- MAHARASHTRA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITIES EXAMINATION BOARD, PUNESEMESTER END THEORY EXAMINATIONB.Sc. (Hons.) AgricultureSemester: VI (New)Term: VIAcademic year: 2021-22Course No.: ELE SSAC-364Title: AgrochemicalsCredits: 3(2+1)Day & Date:Time (hrs): 14.30 to 17.30Total marks: 80Note:1. Solve ANY EIGHT questions from SECTION “A”2. All questions from SECTION “B” are compulsory.3. All questions carry equal marks.4. Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.MODEL ANSWERSSECTION ‘A’Q.1a.Define agrochemicals. Write the types of pesticides used in agriculture withsuitable example.Agrochemicals :The chemicals used in agriculture to maintain or to increase the cropproduction.Types of pesticides :1) Acaricides - Control of ticks and mites e.g. Sulphur and lime sulphur.2) Algicides - Control of algae and other aquatic vegetation e.g. Coppersulphate.3) Antiseptics - Non metal from microorganisms e.g. Phenol, mercuricchlorosis.4) Arboricides - Undesirable arborell (vegetative part) and bushy vegetation e.g.Sulphuric acid, copper sulphate.5) Bactericides - Control of bacteria and bacterial diseases e.g. Penicillin,streptomycin.6) Fungicides - Plant diseases caused by various fungi e.g. Bordeux mixture,thiram.7) Herbicides - Control of weeds e.g. 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T, diurea.8) Insecticides - Control of harmful insects e.g. Endosulphan, carboryl.9) Molluscides - Soft bodies insects like snails and slug. e.g. Metal dehyde.10) Nematicides - Control of nematodes e.g. Methyl bromide and otherfumigants.11) Rodenticides - Control of rodents e.g. Zinc phosphide(1)(3)b.Write the adverse effect of agrochemicals on soil.• Alter soil pH levels• Increases soil salinity and contamination• Increase nitrate content in the soil• Accumulation of heavy metals and their residual effect• Contamination of air and ground and surface water• Diffusion of agrochemicals in large water bodies lead to Eutrophication(4)
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- • Loss of soil biodiversity• They may kill bacteria and other organisms beneficial to the soil• Fumigants have adverse effect on soil fungi and actinomytes, there byslowing down the humas formation in soil.• Decreases the enzymatic action in soilQ.2a.Define fertilizers. Classify the phosphatic fertilizers with suitable examples.Fertilizers- Any organic or inorganic material of natural or synthetic originadded to a soil to supply certain element essential for plant growth.Classification of phosphatic fertilizers :Phosphatic fertilizers are classified into three groups, depending on the formin which orthophosphoric acid/phosphoric acid is combined with calcium.1. Water soluble/Monocalcium phosphate: Ca(H2PO4)2i) Single super-phosphate - 16% P2O5ii) Double super-phosphate - 32 % P2O5iii) Triple super-phosphate - 48 % P2O5iv) Ammonium phosphate - 11 % N + 52% P2O52. Citric acid soluble/Dicalcium phosphate (CaHPO4)i) Basic slag - 14 to 18 % P2O5ii) Tricalcium phosphate - 34% to 39 % P2O53. Insoluble/Tricalcium phosphate - Ca3(PO4)2i) Rock-phosphate - 20 to 40 % P2O5ii) Raw bonemeal - 20 to 25 %10 P2O5iii) Steamed bonemeal - 22 % P2O5(1)(3)b.Define complex fertilizers. Write the advantages of complex fertilizer.The commercial fertilizers containing atleast two or more of the primary essentialplant nutrients (N, P, K) are called as complex fertilizers.Advantages:1. Easy for application2. Balanced crop nutrition3. High fertilizer efficiency4. Even distribution of nutrients5. Saving of labor and time6. Safe for storage7. High analysis fertilizers(1)(3)Q.3a.Explain secondary nutrients and give sources of sulphur fertilizers.Calcium, magnesium and sulphur are the examples of secondary nutrients. Theyare called “secondary” nutrients because plants require them in smaller quantitiesthan major nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium).Sources of fertilizers for Sulphur :Fertilizers Sulphur (%)Ammonium sulfate 23Potassium sulfate 18Single Super phosphate 12Gypsum 18Magnesium sulfate 13(2)(2)
