- UNIT 21. The Revolution of 1830 in France was led by:(a) workers, artisans, students and writers(b) middle-class Jacobins(c) the nobility and the army(d) studentsAnswer is (a)2. The Troppau Memorandum (1820) was a:(a) territorial treaty signed by Prussia and Russia(b) treaty that partitioned Poland among the great powers(c) pledge by Russia to help Italy get rid of the Carbonari(d) pact between Austria, Russia and Prussia to aid one another to suppress oneanotherAnswer is (d)3. Which political group was not presented in the provisional government following theabdication of Louis Philippe in 1848?(a) liberals(b) socialists(c) anarchists(d) republicansAnswer is (a)4. In general, the significance of the Greek war was that it:(a) helped Europe redefine its identity(b) abolished Ottoman rule in the Balkan(c) preserved an Ottoman foothold in Southeastern Europe(d) brought Serbia and Greece into a mutual allianceAnswer is (a)5. Orientalism refers to:(a) early nineteenth-century artistic and cultural developments in the Ottoman Empire(b) the heightened European interest in the east specifically Egypt(c) cultural nationalism in China and Japan(d) None of the aboveAnswer is (b)6. Napoleon was defeated in the:(a) Crimean War(b) Battle of Waterloo(c) Battle of Plassey(d) Seven Weeks’ WarAnswer is (b)7. When was Napoleon defeated?(a) June 18, 1815(b) July 18, 1815
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- (c) January 20, 1820(d) None of the aboveAnswer is (a)8. After his defeat Napoleon was sent for exile on the rocky island of St. Helena in the:(a) South Pacific(b) Indian Ocean(c) South Atlantic(d) South China SeaAnswer is (d)9. Which country emerged as the most powerful continental state after the fall ofNapoleon?(a) Russia(b) Prussia(c) Britain(d) ItalyAnswer is (a)10. As a result of the Congress of Vienna, Poland:(a) was left as it was in 1795(b) became an independent nation(c) joined the quadruple alliance with Britain, Austria and Prussia(d) became a nominally independent kingdom ruled by Tsar AlexanderAnswer is (d)11. The peace treaties crafted in Vienna in 1815 prevented a major European war until:(a) 1830(b) 1848(c) 1870(d) 1914Answer is (d)12. The guiding principle /s of the Congress of Vienna was:(a) Balance of power(b) Principle of Legitimacy(c) both (a) & (b)(d) None of the aboveAnswer is (c)13. Mostly early nineteenth-century liberals advocated:(a) Direct representation from those who owned property(b) Universal manhood suffrage(c) State intervention in the economy(d) The enfranchisement of all slavesAnswer is (a)14. Which country was not a member of the Holy Alliance?(a) Belgium(b) Britain
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- (c) Russia(d) PrussiaAnswer is (a)15. The major political ideologies of modern times are:(a) Romanticism, classicism and radicalism(b) Conservatism, liberalism, socialism and nationalism(c) Marxism, liberalism and nationalism(d) All of the aboveAnswer is (b)16. Who among the following was regarded as the father of modern socialism?(a) Jeremy Bentham(b) Rousseau(c) Karl Marx(d) MontesquieuAnswer is (c)17. The architect of peace and commanding figure at the Congress of Vienna was:(a) Tsar Alexander I(b) Klemens von Matternich(c) Alexis de Tocqueville(d) Sir Robert PeelAnswer is (b)18. German unification was completed following:(a) the Seven Weeks’ War(b) the Franco-Prussian War(c) the deliberations of the Frankfurt Assembly(d) the Danish WarAnswer is (b)19. Which of the following did the Second Reform Bill of 1867 not accomplish?(a) doubled the franchise(b) enfranchised skilled workers in the urban areas(c) enfranchised workers who owned property and paid poor rates in excess of 10pounds per year(d) the redistribution of seats favouring the north over the southAnswer is (c)20. If any word described Otto von Bismarck, that word was:(a) nationalist(b) liberal(c) Prussian(d) ConservativeAnswer is (c)21. As a result of the Crimean War:(a) Moldavia and Walachia were united as Romania(b) Austria and Russia were strengthened
