- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Sameer Patil www.dimr.edu.inMCQs: [206MKT] – [Consumer Behavior]UNIT-I: Introduction to Consumer BehaviourSr. No.QuestionAnswer1Marketers’ every activity revolves around consumer to gauge their behaviourby finding answers to which question?(A) How do consumers buy?(B) When do consumers buy?(C) Where do consumers buy?(D) All of the aboveD2Consumer Behaviour is defined as the behaviour displayed by consumers in________________________________ of products and services that theyexpect will satisfy their needs(A) searching, buying and evaluating(B) searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating and disposing(C) information search, buying and disposing(D) Purchasing, evaluating & disposingB3A study of consumer behavior has become very important for the marketersand facilitates to….(i) adopt a customer culture(ii) follow the marketing concept(iii) solicit support from the society(iv) earn maximum profits(A) (i) & (iii) are true(B) (i), (iii) & (iv) are true(C) (i), (ii) & (iii) are true(D) (ii), (iii) (iv) are trueC4‘Consumerism’ protect the right of consumers & protect consumers from allorganization when(A) there is a buyer-seller relationship(B) he is a regular & loyal customer of the organization(C) there is an exchange relationship(D) he gets a defective productC5‘Too many complex products requiring evaluations along many dimensionsrelating to performance, convenience or even societal concerns.’ What kindof consumer problem is this?(A) Performance gap(B) Information gap(C) Disillusionment with the system(D) Antagonism toward advertisingB6‘Development of consumer information databases causing concern over theaccess & use of it.’ What kind of consumer problem is this?(A) Intrusions of privacyA
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Sameer Patil www.dimr.edu.in(B) Impersonal and unresponsive marketing institutions(C) Disillusionment with the system(D) Antagonism toward advertising7The changing characteristic of a consumer in the context of Evolving IndianEconomy is(A) Rapid urbanization leading to changes in the mindset of consumers(B) Increasing income levels(C) Shift in approach towards family systems(D) All of the aboveD8The result of ICT & changing consumer marketplace is(A) Shopping has become a social activity(B) Shoppers are becoming their own salespeople(C) Shopping has become a seamless, personalized experience &consistent irrespective of the device used or their stage of buyingprocess(D) All are trueD9Consumer purchases are influenced strongly by cultural, social, personal and(A) Psychographic characteristics(B) Psychological characteristics(C) Psychometric characteristics(D) Supply & demand characteristicsB10When Sandy was a college student he enjoyed rock music and regularlypurchased trendy casual clothing sported by his favorite rock band. Howeverfive years later, when Sandy became a marketing executive, his preferencesshifted towards formal clothing. Which of the following personalcharacteristics is likely to have had the most influence on Sandy’s preferencesduring his college days?(A) Education(B) Age(C) Income(D) GenderBUNIT-II: Individual Determinants of Consumer BehaviourSr. No.QuestionAnswer1Which of the following is not the property of ‘Personality’?(A) Personality will reflect individual differences(B) Personality can be acquired and learnt(C) Personality is consistent & enduring(D) Personality can changeB2This is one of the three main interdependent forces of the human personalityreferred as “The individual’s conscious control” according to FreudianPsychoanalytic theory of Personality.A
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Sameer Patil www.dimr.edu.in(A) Ego(B) Id(C) Superego(D) None of these3“How an individual would like the society to see him” is an individual’s_____(A) Ideal Self image(B) Actual Self image(C) Ideal Social self image(D) Social Self imageC4‘Consumers have a tendency to assign certain psychological & symbolic valuesto the brand’ is referred as_______(A) Brand image(B) Brand personality(C) Brand positioning(D) Brand equityB5The minimal or just noticeable difference that can be noticeable between twosimilar stimuli is________(A) Absolute threshold(B) Sensory threshold(C) Differential threshold(D) Subliminal perceptionC6The point at which an individual senses a difference between something ¬hing is referred to as the _____________ for a particular stimulus(A) Subliminal threshold(B) Sensory threshold(C) Differential threshold(D) Absolute thresholdD7There is a tendency among people to consciously see & hear or to beattentive to only certain aspects of the advertising message which is beingcommunicated is called as(A) Perceptual Organization(B) Perceptual Interpretation(C) Perceptual Selection(D) Perceptual IntegrationC8The process during which certain aspects of stimuli are screened out andothers admitted is called as(A) Perceptual selection(B) Perceptual organization(C) Perceptual integration(D) Perceptual interpretationA9People will be selective in their choice of receiving various kinds ofinformation for different products or services based on what interests themrather than the message content and also selection of the media is known as(A) Perceptual selectionB
