Logical Reasoning Questions and Answers
Question Bank
8 Pages
Contributed by
Javed Hanuman Bhalla
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- LOGICAL REASONING QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS1. Among A, B, C, D and E each having different amount of money, C has more money than only E. Bhas more money than D out less than A. Who among them has the highest amount of money?(1) B (2) A (3) D (4) Data inadequate(5) None of theseAns. (2)2. In a certain code 'GIVE' is written as '51@©' and 'FAIL' is written as '%219'. How is LEAF writ-ten inthat code ?(1) 5©2% (2) 9©2% (3) 9@2% (4) 9©1%(5) None of theseAns. (2)3. Which of the following is the middle digit of the second highest number among the five three digitnumbers given below ? 512 739 428 843 654(1) 1 (2) 3 (3) 2 (4) 4(5) 5Ans. (2)4. Which of the following is the eighth to the right of the fourteenth from to the right of the fourteenth fromthe arrangement?(1) V (2) 4 (3) % (4) E(5) None of theseAns. (5)5. In a certain code language 'RISE' is written as '8419', and 'MEAL' is written as '5927'. How is 'RAILwritten in that code ?(1) 8429 (2)8124 (3)8247 (4) 8412(5) 2948Ans. (3)Directions (6 - 10) : In the following questions, the symbols @, ©, $. % and * are used with the followingmeanings as illustrated below:P © Q means 'P is not smaller than QP -k B means P is not greater than QP © Q means P is neither greater than nor smaller than QP $ Q means P is neither smaller than nor equal to QP % Q means P is neither greater than nor equal to QNow in each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find which of theconclusions I, II, III and IV given below them is/are definitely true and give your answers accordingly.6, Statements:K © L, L % O, O @ M, M • NConclusions :I. N © OII. M $ LIII. K * NIV. L @ N(1) Only II is true (2) Only I and II are true (3) Only I is true (4) Either I or II is true(5) None is trueAns. (2)
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- http://www.pappulal.com/practice-papers/index.html Page 3 of 87. Statements:A • B, B $ C, C % D, D © EConclusions:I. D $ AII. BS DIII. E % CIV. A @ E(1) Only I is true (2) Only either I or II is true (3) Only I and rv are true(4) None is true (5) Only IV is trueAns. (4)8. Statements:F $ P, P @ R, R © S, S % TConclusions:I. R % FII. S • PIII. P © TIV. S % F(1) Only I, Hand III are true (2) Only I and II are true (3) Only III and IV are true(4) Only I, II and IV are true (5) All are trueAns. (4)9. Statements:G % H, H • I. I $ J, J @ KConclusions:I. G % III. G % JIII. K $ IIV. H • J(1) Only I is true (2) Only II is true (3) Only I, II and III are true(4) Only either I or II and III are true (5) All is trueAns. (1)10. Statements:V @ W, W % X, X • Y, Y $ ZConclusions:I. Z$ XII. Y© VIII. W % YIV. Y @ W(1) Only I and III are true (2) Only II is true (3) Only III is true (4) None is true(5) Only III and IV are trueAns. (3)11. What is D's position with respect to B?(A) Immediate right
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- http://www.pappulal.com/practice-papers/index.html Page 4 of 8(B) Fourth to the right(C) Third to the left(D) Immediate left(1) Only A (2) Only B (3) Only B and C (4) Only D(5) Only either A or DAns. (4)12. Prakash walked 30 metres towards West, took a left turn and walked 20 metres. He again took a lefttum and walked 30 metres. He then took a right turn and stopped. Towards which direction was hefacing when he stopped ?(1) South (2) North (3) East (4) Data inadequate(5) None of theseAns. (2)13. It is possible to make only one meaningful word with the first, fourth, seventh and the eighth letters ofthe word 'ELECTORAL', which would be the second letter of the word ? If more than one such wordcan be formed, give X as the answer. If no such word can be formed, give K as your answer.(1) C (2) K (3) X (4) E(5) AAns. (3)14. The positions of the first and the sixth digits in the number 5109233674 arid interchanged. Similarlythe positions of the second and the seventh digits are interchanged and so on. Which of the followingwill be the third digit from the right end after- the rearrangement'?(1) 9 (2) 0 (3) 6 (4) 3(5) None of theseAns. (2)15. If A means V, B means V, C means '–' and D means '+', then 4 D 16 A 5 B 8 C 5 = ?(1) 9 (2) 16 (3) 13 (4) 7.5(5) 12Ans. (1)16. In a certain code MAIN is written as '9364' and DEAR is written as '8532'. How is MEND written in thatcode ?(1) 9548 (2) 9458 (3) 9538 (4) 9528(5) None of theseAns. (1)17. Peter walks 5 m towards West, takes a right turn and walks 5m again. He then takes anotherright turn and walks 20m. He then takes a final right turn and walks 5m before stopping.How far is he from the starting point ?(1) 20m (2) 5 m (3) 25 m (4) 5 m(5) None of theseAns. (4)18. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word ENGULFED each of which has as many lettersbetween them in the word as in the English aiphabet ?(1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three(5) More than threeAns. (5)
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- http://www.pappulal.com/practice-papers/index.html Page 5 of 819. Which of the following is the difference between the second digits of the highest and the lowest ofthese numbers ?(1) 3 (2) 1 (3) 2 (4) 0(5) None of theseAns. (3)Directions (19 - 24): In each of the questions given below which of the five answer figures on the rightshould come after the problem figures on the left, if the sequence were continued?20.Ans. (1)21.Ans. (3)22.Ans. (1)23.Ans. (2)24.Ans. (5)Directions (25 – 29): Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below :L5$9N*SE#Q(5U6%@F© V&8AZ7K4WM3C225. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the above arrangementand so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?(1) %F@ (2) 74K (3) 59$ (4) #PQ(5) 87ZAns. (5)26. How many such letters are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preced-edby a symbol and also followed by a symbol ?
