- DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISHPAPER-XILITERARY CRITICISM, ENG/VI/CC/11SEMESTER- VIUNIT-I: PREFACE TO THE PLAYS OF SHAKESPEARE- Dr. SAMUEL JOHNSONI. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS:1. Shakespeare‟s drama reflectsa) lifeb) naturec) chaosd) order2. The object of all criticism according to Johnson is to make the obscure and theconfuseda) clear and understoodb) focused and precisec) unobscuredd) orderly3. Johnson tries Shakespeare by the test ofa) Coherence and cogenceb) relevance and contemporarinessc) relativity, clarity and imaginativityd) time, Nature and Universality4. Shakespeare‟s characters portraysa) humanityb) naturec) artd) truth5. Who is the 'father of English poetry', the well of English undefiled according toArnold?a) Miltonb) Dantec) Shakespeared) Chaucer6. Samuel Johnson defended Shakespeare's use of thea) comedyb) tragedy
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- c) tragi-comedyd) none of the above7. The defect or fault in Shakespeare according to Johnson is thata) He sacrifices virtue to convenienceb) He is so much more careful to please than to instructc) He seems to write without any moral purpose.d) All of the above8. Johnson said that Shakespeare showed no regard toa) The unity of time and placeb) The unity of actionc) Characterizationd) Poetic language9. According to Johnson what type of drama did Shakespeare write with much labour?a) Comedyb) Tragedyc) Tragi-comedyd) None of the above10. Samuel Johnson was a writer of thea) 17th Centuryb) 18thCenturyc) 19th Centuryd) 20th Century11. Johnson said that Shakespeare often surpassed expectation or desire when he wrotea) Comedyb) tragedyc) Tragi-comedyd) All of the above12. Samuel Johnson‟s Preface to Shakespeare was published in _________.a) 1756b) 1770c) 1800d) 176513. In Preface to Shakespeare, Johnson defended Shakespeare‟s use of _________.a) tragic-comedyb) tragedyc) comedyd) None of the above14. “Shakespeare was the man, who, of all modern and perhaps ancient poets, had thelargest and most comprehensive soul” was said by –a) Samuel Johnsonb) Matthew Arnoldc) John Dryden
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- d) Boyle15. Johnson is of the opinion that Shakespeare writes without moral purpose and is morecareful to please than to ___________.a) dictateb) instructc) sacrificed) inform16. Johnson praises Shakespeare and comments that his drama is the mirror of__________.a) himselfb) naturec) lifed) his family members17. The two modes of imitation according to Dr. Johnson area) Tragedy and comedyb) Tragedy and tragicomedyc) Tragicomedy and Comedyd) None of the above18. Johnson insists that Shakespeare‟s mode of composition(a) Was inconsistent(b) Lacked seriousness(c) Remained the same(d) Changed constantly19. Shakespeare‟s first defect according to Johnson was that Shakespeare(a) Sacrifices virtue to convenience(b) He disregarded the distinction of time and place(c) His plots are loose(d) His declamations are cold and weak20. According to Johnson, the plays of Shakespeare were originally classified intoa) Comedies and tragediesb) Comedies, tragedies and historiesc) Comedies, tragedies and love storiesd) None of the above21. In the violation of Unities, Johnsona) Criticizes Shakespeareb) Praises Shakespearec) Follows Shakespeared) Defends Shakespeare22. According to Johnson, Shakespeare presented naturea) Faithfullyb) Artificiallyc) Foolishly
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- d) Unrealistically23. When we read a Shakespearean play, we are not bothered by consideration ofa) Characterizationb) Dialoguec) Time and Placed) Humour and Pathos24. Which of the following critics preferred Shakespeare's comedies to his tragedies?a) Drydenb) Popec) Johnsond) Addison25. Regarding the observance of the three unities in a play, Dr. Johnson's view is thata) Only the Unity of Time should be observedb) Only the Unity of Action should be observedc) Only the Unity of Place should be observedd) All the three unities should be observed26. The dialogue of Shakespeare are sometimes spoilt by:a) Artificialityb) Difficult Dictionc) Ruggednessd) None of the above27. Poetic justice is:a) Followed by Shakespeareb) Not at all followed by Shakespearec) Criticizes by Shakesperaed) Not always followed by Shakespeare28. Shakespeare has no heroes, his scenes are occupied bya) Kingsb) Queensc) Mend) Fairies29. Shakespeare approximates the remote, and familiarizes thea) Marvelousb) Wonderfulc) Beautifuld) Magnificent30. Shakespeare‟s drama is the mirror ofa) human beingsb) peacec) remorsed) life31. Dennis and Rymer think Shakespeare‟s Romans are not sufficientlya) Brave
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- b) Romanc) Strongd) Loyal32. A quibble is to Shakespeare, what luminous vapours are toa) Adventurersb) Farmersc) Sailorsd) Travellers33. Shakespeare had no regard to the unities ofa) action and placeb) time and actionc) time and placed) action and theme34. For Johnson, in Shakespeare‟s works, even when the agency is supernatural thedialogue is level with ___.a) Tragedyb) Lifec) Natured) Character35. This, therefore is the praise of Shakespeare, that his drama is the __ of life.a) Reflectionb) Contemplationc) Mirrord) Study36. Shakespeare has united the powers of exciting laughter and sorrow not only in onemind, but in one __.a) Compositionb) Narrationc) Genred) Action37. The end of writing is to instruct, the end of poetry is to instruct by __.a) Writingb) Compositionc) Pleasingd) Passion38. An action which ended happily to the principal persons is a __.a) Comedyb) Tragedyc) Historyd) Tragi- comedy39. Tragedy was not in those times a poem of more general dignity or elevation than __.a) Historyb) Tragi-comedyc) Comedy
