The Rise of Modern China MCQs

Multiple Choice Questions 36 Pages

Contributed by

Raghavan Raj Oza
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    Under Graduate Courses
    VI Semester, 2020
    Paper XII (C): The Rise of Modern China
    Multiple Choice Questions’s & Fill in the Blanks
    Multiple Choice Questions :
    UNIT - I
    1. The first emperor of the Ch’ing dynasty was:
    (i) Chen-long
    (ii) K’ang-she
    (iii) Fu Lin
    (iv) Sun-chih
    2. The ingenious military ‘Banner System’ was adopted by:
    (i) Nurhaci
    (ii) Abahai
    (iii) Dorgon
    (iv) Hai – his
    3. Out of the Six Boards, the most important one was:
    (i) The Board of Revenue
    (ii) The Civil Office
    (iii) The Board of Rights
    (iv) The Board of War
    4. At the very bottom of the rural community was:
    (i) Peasants
    (ii) Artisans
    (iii) Traders
    (iv) None of the above
    5. The average age for upper gentry was:
    (i) 30
    (ii) 31
    (iii) 32
    (iv) 33
    6. Arrange the following titles in ascending order:
    (i) Sheng-yuan, Chu-zen, Kung-shih
    (ii) Chu-zen, Sheng-yuan, Kung-shih
    (iii) Kung-shih, Chu-zen, Sheng-yuan
    (iv) Sheng-yuan, Kung-shih, Chu-zen

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    7. By 1745, the number of the councilors was increased to:
    (i) 7
    (ii) 8
    (iii) 9
    (iv) 10
    8. How many provinces were there in the Ch’ing administration?
    (i) 12
    (ii) 15
    (iii) 18
    (iv) 20
    9. The main source of revenue was:
    (i) Land tax
    (ii) Poll tax
    (iii) Salt tax
    (iv) Tea tax
    10. In Chinese society, the farmers constituted:
    (i) 60% of the population
    (ii) 70% of the population
    (iii) 80% of the population
    (iv) 90% of the population
    11. Which among the following is not Ming loyalist movement?
    (i) The Heaven and Earth Society
    (ii) The White Lotus Sect
    (iii) Triad Society
    (iv) The Boxers
    12. A kowtow is:
    (i) 2 kneelings and 9 knockings
    (ii) 3 kneelings and 9 knockings
    (iii) 2 kneelings and 8 knockings
    (iv) 3 kneelings and 8 knockings.
    13. The Ch’ings established themselves in Peking in:
    (i) 1644
    (ii) 1645
    (iii) 1646
    (iv) 1647

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    14. Who abdicated the throne in 1795?
    (i) Abahai
    (ii) Yung –cheng
    (iii) Shun-chin
    (iv) Ch’ien-lung
    15. The Manchus were the nomadic tribes living in present day
    (i) Manchuria
    (ii) Korea
    (iii) Mongolia
    (iv) None of the above.
    16. The greatest literary contribution of emperor Ch’ien-lung was the compilation of
    (i) A record of ten perfect accomplishment
    (ii) A discourse on parties and cliques
    (iii) The complete library of the four treasuries
    (iv) None of the above
    17. The most important organ in the Ch’ing administration after 1729 was
    (i) The Six Boards
    (ii) Civil Office
    (iii) The Grand Council
    (iv) Bannermen
    18. The major function performed by the gentry in the local community was
    (i) compiling and updating genealogies
    (ii) aiding clan members
    (iii) educating young clan members
    (iv) The settlement out of court of civil disputes
    19. Who were the most important single group in Chinese society?
    (i) Government officials
    (ii) Gentry
    (iii) Artisans
    (iv) Merchants.
    20. On the first day of the provincial examination, the candidates had to write three essays
    on subjects chosen from:
    (i) Confucian Four Books
    (ii) Five Classic
    (iii) Historical subjects
    (iv) Current problems.

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    21. No one was allowed to be appointed to a high position in his native province by the:
    (i) Law of Inheritance
    (ii) Law of appointment
    (iii) Law of avoidance
    (iv) None of the above
    22. At the bottom of the provincial administration was:
    (i) Province
    (ii) District
    (iii) Prefect
    (iv) Circuit
    23. In the Chinese society, every ten household form a:
    (i) Pau
    (ii) Li-chia
    (iii) Pai
    (iv) None of the above
    24. A census was taken on the basis of land and poll tax after every 5 years since:
    (i) 1653
    (ii) 1654
    (iii) 1655
    (iv) 1656
    25. A recent view appraises the Chinese society as an archetype of:
    (i) Feudal system
    (ii) Oriental despotism
    (iii) A gentry-based elite
    (iv) Bureaucratic system
    26. Which province was allotted the highest quota in the district examination?
    (i) Chihli
    (ii) Szechuan
    (iii) Kansu
    (iv) Kiaotung
    27. Before 1850, the average total number of the gentry was about:
    (i) 1 million
    (ii) 1.1 million
    (iii) 1.2 million
    (iv) 1.3 million