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- http://www.pappulal.com/practice-papers/index.html Page 6 of 8(1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three(5) More than threeAns. (4)27. How many such numbers are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately precededby a vowel and immediately followed by a number ?(1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three(5) More than threeAns. (1)28. Which of the following is the fifth to the left of the sixteenth front the left end of the abovearrangement?(1) A (2) 8 (3) U (4) P(5) None of theseAns. (4)29. If all the numbers are dropped from the above arrangement, which of the following will be the seventhfrom the right end of the above arrangement ?(1) A (2) & (3) V (4) #(5) 9Ans. (2)30. How many meaningful English words can be made with the letters RTOU using each letter only oncein each word ?(1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three(5) More than threeAns. (3)31. What should come next in the following number series ?6 8 8 1 2 6 8 6 1 2 3 6 8 8 1 2 3 4 6 8 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 ?(1) 6 (2) 1 (3) 4 (4) 8(5) None of theseAns. (4)32. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word 'CONFIRM' each of which has as many lettersbetween them in the word as in the English alphabet ?(1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three(5) More than threeAns. (3)Directions (33 - 37) : Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below.Q 9 K # P @ 3 E N S A C * G © U l M 7 F I V % 4 Z 8 Y33. If all the numbers are dropped from the above arrangement, which of the following will be theseventeenth from the right end ?(1) E (2) P (3) I (4) C(5) @Ans. (5)34. Which of the following is the sixth to the left of the fifth to the left of V ?(1) 3 (2) A (3) N (4) S(5) None of theseAns. (4)35. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the above arrangementand so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?
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- http://www.pappulal.com/practice-papers/index.html Page 7 of 8(1) IM% (2) CNG (3) 3#N (4) UGC(5) GAUAns. (4)36. How many such symbols are there in above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded byan alphabet and immediately followed by a number?(1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three(5) More than threeAns. (3)37. How many such vowels are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately precededby a number and immediately followed by a consonant ?(1) None (2) One (3) Three (4) Two(5) None of theseAns. (2)38. If 'P' denotes '-': 'Q' denotes '÷', 'R' denotes 'x' and 'W denotes'+' then — 48 Q 12 R 10 P 8 W 4 = ?(1) 56 (2) 40 (3) 52 (4) 44(5) None of theseAns. (5)Directions (39 – 40): In each of the questions given below which one of the five answer figures shouldcome after the problem figures If the sequence were continued ?39.Ans. (4)40.Ans. (1)
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- http://www.pappulal.com/practice-papers/index.html Page 8 of 8Download FREE PDF Sample Papers1. BANK SAMPLE PAPERS: http://www.pappulal.com/practice-papers/bank-papers.html2. CBSE SAMPLE PAPERS: http://www.pappulal.com/practice-papers/cbse-papers.html3. UPSC/SSC SAMPLE PAPERS: http://www.pappulal.com/practice-papers/ssc-and-upsc-papers.html4. RAIWAYS SAMPLE PAPERS: http://www.pappulal.com/practice-papers/railways-sample-and-practice-papers.html5. ENGINEERING SAMPLE PAPERS: http://www.pappulal.com/practice-papers/engineering-papers.html6. MEDICAL SAMPLE PAPERS: http://www.pappulal.com/practice-papers/medical-papers.html7. NTSE SAMPLE PAPERS: http://www.pappulal.com/practice-papers/ntse-and-olympiad-papers.html8. LAW SAMPLE PAPERS: http://www.pappulal.com/practice-papers/law-papers.html9. MBA SAMPLE PAPERS: http://www.pappulal.com/practice-papers/mba-and-mca-papers.html10. CPT SAMPLE PAPERS: http://www.pappulal.com/practice-papers/ca-and-cs-papers.html
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