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- d) Drama40. According to Dr. Johnson, authors are rated by their best when they are _____.a) In their primeb) Maturedc) Oldd) DeadKEY:1. a2. A3. d4. a5. D6. C7. A8. A9. B10. B11. A12. D13. A14. C15. B16. C17. A18. C19. A20. B21. D22. A23. C24. C25. B26. C27. D28. C29. B30. D31. B32. D33. B
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- 34. B35. C36. B37. C38. A39. D40. CII. FILL IN THE BLANKS:1. Shakespeare‟s characters are ________, but they are individuals too.2. Johnson tries Shakespeare by the test of time, of nature, of universality and finds him_____ in all.3. Through all these denominations of the drama, Shakespeare's mode of composition isthe same; an interchange of ______ and merriment.4. Shakespeare is above all writers, at least above all modern writers, the poet of________; the poet that holds up to his readers a faithful mirror of manners and oflife.5. According to Dr. Johnson, authors are rated by their best when they are _____.6. Dr. Johnson claimed that Shakespeare‟s drama is the mirror of ______7. Voltaire censures Shakespeare‟s kings as not completely______.8. Shakespeare has united the powers of exciting laughter and sorrow not only in onemind, but in one________.9. In Shakespeare‟s other works, he has well enough preserved the unity of ___.10. A ___ was to Shakespeare the fatal Cleopatra for which he lost the world, and wascontent to lose it.11. For Johnson, in Shakespeare‟s works, even when the agency is supernatural thedialogue is level with ___.12. This, therefore is the praise of Shakespeare, that his drama is the __ of life.13. An action which ended happily to the principal persons is a __.14. Shakespeare has no heroes, his scenes are occupied by _____15. Shakespeare approximates the remote, and familiarizes the ______16. In Preface to Shakespeare, Johnson defended Shakespeare‟s use of _________.17. Johnson is of the opinion that Shakespeare writes without moral purpose and is morecareful to please than to ___________.18. Johnson said that Shakespeare often surpassed expectation or desire when he wrote______19. An action which ended happily to the principal persons is a __.20. A ______ is to Shakespeare what luminous vapours are to travellers.
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- KEY:1. universal2. Supreme3. Seriousness4. nature5. Dead6. Life7. Royal8. Composition9. Action10. Quibble11. Life12. Mirror13. Comedy14. Men15. Wonderful16. Tragic-comedy17. Instruct18. Comedy19. Comedy20. QuibbleUNIT II: PREFACE TO THE LYRICAL BALLADS- WILLIAM WORDSWORTHI. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS:1. For Wordsworth the function of poetry is to givea) joyb) happinessc) catharsisd) pleasure2. To Wordsworth, poetry is a spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings, emotionsrecollected ina) imagesb) tranquilityc) simple lifed) sensation
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- 3. Wordworth‟s poet is a man speaking toa) everyoneb) his readersc) mend) nature4. The function of poetry is both to instruct and delight, but for Wordsworth it is to givea) exaltationb) pleasurec) dictationd) purgation5. The dominant theme of Wordsworth‟s preface isa) poetic dictionb) poetic argumentc) poetic criticismd) poetic license6. Wordsworth‟s preface declares the dawn ofa) English Romantic Movementb) British Romantic Movementc) European Romantic Movementd) Anglo-saxon Romantic Movement7. Wordsworth‟s preface can be seen as a forceful plea for simplicity both ina) idea and feelingb) sentiment an d expositionc) expression and elucidationd) theme and treatment8. Wordsworth was primarilya) a criticb) a poetc) an essayistd) a philosopher9. The Preface to the Lyrical Ballads was published ina) 1798b) 1799c) 1800d) 180110. The Principal object in the Lyrical Ballads was to choose incidents and situations froma) urban lifeb) agrarian lifec) common lifed) genteel life11. Poems of value are produced by a man who possess more than usual organicsensibility and had also thoughta) in tranquility
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- b) long and deepc) passionatelyd) calmly12. In the Lyrical Ballads, Wordsworth's purpose was to imitate and adopt the verylanguage ofa) the neoclassicsb) metrec) mend) the classics13. Which of the following is not true?a) Lyrical Ballads marked the beginning of the Romantic Ageb) Wordsworth believed that simple language creates better poems than complicatedlanguagec) Nature is a savage force that needs to be conquered by technologyd) Lyrical Ballads received mixed reviews when it was originally published in179814. In what ways is the Lyrical Ballads different from much of the poetry that was popularwhen it was published?a) It features poems that focus on nature and rural communityb) It calls for rigid poetic formsc) It sought for poems that are more complicatedd) It sought to stimulate the reasoning mind rather than produce an emotionalresponse15. Wordsworth justifies the use of metre and denounces the ____________ of the Neo-Classical poets for their artificiality.a) verseb) rhymec) poetic dictiond) tradition16. Wordsworth quoted ____________ who said, “Poetry is the most philosophical of allwritings”.a) Aristotleb) Horacec) Homerd) Virgil17. An Appendix on Poetic Diction was added to the Preface to the Lyrical Balladsin_____.a) 1800b) 1798c) 1805d) 180218. According to Wordsworth the understanding of the reader must necessarily be in somedegree…
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