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- Alluminium sulfate 14b.Write the use and mode of action of triazole fungicide.Use :• The triazoles are commonly used in grain crops as curative and preventativeproducts.• They are particularly active against most rusts and have good preventativeactivity for fusarium head blight on grains.• They are also effective against powdery mildew and many foliar blights.Mode of action :Interfere with biosynthesis of sterols in fungal cell membrane; spore penetrationand mycelial growth. They inhibit the formation of sterols, which are required forfungal cell wall formation, and thus are effective at preventing hyphal growth.(2)(2)Q.4a.Name the sources of water soluble fertilizers for major nutrients and give thebenefits of water soluble fertilizers.Sources of water soluble fertilizers for NPK/ major nutrients :Nitrogenous fertilizerUreaAmmonium sulphateAmmonium nitrateCalcium nitratePhosphatic fertilizerMono ammonium phosphatePhosphoric acidPotassic fertilizerMuriate of potashSulphate of potashBenefits of liquid fertilizers➢ Ease of handling,➢ Less labour requirement➢ Possibility of mixing with herbicides have made the liquid fertilizers moreacceptable to farmers.➢ Liquid fertilizers has low price as compare to solid fertilizers.➢ It allows accurate and even distribution.➢ Higher efficiency than solid fertilizers, less leaching due to split application.➢ It can be mixed with pesticides.➢ By adding liquid fertilizers the droplet evaporation can be reduced andlimits atmospheric pollution(2)(2)b.Write in brief on storage and handling of NPK fertilizers.Handling and storage of fertilizers.Fertilizers differ in their ability to become moist or hygroscopic, as such theyhave to be handled during rainy season.Main features from storage point of view are as below.Nitrogenous fertilizers:i. Ammonium chloride : Excellent, no difficulty in storage and handlingii. Ammonium nitrate : Storage properties satisfactory but fertilizer ishygroscopic. So bags are firmly tied. As it is fire hazardous handlecarefully. It is bagged in polythene lined jute bags as it is hygroscopic.iii. Urea : Storage properties satisfactory. Hygroscopic, store in polythene linedjute bags in dry place.(4)
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- iv. Ammonium sulphate and sodium nitrate : Storage properties good, nodifficulties in handling & storage.Phosphatic fertilizers:1. Single super phosphate:i) It contains small amount of acid which deteriorate gunny bags, hence itshould be stored in polythelene lined gunny bags.ii) Cakes formation in moist condition.2. Dicalcium phosphate - Excellent physical condition.Potassic fertilizers:Potassium sulphate and Potassium chloride: Excellent physical condition forstorage and handling.Protect all fertilizer bags from moisture, water and rains. Protect bagsagainst excessive sunshine .and heat by making use to shade of trees structuresand covers.Q.5a.Define biofertilizer. Give the contribution of biofertilizers in agriculture.Biofertilizers:Biofertilizers are defined as the preparations containing live or latentcells of efficient strains of nitrogen fixing, phosphate solubilising or cellulolyticmicroorganisms used for the application to seed, soil or composting areas withan objective of increasing numbers of such micro-organisms and to acceleratecertain microbial processes to augment the extent of availability of nutrients in aform which can be easily assimilated by plants.Contribution of Biofertilizer in Agriculture:• They supplement fertilizer supplies for meeting the nutrients needs ofcrop.• They can add 20 – 200 kg N/ha under optimum conditions andsolubilize / mobilize 30 – 50 kg P2O5/ ha.• They liberate growth promoting substances and vitamins and help tomaintain soil fertility.• They suppress the incidence of pathogens and control diseases.• They increase crop yield by 10 – 50%.• They are cheaper and pollution free.• They improve soil health in general.