- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Dhananjay Bhavsar www.dimr.edu.inMCQSpecialization : Business AnalyticsCourse Code : 206 Course Name – Data MiningSr.noQuestionAnswer1According to analysts, for what can traditional IT systems provide afoundation when they’re integrated with big data technologies likeHadoop?a) Big data management and data miningb) Data warehousing and business intelligencec) Management of Hadoop clustersd) Collecting and storing unstructured dataA2All of the following accurately describe Hadoop, EXCEPT:a) Open sourceb) Real-timec) Java-basedd) Distributed computing approachB3__________ has the world’s largest Hadoop cluster.a) Appleb) Datamaticsc) Facebookd) None of the mentionedC4What are the five V’s of Big Data?a) Volumeb) Velocityc) Varietyd) All the aboveD
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Dhananjay Bhavsar www.dimr.edu.in5_________ hides the limitations of Java behind a powerful and conciseClojure API for Cascading.a) Scaldingb) Cascalogc) Hcatalogd) HcaldingB6What are the main components of Big Data?a) MapReduceb) HDFSc) YARNd) All of theseD7What are the different features of Big Data Analytics?a) Open-Sourceb) Scalabilityc) Data Recoveryd) All the aboveD8Define the Port Numbers for NameNode, Task Tracker and Job Tracker.a) NameNodeb) Task Trackerc) Job Trackerd) All of the aboveD9This is an approach to selling goods and services in which a prospectexplicitly agrees in advance to receive marketing information.a) customer managed relationshipb) data miningc) permission marketingd) one-to-one marketinge) batch processingC
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Dhananjay Bhavsar www.dimr.edu.in10This is an XML-based metalanguage developed by the Business ProcessManagement Initiative (BPMI) as a means of modeling businessprocesses, much as XML is, itself, a metalanguage with the ability tomodel enterprise data.a. BizTalkb. BPMLc. e-bizd. ebXMLe. ECBB11This is a central point in an enterprise from which all customer contactsare managed.a. contact centerb. help systemc. multichannel marketingd. call centere. help deskC12This is the practice of dividing a customer base into groups of individualsthat are similar in specific ways relevant to marketing, such as age,gender, interests, spending habits, and so on.a. customer service chatb. customer managed relationshipc. customer life cycled. customer segmentatione. change managementD13Movie Recommendation systems are an example of:1. Classification2. Clustering3. Reinforcement Learning4. RegressionOptions:B. A. 2 OnlyC. 1 and 2D. 1 and 3E. 2 and 3F. 1, 2 and 3H. 1, 2, 3 and 4E
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Dhananjay Bhavsar www.dimr.edu.in14Sentiment Analysis is an example of:1. Regression2. Classification3. Clustering4. Reinforcement LearningOptions:A. 1 OnlyB. 1 and 2C. 1 and 3D. 1, 2 and 3E. 1, 2 and 4F. 1, 2, 3 and 4E15Can decision trees be used for performing clustering?A. TrueB. FalseA16Which of the following is the most appropriate strategy for datacleaning before performing clustering analysis, given less than desirablenumber of data points:1. Capping and flouring of variables2. Removal of outliersOptions:A. 1 onlyB. 2 onlyC. 1 and 2D. None of the aboveA17The problem of finding hidden structure in unlabeled data is calledA. Supervised learningB. Unsupervised learningC. Reinforcement learningB18Task of inferring a model from labeled training data is calledA. Unsupervised learningB. Supervised learningC. Reinforcement learningB19Some telecommunication company wants to segment their customersinto distinct groups in order to send appropriate subscription offers, thisis an example ofA. Supervised learningB. Data extractionC. SerrationD. Unsupervised learningD
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Dhananjay Bhavsar www.dimr.edu.in20Self-organizing maps are an example ofA. Unsupervised learningB. Supervised learningC. Reinforcement learningD. Missing data imputationA21You are given data about seismic activity in Japan, and you want topredict a magnitude of the next earthquake, this is in an example ofA. Supervised learningB. Unsupervised learningC. SerrationD. Dimensionality reductionA22Assume you want to perform supervised learning and to predict numberof newborns according to size of storks’ population it is an example ofA. ClassificationB. RegressionC. ClusteringD. Structural equation modellingB23Discriminating between spam and ham e-mails is a classification task,true or false?A. TrueB. FalseA24In the example of predicting number of babies based on storks’population size, number of babies isA. outcomeB. featureC. attribute D. observationA25Data set {brown, black, blue, green , red} is example of Select one:a. Continuous attributeb. Ordinal attributec. Numeric attributed. Nominal attributeC26Which of the following activities is NOT a data mining task?a. Predicting the future stock price of a company using historical recordsb. Monitoring and predicting failures in a hydropower plantc. Extracting the frequencies of a sound waved. Monitoring the heart rate of a patient for abnormalities Show AnswerC27Data Visualization in mining cannot be done using Select one:a. Photosb. Graphsc. Chartsd. Information GraphicsA28Which of the following is not a data pre-processing methods Select one:a. Data Visualizationb. Data Discretizationc. Data Cleaningd. Data ReductionA29Dimensionality reduction reduces the data set size by removing _________C
