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- ST. JOSEPH’S COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCEFOR WOMEN-HOSURDepartment of Commerce 1HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT1. What is Human Resources Management (HRM)?a) Organizing company eventsb) Managing an organization's workforcec) Financial planning for the companyd) IT system administration2. What is the primary objective of HRM?a) Maximizing profitsb) Enhancing employee well-beingc) Minimizing production costsd) Increasing product innovation3. Which HRM function focuses on attracting, selecting,and hiring suitable candidates?a) Training and Developmentb) Recruitment and Selection
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- ST. JOSEPH’S COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCEFOR WOMEN-HOSURDepartment of Commerce 2c) Compensation and Benefitsd) Employee Relations4. What does the term "Employee Relations" in HRMencompass?a) Conflict resolution and communicationb) Health and safety regulationsc) Financial incentivesd) Market analysis5. Which HRM activity aims at enhancing employees'skills and knowledge?a) Compensation and Benefitsb) Performance Managementc) Training and Developmentd) Succession Planning6. What does HRM stand for?a) Human Resource Mechanismb) Human Resource Managementc) High Responsibility Moduled) Hiring and Retention Model
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- ST. JOSEPH’S COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCEFOR WOMEN-HOSURDepartment of Commerce 37. What is the primary focus of HRM?a) Financial Managementb) Operations Managementc) Human Capital Managementd) Marketing Management8. Which HRM function is responsible for recruiting andselecting employees?a) Compensation and Benefitsb) Employee Relationsc) Recruitment and Selectiond) Training and Development9.What does HRIS stand for in the context of HRM?a) Human Resource Information Systemb) Hiring and Recruitment Integration Systemc) High-Resolution Imaging Softwared) Human Relations Improvement Strategy
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- ST. JOSEPH’S COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCEFOR WOMEN-HOSURDepartment of Commerce 410.Which term refers to the process of evaluating andimproving employee performance?a) Compensation Managementb) Performance Appraisalc) Employee Engagementd) Succession Planning11. What is the purpose of Human Resource Planning?a) Assessing Financial Resourcesb) Evaluating Marketing Strategiesc) Determining HR Needsd) Establishing Operational Procedures12. Which aspect of HRM focuses on resolvingworkplace conflicts?a) Compensation and Benefitsb) Employee Engagementc) Employee Relationsd) Training and Development
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- ST. JOSEPH’S COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCEFOR WOMEN-HOSURDepartment of Commerce 513.What does the term "workforce diversity" refer to inHRM?a) Uniformity in Job Rolesb) Variety of Employee Backgroundsc) Exclusive Hiring Practicesd) Limited Employee Skills14. What is the primary goal of employee engagementefforts?a) Reducing Workforceb) Enhancing Employee Commitmentc) Decreasing Job Responsibilitiesd) Limiting Training Opportunities15. What is the significance of compensation and benefitsin HRM?a) Improving Work Environmentb) Enhancing Employee Skillsc) Attracting and Retaining Talentd) Minimizing Job Roles
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- ST. JOSEPH’S COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCEFOR WOMEN-HOSURDepartment of Commerce 616. In HRM, what does the term "organizationaldevelopment" focus on?a) Job Analysisb) Creating a Positive Culturec) Workforce Diversityd) Training and Development17. What is the purpose of HR analytics in HRM?a) Assessing Employee Attireb) Using Data for Informed Decisionsc) Evaluating Workplace Decord) Improving Cafeteria Services18.Which HRM function involves managing relationshipswith labor unions?a) Compensation and Benefitsb) Employee Relationsc) Recruitment and Selectiond) HR Analytics
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- ST. JOSEPH’S COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCEFOR WOMEN-HOSURDepartment of Commerce 719. What is the objective of diversity and inclusioninitiatives in HRM?a) Limiting Employee Differencesb) Reducing Employee Engagementc) Creating an Inclusive Workplaced) Ignoring Employee Backgrounds20. How does HRM contribute to organizational success?a) Minimizing Employee Commitmentb) Maximizing Operational Costsc) Ensuring Effective Human Capital Managementd) Limiting Employee Training21. Which HRM function involves attracting, selecting,and hiring employees?a) Compensation and Benefitsb) Employee Relationsc) Recruitment and Selectiond) Training and Development
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- ST. JOSEPH’S COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCEFOR WOMEN-HOSURDepartment of Commerce 822. What is the primary goal of performance managementin HRM?a) Determining Compensationb) Enhancing Employee Engagementc) Evaluating and Improving Performanced) Managing Employee Relations23. In HRM, what does the term "training anddevelopment" refer to?a) Evaluating Employee Performanceb) Improving Workplace Decorc) Enhancing Employee Skills and Knowledged) Assessing Compensation and Benefits24.Which HRM function involves creating a positive workenvironment and resolving workplace conflicts?a) Compensation and Benefitsb) Employee Relationsc) Recruitment and Selection
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- ST. JOSEPH’S COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCEFOR WOMEN-HOSURDepartment of Commerce 9d) HR Analytics25. What is the purpose of human resource planning inHRM?a) Assessing Financial Resourcesb) Determining HR Needsc) Improving Workplace Decord) Evaluating Marketing Strategies26. What does HRIS stand for in the context of HRM?a) Human Resource Information Systemb) Hiring and Recruitment Integration Systemc) High-Resolution Imaging Softwared) Human Relations Improvement Strategy27. Which HRM function involves managing relationshipswith labor unions?a) Compensation and Benefitsb) Employee Relationsc) Recruitment and Selection
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