- 51Unit - 3Laws of Motion
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- 52SUMMARYImportant Points The law of inertia given by Galileo was represented by Newton as the first law of motion :" If no externalforce acts on a body, the body at rest remains at rest and a body in motion continues to move with thesame velocity."This law gives us definition of force. The momentum of a body vmp is a vector quantity.It gives more information than the velocity.It'sunit is1kgmsor Ns and dimensional formula M1L1T-1. Newton's second law of motion : The time-rate of change in momentum of a body is equal to theresultant external force applied on the body and is in the direction of the exterrnal force.F=dPdtmais the vector relationshipThe SI unit of force is newton (=N) . 1 N = 1 kg ms–2. This law gives the value of force.It is consistentwith the first law.(F=0 indicates thata=0). In this equation the acceleration of the bodyais thatwhich it has when the force is acting on it.(Not of the Past!) .Fis only the resultant external force. The impulse of force is the product of force and the time for which it acts. when a large force acts fora very small time, it is difficult to measureFand t but the change in momentum can be measured,which is equal to the impulse of force (Ft) Newton's third law of motion: " To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction."Forces always act in pairs, and,FAB= –FBA. The action and the reaction act simultaneously.They act ondifferent bodies,hence they cannot be cancelled by adding. But the resultant of the forces betweendifferent parts of the same body becomes zero. The law of conservation of momentum is obtained from Newton's second law and the third law.It iswritten as-"The total momentum of an isolated system remains constant." The concurrent forces are those forces of which the lines of action pass through the same point. Forequilibrium of the body, under the effect of such forces,Fmust be = 0 Moreover, the sum of thecorresponding components also should be zero. (Fx= 0,Fy=o, Fz= 0)- Friction is produced due to the contact force between the surfaces in contact.It opposes the impending orthe real relative motion.Static frictional forcefsfs(max)=sN and the kinetic friction is fk=kN
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- 53Sµ coefficient of static frictionkµ coefficient of kinetic friction andk s * The reference frame , in which Newton's first law of motion is obeyed is called the inertial frame ofreference and the one in which it is not obeyed is called non-inertial frame of reference. The frame ofreference with constant velocity is an inertial frame of reference and one which has acceleration is non-inertial frame of reference.* On a body performing uniform circular motion a force equal to mv2/ r acts towards the centre of thecircular path. This is called the centripetal force.The maximum safe speed on level curved road is vmax= rgµsThe maximum safe speed on a banked curved road is vmax=tanθµ1tanθµrgss* Motion of a body on a friction less inclined plane:As shown in figure body of mass m is placed on a smooth inclined plane making an angleθwith thehorizontal.Here, Ncosmg1 †ÃÜå masinmg2 acceleration of bodyθ= gsinθ.* Motion of a body on a Rough inclined plane:(1) Body moving down : If body moving downwith acceleration a then,mg sinθ– maNµs and N = mg cosθ macosθmgµsinθmgsacosθµsinθgs(2) Body moves up : If body is moving upwards with acceleration a thensg sin θ μ cos θ .a Pseudo Force : In non-inertial frame of reference due to acceleration one more additional force acting ona body in the opposite direction of acceleration of frame of reference is called pseudo force (FP) . when a man of weight m climbs on the rope with acceleration a then tension in the rope is T = m(g + a). When man sliding down with acceleration a then tension in the rope is T = m(g – a).