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    28. The Chinese emperor made offering to heaven, in times of
    (i) Natural calamities
    (ii) War
    (iii) Victory
    (iv) None of the above
    29. The nobility of the Ch’ing system consisted of :
    (i) Dalai Lama, The Chief Taoist. The Duke King
    (ii) Two categories such as the six board and nine minister
    (iii) Three categories such as imperial clansmen, titular nobles and bannermen
    (iv) Officials and Gentry.
    30. The clansmen numbering about 700 from the late 16
    century through the end of the 19
    century were the direct descendants of:
    (i) Duke K’ung
    (ii) Nurhaci
    (iii) Dalai Lama
    (iv) Karmapa
    31. After the first Ming emperor abolished the office of the prime minister in 1380, the most
    important organ in the central government till 1729 was:
    (i) The Grand Secretariat
    (ii) The Grand Council
    (iii) Civil Office
    (iv) Governors.
    32. In the early and middle Ch’ing period, the land tax was the greatest of all taxes, the basis
    of its collection was the 1646 edition of the Fu-I ch’chuan-shu, (complete tax of land and
    labor), which include:
    (i) The total amount of cultivated land in the country, quotas of land and labor
    imposed in various provinces
    (ii) The total amount of their produce
    (iii) The total amount of the population in the area
    (iv) Total number of taxable men.
    33. The land measurement registers showed the total land area in each locality, this register
    was called:
    (i) Yellow registers
    (ii) Fish-scale registers
    (iii) Bannermen
    (iv) None of the above

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    34. In the Ch’ing period, the method of tax collection was the Single-whip system, which
    consolidated all taxes into one compound sum to be paid twice a year, the two payment
    known as ‘the upper busy season’ and ‘the lower busy season’ which was:
    (i) Summer payment and autumn payment
    (ii) Summer payment and winter payment
    (iii) Winter payment and autumn payment
    (iv) None of the above.
    35. The largest items of debit during the Ch’ing period were:
    (i) Military expenditures and promoting education
    (ii) Military expenditures and officials’ salaries and allowances
    (iii) Officials’ salaries and repairs of rivers and ponds
    (iv) Official salaries and Public Works
    36. Every three or five years during the Ch’ing period. The li-chia heads conducted a census
    of taxable adult males between the ages of:
    (i) 15 and 55
    (ii) 20 and 65
    (iii) 16 and 60
    (iv) 18 and 60
    37. During the Ch’ing period, among the many criteria for social classification, majority of
    the population were:
    (i) The farmers 70% and 30% of the people who live in the urban areas represent composite
    stratum of scholars, gentry, officials, absentee landlords, artisans, merchants, military etc
    (ii) The farmers 65% and 25% of the people who live in the urban areas represent composite
    stratum of scholars, gentry, officials, absentee landlords, artisans, merchants, military etc
    (iii) The farmers 80% and 20% of the people who live in the urban areas represent
    composite stratum of scholars, gentry, officials, absentee landlords, artisans,
    merchants, military etc
    (iv) The farmers 70% and 30 % of the gentry.
    38. The gentry played a dominant role in Chinese society and enjoy many unique privileges,
    they were:
    (i) Scholars who had passed the governmental examinations
    (ii) Clansmen, direct male descendants of Nurhaci
    (iii) Duke K’ang, direct descendants of Confucious.
    (iv) Bannermen.
    39. Gentry status was conferred one’s winning a literary degree in the civil service
    examinations called:
    (i) Seven-legged essay
    (ii) Eight-legged essay
    (iii) Nine-legged essay
    (iv) Ten legged essay