(2)(2)b.Write the mode of action of organochlorine and carbamate insecticides.Mode of action of organochlorine insecticides:Chlorinated hydrocarbons are neurotoxicants. Their application causesinhibition or inactivation in the functioning of Na- K ATPase and Ca-ATPaseenzymes which are required for proper balance of Na and K in axon. Theimbalance of these enzymes results in prevention of normal transmission of nerveimpulse in insects and mammals. The imbalance of the enzymes ATPase and Ca-ATPase causing muscles to twist, this may lead to convulsion and death.Mode of action of Carbamate insecticides :Carbamate insecticides affects the enzyme choline esterase, which isresponsible for removal of acetyl choline present in synapse (gap between nervecell). This results in to continuous transmission of nerve impulses and loss of(2)(2)
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- coordination of nerves and other organs, giving rise to rapid twisting of voluntarymuscles and finally paralysis of vital organs including lungs. Thus, failure ofrespiration due to paralysis of lungs is the main cause of death.Q.6a.Explain the degradation of pesticide and give the different measures to reduce thepesticide impact.Degradation processes of pesticide :Degradation is the process of pesticide breakdown after application.Pesticides are broken down by microbes, chemical reactions, and light orphotodegradation. This process may take anywhere from hours or days to years,depending on environmental conditions and the chemical characteristics of thepesticide.Microbial breakdown is the breakdown of chemicals by microorganisms suchas fungi and bacteria.Chemical breakdown is the breakdown of pesticides by chemical reactions inthe soil.Photo-degradation: It is the breakdown of pesticides by sunlight. All pesticidesare susceptible to photo-degradation to some extent.Measures to Minimize Pesticide Impact :1. Integrated Pest Management2. Prevent back siphoning and spills3. Consider weather and irrigation plans4. Pesticide use and storage5. Dispose of pesticide and chemical wastes safely6. Leave buffer zones around sensitive areas7. Reduce off-target8. Maintain all application equipment in good working order andcalibrate it regularly.(2)(2)b.Define fungicides and give the advantages and dis-advantages of bordeauxmixture.Fungicides: All chemicals which kills or control pathogen directly or indirectlyare called as fungicides.Advantages of Bordeaux mixture:• Very easy and can prepared by farmers themselves.• Can act as fungicide, bactericide and algaecide.• Applicable for control of different plant diseases such as foot rot, stem rot,leaf spot, leaf blight, anthracnose, canker, damping off, black spot, downymildew, late and early blight etc.• The chemicals required for this is copper sulphate and lime which is easilyavailable in the market.• All the diseases controlled by copper based fungicides such as leaf spot,blight diseases can be controlled by this.• It is less toxic to human as compare to other commercial fungicidesDisadvantages:• It cannot be kept for long periods (More than 2 days after preparation).(1)(2)(1)
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- • It cannot be applied during the cold and cloudy weather, as it causesphytotoxicity to plants.• It cannot be applied to apple, maize and some of the dwarf rice varieties.Q.7aWrite the chemical nature and use of Benzimidazole fungicide.Chemical nature of Benzimidazole fungicides:Molecular formula: C7H6N2:• It contains C, H and N• It is colourless solid• It is heterocyclic aromatic organic compound• Its bycyclic compound, view like two fused ring of Banzine andimadazol• Molar mass :118.139 g mol-1• Melting point: 170 to 1720C• Acidic in reaction• Acidity : pKa = 12.8• It is condensation product of Phynylenediamine with formic acid orequivalent to trimethyl orthoformateUse:• They can control many ascomycetes and basidiomycetes, but not oomycetes.• They are applied to cereals, fruits, vegetables and vines, and are also used inpostharvest handling of crops.• The benzimidazole fungicides are extensively used on a variety of crops(vegetables, fruits, nuts, cereals, cotton, ornamentals, mushrooms, and others)for numerous fungal diseases.