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- (c) Russian influence in the Balkans was weakened(d) Both a and cAnswer is (d)22. Cavour prepared for the first conflict between Italy and Austria by diplomaticagreements with:(a) France(b) Russia(c) Britain(d) PrussiaAnswer is (a)23. An Italian organization named for the charcoal the obscured the faces of its members,an underground expression of opposition to the restoration done by the Congress ofVienna was:(a) Carbonari(b) Coke(c) Coaler(d) none of the aboveAnswer is (a)24. The emancipation of the Russian Serfs in 1861:(a) produced changes in the lives of the peasantry(b) led to the decline of village commune(c) did not require compensation to be paid to landowners for property they lost(d) granted legal rights to 22 million serfsAnswer is (d)25. Which ethnic language and group did not play a role in the Austrian Empire?(a) Czech(b) Magyar(c) French(d) ItalianAnswer is (c)26. The German Confederation:(a) did not include Austria and Prussia(b) included non-German territories in Poland and Hungary(c) was a loose organization of thirty-nine states(d) had real executive powerAnswer is (c)27. Following the Napoleonic Wars, how did Prussia reform the state:(a) military officers were promoted on the basis alone(b) the royal cadet at Berlin was modernized(c) the middle classes were encouraged to take an active role in the civil service(d) All of the aboveAnswer is (d)28. Who followed the policy of Blood and Iron for national unification?
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- (a) Otto von Bismarck(b) Garibaldi(c) Matternich(d) NapoleonAnswer is (a)29. According to the principles behind the Dual Monarchy:(a) Francis Joseph served as Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary(b) Austria – Hungary would have a common system of taxation and a common army(c) Internal and constitutional issues were separated(d) All of the aboveAnswer is (d)30. Which one was not included in the Balkan region?(a) Croatia(b) Bosnia Harzegovina(c) Serbia(d) SpainAnswer is (d)31. Rio de la Plata / Argentina declared its independence from the Spanish imperialcontrol in:(a) 1816(b) 1820(c) 1830(d) 1848Answer is (a)32. When was the famous Monroe Doctrine issued?(a) 1820(b) 1823(c) 1830(d) none of the aboveAnswer is (b)33. ‘The Wealth of Nations’ (1776) is authored by?(a) Karl Marx(b) Adam Smith(c) Jeremy Bentham(d) Martin LutherAnswer is (b)34. Who among the following argued that the economy should be based on a ‘system ofnatural liberty’?(a) Adam Smith(b) Karl Marx(c) Benjamin Franklin(d) James MunroeAnswer is (a)
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- 35. The term nation comes from the Latin verb:(a) nasci(b) natio(c) natic(d) none of the aboveAnswer is (a)36. Which of the following was the most significant cultural movement in the earlynineteenth century?(a) Classicism(b) Enlightenment(c) Romanticism(d) none of the aboveAnswer is (c)37. Romanticism developed in the early nineteenth century as a reaction against:(a) Enlightenment(b) Scientific Revolution(c) Classicism(d) Industrial RevolutionAnswer is (a)38. Which of the following was a nineteenth century system of thought and a response inlarge measure to the visible problems ushered in by industrialization?(a) Capitalism(b) Liberalism(c) Socialism(d) FederalismAnswer is (c)39. Zollverein was a:(a) Diplomatic Constitution(b) Custom Union(c) Administrative Union(d) Trade UnionAnswer is (b)40. Zollverein / custom unions was:(a) a protection policy followed by Japan(b) establishment of free trade among the German states advocated by Prussia(c) a good example of industrial advancement in Britain(d) none of the aboveAnswer is (b)
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- Fill in the blanks1. The Congress of Vienna restored the French Bourbon monarchy with the coronationof King ________________, the brother of Louis XVI.Answer: Louis XVIII2. The most serious of Napoleon’s mistake was trying to conquer______________.Answer: Russia3. After the defeat of Napoleon, _____________ dynasty was restored in France.Answer: Bourbon4. __________________, the Duke of Austria hosted the Congress of Vienna.Answer: Metternich5. The principle of ____________ involved a basic policy of preventing any one statefrom rising to dominance over any other.Answer: balance of power6. Mazzini began his career as a member of the _____________________.Answer: Carbonari7. __________________ was an underground society in Italy which pledged to resistAustrian control and establish a constitutional rule.Answer: Carbonari8. The ____________________ raised hopes of Italian nationalists in restoring Italianresurgence