Public Administration (Paper I) 2015 Question Paper

Question Paper 7 Pages

Contributed by

Aadil Raj Keer
    TH R-W I / P a p e r I
    fyfyfRd hh<j .* rfbr £7^
    37fm*m 3F&: 250
    Time Allow ed: Three Hours
    Maximum M arks: 250
    18# \ara- s m i 'i t m&f # ftviftm $ <m f^ 0 3ffr 3rtfrjf &r? # f i
    W jf & 3ffT>& $ I . .
    w rw m l tffr5 $ <m wGt $ d # ^ w r f& gf tfbr s& if £ 3wr ffin z /
    xcfcfi im/vm & ^ m ti f f c w i f
    jm f & im 3&t m*m wf& f^m^r j$ w sw& &frr-vw # fem w i, 3ffr w w w w
    w r-m -3 (*%.&?.) g f$ m & gw~F& w ajfm f t f fe fm m few wm w f^ i 3%f&r m&m % 3tM w am
    ferfi m m # f&£ w? 3m w w# s&> i t f ftr ft i
    w rf $ ffcrf, w fftftfife $, w w p m fcwr wtt w /
    w rffrzm f ^m^rshHfjm w rft / v% wizr^fwt, w! w ? &zm <£t mm w ?ft wiiw^m 3mr: f& i w
    $ / vn-m -zm -yftdcbi # wwft wtei § w yw m mcfiwswrd *ftzt wit wrffc /
    Question Paper Specific Instructions
    Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions:
    There are EIGHT questions divided in TWO SECTIONS and printed both in HINDI and in
    Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all.
    Questions no. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, any THREE are to be attempted
    choosing at least ONE from each section.
    The number of marks carried by a question jpart is indicated against it.
    Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate which must be
    stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No
    marks will be given for answers writteriin a medium other than the authorized one.
    Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to.
    Attempts of questions shall be counted in sequential order. Unless struck off, attempt of a question
    shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the
    Question~cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off.

    Page 1

    Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : 10x5=50
    (a) en^st # TOTO 3TmTft^I3Tf 3 f ' ^ T3*S ^ 5 ?
    :*pM 11 w e i
    Waldos The Administrative State. provides a fundamental challenge to
    some of the orthodox premises. Explain.
    (b) ^raf sfk wsft if,
    ter T O Vft^TlrH (^ # T ) ^ W H I cfTt ( ^ 0
    °£t ^>T H5r=t ^ ^ ^ t I
    Discuss how the Public Choice Theory promotes the concept of Steering
    and undermines the concept of Rowing in visualising efficient and
    effective administration.
    (c) $Tc*rrctf^RT ftfafrrW ^ 3T R ^ ^J§ | l ftM t I
    Delegated Legislation is a necessary-evil.Comment.
    (d) : 'W 3TN f % W-1970 ^Tr^ft 3WT, #
    f^ r o r .(wiftid ) (fe) feftft £6^rr w?n; t ?
    i -
    Do you agree with the view that the charismatic approach of the
    mid-1970s is a new version of the Classical Trait Theory of
    Leadership ? Give reasons.
    (e) Jffrr 3*$ 3 citetxw m ^ t 1 ^
    ^gcT^tf^tr 1
    The term policy implementation is in some respects preferable to the
    label public administration. Argue.
    C-fl VZ-O-QBBfl

    Page 2

  • Q2. (a)
    Q3. (a) ^ ^ifcT f^ETtff % 33 ^TfTT^ ^ f^TT 3 ^ sft, WtJ eft <t>WIKf
    3fk % «ffa % ««IHIrM<=hi# ^ felT 3 sft l W ^SR %
    W ?I 3 J|rMlr^«h yJJIIWH % % fejn: c&T OTlrfNHIcH* I
    Follett’s work was not directed towards the resolution of the conflict of
    ideas, but towards the resolution of structural conflicts between workers
    and capitalists.In the light of the statement critically evaluate Follett’s
    idea of dynamic administration. 20
    (b) *J?RT % y+l4u| 3CT t l 3 * 1 ^ r
    WlRldl 3Tk iTf^ cfit W I
    Information constitutes the life-blood of the functioning of an
    organisation. Explain the utility and significance of communication in
    decision-making. . ' . 15
    (c) fttrnft ^hiCdij % t e r f i
    Legislative action is not subject to the rules of natural justice.” Explain
    the exceptions to the rule of natural justice. 15
    ^cfWui ^ tts^t 31^ afrc s r te m # w r o te
    TT5JT t ^ ^T W Tl^f «RT | l w ^ ^
    q 3ttr hIW hI <fi i
    Globalisation has transformed the nature and character of State from
    traditional administrative Welfare State to a Corporate State. Analyse
    the changes in the nature of public administration in this context. 20
    yiWWRl* HJIcHlr^ch fawtft, iFT5^=F idftptfir# % #
    3jff 5 3 ^TT^T ^ | l *RT3 % fawi it.
    <Tr?f % 5RJRT 3, ^ I
    Contemporary Organisational theory seems further afield of
    Chester Barnards Functions of the Executive than of organisational
    ecology.Examine the statement in the light of ecological elements in
    Barnard’s thought. 15
    ft.’ftA (PPP) 3?r*#S TTTfM 3fk SfrSffefi %fi # ^ f ... -f^f
    «FROT t 'te-FT # ^tTcfT t l w 358R % ^ 3 , rTte-feft tIFffcrft
    Oftjft.ft.) 3 3?fc w q? Msft cisprf i
    PPPs serve too many parties and too many interests ... to be focussed.
    Identify in the context of the statement, the parties involved in
    Public-Private Partnerships and their conflicting aims. 15