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- 54* When masses in contact:In figure massesm1,m2andm3are placed in contact on a surface.acceleration1 2 3Fam m m Force onm1:F1= FForce onm2: F2= (m2+ m3)2 31 2 3m m Fam m m Force on m3: 33 31 2 3m FF m am m m * Masses connected by strings:Consider two masses1mand2mplaced on a frictionless horizontal surface connected by a lightinextensibule string.If1mis pulled by a force F then a tension T is developed,in the string.For1m:For1 2 2F –T = m a , m : T = m aTension in string21 2,m FTm macceleration1 2.Fam ma2m1mT TFFa1m2m3m
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- 55MCQFor the answer of the following questions choose the correct alternative from among the given ones.1. The velocity of a body of mass 20 kg decreases from 20 ms–1to 5 ms–1in a distance of 100 m. Forceon the body is(A) -27.5 N (B) -47.5 N (C) -37.5 N (D) -67.5 N2. A ball of mass 0.2 kg is thrown vertically upwards by applying a force by hand. If the hand moves0.2 m while applying the force and the ball goes upto 2 m height further, find the magnitude of theforce. (Consider g = 10 ms–2)(A) 16 N (B) 20 N (C) 22 N (D) 4 N3. Formula for true force is(A)F ma(C) d mvFdt(B)dvF mdt(D)22d xF = mdt4. A particle moves in the X–Y plane under the influence of a force such that its linear momentum is^ ^P (t) A[ i cos (kt) j sin(kt)] where A and k are constants. The angle between the force andmomentum is(A) 00`(B) 300(C) 450(D) 9005. Force of 5 N acts on a body of weight 9.8 N. what is the acceleration produced in ms-2(A)49.00 (B) 5.00 (C) 1.46 (D) 0.516. A lift is going up. The total mass of the lift and the passenger is 1000 kg The variation in the speed ofthe lift is as given in the graph. The tension in the rope pulling the lift at t= 10.5 sec will be(A) 8000 N(B) Zero(C) 12000 N(D) 17400 N7. Same force acts on two bodies of different masses 2 kg and 4 kg initially at rest. The ratio of timesrequired to acquire same final velocity is(A) 2:1 (B) 1:2 (C) 1:1 (D) 4:168. Which of the following quantities measured from different inertial reference frames are same(A) Force (B) Velocity (C) Displacement (D) Kinetic Energy2 10 123.61t (sec)
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- 569. 10,000 small balls, each weighing 1 g strike one square cm of area per second with a velocity100 ms–1in a normal direction and rebound with the same velocity. The value of pressure on the surfacewill be(A)23Nm102(B)25Nm102(C)27Nm10(D)27Nm10210. When the speed of a moving body is doubled(A) Its acceleration is doubled(B) Its momentum is doubled(C) Its kinetic energy is doubled(D) Its potential energy is doubled11. A particle moves in the XY Plane under the action of a force F such that the components of its linearmomentum P at any time t are Px = 2 cost, Py = 2 sint. The angle between F and P at time t is(A) 900(B) 00(C) 1800(D) 30012. A player caught a cricket ball of mass 150 g moving at the rate of 20 ms-1. If the catching process becompleted in 0.1 s the force of the blow exerted by the ball on the hands of player is(A) 0.3 N (B) 30 N C) 300 N (D) 3000 N13. A body of mass 5 kg starts from the origin with an initial velocity^ ^-1u=30 i +40 j ms. If a constantForce–^ ^F= i +5 j N acts on the body, the time in which the y-component of the velocity becomeszero is(A) 5 s (B) 20 s (C) 40 s (D) 80 sThird law of motion14. Swimming is possible on account of(A) First law of motion (B) second law of motion(C) Third law of motion (D) Newton's law of gravitation15. A cold soft drink is kept on the balance.When the cap is open, then the weight(A) Increases (B) Decreases (C) First increase then decreases (D) Remains same
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- 57Conservation of linear momentum and impulse16. A wagon weighing 1000 kg is moving with a velocity 50 km h-1on smooth horizontal rails. A massof 250 kg is dropped into it. The velocity with which it moves now is(A)1hkm5.2(B)1hkm20(C)1hkm40(D)1hkm5017. The Figure shows the Position-time (x-t) graph of one dimensional motion of a body of mass 0.4 kg .The magnitude of each impluse is(A) 0.2 Ns (B) 0.4 Ns(C) 0.8 Ns (D) 1.6 NsEqullibrium of Forces18. Three Forces F1, F2and F3together keep a body in equilibrium. If F1= 3 N along the positive X- axis,F2= 4N along the positive Y-axis ,then the third force F3is(A) 5 N -making an angleθ= tan–143with negative y-axis(B) 5 N - making an angleθ= tan–134with negative y-axis(C) 7 N - making an angleθ= tan–143with negative y-axis(D) 7 N - making an angleθ= tan–134with negative y-axis19. A solid sphere of mass 2 kg is resting inside a cube as shown in the figure. The cube is moving witha velocity–^ ^1v = 5t i+ 2t j ms Here t is the time in second. All surfaces are smooth. The sphereis at rest with respect to the cube. what is the total force exerted by the sphere on the cube(g = 10 ms–2)(A)N29(B) 29 N(C) 26 N (D)N89y0xA BD Cx (m)0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16t (s)