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Sameer Patil www.dimr.edu.in(B) Selective attention(C) Selective exposure(D) Selective perception10Individual putting a censorship on the stimulus to avoid disturbance of hisexisting beliefs & value is known as(A) Selective perception(B) Selective attention(C) Perceptual blocking(D) Selective exposureD11“A consumer believing that ‘Haier’ washing machine has a betterperformance than other washing machine brands, whereas anotherconsumer doesn’t agree with this claim & believes that all washing machinesare the same.” This is called as(A) Selective exposure(B) Selective perception(C) Selective attention(D) Selective beliefB12A smoker screening out the Warning message on the packet of cigarettewhich create conflict or may give rise to a threatening situation is called as(A) Perceptual blocking(B) Perceptual defense(C) Selective attention(D) Selective exposureB13The method of perceiving stimuli as a unified whole, which enablesindividuals to view life in a simplified manner is called as(A) Perceptual organization(B) Perceptual Interpretation(C) Perceptual Selection(D) None of the aboveA14The advertisement of Microsoft “trying to highlight that the Window’soperating systems can be utilized by all people & also provides them thefeatures to match their ambition to succeed far & wide equally” is based onwhich principle of Gestalt psychology of perceptual organization?(A) Principle of proximity(B) Principle of similarity(C) Principle of continuity(D) Principle of closureC15The logo of IBM is based on which principle of Gestalt psychology ofperceptual organization?(A) Principle of proximity(B) Principle of closureB
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Sameer Patil www.dimr.edu.in(C) Principle of similarity(D) Principle of continuity16The ‘Olympic’ logo is based on which principle of Gestalt psychology ofperceptual organization?(A) Principle of closure(B) Principle of proximity(C) Principle of similarity(D) Principle of good continuationD17“People have a tendency to associate certain persons with others who mayhave certain attributes, irrespective of whether they consciously recognizethe attributes or not” is based on which factor that distort individualperception?(A) Stereotype(B) Halo effect(C) Physical appearance(D) First impressionC18Yami Gautam endorsing the brand ‘fair & Lovely’ is an example of whichfactor of perceptual distortion?(A) First impression(B) Hasty conclusions(C) Stereotypes(D) Personality or Physical appearanceD19“All the doctors are always in a hurry; try to dispose off the patients faster &without proper counseling.” This statement indicates which factor thatdistorts individual perception?(A) Halo effect(B) Stereotypes(C) Hasty conclusions(D) First impressionsB20‘A consumer’s purchase decision while buying a car is based on theimportance given to the look, color etc. rather than the car’s mechanical &technical superiority’, indicates which factor distorting an individual’sperception?(A) Irrelevant cues(B) First impression(C) Hasty conclusions(D) Physical appearanceA21McDonald targeting Indian customers with their ‘Happy Price’ meal menu isan example of which factor that distorts individual perception?D
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Sameer Patil www.dimr.edu.in(A) First impression(B) Hasty conclusions(C) Irrelevant cues(D) Descriptive terms22‘Coca Cola Company introduced many other flavors & fruit juices as theirproduct extension strategy, but consumers had learnt to perceive & link thebrand name to the coke/cola drink only.’ This is an example of which factor ofindividual perceptual distortion?(A) Hasty conclusions(B) Stereotypes(C) First impressions(D) Descriptive termsC23People perceiving and evaluating the ‘Toyota’ car as ‘the best quality’ productis extended to all the brands of Toyota indicates which individual perceptualdistortion factor?(A) Hasty conclusions(B) Descriptive terms(C) Halo effect(D) Physical appearanceC24Marketers are concerned about the consumers’ ________ prices and the_________ prices of the products or services available at the marketplace(A) reference, actual(B) Expected, market(C) Reference, standard(D) Expected, competitiveA25Consumers perceive value in brand when(i) They are cost driven brands; that is the brand costs less as comparedto competing brands offering similar benefits(ii) The product brands have certain unique benefits which offsets theirpremium prices; that is they are referred to as value added benefits(A) Only (i) is true(B) Both (i) & (ii) are true(C) Only (ii) is true(D) None of the statement is trueB26Sometimes consumer is unable to judge the quality, by merely going on thebasis of the product’s physical characteristics because(i) The physical differences that exist between competing brands are notsufficient enough to penetrate across consumer’s sensory thresholds(ii) The consumer may not be sufficiently experienced to determinewhich product differentiation is more important(A) Both (i) & (ii) are true(B) Only (i) is true(C) Only (ii) is true(D) None of the statement is trueA
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Sameer Patil www.dimr.edu.in27The perception of risk varies from person to person, depending on theindividual and the __________(A) type of product(B) shopping method(C) culture of the country(D) All of the aboveD28The risk that the product choice may result in hurting & bringing down themorale & ego of the consumer is(A) Social risk(B) Functional risk(C) Financial risk(D) Psychological riskD29Consumer learning is the process of acquiring the ___________________ and___________ which is applied to future related behaviour(A) Knowledge, experience(B) Purchase knowledge, information(C) Purchase & consumption knowledge, experience(D) Consumption knowledge, informationC30Which of the following is not one of the elements of consumer learning?(A) Experience(B) Reinforcement & retention(C) Cues(D) DriveA31An aroma of the food cooking in a restaurant, increasing the probability of ahungry person entering the restaurant & ordering food is an example ofwhich component of consumer learning?(A) Drive(B) Cues(C) Motivation(D) ResponseB32“A young working woman after seeing a new washing machine at her friend’splace feels an urge to act” is an example of which element of consumerlearning?(A) Motivation(B) Cues(C) Motive(D) DriveD33This element/component of consumer learning acts as an ‘incentive’ to learn& push the consumer to get all information related to the product(A) Cues(B) Response(C) Motivation(D) DriveC34This element of consumer learning is the result of the stimuli and is in theA
