Disaster Management 100 MCQs with answers
Multiple Choice Questions
10 Pages
Contributed by
Ambika Tailor
- Prepared by Dr Nandini Gupta ,Department of Environmental Science, BBM College AgartalaPage 1Date : 1.04.2019100 Multiple Choice Questions on Disaster Management(6thSemester Soft Study Course Tripura University)(Answer keys are in BOLD letters)1. An active volcano Mauna Loa is located in:a. Hawaii, USAb. Brazilc. Japand. None of the above2. Which of the following diseases appeared as public health concern in the last quarter of 20thcenturya. HIVb. Ebola virusc. Escherichia coli O157:H7d. All of the above3. A disease that becomes unusually widespread and even global in its reach is referred to asa. Epidemicb. Pandemicc. Spanish flud. Hyperendemic4. Zika virus is related to which of the following diseasesa. Dengueb. Yellow feverc. Japanese encephalitisd. All of the above5. Which of the following volcanoes is known for its most destructive volcanic eruption inrecorded historya. Mount Kilimanjarob. Mauna Loac. Krakatoad. Mount St Helens6. Bhopal Gas Disaster is a kind ofa. Natural disasterb. Manmade disasterc. None of the above7. What is Ring of Fire?a. Belt of volcanoes in the Circum Pacific regionb. Belt of volcanoes in the mid-continental regionc. Belt of volcanoes in the mid-atlantic regiond. None of the above8. Which of the following rivers in Tripura experience tidea. Gumtib. Fennyc. Howrad. Khowai9. Which of the following buildings of Tripura are identified as vulnerable to earthquakea. MBB College
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- Prepared by Dr Nandini Gupta ,Department of Environmental Science, BBM College AgartalaPage 2Date : 1.04.2019b. Nir Mahalc. Ujjayanta Palaced. All of the above10. Who is known as the father of modern seismologya. Charles Richterb. R.D. Oldhamc. W.M. Davisd. None of the above.11. The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) is headed bya. Prime Minister of Indiab. President of Indiac. Governor of Statesd. Chief Minister of States12. Volcanoes are generally found wherea. Intraplates pull apart or are coming togetherb. Tectonic plates pull apart or are coming togetherc. Earth's crust pull apart or are coming togetherd. None of these pull apart or are coming together13. Volcanic erupted material when inside the hill/earth/mountain it is calleda. Lavab. Magmac. Laharsd. None of these14. International Tsunami information Center is located in(A) Honolulu (B) Goa (C) Jakarta (D) Puducherry15. Which of the following is not a man-made hazard?(a) Leakage of Toxic waste (b) Wars and Civil Strife (c) Drought (d) Environmentalpollution16. Cyclones occurring in North Atlantic ocean are called(a) Typhoon (b) Hurricanes (c) Tornado (d) None of the above17. High intensity and long duration of rainfall in Tripura causes ---(a) Earthquakes (b) Floods (c) Landslides (d) Cyclone18. Most of the Principal rivers in Tripura meets with which river of BangladeshA. MeghnaB. TitasC. PadmaD. None of the above19. The vector of zika virus isA. Aedes egyptiB. Aedes albopictusC. Both a &bD. Different species of mosquitoes
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- Prepared by Dr Nandini Gupta ,Department of Environmental Science, BBM College AgartalaPage 3Date : 1.04.201920. Generally the number on Richter Scale ranges between –(A) 0 and 6 (B) 0 and 9 (C) 1 to 5 (D) 1 to 1221. Disaster Management includes:a. Mitigationb. Reconstructionc. Rehabilitationd. All of the above22. Tsunami’s can occur only duringa. Eveningb. Afternoonc. Any time of the day or nightd. Morning23. United Nations disaster management team are responsible for solving problems resulting fromdisaster ina. Asiab. Africac. Australiad. All continents24. In India National Institute of Disaster Management is located ata. Manipurb. Punjabc. Hyderabadd. New Delhi25. The Disaster Management Act was made ina. 2006b. 2003c. 2005d. 200926. Effective hazard management largely rely ona. Govt. agenciesb. Emergency responsesc. Pre-disaster planningd. Volcanoes27. Which of the following is seasonally related hazarda. Earthquakeb. Volcanic eruptionc. Terrorist attackd. None of the above28. The level of harm by a hazard is governed bya. Magnitude of the hazardb. Frequency of the hazardc. Intensity at the impact pointd. All of the above29. Which of the following is not an atmospheric hazarda. Epidemic in humanb. Hailc. Heavy rainfall
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- Prepared by Dr Nandini Gupta ,Department of Environmental Science, BBM College AgartalaPage 4Date : 1.04.2019d. hurricanes30. The level of risk of a disaster depends ona. Nature of the hazardb. Vulnerability of the elements which are affectedc. Economic value of the elements which are affectedd. All of the above31. The extent to which a community ,structure , services or geographic area is likely to bedamaged or disrupted by the impact of particular hazard is termed asa. Capacityb. Vulnerabilityc. Riskd. Hazard assessment32. The Richter scale expresses an earthquakesa. Magnitudeb. Locationc. Durationd. Depth33. The point of the earth’s surface directly above the point where an earthquake occurs is calledthe:a. Focusb. Epicenterc. Fractured. Fault34. Which of the following is a man-made disastera. Terrorismb. Major firec. Pollutiond. All of the above35. Vulnerability analysis comes in which part of the Disaster Management Cyclea. Mitigationb. Preparednessc. Responsed. Recovery36. Floods can be prevented bya. Afforestationb. Cutting the forestc. Tilling the landd. Removing the top soil37. Bhopal Gas Disaster is a kind ofd. Natural disastere. Manmade disasterf. None of the above38. The word disaster comes fromA) Greek word B) Latin word C) French word D) German39. High vulnerability and high hazard are associated withA) Low disaster risk B) medium disaster risk C) high disaster risk D) None of the above40. Which of the following organization is the apex authority of disaster management in India?A) NDA B) NDMA C) CDMA D) INDR41. Which of the following is not a component of disaster management cycle?