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- 5820. A particle of mass 2 kg is initially at rest. A force acts on it whose magnitude changes with time. Theforce time graph is shown below.The velocity of the particle after 10s is(A) 10 ms-1(B) 20 ms-1(C) 75 ms-1(D) 50 ms-121. A block of mass 4 kg is placed on a rough horizontal plane. A time dependent force F = Kt2acts ona block , where k = 22sN, co-efficient of friction0.8µ .Force of friction between the block and theplane at t = 2 S is.....(A) 32 N (B) 4 N (C) 2 N (D) 8 N22. A 7 kg object is subjected to two forces (in newton)^ ^1F =20i+30 jand^ ^2F = 8i-5 jThe magnitude ofresulting acceleration in ms–2will be(A) 5 (B) 4 (C) 3 (D) 223. A car travelling at a speed of 30 km/h is brought to a halt in 8 metres by applying brakes. If the samecar is travelling at 60 km/h it can be brought to a halt with the same breaking power in(A) 8 m (B) 16 m (C) 24 m (D) 32 m24. A given object takes n times more time to slide down 450rough inclined plane as it takes to slide downa perfactly smooth 450incline. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the object and the incline is(A)212 n(B)211n(C)211n(D)211 - n25. Two bodies of equal masses revolve in circular orbits of radii R1and R2with the same period Theircentripetal forces are in the ratio.(A)212RR(B)21RR(C)221RR(D)1 2R R26. Two masses M and2Mare joined together by means of light inextensible string passed over africtionless pulley as shown in fig. When the bigger mass is released, the small one will ascend with anacceleration(A)3g(B)32g(C) g (D)2g01020F (N)t (s)2MM
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- 5927. A 0.5 kg ball moving with a speed of 12 ms-1strikes a hard wall at an angle of 300with the wall.It is reflected with the same speed and at the same angle. If the ball is in contact with the wall for0.025 S the average force acting on the wall is(A) 96 N (B) 48 N (C) 24 N (D) 12 N28 A shell of mass 200g is ejected from a gun of mass 4 kg by an explosion that generates 1.05 KJ ofenergy. The initial velocity of the shell is(A) 100 ms-1(B) 80 ms-1(C) 40 ms-1(D) 120 ms-129. A gramophone record is revolving with an anguler velocity A coin is placed at a distance r from thecentre of the record. The coefficient of static friction isµ. The coin will revolve with the record if(A) r =µg2(B)2rµg(C)2µgr(D)2µgr30. A stone of mass 2 k g is tied to a string of length 0.5 m It the breaking tension of the string is 900N,then the maximum angular velocity the stone can have in uniform circular motion is(A) 30 rad/s (B) 20 rad/s (C) 10 rad/s (D) 25 rad/s31. A body of mass 6 kg is hanging from another body of mass 10 kg as shown in fig. This conbination isbeing pulled up by a string with an acceleration of 2 ms–2. the tension T1is (g = 10 ms–2)(A) 240 N(B) 150 N(C) 220 N(D) 192 N32. A sparrow flying in air sits on a stretched telegraph wire. If the weight of the sparrow is W ,which of thefollowing is true about the tension T produced in the wire?(A) T = W (B) T < W (C) T = 0 (D) T >W33. Fig. shows the displacement of a particle going along X-axis as a function of time. The force acting onthe particle is zero in the region(A) AB(B) BC(C) CD(D) None of theseT110 kg6 kgaT2XADisplacementB CDTimeY
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- 6034. A Force (F) varies with time (t) as shown in fig. Average force over a complete cycle is-(A) Zero (B)2F0(C)0F(D)0F235. A body of mass 0.05 kg is falling with acceleration 9.4 ms–2. The force exerted by air opposite tomotion is N (g=9.8 ms–2)(A) 0.02 (B) 0.20 (C) 0.030 (D) Zero36. The average force necessary to stop a hammer with 25 NS momentun in 0.04 sec is ___________N(A) 625 (B) 125 (C) 50 (D) 2537. Newton's third law of motion leads to the law of consrevation of(A) Angular momentum (B) Energy (C) mass (D) momentum38. A ball falls on surface from 10 m height and rebounds to 2.5 m. If duration of contact with floor is0.01 sec. then average aceleration during contact is _______________ms-2(A) 2100 (B) 1400 (C) 700 (D) 40039. A vehicle of 100 kg is moving with a velocity of 5sm. To stop it in101sec, the required forcein opposite direction is _______________N(A) 50 (B) 500 (C) 5000 (D) 100040. The linear momentum P of a particle varies with the time as follows.2btaP Where a and b areconstants. The net force acting on the particle is _____________(A) Proportional to t (B) Proportional to t2(C) Zero (D) constant41. A vessel containing water is given a constant acceleration a towards the right, along a straight horizontalpath. which of the following diagram represents the surface of the liquid ?(A) (B) (C) (D)42. A body of 2 kg has an initial speed 5 m/s. A force act on it for some time in the directine of motion.The force( )F---------time (t) graph is shown in figure. The final speed of the body is _________(A) 9.25 ms-1(B) 5 ms-1(C) 14.25 ms-1(D) 4.25 ms-12 4 4.5 6.5F (N)42.5t (s)Ft0F0a a a a
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