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- CENTER FOR DISTANCE & ONLINE EDUCATIONUtkal University, Bhubaneswar-7, OdishaEmail: helpline@ddceutkal.ac.inWebsite: www.ddceutkal.ac.in© Centre for Distance & Online Education, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar-751007 The studymaterial is developed exclusively for the use of the students admitted under DDCE, Utkal University.Name of the Study Material: Managerial EconomicsISBN : ************Author's Name:Dr. Sanjib Kumar HotaEdited by: Dr.TK SatpathyYear of Print: 2020No. of Copies: ******Printed and Published by:VIKAS® PUBLISHING HOUSE PVT LTDE-28, Sector-8, Noida - 201301 (UP)Phone: 0120-4078900 Fax: 0120-4078999Regd. Office: A-27, 2nd Floor, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate, New Delhi 1100 44Website: www.vikaspublishing.com Email: helpline@vikaspublishing.comFor:Centre for Distance & Online EducationUtkal University, Bhubaneswar - 751007www.ddceutkal.ac.in
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- CENTER FOR DISTANCE & ONLINE EDUCATIONUTKAL UNIVERSITY : VANI VIHAR BHUBANESWAR:-751007.From the Director’s DeskThe Directorate of Distance & Continuing Education, originally established as the University EveningCollege way back in 1962 has travelled a long way in the last 52 years. ‘EDUCATION FOR ALL’ is our motto.Increasingly the Open and Distance Learning institutions are aspiring to provide education for anyone,anytime and anywhere. DDCE, Utkal University has been constantly striving to rise up to the challenges ofOpen Distance Learning system. Nearly ninety thousand students have passed through the portals of thisgreat temple of learning. We may not have numerous great tales of outstanding academic achievements butwe have great tales of success in life, of recovering lost opportunities, tremendous satisfaction in life, turningpoints in career and those who feel that without us they would not be where they are today. There are alsoflashes when our students figure in best ten in their honours subjects. In 2014 we have as many as fifteenstudents within top ten of honours merit list of Education, Sanskrit, English and Public Administration,Accounting and Management Honours. Our students must be free from despair and negative attitude. Theymust be enthusiastic, full of energy and confident of their future. To meet the needs of quality enhancementand to address the quality concerns of our stake holders over the years, we are switching over to selfinstructional material printed courseware. Now we have entered into public private partnership to bring outquality SIM pattern courseware. Leading publishers have come forward to share their expertise with us. Anumber of reputed authors have now prepared the course ware. Self Instructional Material in printed bookformat continues to be the core learning material for distance learners. We are sure that students would gobeyond the course ware provided by us. We are aware that most of you are working and have also familyresponsibility. Please remember that only a busy person has time for everything and a lazy person has none.We are sure you will be able to chalk out a well planned programme to study the courseware. By choosing topursue a course in distance mode, you have made a commitment for self improvement and acquiring highereducational qualification. You should rise up to your commitment. Every student must go beyond thestandard books and self instructional course material. You should read number of books and use ICT learningresources like the internet, television and radio programmes etc. As only limited number of classes will beheld, a student should come to the personal contact programme well prepared. The PCP should be used forclarification of doubt and counseling. This can only happen if you read the course material before PCP. Youcan always mail your feedback on the course ware to us. It is very important that you discuss the contents ofthe course materials with other fellow learners.We wish you happy reading.DIRECTOR
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- 4MANAGERIAL ECONOMICSBlockNoBlockUnit NoUnit1Significance andScope ofManagerialEconomics1Role of Managers in Business2Economic paradigms applicable to business analysis2Market Demand:3Determinants of Demand and Supply,Elasticity of Demand,4Indifference Curve Analysis,5Consumer’s Equilibrium Price6Income and Substitution Effects,7Demand Forecasting.3ProductionFunction8Production decision making,9Short Run Long Run ProductionFunctions.4Market AnalysisProfit Analysis10Cost Structure, Various Cost ConceptsCost Estimation,11Pricing andOutput decisions in Perfect Competition,12Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition13Oligopoly14Theories of Profit15Break Even Analysis, Managerial Decisions,16BusinessCycle.
