 (C) 1-54 (D) 1-521. If du represents the increase in internal energy of a thesmodynamic system and dw the work doneby the system, which of the following statement is true ?(A) du = dw in isothermal process (C) du = - dw in an aidabadic process(B) du = dw in aidabadic process (D) da = - dw in an isothermal process
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- 26322. One mole of a monoatomic ideal gas is mixed with one mole of a diatomic ideal gas The molasspecific heat of the micture at constant volume is ..........(A) 4 R (B) 3 R (C) R (D) 2R23. One mole of a monoatomic gas is heate at a constant pressure of 1 atmosphere from 0k to 100 k.If the gas constant R = 8.32 J/mol k the change in internal energy of the gas is approximate ?(A) 23 J (B) 1.25103J (C) 8.67103J (D) 46 J24. A gas mixture consists of 2 mde of oxygen and 4 mole of argon at tempressure T.Neglecting allvibrational modes, the total internal energy of the system is(A) 11 RT (B) 9 RT (C) 15 RT (D) 4 RT25. A monoatomic ideal gas, initially at temperature T1is enclosed in a cylindes fitted with a frictionlesspiston. The gas is allowed to expand adiabatically to a temperature T2by releasing the piston suddenlyIf L1and L2the lengths of the gas colum be fore and afters expansion respectively, then then21TTisgiven by(A)2312LL (B)2321LL (C)12LL(D)21LL26. Starting with the same intial Conditions, an ideal gas expands from Volume V1to V2in three differentways. The Work done by the gas is W1if the process is purely isothermal, W2if purely isobasic andW3if purely adiabatic Then(A) W2>W1>W3(B) W2>W3>W1(C) W1>W2>W3(D)W1>W3>W227. In a given process on an ideal gas dw = 0 and dQ < 0. Then for the gas(A) the volume will increase (B) the pressure will semain constant(C) the temperature will decrease (D) the temperature will increase28. Wafer of volume 2 filter in a containes is heated with a coil of 1kw at 270C. The lid of the containesis open and energy dissipates at the late ofJ160S. In how much time tempreture will rise from270C to 770C.Specific heat of wafers is4.2KgKJ(A) 7 min (B) 6 min 2s (C) 14 min (D) 8 min 20 S
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- 26429. 70 calorie of heat are required to raise the temperature of 2 mole of an ideal gas at constant pressurefrom 300C to 350CThe amount of heat required to raise the temperature of the same gas through the same range atconstant volume is .................. calorie.(A) 50 (B) 30 (C) 70 (D) 9030. When an ideal diatomic gas is heated at constant pressure, the Section of the heat energy suppliedwhich increases the infernal energy of the gas is..(A)73(B)53(C)52(D)7531. Two cylinders A and B fitted with piston contain equal amounts of an ideal diatomic gas at 300 k.The piston of A is free to move, While that of B is held fixed. The same amount of heat is given to thegas in each cylindes. If the rise in temperature of the gas in A is 30K, then the rise in temperature ofthe gas in B is.(A) 30 K (B) 42 K (C) 18 K (D) 50 K32. An insulated containes containing monoatomic gas of molas mass Mo is moving with a velocity, V.Ifthe container is suddenly stopped, find the change in temperature.(A)2Mov5R(B)2Mov4R(C)2Mov3R(D)2Mov2R33. A Small spherical body of radius r is falling under gravity in a viscous medium. Due to friction themedium gets heated. How does the late of heating depend on radius of body when it attains terminalvelocity!(A) r2(B) r3(C) r4(D) r534. The first law of thermodynamics is concerned with the conservation of(A) momentum (B) energy (C) mass (D) temperature35. If heat given to a system is 6 k cal and work done is 6kj. The change in internal energy is .......... KJ.(A) 12.4 (B) 25 (C) 19.1 (D) 036. The internal energy change in a system that has absorbed 2 Kcal of heat and done 500J of work is(A) 7900 J (B) 4400 J (C) 6400 J (D ) 8900 J37. Which of the following is not a thermodynamical function.(A) Enthalpy (B) Work done(C) Gibb's energy (D) Internal energy38. Which of the following is not a thermodynamic co-ordinate.(A) R (B) P (C) T (D) V39. The work of 62-25 KJ is performed in order to compress one kilo mole of gas adiabatically and inthis process the temperature of the gas increases by 50C The gas is _______ R = 8-3Jmolk(A) triatomic (C) monoatomic(B) diatomic (D) a mixture of monoatomic and diatomic