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- Prepared by Dr Nandini Gupta ,Department of Environmental Science, BBM College AgartalaPage 5Date : 1.04.2019A) Preparedness B) Response C) Construction D) Recovery42. The Bhopal Gas disaster occurred inA) 1986 B) 2003 C) 1984 D) 200943. Which of the following groups of people is more vulnerable in the event of disaster?A) Men, boys, old peopleB) Men, women, boysC) Women, children, old peopleD) None of the above44. The instrument which records earthquake wave is calledA) Climograph B) Seismograph C) Hythergraph D) None of the above45. Which is known as seismic wave ?A) Tsunami B) Hurricane C) El Nino D) Typhoon46. The name of the largest active volcano in the world isA) Mauna Lao in HawaiiB) Mount Fuji in JapanC) Mount Kilimanjaro in TanzaniaD) None of the above47. Latur earthquake occurred inA) 1991 B) 1992 C) 1993 D) 199448. Which wave of the earthquake produces rolling effect along the surface?A) P wave B) S wave C) L wave D) none of the above49. Which of the following is known as the light house of the Mediterranean sea?A) Vesuvius B) Stromboli C) Krakatoa D) Popa50. Which country is known as the most forest fire prone country in the world ?A) Uganda B) Canada C) Australia D) India51. The Chernobyl disaster of 1986 in Ukraine was a case ofA) Epidemic disaster B) Toxic gas disaster C) Nuclear disaster D) None of the above52. What is it called when a large number of people in a community get a disease at the sametime ?A) Influx B) Black death C) Epidemic D) Pandemic53. Zika virus is spread byA) Rat B) Mosquito C) Fly D) Pig54. In India, Cyclone is tracked through which satellite?A) INSATB) IRSC) Ocean SATD) None of the above55. Intensity of an earthquake is measured byA) Modified Mercalli scaleB) Richter scaleC) SeismographD) None of the above56. About 2/3rdof the cyclones that occur in the Indian coastline occur in theA) Bay of BengalB) Coastal area of south IndiaC) Coastal area of west IndiaD) None of the above
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- Prepared by Dr Nandini Gupta ,Department of Environmental Science, BBM College AgartalaPage 6Date : 1.04.201957. International Tsunami information centre is inA. HonoluluB. GoaC. JakartaD. Puducherry58. Tuberculosis generally affectsA. KidneyB. StomachC. LungsD. Skin59. Hurricanes are common inA. IndiaB. BangladeshC. USAD. Australia60. The most calm part of the tropical cyclone isA. LimbB. EyeC. PeripheryD. None of the above61. In India Tsunami Warning centre is located atA. KolkataB. HyderabadC. AhmadabadD. None of the above62. The word Tsunami has been derived fromA. French wordB. Latin wordC. Japanese wordD. Greek word63. An example of Civil war isA. Kargil warB. World war IC. Syrian warD. None of the above64. The common factors of wildfire hazards are:A. LighteningB. Volcanic eruptionC. El-ninoD. All of the above65. Wild fire in north America is known asA. Bush firesB. Brush firesC. Forest fireD. Noine of the above66. Which is the most landslide prone area in IndiaA. Ganges valley region
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- Prepared by Dr Nandini Gupta ,Department of Environmental Science, BBM College AgartalaPage 7Date : 1.04.2019B. South Indian plateauC. Himalaya and north eastern hillD. None of the above67. The two atom bombs dropped in Hiroshima and Nagashaki in Japan by USA duringA. World war IB. World war IIC. Gulf war ID. Gulf war II68. The twin tower of world trade centre in USA was destroyed by terror attack in the yearA. 2000B. 2001C. 2008D. None of the above69. In northern hemisphere, the wind of the tropical cyclone blows inA. Anticlockwise directionB. Clockwise directionC. StraightD. None of the above70. Tropical cyclones rarely develop within 50of the equator because coriolis effect isA. weakest thereB. moderate thereC. Strongest thereD. None of the above71. Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) calls a storm ‘Super cyclone” when the wind blowsA. More than 120 km /hourB. More than 100km/hourC. More than 220km/ hourD. None of the above72. During volcanic eruption , the extreme risk zone is within a distanceA. Upto 100 mtrsB. 100-300 mtrsC. 300mtrs- 3 kmD. None of the above73. What is Lahars ?A. MagmaB. LavaC. Volcanic mud flowD. None of the above74. Which is the only active volcano in India?A. Volcano PopaB. Volcano of Barren IslandC. Volcano EtnaD. None of the above75. Which of the following is a non-precipitation food?A. Coastal floodB. Cloud burst floodC. Flash flood
