High Performance Computing

Multiple Choice Questions 170 Pages

Contributed by

Aarav Patel
  • Seat No -
    Total number of questions : 60
    11342_High Performance Computing
    Time : 1hr
    Max Marks : 50
    1) All questions are Multiple Choice Questions having single correct option.
    2) Attempt any 50 questions out of 60.
    3) Use of calculator is allowed.
    4) Each question carries 1 Mark.
    5) Specially abled students are allowed 20 minutes extra for examination.
    6) Do not use pencils to darken answer.
    7) Use only black/blue ball point pen to darken the appropriate circle.
    8) No change will be allowed once the answer is marked on OMR Sheet.
    9) Rough work shall not be done on OMR sheet or on question paper.
    10) Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE for each answer.
    Q.no 1. MIPS stands for?
    A : Mandatory Instructions/sec
    B : Millions of Instructions/sec
    C : Most of Instructions/sec
    D : Many Instructions / sec
    Q.no 2. Depth First Search is equivalent to which of the traversal in the Binary
    A : Pre-order Traversal
    B : Post-order Traversal
    C : Level-order Traversal
    D : In-order Traversal

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  • Q.no 3. Regarding implementation of Breadth First Search using queues, what is
    the maximum distance between two nodes present in the queue? (considering
    each edge length 1)
    A : Can be anything
    B : 0
    C : At most 1
    D : Insufficient Information
    Q.no 4. Calling a kernel is typically referred to as _________.
    A : kernel thread
    B : kernel initialization
    C : kernel termination
    D : kernel invocation
    Q.no 5. The decomposition technique in which the function is used several
    number of times is called as_________
    A : Data Decomposition
    B : Recursive Decomposition
    C : Speculative Decomposition
    D : Exploratory Decomposition
    Q.no 6. The decomposition technique in which the input is divided is called
    A : Data Decomposition
    B : Recursive Decomposition
    C : Speculative Decomposition
    D : Exploratory Decomposition
    Q.no 7. Several instructions execution simultaneously in ________________
    A : processing
    B : parallel processing

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  • C : serial processing
    D : multitasking
    Q.no 8. Following is not decomposition technique
    A : Data Decomposition
    B : Recursive Decomposition
    C : Serial Decomposition
    D : Exploratory Decomposition
    Q.no 9. How many Attibutes required to characterize messsage passing paragdigm
    A : 2
    B : 4
    C : 6
    D : 8
    Q.no 10. Which of the following is not an in-place sorting algorithm?
    A : Selection sort
    B : Heap sort
    C : Quick Sort
    D : Merge sort
    Q.no 11. The time complexity of heap sort in worst case is
    A : O(log n)
    B : O(n)
    C : O(nlogn)
    D : O(n^2)
    Q.no 12. Most message-passing programs are written using
    A : the single program multiple data (SPMD) model.
    B : the multiple program and single data(MPSD) model

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  • C : the single program single data (SPSD) model
    D : the Multiple program multiple data (SPMD) model
    Q.no 13. Decomposition stands for
    A : Dividing Problem statement
    B : Dividing no of processors
    C : Dividing number of tasks
    D : Dividing number of operation
    Q.no 14. Message-passing programs are often written using
    A : symetric Paradigm
    B : asymetric Paradigm
    C : asynchronous paradigm
    D : synchronous paradigm
    Q.no 15. Following is not mapping technique
    A : Static Mapping
    B : Dynamic Mapping
    C : Hybrid Mapping
    D : All of Above
    Q.no 16. Which of the following is not a stable sorting algorithm?
    A : Insertion sort
    B : Selection sort
    C : Bubble sort
    D : Merge sort
    Q.no 17. Type of HPC applications of
    A : Management
    B : Media mass

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  • C : Business
    D : Science
    Q.no 18. The kernel code is dentified by the________qualifier withvoidreturn type
    A : _host_
    B : __global__
    C : _device_
    D : void
    Q.no 19. The time complexity of a quick sort algorithm which makes use of
    median, found by an O(n) algorithm, as pivot element is
    A : O(n^2)
    B : O(nlogn)
    C : O(nlog(log(n))
    D : O(n)
    Q.no 20. When the Breadth First Search of a graph is unique?
    A : When the graph is a Binary Tree
    B : When the graph is a Linked List
    C : When the graph is a n-ary Tree
    D : When the graph is a Ternary Tree
    Q.no 21. Which of the following is not an application of Depth First Search?
    A : For generating topological sort of a graph
    B : For generating Strongly Connected Components of a directed graph
    C : Detecting cycles in the graph
    D : Peer to Peer Networks
    Q.no 22. The logical view of a machine supporting the message-passing paradigm
    consists of p processes, each with its own _______
    A : Partitioned Address space