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    40. Government examination was conducted on the district, provincial and metropolitan
    levels. In order to qualify for the first of these, the preliminary district examination, the
    candidate had to present a guarantee of his origin and character from a member of the
    gentry. The first session of exam was conducted by:
    (i) District Magistrate
    (ii) Grand Secretariat
    (iii) Grand Council
    (iv) Prefecture.
    Fill in the blanks :
    1. K’ang-hsilaid the foundations of an empire which turned out to be the largest in China
    since the Mongols.
    2. The emperor occasionally would lecture to the Imperial College
    3. The Board of Public Workswas the lowest in rank among the Six Boards.
    4. The censors were known as the Speech officials.
    5. The emperor questioned the candidates and decided the ranking of the first 10
    successful ones.
    6. Originally, the number of the councilors was 3.
    7. In 1712, EmperorK’ang-hsi issued an edict in which poll tax was fixed and the
    inhabitants born hereafter shall be exempted from poll tax.
    8. The banner men were tried not by civil magistrates, but by the Tartar General
    9. The Regent of emperor Chun Shih was Dorgan
    10. Menciusidea of popular right to revolt was the strongest check on a ruler’s conduct.
    11. The highest form of absolute monarchism was reached under the Ch’ing.
    12. Conspicuously absent in the central government under the Ch’ing was Foreign Office
    13. Membership in the HanlinAcademy was a haven for the bright young talents and was a
    training centre for their political careers.
    14. The merchants were at the bottom of the social scale.
    15. China was sometimes described as a‘gentry state’.

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    16. The greatest shortcoming of the examination system was its narrow scope.
    17. The population of China rose to 300 millions in the year1800
    18. Ho-Shen, an imperial bodyguard was an example of corruption in China.
    19. In 1799,Hung Liang-chisent off a memorial to the emperor in which he bluntly
    described the moral degradation of scholars and officials.
    20. The signs of administrative inefficiency, widespread corruption, degradation of the
    military and strained treasury reflected the inner workings of the phenomenon known as
    Dynastic cycle.
    UNIT - II
    Multiple Choice Questions:
    1. Canton was located at the_____tip of the empire:
    (i) Northern
    (ii) Western
    (iii) Eastern
    (iv) Southern
    2. The court authorized ____ commercial firms known as the hongsas sole agents of
    foreign trade:
    (i) Thirteen
    (ii) Sixteen
    (iii) Twenty
    (iv) Ten
    3. A set of Five Regulations was set for foreigner at Canton by:
    (i) William C. Hunter
    (ii) Li Ssu-yao
    (iii) Lao Tse
    (iv) Chian-Lung
    4. The Opium wars were fought between which of the following countries?
    (i) China and Japan
    (ii) China and Russia
    (iii) China and Britain
    (iv) China and United Nations

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    5. The immediate cause of outbreak of first opium war was:
    (i) Repressive Policy of Lin
    (ii) Desire of equality
    (iii) Imperialists policy of Britain
    (iv) None of these
    6. Which treaty was concluded after the end of first opium war?
    (i) Treaty of Tiensin
    (ii) Treaty of Paris
    (iii) Treaty of Peking
    (iv) Treaty of Nanking
    7. What is the consequence of second opium war?
    (i) Economic condition of China improved
    (ii) The door of China was opened for the western countries
    (iii) Both (i) and (ii)
    (iv) None of these
    8. How many ports of China were opened for the foreigners after the opium war?
    (i) 12
    (ii) 15
    (iii) 17
    (iv) 10
    9. What was Kowtow in China?
    (i) Humiliating way of salutation
    (ii) Humiliating Tax
    (iii) Both (i) and (ii)
    (iv) Neither of the two
    10. Which policy was adopted by America for the development of trade and commerce?
    (i) Policy of protection
    (ii) Limited policy
    (iii) Policy of equality
    (iv) Open Door Policy
    11. The British felt much of the abuse at Canton was unknown to:
    (i) Beijing
    (ii) Amoy
    (iii) Peking
    (iv) Hong Kong
    12. Who monopolized the Canton trade?
    (i) Czar
    (ii) Commissioner

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    (iii) The Ch’ing court
    (iv) The guild
    13. Who were the first westerners to reach China?
    (i) France
    (ii) Portuguese
    (iii) British
    (iv) Italy
    14. By the late 18th century, there was a flourishing triangular trade between:
    (i) India, USA, Britain
    (ii) Britain, Canada, Canton
    (iii) Canton, India and Britain
    (iv) China, Canton, India
    15. The shift of Business to______naturally reduced the calls of English ships at Canton:
    (i) Peking
    (ii) Sanghai
    (iii) Yun-t’ai-shan
    (iv) Ningpo
    16. The tea-producing areas in China were:
    (i) Fukien, Anhwei, and Kangsi
    (ii) Ningpo, Fukien, and Anhwei
    (iii) Amoy, Anhwei, and Kangsi
    (iv) Canton, Fukien, and Anhwei
    17. In which year Macartney Mission was sent to China?
    (i) 1792
    (ii) 1793
    (iii) 1794
    (iv) 1795
    18. Lord Amherst, the ex-governor of India was sent to China:
    (i) In 1800
    (ii) In 1815
    (iii) In 1816
    (iv) In 1890
    19. The British expeditionary force for Opium War was under:
    (i) Captain Elliot
    (ii) Sir Henry Pottinger

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