(2)(2)b.Define herbicide. Write in brief the general mode of action of herbicides.Herbicide:A herbicide in the broadest sense of word is any compound that is capable ofeither killing or severely injuring plants and may thus be used for elimination ofplant growth or killing of plant parts.General mode of action of herbicides.1) Photosynthetic poisonsa) Interfere with Hill’s reaction – In photolysis of water here is evolution ofoxygen which is interfered by herbicides like triazines, carbamates, ureaderivatives then interference will dead to no supply of oxygen.b) Some interference in Electron transport chain – herbicides like paraquat,diquat, Bipyrillidium, after several stages ……….2) Those interfere with cellulor metabolisms – herbicides lil 2-4-D, phenoxyacids and benzoic acid series results in to an controlled growth leading tocollapse of xylem, phloemce and plant die.3) Interference in the protein metabolism – herbicides like butachlor interfere inprotein metabolisum resulting in stunted root growth there by shortening ofstem, etc. and plant may die.(1)(3)
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- 4) Uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation – herbicides like DNOC, MSMAand even arsenic containing herbicides inter in the oxidative phosphorylationprocess and there is no format of ATP. Plant does not set emerge and it dies.Q.8a.Write short notes1. Insect growth regulators (IGRs)2. Reduced risk insecticide1. Insect growth regulators (IGRs):Insect growth regulators (IGRs) are pesticides that don't usually killinsects outright but instead affect the ability of insects to grow and maturenormally. IGRs either block the insect's ability to turn into an adult or cause it tochange into an adult before it is physically able to reproduce.Insect growth regulators (IGRs) are insecticides that mimic hormones inyoung insects. They disrupt the insects growth and reproduction. IGRs cancontrol many types of insects including fleas, cockroaches, and mosquitos.IGRs are generally low in toxicity to humans.2. Reduced risk insecticide:Reduced-risk pesticides are newer classes of compounds that pose alower health risk to humans and the environment.The environmental ProtectionAgency (EPA) technically defines a Reduced-risk pesticide use as one which"may reasonably be expected to accomplish one or more of the following":1. Reduces pesticide risks to human health;2. Reduces pesticide risks to non-target organisms;3. Reduces the potential for contamination of valued, environmental resources,4. Broadens adoption of IPM or makes it more effective.EPA implemented the Reduced-Risk Pesticides Initiative in 1993 toprovide incentives to encourage the development and registration of pesticidesthat present lower risks to public health and the environment, and to encouragethe replacement of higher risk pesticides in the marketplace.(2)(2)b.Explain botanical insecticides and give the advantages and dis-advantages ofbotanical insecticides.Botanical insecticides:Plant materials used as insecticides are known as botanical insecticides.The toxicant may be present in any part of the plant and these toxic materials arecollected and dried and powdered and that powder is used as insecticide. Thetoxicant also extracted from the powder using some solvent and chemicalcompound thus obtained used as insecticide.Advantages of botanical insecticides• Relatively cheaper• Don’t pollute the environment• Don’t leave any residue• Availability is relatively easier• Don’t harm the beneficial organisms.Disadvantages or difficulties involved in the use of botanical insecticides:• It takes fairly long time (2-5 years) to establish a plant in a newenvironment. Sometimes the plant can’t be introduced at all.(1)(2)(1)