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  • B : Exclusive address space
    C : Logical Adress Space
    D : Non shared Adress Space
    Q.no 23. Which one of the following is not shared by threads?
    A : program counter
    B : stack
    C : both program counter and stack
    D : none of the mentioned
    Q.no 24. Which of the following is a stable sorting algorithm?
    A : Merge sort
    B : Typical in-place quick sort
    C : Heap sort
    D : Selection sort
    Q.no 25. In ………………. only one process at a time is allowed into its critical
    section, among all processes that have critical sections for the same resource.
    A : Mutual Exclusion
    B : Synchronization
    C : Deadlock
    D : Starvation
    Q.no 26. We have an internet cloud of resources In cloud computing to form
    A : Centralized computing
    B : Decentralized computing
    C : Parallel computing
    D : All of Above
    Q.no 27. Broader concept offers Cloud computing .to select which of the following.
    A : Parallel computing

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  • B : Centralized computing
    C : Utility computing
    D : Decentralized computing
    Q.no 28. Writing parallel programs is referred to as
    A : Parallel computation
    B : Parallel processes
    C : Parallel development
    D : Parallel programming
    Q.no 29. Network interfaces allow the transfer of
    messages from buffer memory to desired location without ____ intervention
    A : DMA
    B : CPU
    C : I/O
    D : Memory
    Q.no 30. Consider the situation in which assignment operation is very costly.
    Which of the following sorting algorithm should be performed so that the
    number of assignment operations is minimized in general?
    A : Insertion sort
    B : Selection sort
    C : Bubble sort
    D : Merge sort
    Q.no 31. A process can be ___________
    A : single threaded
    B : multithreaded
    C : both single threaded and multithreaded
    D : none of the mentioned
    Q.no 32. High performance computing of the computer system tasks are done by

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  • A : node clusters
    B : network clusters
    C : both a and b
    D : Beowulf clusters
    Q.no 33. Interprocessor communication that takes place
    A : Centralized memory
    B : Shared memory
    C : Message passing
    D : Both A and B
    Q.no 34. Which of the following is not a noncomparison sort?
    A : Counting sort
    B : Bucket sort
    C : Radix sort
    D : Shell sort
    Q.no 35. Parallel computing uses _____ execution
    A : sequential
    B : unique
    C : simultaneous
    D : none of the answers is correct
    Q.no 36. When the event for which a thread is blocked occurs?
    A : thread moves to the ready queue
    B : thread remains blocked
    C : thread completes
    D : a new thread is provided
    Q.no 37. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of parallel computing?

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  • A : Breaks a task into pieces
    B : Uses a single processor or computer
    C : Simultaneous execution
    D : May use networking
    Q.no 38. _____ are major issues with non-buffered blocking sends
    A : concurrent and mutual exclsion
    B : Idling and deadlocks
    C : synchronization
    D : scheduling
    Q.no 39. If the given input array is sorted or nearly sorted, which of the following
    algorithm gives the best performance?
    A : Insertion sort
    B : Selection sort
    C : Bubble sort
    D : Merge sort
    Q.no 40. Message passing system allows processes to __________
    A : communicate with one another without resorting to shared data
    B : communicate with one another by resorting to shared data
    C : share data
    D : name the recipient or sender of the message
    Q.no 41. ______________ leads to concurrency.
    A : Serialization
    B : Parallelism
    C : Serial processing
    D : Distribution

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  • Q.no 42. The time required to create a new thread in an existing process is
    A : greater than the time required to create a new process
    B : less than the time required to create a new process
    C : equal to the time required to create a new process
    D : none of the mentioned
    Q.no 43. RMI stands for?
    A : Remote Mail InvocationRemote Message Invocation
    B : Remaining Method Invention
    C : Remaining Method Invocation
    D : Remote Method Invocation
    Q.no 44. Dynamic networks of networks, is a dynamic connection that grows is
    A : Multithreading
    B : Cyber cycle
    C : Internet of things
    D : None of these
    Q.no 45. If one thread opens a file with read privileges then ___________
    A : other threads in the another process can also read from that file
    B : other threads in the same process can also read from that file
    C : any other thread can not read from that file
    D : all of the mentioned
    Q.no 46. the basic operations in the message-passing programming paradigm are
    A : initiate and listen
    B : wait and acknoweldge
    C : request and reply

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