Financial Markets and Banking Operations MCQs
Multiple Choice Questions
30 Pages
Contributed by
Yogesh Singh
- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHDr. Varsha Goyal Name: Financial Markets and Banking OperationsCourse Code: 205 finSr.No.QuestionAnswers1Financial intermediation is the process that the financial intermediariesconnect ________________ and _____________ by transferring funds fromone side to another.A. Banks and account holdersB. Borrowers and lendersC. Borrowers and securities firmsD. Investors and lenderANSWER:B2Which of the following does financial services industry consist of?A. TelecommunicationB. InsuranceC. Fund ManagementD TrustsANSWER:A3Which one of the following is not a money market security?A. Treasury billsB. National savings certificateC. Certificate of deposit.D. Commercial papers.ANSWER:B4Which one of the following is not a money market security?A. Treasury billsB. National savings certificateC. Certificate of deposit.D. Commercial papers.ANSWER:B5Using futures contracts to transfer price risk is called:A. HedgingB. Speculating.C. Diversifying.D. ArbitrageANSWER:A6The stock isA. Small units of equal value called sharesB. Expressed in terms of money.C. Expressed in terms of number of shares.D. Fully paid p and partly paid up sharesANSWER:B7Equity shareholders rights are listed below: One of the rights is incorrectA. Right to have first claim in the case of winding up of the company.B. Right to vote at the general body meeting of the companyC. Right to share profits in the form of the dividends.D. Right to receive a copy of the statutory report.ANSWER:A8In a limited companyANSWER:
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHDr. Varsha Goyal The shareholders have to divide the debt of the company and pay.B. The shareholders are not liable to pay the debtC. The shareholders have to pay the debt to the extent of their shares in thecapital.D. Common stock and preference shareholders have to pay the debtC9Zero coupon bond shares its origin inA. U.S security market.B. Wall street.C. Japan's security marketD. Dalal street.ANSWER:A10Capital Index bonds are linked withA. BSE SensexB. NSE NiftyC. Consumer price indexD. BSE-100ANSWER:C11The aggressive investor buys more of -------A. Money Market InstrumentsB. GoldC. Equity sharesD. Options and FuturesANSWER:C12Financial intermediaries differ from other businesses in that both their assetsand their liabilities are mostlyA. IlliquidB. Owned by governmentC. RealD. FinancialANSWER:D13Sweat Equity is ---------------A. A New class of equity sharesB. Issued to the employees and directorsC. Issued to the investor alsoD. Issued out of the class of equity shares already issued by the company.ANSWER:D14Financial assetsA. Contribute to the country’s productive capacity both directly andindirectlyB. Do not contribute to the country’s productive capacity both directly andindirectlyC. Directly contribute to the country’s productive capacity.D. Indirectly contribute to the country’s productive capacity.ANSWER:D15Mutual fund can make investmentA. In any company listed or unlistedB. In privately placed securities of associated company.C. Up to 40% of the listed or unlisted securities of group companies.D. Should not exceed 10% of the funds in securities of a single company.ANSWER:D1614. Registrar to the issueA. Helps in the appointment of lead managersB. Drafts the prospectus.ANSWER:C
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHDr. Varsha Goyal Recommends the basis of allotmentD. Directs the various agencies involved in the issue.17Primary and secondary marketsA. Compete with each other.B. Complement each other.C. Function independentlyD. Control each other.ANSWER:B18Stock exchangeA. Helps in the fixation stock priceB. Ensure safe and fair dealings.C. Induces good performance by the company.D. All the above.ANSWER:D19The broker has bought 10,000 ABC shares at Rs.200 and sold 8,000 shares atRs.190 on the same day the margin he has to pay isA. Gross exposure marginB. Special marginC. Mark to market marginD. Concentration ratio marginANSWER:C20Which one of the following statements regarding orders is false?A. A market order is simply an order to buy or sell a stock immediately at theprevailing market priceB. A limit sell order is where investors specify prices at which they arewilling to sell a security.C. If stock ABC is selling at $50, a limit-buy order may instruct the broker tobuy the stock if and when the share price falls below $45.D. None of the above.ANSWER:D21The use of the Internet to trade and underwrite securitiesA. Is illegal under SEC regulationsB. Is regulated by the New York Stock Exchange.C. Decreases underwriting costs for a new security issue.D. Increases underwriting costs for a new security issue.ANSWER:C22Sell Reliance X Company shares at Rs. 60/- . This order is aA. Best rate orderB. Limit OrderC. Discretionary orderD. Stop Loss orderANSWER:B23The Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd was originally known asA. The Native share and Stock Brokers AssociationB. The Native share and stock brokers unionC. The Native Stock Brokers AssociationD. The Native share and stock brokers association of IndiaANSWER:A24Shares for short transactionsA. Are usually borrowed from other brokersB. Are typically shares held by the short seller's broker in street name?C. Are borrowed from commercial banks.D. B and C.ANSWER:B