that would restore the nation’s prestige during the Renaissance.Answer: Revolution of 18489. Garibaldi envisioned a republican Italy built from below by_________________.Answer: popular uprising10. _____________ formed the Red Shirts for unification of his country.Answer: Garibaldi11. In the unification of Italy, Cavour’s plan depended on ________________.Answer: diplomacy12. In _______________, Rome became the capital of the united Italian kingdom.Answer: July 187113. ____________ was the first in Latin America to declare independence from Europeancontrol.Answer: Argentina14. In the Seven Weeks’ War _______________ gained victory over Austria.Answer: Prussia
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- 15. The first step in the completion of German unity was the ________________ War of1870-71.Answer: Franco- Prussian16. The ______________ was a period of widespread violence launched by theCommittee of Public Safety during which as many as 30,000 citizens were executed.Answer: Reign of Terror17. The Communist Manifesto is a book written by ____________________.Answer: Karl Marx18. The most serious source of nationalist tension in Europe, after 1871, was an areacalled _________________.Answer: Balkans19. Romanticism developed first in England and _____________ as a reaction against theEnlightenment.Answer: Germany20. In the history of France, the years 1846 and 1847 were probably the worst of theentire century in terms of want and human suffering, and the decade has earned thename the __________________.Answer: Hungry Forties
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- UNIT III1. During the Boer War the British first insinuated:(a) firing squads(b) concentration camps(c) barbed wire(d) None of the aboveAnswer is (b)2. In general late nineteenth-century imperialism:(a) involved complete independent entrepreneurial activity by merchant and traders(b) was built entirely on trade in opium(c) gave rise new patterns of settlement and social discipline(d) was very little different from the imperialism of the pastAnswer is (c)3. Why did the Europeans control such a small portion in Africa in the 1800s?(a) Africa had no natural resources that the Europeans needed(b) Europeans did not need new markets(c) Europeans were focused on building empires through acquisition of otherEuropean territories(d) Africa had powerful armies, rivers were hard to navigate, and Europeans weresusceptible to diseaseAnswer is (d)4. The Boxer Rebellion in 1900 was ferociously repressed by the forces of:(a) the United States(b) Britain, France and Italy(c) Japan, Russia and Germany(d) All of the aboveAnswer is (d)5. The building of the Suez Canal resulted from the economic and political involvementin Egypt of:(a) France and Italy(b) Russia and France(c) Britain and France(d) BritainAnswer is (c)6. In 1905, the Russian navy was defeated by:(a) Germany(b) France(c) Japan(d) BritainAnswer is (c)7. After the French made Algeria a department:(a) all French settlers were given full rights to citizenship
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- (b) the suffrage was given to all male residents(c) and settlers began to civilize indigenous peoples(d) none of the aboveThe answer is (a)8. One of the richest opium-growing areas in the world located in(a) Eastern China(b) Sumatra(c) Japan(d) North East IndiaAnswer is (d)9. In 1900 there were only three independent African nations. Two of these wereAbyssinia and Morocco. Which was the third?(a) Liberia(b) Libya(c) Union of South Africa(d) EgyptAnswer is (a)10. What was NOT a major motivating factor for the European powers in their scramblefor Africa?(a) To gain prestige(b) To gain economic advantage(c) To bring civilization and Christianity to Africa(d) To gain strategic advantageAnswer is (c)11. The “white man’s burden” was notorious concept popularized by:(a) Rudyard Kipling(b) Karl Pearson(c) Cecil Rhodes(d) Joseph ChamberlainAnswer is (a)12. Christian missionaries in India wanted to:(a) westernize India(b) defer to local culture(c) replace blind superstition(d) all of the aboveAnswer is (c)13. Which of the following did not embrace “scientific racism”?(a) Hubertine Auclert(b) Francis Galton(c) John Stuart Mill(d) Houston Stewart ChamberlainAnswer is (c)14. The London Pan-African Congress of 1900:
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