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- Prepared by Dr Nandini Gupta ,Department of Environmental Science, BBM College AgartalaPage 8Date : 1.04.2019D. None of the above76. The highest volcanic mountain in the world isA. Mauna LaoB. CotopaxiC. VesuviusD. None of the above77. Percentage of drought prone area in the India isA. 8%B. 30%C. 15%D. None of the above78. Name the earthquake vulnerable building/s identified by Govt of TripuraA. MBB CollegeB. Ujjayanta palaceC. Neer mahalD. All of he above79. Ultimate consequences of war areA. Decline in human populationB. Outbreak of diseases and epidemicsC. Rise in refugeesD. All of the above80. The terrorist attack in Mumbai took place onA.2005B.2006C.2007D. 200881. In disaster management, mitigation measures involvesA. Governmental action and administrationB. Community action and administrationC. Military action and administrationD. None of the above82. The total flood prone area in India isA. 30%B. 20%C. 12%D. 10%83. The total cyclone prone area in India isA. 15%B. 10%C. 8%D. 20%84. Which body in the state of Tripura can declare emergency in case of state level disaster?A. TDMAB. SECC. DDMAD. SCMG85. The mount Vesuvius is the example of a/an
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- Prepared by Dr Nandini Gupta ,Department of Environmental Science, BBM College AgartalaPage 9Date : 1.04.2019A. Active volcanoB. Dormant volcanoC. Extinct volcanoD. None of the above86. Which one of the following is a geological disaster?A. TsunamiB. Storm surgeC. FloodD. Wild fire87. The State Disaster Management Authority is headed byA. GovernorB. Chief ministerC. Chief Secretary of the StateD. None of the above88. What is/are the factor/s of river bank erosion in Tripura ?A. Absence of deep rooted vegetablesB. Steep bank angleC. Non-cohesive material in soilD. All of the above89. Which is the longest river in TripuraA. HaoraB. GumtiC. MuhuriD. None of the above90. The cycle of disaster consists of the following componentsA. Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, RecoveryB. Preparedness, vulnerability assessment, risk assessment, recoveryC. Mitigation, Risk assessment, Response and RecoveryD. None of the above91. DDMA is headed byA. District magistrateB. Chief secretaryC. BDOD. None of the above92. What is drought?A. No rainfall for a long continuous periodB. Heavy rainfall for a long continuous periodC. Moderate rainfall for a long continuous periodD. None of the above93. Sahel region of West Africa known forA. Recurring droughtB. Food crisisC. FamineD. All of the above94. One of the main reasons for farmers commit suicide in India isA. Crop failure
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- Prepared by Dr Nandini Gupta ,Department of Environmental Science, BBM College AgartalaPage 10Date : 1.04.2019B. EarthquakeC. TsunamiD. All of the above95. What do you mean by ‘ doldrums’ ?A. Environmental condition found during El ninoB. Environmental condition found on equatorial calm over the seaC. Both (A) and (B) are correctD. None of the above96. Which department of Govt of Tripura is responsible for issuing warning regarding drought/dry spells ?A. Health DepartmentB. Agricultural DepartmentC. Home DepartmentD. None of the above97. In Tripura, The State Executive Committee (SEC) is headed byA. Chief Secretary of stateB. Chief MinisterC. GovernorD. None of the above98. The smallest river of Tripura isA. FennyB. HaoraC. JuriD. None of the above99. The longest hill range in Tripura isA. Baramura rangeB. Atharamura rangeC. Jampui rangeD. None of the above100. The highest peak of Tripura isA. Bethling sibB. JarimuraC. Feng puiD. Sakhan
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