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHDr. Varsha Goyal's are permittedA. To invest in the listed companies onlyB. To invest in the listed and unlisted companies onlyC. Not to invest in the debenturesD. To invest in shares of listed, unlisted companies and debentures.ANSWER:D26One of the following factors leads the activity stock marketA. Money supplyB. Per capita incomeC. Unemployment rateD. Manufacturing and tradeANSWER:A27The share pricesA. Move either in declining trend or increasing trend.B. May remain flat for a period of time.C. The movements of the share prices form a straight line.D. The increasing or decreasing move may be Zigzag.ANSWER:D28Investors invest more in stocks during their:A. Early career period.B. Mid-career level.C. Retirement stage with huge money.D. All the above-mentioned periodANSWER:A29The duration of a bond is a function of the bond'sA. coupon rate.B. time to maturityC. yield to maturity.D. all of the aboveANSWER:D30A firm has a higher asset turnover ratio than the industry average, whichimpliesA. the firm is utilizing assets more efficiently than other firms in theindustry.B. the firm is more likely to avoid insolvency in the short run than otherfirms in the industry.C. the firm is more profitable than other firms in the industry.D. the firm has a higher P/E ratio than other firms in the industry.ANSWER:A31Hedge funds are ______ transparent than mutual funds because of ______strict SEC regulation on hedge funds.A. more; moreB. more; lessC. less; lessD. less; moreANSWER:C32Gross domestic product is a logical factor to analyse the economy in pickingup a stock because it indicatesA. Inflation or deflationB. The market value of assetsC. The status of the economyD. The condition of the stock marketANSWER:C33A statistic that measures how the returns of two risky assets move together isANSWER:
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHDr. Varsha Goyal CorrelationB. Standard deviation.C. Covariance.D. A and C.D34Portfolio theory as described by Markowitz is most concerned withA. The elimination of systematic risk.B. The identification of unsystematic risk.C. The effect of diversification on portfolio risk.D. Active portfolio management to enhance returnsANSWER:C35Which statement about portfolio diversification is correct?A. Proper diversification can reduce or eliminate systematic riskB. The risk-reducing benefits of diversification do not occur meaningfullyuntil at least 50-60 individual securities have been purchased.C. Because diversification reduces a portfolio's total risk, it necessarilyreduces the portfolio's expected returnD. Typically, as more securities are added to a portfolio, total risk would beexpected to decrease at a decreasing rateANSWER:D36The standard deviation of a two-asset portfolio is a linear function of theassets' weights whenA. The assets have a correlation coefficient less than zeroB. The assets have a correlation coefficient equal to zero.C. The assets have a correlation coefficient greater than zeroD. The assets have a correlation coefficient equal to one.ANSWER:B37The presence of risk means thatA. More than one outcome is possible.B. Investors will lose money.C. The standard deviation of the payoff is larger than its expected value.D. Final wealth will be greater than initial wealth.ANSWER:A38The exact indifference curves of different investorsA. Can be calculated precisely with the use of advanced calculusB. Cannot be known with perfect certainty.C. Although not known with perfect certainty, do allow the advisor to createmore suitable portfolios for the clientD. B and C.ANSWER:D39Given the capital allocation line, an investor's optimal portfolio is theportfolio thatA. Maximizes her expected utilityB. Maximizes her risk.C. Minimizes both her risk and return.D. Maximizes her expected profit.ANSWER:A40Olivia is a risk-averse investor. Alex is a less risk-averse investor than Olivia.Therefore,A. For the same risk, Alex requires a higher rate of return than Olivia.B. For the same return, Alex tolerates higher risk than Olivia.C. For the same risk, Olivia requires a lower rate of return than Alex.D. the same return, Olivia tolerates higher risk than AlexANSWER:B