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- • Availability of botanical insecticides is confined to a particular season,making import compulsory in off season .• Botanical insecticides decompose very fast and don’t have long self life.• Testing of biological materials as botanical insecticides is very difficultand time consuming process and so far, a fraction of flora and fauna hasbeen tested.Q.9a.Enlist the manufacturing processes of ammonium sulphate and describe thegypsum process.Manufacturing process of ammonium sulphate (NH4)2SO4:Ammonium sulphate is manufactured by two processes,i) Gypsum process, ii) By product of coal and steel industries andiii) Neutralization processI. Gypsum process: (Raw materials : NH3, CO2and Gypsum )In this process anhydrous ammonia is absorbed in water in a tank and CO2ispumped at 5 atmospheres. The resulting Ammonia carbonate is made to reactwith Gypsum (Calcium dihydarate; CaSO42H2O) suspended with water ondouble decomposition reaction, ammonia sulphate and calcium carbonate areformed. The calcium carbonate being insoluble, precipitated out, theammonium sulphate solution is filtered out, and crystallized by evaporation.Reactions: NH3+H2O⇋ NH4OH + 8.32K.Cal/g.mole2NH4OH +CO2→ (NH4)CO3+ H2O +22.08 K Cal /g.mole(NH4)CO3+ CaSO42H2O ⇋(NH4)2SO4+ CaCO3+2 H2O+ 3.9K Cal/g.mole(1)(3)b.Classify the insecticides on the basis of chemical nature with suitable examples.Classification of the insecticides on the basis of chemical naturea. Inorganic – Ex. arsenates, fluorides compounds.b. Organic insecticides.i) Oils and soaps – Petroleum productsii) Plant origin – Nicotine, Geraniol, pyrethrum and Rotenon.iii) Synthetica.Chlorinated hydrocarbons -DDT, HCH, Heptachlor, aldrin etc.b. Organophosphorus -Malathion, parathion and phosphamidonc. Carbonate insecticides – Carboryl, carbofuran.d. Pyrethoids – Allethrin, permethrin, Deltamethrin.e. Miscellaneous Insecticides – Karathane, DNOC.(4)Q.10a.Give the occurrence and mode of action of Pyrethrum plant origin insecticide.Occurance and mode of plant originated insecticide Pyrethrum :Occurrence:Natural insecticide produced by the daisy-like plant pyrethrum, known asChrysanthemum cinerariaefolium. The insecticide is concentrated in the flowersof the growing plant.Mode of action :Pyrethrum affects the Central Nervous System of insects. Quick knockdown action of induction of temporary paralysis. The symptoms follow thetypical pattern of nerve poison. Pyrethrum affect central nervous systeminterfering the Na+ and K+ ionic potential.(1)(3)
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- b.Define micronutrients. Write the sources of inorganic micronutrient fertilizers.Micronutrients: Micronutrients are the chemical elements necessary only inextremely small amount (usually less than 50 ppm in plants) for growth ofplants.Sources of inorganic micronutrient fertilizers:MicronutrientsSource of fertilizersIron (Fe)Ferrous sulphateZinc (Zn)Zinc sulphateCopper (Cu)Copper sulphateMangnese (Mn)Mangnese sulphateBoron (B)Borax (Sodium Borate), Boric acidMolybdenum (Mo)Ammonium molybdate, Sodiummolybdate, Calcium molybdate,Molybdenum trioxide(1)(3)SECTION “B”Q.11Do as directed1. The insecticide act was brought in force from 1stAugust of 1971.2. Behavioural resistance is a modification in the pest behaviour to avoid thelethal effects of pesticides.3. Thiram is an example of sulphur fungicides.4. High rates of atrazine are more toxic to maize and sorghum when appliedwith high rates of phosphorus nutrient.5. Adjuvant substance is used in herbicide formulation to modify herbicidalactivity or application characteristics.6. Pesticide residue refers to the pesticides that may remain on or in food afterthey are applied to food crops.7. Synergistic effect is the total effect of a combination of components is greateror more prolonged than the sum of the effects of the two components takenindependently.8. Soils with high in organic matter require relatively large amount of soil-applied herbicide for weed control. (True OR False) : True(8)Q.12Match the pairs(8)‘A’‘B’1. Chelatea. 2,4-D2. Acaricidesb. BHC3. Complex fertilizerc. Urea4. Banned insecticided. DTPA5. Bordeaux mixturee. Sulphur6. Photodegradationf. DAP7. Amide nitrogeng. Sunlight8. Selective herbicideh. MillardetAnswer1d2e3f4B5h6g7c8a
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