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Sameer Patil www.dimr.edu.inphysical form or may be in the terms of complex phenomena such as attitude,perception etc.(A) Response(B) Reaction(C) Reinforcement(D) Retention35After getting a Domino’s pizza delivered in just 30 minutes, a satisfiedcustomer’s learning’ takes place leading to(A) Retention(B) Reinforcement(C) Reaction(D) ResponseB36A lady after having a wonderful experience on visiting a recently opened retailoutlet in her area, continues her store patronage over a period of time iscalled as(A) Response(B) Reinforcement(C) Retention(D) None of the aboveC37This school of thought of the consumer learning theories concentrates on thechanges in the consumer’s psychological set as an outcome of learning(A) Cognitive school(B) Behaviorist school(C) Both(D) None of the aboveA38This school of thought of the consumer learning theories is more concernedwith observing changes in the way an individual responds on account onexposure to stimuli(A) Behaviorist school(B) Cognitive school(C) Both(D) None of the aboveA39This theory of consumer learning describes behaviour as a learned process byrepetitive association between a stimulus and response(A) Operant conditioning theory(B) Cognitive theory(C) Classical conditioning theory(D) None of the aboveC40According to this consumer learning theory, usually the consumer will selectthe response which provides him the greatest satisfaction(A) Operant conditioning theory(B) Classical conditioning theory(C) Cognitive theory(D) None of the aboveA
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Sameer Patil www.dimr.edu.in41According to this consumer learning theory, consumers learn through amethod of trial and error, in which some purchase behaviour can havefavourable outcomes while others may not be so favourable(A) Cognitive theory(B) Operant conditioning theory(C) Classical conditioning theory(D) None of the aboveB42According to this consumer learning theory, the learning is not a result ofcontiguity stimulus and response or re-inforcement but the result of thoughtprocess and insight(A) Operant conditioning theory(B) Classical conditioning theory(C) Cognitive theory(D) None of the aboveC43Marketers are interested in Consumer Memory to answer following question(A) What do consumers do after perceiving the information received(B) What is the role of consumer memory to bridge the gap betweenreceipt of information & actual purchase?(C) What do consumers do after the receipt of information on products &services?(D) All of the aboveD44It can be viewed as the workspace for information processing(A) Long-term memory(B) Short-term memory(C) Sensory memory(D) None of the aboveB45After-image we ‘see’ in our ‘mind’s eyes’ immediately after observing anobject & closing eyes is our(A) Sensory memory(B) Long-term memory(C) Short-term memory(D) None of the aboveA46It is a relatively permanent storehouse for information that has undergonesufficient processing(A) Short-term memory(B) Sensory memory(C) Long-term memory(D) None of the aboveC47This memory is a quite direct representation of reality(A) Sensory memory(B) Long-term memory(C) Short-term memory(D) None of the aboveA48It lasts for the duration of less than one minute & can store approximatelyC
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Sameer Patil www.dimr.edu.inseven items(A) Sensory memory(B) Long-term memory(C) Short-term memory(D) None of the above49Information stored in long term memory in the form of images which couldbe a reflection of our memory of past events is ___________ (explicitmemory/declarative memory/episodic memory) or in the form of words orsentences which reflect facts & concepts remembered by us is ____________(semantic memory/implicit memory/procedural memory)episodicmemory;semanticmemory50Information stored in long term memory in the form of images which couldbe a reflection of our memory of _________ (facts/tasks/past events) isepisodic memory or in the form of words or sentences which reflect_________ (skills & tasks/facts & concepts/experiences) remembered by us issemantic memorypastevents;facts &concepts51Information stored in long term memory in the form of _______(images/information/experience) which could be a reflection of our memoryof past events is episodic memory or in the form of _______(impression/words/knowledge) which reflect facts & concepts rememberedby us is semantic memoryImages;words52Which one of the following is not one of the factors that helps to retrieveinformation from long-term memory?(A) Placement(B) Transfer(C) Activation(D) None of the aboveD53Which one of the following is not one of the factors that inhibit retrieval ofinformation from long-term memory?(A) Interruption(B) Forgetting(C) Extinction(D) InterferenceA54Consumer involvement(A) is related to the consumer’s values and self-concept, which influencethe degree of personal importance ascribed to a product or situation(B) Is related to some form of arousal(C) Can vary across individuals and different situations(D) All of the aboveD55Which one of the following is not one of the ‘antecedents’, which form thebases or sources to influence the nature & extent of consumer involvement?(A) StimulusB
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