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- 26540. Cp and Cv denote the specific heat of oxygen per unit mass at constant Pressure and volumerespectively, then(A) cp - cv =16R(B) Cp - Cv = R(C) Cp - Cv = 32 R (D) Cp - Cv =32R41. When a System is taken from State i to State f along the path iaf, it is found that Q = 70 cal and w= 30 cal, along the path ibf. Q=52cal. W atoug the path ibf is(A) 6 cal (B) 12 cal (C) 24 cal (D) 8 cal42. One kg of adiatomic gas is at a pressure of52N5 10mThe density of the gas is35kgmwhat is theenergy of the gas due to its thermal motion ?(A) 2.5105J (B) 3.5105J (C) 4.5105J (D) 1.5105J43. 200g of water is heated from 250C0450C Ignoring the slight expansion of the water the change in itsinternal energy is (Specific heat of waferC9cal10)(A) 33.4 KJ (B) 11.33 KJ (C) 5.57 KJ (D) 16.7 KJ44. During an adiabatic process, the pressure of a gas ifound to be propostional to the fifth power of itsabsolute temperature. The radiocvcpfor the gas is(A)54(B)43(C)45(D) 445. One mole of oxygen is heated at constant pressure stasting at 00C. How much heat energy in calmust be added to the gas to double its volume ? Take R = 2calmolk(A) 1938 (B) 1920 (C) 1911 (D) 195746.moles of a gas filled in a containes at temperature T is in equilibrium inidially - If the gas iscompressed slowly and is thesmally to half its initial volume the work done by the atmosphere on thepiston is(A)µRT-2(B)2RT(C) RT ln (2 -21) (D) –RTln2
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- 26647. Heat capacity of a body depends on the .......... as well as on ..........(A) material of the body, its mass (C) mass of the body, itd temperature(B) material of the body, its temperature (D) Volume of the body, its mass48. In thesmodynamics, the work done by the system is considered ......... and the work done on thesystem is Considered ...........(A) Positive, zero (B) nagative, Positive(C) zero, negative (D) Positive, negative49. A thesmodynamic system goes from States(i) P,V to 2P, V (ii) P,V to P, 2V. Then what is work done in the two Cases.(A) Zero, PV (B) Zero, Zero (C) PV, Zero (D) PV,PV50. For free expansion of the gas which of the following is true ?(A) Q = 0, W > 0 andEint = -W (B) W = 0, Q >0 andEint = Q(C) W > 0, Q < 0 andEint = 0 (D) Q = W = 0 andEint = 051. For an adiabatic process involving an ideal gas(A) P– 1= T– 1= constant (B) P1 –= T= constant(C) PT– 1= constant (D) P– 1T= constant52. Figure shows four PV diagrams. which of these curves represent.isothermal and adiabatic processes ?(A) A and C (B) A and B (C) C and D (D) B and D53. An ideal gas is taken through cyclic process as shown in the figure. The net work done by the gas is(A) PV (B) 2 PV (C) 3 PV (D) zero54.moles of gas expands from volume VV1to V2at constant temperature T. The work done by the gasis(A) RT12VV(B) RT ln12VVn(C) RT1VV12(D) RT ln1VVn12
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- 26755. A Cyclic Process ABCD is Shown in the PV diagam. which of the following curves representthe same Process ?(A) (B) (C) (D)56. A Cyclic process is Shown in the PT diagram.Which of the curve show the same process on a VT diagram ?(A) (B)(C) (D)57. One mole of an ideal gaspvCγCat absolute temperature T1is adiabatically compressed from aninitial pressure P1to a final pressure P2The resulting temperature T2of the gas is given by.(A)γγ 122 11pT = Tp (B)γ1γ22 11pT = Tp (C)γ22 11pT = Tp (D)γ122 11pT = Tp
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- 26858. An ideal gas is taken through the cycle ABCA as shown in the figure. If the net heatsupplied to the gas in the cycle is 5J, the work done by the gas in the process CA is(A) - 5 J (B) -10 J (C) -15 J (D) - 20 J59. In anisothermal reversible expansion, if the volume of 96J of oxygen at 270C is increased from 70liter to 140 liter, then the work done by the gas will be(A) 300 R loge(2)(B) 81 R loge(2)(C)210200 R og(D) 100 R log10(2)60. For an iso thermal expansion of a Perfect gas, the value ofPPis equal to(A)12ΔV- γV(B)ΔVγV(C)2ΔVγ-V(D)ΔVγV61. For an aidabatic expansion of a perfect gas, the value ofPPis equal to(A)Δr- γv(B)vv(C)2Δv-γv(D)Δvγ-v62. If r denotes the ratio of adiabatic of two specific heats of a gas. Then what is the ratio of slope of anadiabatic and isothermalP Vcurves at their point of intersection ?(A)1γ(B) -1 (C) (D) + 163. Work done permol in an isothermal ? change is(A)21logvRT ev(B)12vv10logRT(C)21vv10logRT(D)21vvelogRT64. The isothermal Bulk modulus of an ideal gas at pressure P is(A)vP (B) P (C)2p(D)pv65. The isothermal bulk modulus of a perfect gas at a normal Pressure is(A) 1.0131062mN(B)211mN10013.1(C)25mN10013.1 (D)211mN10013.1
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