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHDr. Varsha Goyal of capital gains taxI. means that the investor doesn't need to pay taxes until the investment issold.II. allows the investment to grow at a faster rate.III. means that you might escape the capital gains tax if you live long enough.IV. provides a tax shelter for investors.A. II and IIIB. I, II, IVC. I, III, and VD. II, III, and IVANSWER:B42A risk-free intermediate or long-term investmentA. is free of all types of risk.B. Does guarantee the future purchasing power of its cash flows.C. Does not guarantee the future purchasing power of its cash flows as it isinsured by the U.S. Treasury.D. A and B.ANSWER:C43In words, the real rate of interest is approximately equal toA. The nominal rate times the inflation rate.B. The inflation rate minus the nominal rateC. The nominal rate minus the inflation rateD. The inflation rate divided by the nominal rate.ANSWER:C45Suppose that the pre-tax holding period returns on two stocks are the same.Stock X has a high dividend pay-out policy and stock Y has a low dividendpay-out policy. If you are an individual in a high marginal tax bracket and donot intend to sell the stocks during the holding periodA. stock X will have a higher after-tax holding period return than stock Y.B. the after-tax holding period returns on stocks XC. it is impossible to determine which stock will have a higher after-taxholding period return given the information availableD. stock Y will have a higher after-tax holding period return than stock X.ANSWER:D46The first step a pension fund should take before beginning to invest is to A.establish investment objectives.B. develop a list of investment managers with superior records tointerview.C. establish asset allocation guidelines.D. decide between active and passive management.ANSWER:A47Investors seeking to diversify are likely to find that their largest investment isinA. stocks.B. bonds.C. foreign securitiesD. their jobANSWER:D48Workers who change jobs may wind up with lower pension benefits atretirement than otherwise identical workers who stay with the sameemployer, even if the employers have defined benefit plans with the samefinal-pay benefit formula. This is referred to asANSWER:C
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHDr. Varsha Goyal an accumulated benefit obligation.B. an unfunded liability.C. the portability problemD. indexation.49A remainder man isA. A stock broker who remained working on Wall Street after the 1987crash.B. One who receives the principal of a trust when it is dissolved.C. One who receives interest and dividend income from a trust during theirlifetime.D. an employee of a trustee.ANSWER:B50A hedge fund pursuing a ______ strategy is attempting to exploit temporarymisalignments in relativepricingA. directionalB. non-directionalC. stock or bondD. arbitrage or speculationANSWER:B51A hedge fund attempting to profit from a change in the spread betweenmortgages and Treasuries is using a ______ strategyA. market neutralB. directionalC. relative valueD. divergenceANSWER:C52__________ refer to strategies aimed at attaining the established rate ofreturn requirements while meeting expressed risk tolerance and applicableconstraintsA. Investment constraintsB. Investment objectivesC. Investment policiesD. All of the aboveANSWER:C53An important benefit of Keogh plans is thatA. they are not taxable until funds are withdrawn as benefitsB. they are protected against inflation.C. they are automatically insured by the Federal governmentD. A and BANSWER:A54One incorrect belief that is often cited as a reason for fully-funded pensionfunds to invest in equities isA. stocks provide a hedge against inflation.B. bonds have lower returns.C. stocks have higher risk.D. stocks have higher returnsANSWER:A55A measure of asset utilization isA. sales divided by working capital.B. return on equity capital.C. return on total assets.ANSWER:C
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHDr. Varsha Goyal operating profit divided by sales.56Violation of a trend line meansA. Moving away from the trend line.B. Changing the directionC. Presentation of the trend lineD. Cutting the rising trend line from above.ANSWER:C57In the bull marketA. The stock prices are increasingB. Each peak is higher than the previous peak.C. Each bottom is higher than the previous bottom.D. B and CANSWER:D58Overbought region indicates.A. More shares are sold.B. The supply is more.C. Potential fall in the price level.D. Potential rise in the share price.ANSWER:C59A growth industry is defined asA. An industry with 15% rate of growth per annumB. An industry where demand for its product is growingC. An industry with high capital investmentD. An industry with average growth higher than the growth of economyANSWER:D60Mr. A is a daring portfolio manager. He wants to increase the return of hisportfolio. He should choose stocks fromA. Defensive industryB. Industry at growth stageC. Industry in the maturity periodD. Industry with more export potentialANSWER:B61The rise of dividend taxes affectsA. InvestorB. The corporateC. The stock marketD. The financial institutionANSWER:D62Which of the following items might result in dilution of a corporate searnings per share at present?A. Convertible bondsB. WarrantsC. Stock options given as incentive to top executivesD. All of the aboveANSWER:C63In the stock market psychologyA. Investors forget the pastB. History repeats itselfC. More faith in future predictionD. A and bANSWER:B64The growth in book value per share shows theA. Rise in the share pricesB. Increase in the physical assets of the firm.ANSWER:D