    Page 3

  • Q4. (a) i W % t ^ ^ t e lW *liW # ^ -H<=h<rMHI 335,
    <HHiRcb:#ra cran *riw 'Tftf^r te rc tefwd ^ in t i
    “Right from the days of the Peoples Charter to the new concept of
    Precariat Charter, the concept of Citizen’s Charter and its scope is
    constantly evolving. Comment. 20
    (b) arfSpRrttebc w m m w i
    ^NlrH'H 5iwm (fiTfeHrf tfafe#) ft HTcft t l
    i .
    Weberian model of bureaucracy lacks emotional validity when applied
    to modern democratic administration.Comment. 15
    (c) arm w t w ra f % iftfen fan » t o r %
    3TCT 3NFft ftlwd ^ 3 WTOT ^STeTcTT t ?
    How far do you agree with the view that the growing influence of media
    comes in the way of agenda-setting by the Government ? 15
    . ' i . .

    Page 4

  • jgrrgB
    Q5. PlHtcHt^ld't f ^ ^ r ^ 'g y T g n ^ p n m i50 3T®5fif#ftnJ:
    Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : 10x5=50
    (a) jgHMM i- ftw W ITPW 3}k g<fRrcM«MI
    (^ W ^ T ) % 3 # ^ ftfcR % WT t l W
    Comparative Performance Measurement (CPM) bridges everyday work
    experience with the broader horizons of comparativism. Explain.
    (b) MHcblcrflH fcftW - ^ lO £[ SITCfabdl -f^PT
    il ^ i
    Analyse the relevance of Whitleyism in contemporary
    employer employee relationship.
    (c) 3I5OT m f^RT W 3 ^
    fe n 1 1 , i Hr^ sr I
    No significant change can be made in the budgetary process Without
    affecting the political process. (Wildavsky). Analyse.
    (d) tffa ftnfaraif t trsrw yuiifaifj 3 ttr^ (qfif) afa % TfH #
    f 1 (foraf) 1 1
    In the appreciative systems of policy makers, goals are subsidiary to
    norms and values. (Vickers). Explain.
    (e) % f e r «ncft it fcFT sfk t o r a w r , afk w r $ fira
    t 1
    Show in what way the Gender and Development approach differs from
    the Woman and Development approach.

    Page 5

  • Page 6

  • Q8. (a) WWTT # ^ ihTTOT?W ^WFTt f 3fk «T?
    5fc^' Hfcl fe**r t BRff^cT ft?ft f l ^SR % 3, % %R[R
    The concept of political feasibility in policy alternative is a probabilistic
    concept and is related to each policy alternative. In the context of the
    above statement analyse Dror’s contribution.
    (b) Nc;-=r#wJT ^jfen (^sfojft) ark crpS ^mart sfR 3?^n
    % #c[ TTcfi Hqajffa ^ t l «|RWH v
    The position-classification attempts to establish a triangular
    relationship between duties and responsibilities, working conditions and
    qualification requirements. Elucidate. 15
    (c) ter (MIS), (PERT) 3flt . (CPM)} ^ ^^fcT (O & M) %
    yrSlffeSR % W 3 Mt rFT f l ^ 3, Wlcgfa . >
    rt^-flfeii 3 ira y'ifd'Ml i
    MIS, PERT and CPM have accelerated the process of reinventing
    0 & M. In the context of the above statement, explain the recent
    developments in managerial techniques. 15

    Page 7

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