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Dhananjay Bhavsar www.dimr.edu.inSelect one:a. composite attributesb. derived attributesc. relevant attributesd. irrelevant attributes30The difference between supervised learning and unsupervised learning is givenby Select one:a. unlike unsupervised learning, supervised learning needs labeled datab. unlike unsupervised learning, supervised learning can be used to detectoutliersc. there is no differenced. unlike supervised leaning, unsupervised learning can form new classesD31Which of the following activities is a data mining task? Select one:a. Monitoring the heart rate of a patient for abnormalitiesb. Extracting the frequencies of a sound wavec. Predicting the outcomes of tossing a (fair) pair of diced. Dividing the customers of a company according to their profitabilityA32Identify the example of sequence data Select one:a. weather forecastb. data matrixc. market basket datad. genomic dataA33To detect fraudulent usage of credit cards, the following data mining taskshould be used Select one:a. Outlier analysisb. predictionc. association analysisd. feature selectionD34Which of the following is NOT example of ordinal attributes? Select one:a. Zip codesb. Ordered numbersc. Movie ratingsd. Military ranksA35Data scrubbing can be defined as Select one:a. Check field overloadingb. Delete redundant tuplesc. Use simple domain knowledge (e.g., postal code, spell-check) to detecterrors and make correctionsd. Analyzing data to discover rules and relationship to detect violatorsA36Which data mining task can be used for predicting wind velocities as a functionof temperature, humidity, air pressure, etc.?Select one:a. Cluster Analysisb. Regressionc. Clasificationd. Sequential pattern discoveryC37In asymmetric attibute Select one:a. No value is considered important over other valuesB
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Dhananjay Bhavsar www.dimr.edu.inb. All values are equals cc. Only non-zero value isc importantd. Range of values is impodrtant38Which statement is not TRUbE regarding a data mining task?Select one:a. Clustering is a descriptive data mining taskb. Classification is a predictive data mining taskc. Regression is a descriptive data mining taskd. Deviation detection is a predictive data mining taskC39Identify the example of Nominal attribute Select one:a. Temperatureb. Salaryc. Massd. GenderC40Synonym for data mining is Select one:a. Data Warehouseb. Knowledge discovery in databasec. Business intelligenced. OLAPD41Nominal and ordinal attributes can be collectively referred to as_________attributes Select one:a. perfectb. qualitativec. consistentd. optimizedB42Which of the following is not a data mining task?Select one:a. Feature Subset Detectionb. Association Rule Discoveryc. Regressiond. Sequential Pattern DiscoveryB43Which of the following is an Entity identification problem? Select one:a. One person with different email addressb. One person’s name written in different wayc. Title for persond. One person with multiple phone numbers Show AnswerA44In Binning, we first sort data and partition into (equal-frequency) bins and thenwhich of the following is not a valid step Select one:a. smooth by bin boundariesb. smooth by bin medianc. smooth by bin meansd. smooth by bin valuesB45Incorrect or invalid data is known as _________ Select one: a. Missing data b.Outlier c. Changing data d. Noisy data Show AnswerQuestion 23The important characteristics of structured data are Select one:a. Sparsity, Resolution, Distribution, Tuplesb. Sparsity, Centroid, Distribution , Dimensionalityd
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Dhananjay Bhavsar www.dimr.edu.inc. Resolution, Distribution, Dimensionality ,Objectsd. Dimensionality, Sparsity, Resolution, Distribution46Which of the following are descriptive data mining activities? Select one:a. Deviation detectionb. Classificationc. Clusteringd. RegressionD47In a data mining task where it is not clear what type of patterns could beinteresting, the data mining system should Select one:a. allow interaction with the user to guide the mining processb. perform both descriptive and predictive tasksc. perform all possible data mining tasksd. handle different granularities of data and patternsD48Correlation analysis is used for Select one:a. handling missing valuesb. identifying redundant attributesc. handling different data formatsd. eliminating noise Show AnswerC49The number of item sets of cardinality 4 from the items lists {A, B, C, D, E}Select one:a. 2b. 10c. 20d. 5A50Question text Which of the following is NOT a data quality related issue?Select one:a. Missing valuesb. Outlier recordsc. Duplicate recordsd. Attribute value rangeB
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Dhananjay Bhavsar www.dimr.edu.inSr.noQuestionAnswer1MCQData set {brown, black, blue, green , red} is example of Select one:a. Continuous attributeb. Ordinal attributec. Numeric attributed. Nominal attributeD2Which of the following activities is NOT a data mining task? Select one:a. Predicting the future stock price of a company using historicalrecordsb. Monitoring and predicting failures in a hydropower plantc. Extracting the frequencies of a sound waved. Monitoring the heart rate of a patient for abnormalitiesC3Data Visualization in mining cannot be done using Select one:a. Photosb. Graphsc. Chartsd. Information GraphicsA4Which of the following is not a data pre-processing methods Selectone:a. Data Visualizationb. Data Discretizationc. Data Cleaningd. Data ReductionA5Dimensionality reduction reduces the data set size by removing_________ Select one:a. composite attributesb. derived attributesc. relevant attributesd. irrelevant attributesD
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Dhananjay Bhavsar www.dimr.edu.in6The difference between supervised learning and unsupervised learningis given by Select one:a. unlike unsupervised learning, supervised learning needs labeleddatab. unlike unsupervised learning, supervised learning can be used todetect outliersc. t.here is no differenced. unlike supervised leaning, unsupervised learning can form newclassesA7Which of the following activities is a data mining task? Select one:a. Monitoring the heart rate of a patient for abnormalitiesb. Extracting the frequencies of a sound wavec. Predicting the outcomes of tossing a (fair) pair of diced. Dividing the customers of a company according to their profitabilityA8Identify the example of sequence data Select one:a. weather forecastb. data matrixc. market basket datad. genomic dataD9To detect fraudulent usage of credit cards, the following data miningtask should be used Select one:a. Outlier analysisb. predictionc. association analysisd. feature selectionA10Which of the following is NOT example of ordinal attributes? Selectone:a. Zip codesb. Ordered numbersc. Movie ratingsd. Military ranks
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