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- 5CENTRE FOR DISTANCE AND ONLINE EDUCATION, UTKAL UNIVERSITY,BHUBANESWARProgram Name: Master in Commerce Program Code: 030300 Course Name: Managerial EconomicCourse Code: MCM-2.4 Semester: I Credit: 4 Block No. 1 to 4 Unit No. 1 to 16EXPERT COMMITTEE:COURSE WRITER:Dr Sanjib Kumar HotaCOURSE EDITORSREFERENCESMATERIAL PRODUCTION
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- 6UNIT-I SIGNIFICANCE AND SCOPE OF MANAGERIALECONOMICS1.1 MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS- CONCEPT, NATURE, SCOPE,SIGNIFICANCE AND ROLE IN DECISION MAKING1.1.1 Introduction to Managerial Economics1.1.2 Scope of Managerial Economics1.1.3 Nature of Managerial Economics1.1.4 Principles of Managerial Economics1.1.5 Role of a Managerial Economist1.1.6 Significance of Managerial Economics1.1.7 Important Economic Concepts and Terms1.1.8 Different attributes for Managerial Economic skill Development1.1.9 Summary1.1.10 Self-Assessment QuestionsUNIT-2 DEMAND AND CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR2.1 THE DEMAND ANALYSIS2.1.1 Concepts of Revenue: TR, AR and MR2.1.2 Relationship between AR (Demand Curve) and MR curve under Perfectcompetition2.1.3 Relationship between AR(Demand curve) and MR curve under imperfectcompetition2.1.4 Significance of the Concept of Revenue2.1.5 Demand-Concept2.1.6 Determinants of Demand2.1.7 Law of Demand2.1.8 Market Demand2.1.9 Shift in Demand2.1.10 Elasticity of Demand - concept2.1.11 Price Elasticity of Demand2.1.12 Income Elasticity of Demand2.1.13 Cross Elasticity of Demand2.1.14 Promotional Elasticity of Demand2.1.15 Supply Analysis and Market Equilibrium2.1.16 Demand Forecasting2.1.17 Summary2.1.18 Self Assessment Questions
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- 72.2 THE INDIFFERENCE CURVE ANALYSIS2.2.1 Consumer Behaviour- Introduction2.2.2 Concept of Indifference Curve and Marginal Rate of Substitution2.2.3 Properties of Indifference Curve2.2.4 The Budget Line or Price Line2.2.5 Consumer’s Equilibrium under IC Analysis2.2.6 Price consumption curve and Price elasticity2.2.7 Income Consumption Curve and Engle Curve2.2.8 Price Change and Income and Substitution Effects2.2.9 Derivation of Individual Demand Curves from IC2.2.10 Summary2.2.11 Self Assessment QuestionsUNIT-3 PRODUCTION FUNCTION3.1 PRODUCTION FUNCTION3.1.1 Production Function3.1.2 Production Function with one Variable Input (SRPF)3.1.3 Production Iso-quants & Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution3.1.4 Iso-cost Line3.1.5 The Optimal Combination of Resources (Producers Equilibrium –LRPF)3.1.6 The Expansion Path3.1.7 Economic Region of Production3.1.8 Returns to Scale –Concept3.1.9 Returns to scale using Iso-quant3.1.10 Summary3.1.11 Self-Assessment QuestionsUnit-4 MARKET ANALYSIS4.1 COST OF PRODUCTION4.1.1 Cost of Production: Social and private costs of production4.1.2 Short run Cost and Cost Curve4.1.3 Long run Average Cost Curve and its implications.4.1.4 Summary4.1.5 Self Assessment Questions4.2 PERFECT COMPETITION
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- 84.2.1 Perfect competition: Concept and Assumptions4.2.2 Demand Curve of a Firm4.2.3 Supply Curve of Firm and Industry-Short run and Long-run4.2.4 Equilibrium of the firm in Short-run4.2.5 Equilibrium of the Industry in Short-run4.2.6 Equilibrium of the firm in Long-run4.2.7 Equilibrium of the Industry in Long-run4.2.8 Measuring producer surplus under perfect competition4.2.9 Summary4.2.10 Self Assessment Questions4.3 MONOPOLY4.3.1 Monopoly: Concept4.3.2 Short-Run Equilibrium under Monopoly4.3.3 Long-Run Equilibrium under Monopoly4.3.4 Absence of the Supply Curve in Monopoly4.3.5 Effect of Shifts in the demand curve in Monopoly4.3.6 Effect of the change in cost4.3.7 Measurement of monopoly power and the rule of thumb for pricing,4.3.8 Horizontal and vertical integration of firms4.3.9 Differences between Monopoly and Perfect Competition4.3.10 Summary4.3.11 Self Assessment Questions4.4 MONOPOLISTIC COMPETITION4.4.1 Imperfect Competition4.4.2 Monopolistic competition4.4.3 Equilibrium of a firm (Short-run)4.4.4 Equilibrium of a Group (long-run) and economic efficiency4.4.5 Summary4.4.6 Self Assessment Questions4.5 OLIGOPOLY4.5.1 Oligopoly:4.5.2 Oligopoly and Interdependence (Kinked Demand Curve)4.5.3 Basic concept of Game Theory4.5.4 Summary4.5.5 Self Assessment QuestionsUNIT-5 PROFIT ANALYSIS5.1 Profit and Theories of Profit5.1.1 Introduction5.1.2 Theories of profit5.1.3 Break-even Analysis
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- 95.1.4 Summary5.1.5 Self-Assessment Questions5.2 BUSINESS CYCLE5.2.1 Introduction- Concept of business cycle5.2.2 Phases of business cycle5.2.3 Causes of business cycle5.2.4 Effects of business cycle5.2.5 Remedial measures of business cycle5.2.6 Theories of Business cycle5.2.7 Summary5.2.8 Self-Assessment Questions
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- 10UNIT-ISIGNIFICANCE AND SCOPE OF MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS1.1 CHAPTERMANAGERIAL ECONOMICS- CONCEPT, NATURE, SCOPE,SIGNIFICANCE AND ROLE IN DECISION MAKINGObjectivesAfter studying this unit, you should be able to:- understand the concept, nature and scope of managerial economics- assess the relationship of managerial economics with other disciplines- discuss why managers need to know economics- analyze the role of managerial economics in business decision makingStructure:1.1.1 Introduction to Managerial Economics1.1.2 Scope of Managerial Economics1.1.3 Nature of Managerial Economics1.1.4 Principles of Managerial Economics1.1.5 Role of a Managerial Economist1.1.6 Significance of Managerial Economics1.1.7 Important Economic Concepts and Terms1.1.8 Different attributes for Managerial Economic skill Development1.1.9 Summary1.1.10 Self-Assessment Questions1.1.1 Introduction to Managerial EconomicsManagerial Economics is basically a blend of Economics and Management. Two branches ofeconomics i.e. micro economics and macro economics are the major contributors tomanagerial economics. Micro Economics is the study of the behaviour of individualconsumers and firms whereas microeconomics is the study of economy as a whole.
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