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHDr. Varsha Goyal Increase in the net worth.D. Growth in reserves65A common stock pay-out ratioA. Is directly related to the company s growth rate.B. Can be zero for a growth firm.C. Measures the earnings of shares as a percentage of its market price.D. Indicates the future cash dividends to be expected.ANSWER:B66The price earnings ratio of a stock reflectsA. The growth of the companyB. The market mood for the company’s stockC. The earnings retained and invested in the companyD. The dividend paid out for the company s stockANSWER:B67The market value of the scrip is determined byA. The dividend declared by the company.B. The present status of the stock market.C. The number of floating sharesD. The interaction of demand and supply.ANSWER:D68The "modified duration" used by practitioners is equal to the MacaulaydurationA. times the change in interest rate.B. times (one plus the bond's yield to maturity).C. divided by (one plus the bond's yield to maturity).D. divided by (one minus the bond's yield to maturity).ANSWER:C69The interest-rate risk of a bond isA. the risk related to the possibility of bankruptcy of the bond's issuerB. the risk that arises from the uncertainty of the bond's return caused bychanges in interest rates.C. the unsystematic risk caused by factors unique in the bondD. A and B aboveANSWER:B70_______ is the amount of money per common share that could be realized bybreaking up the firm, selling the assets, repaying the debt, and distributing theremainder to shareholders.A. Book value per shareB. Liquidation value per shareC. Market value per shareD. Tobin's QANSWER:B71Indexing of bond portfolios is difficult becauseA. the number of bonds included in the major indexes is so large that it wouldbe difficult to purchase them in the proper proportionsB. many bonds are thinly traded so it is difficult to purchase them at a fairmarket price.C. the composition of bond indexes is constantly changingD. all of the aboveANSWER:D72Contingent immunizationA. is a mixed-active passive bond portfolio management strategyANSWER:D
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHDr. Varsha Goyal is a strategy whereby the portfolio may or may not be immunizedC. is a strategy whereby if and when some trigger point value of the portfoliois reached, the portfolio is immunized to insure an minimum required returnD. A , B and C.73A highly liquid security is aA. Mutual fund unitB. Treasury billC. ShareD. Commercial paperANSWERB74Which of the following two bonds is more price sensitive to changes ininterest rates? A par value bond, X, with 10 years-to-maturity and a 10%coupon rate or a zero-coupon bond, Y, with 10 years-to maturity and a 10%yield-to-maturity.A. Bond Y because of the longer duration.B. Bond X because of the longer time to maturityC. Bond X because of the higher yield to maturityD. Both have the same sensitivity because both have the same yield tomaturity.ANSWER:A75You wish to earn a return of 10% on each of two stocks, C and D. Each of thestocks is expected to pay a dividend of $2 in the upcoming year. Theexpected growth rate of dividends is 9% for stock C and 10% for stock D.The intrinsic value of stock C _____.A. will be greater than the intrinsic value of stock DB. will be the same as the intrinsic value of stock DC. will be less than the intrinsic value of stock DD. cannot be calculated without knowing the rate of return on the marketportfolioANSWER:C76The goal of fundamental analysts is to find securitiesA. with high market capitalization rates.B. with a positive present value of growth opportunitiesC. whose intrinsic value exceeds market price.D. all of the aboveANSWER:A77Many stock analysts assume that a mispriced stock willA. immediately returns to its intrinsic value.B. gradually approach its intrinsic value over several years.C. never returns to its intrinsic value.D. return to its intrinsic value within a few days.ANSWER:B78An investor is having their portfolio with the combination of stock and bondsin the ratio of 75:25 . He isA. Risk averseB. Risk neutralC. A risk takerD. Active in portfolio management.ANSWER:C79In the active approach the investor continuously studiesA. Group related riskB. Market related riskANSWER:D
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