Quality Assurance - Practice MCQ Questions

Multiple Choice Questions 6 Pages

Contributed by

Himanshu David Mody
  • sr no Question Option _a Opton _b Option _c Option_d
    If a product has no/less defects and works exactly as expected within the budget is
    conformance to
    requirements fitness for use
    good quality
    product low budget product
    Development of right product in first go with no/minimum defects is called ? fitness for use
    to market research Success of project
    Complete the phrase : - People do not buy products , they buy Service
    products Benefits Brand
    Gap between customer expectation and what is delivered to him leads to ? project failure low feedback
    dissatisfaction loss of money
    Which can be external or internal to the organization who provide input to the project
    making.? Team leader trainers customers Suppliers
    Named the cycle which stands for continual improvement in work process. QFD SDLC Spiral PDCA
    What depends on the perception of the customer/user. Feedback
    Return on
    investment Quality survey
    customer. Quality control
    skills customer survey
    _________should focus on improving present skills and acquiring new skills. Organisation Team leader Team Manager Training
    Which Numerical goals should not become the definition of ? profit loss achievements gap
    How Software is in nature? virtual flexible tangible modifiable
    Improvement in quality directly leads to improvement in ? productivity profit
    satisfaction ROI
    Who are accidental and unplanned in nature? development inventions testing innovation
    Changes in small steps is called as ?
    cycle innovation breakthrough
    Requirements which are specifically documented in SRS is called as?
    requirements present requirements
    Quality culture 'Q' focuses on ?
    improvement inspection rework testing
    Which model is a collection of many sub systems. RAD iterative incremental v model
    TYBScIT Sem VI Subject : Quality Assurance
    Sample Questions For Self Practice

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  • sr no Question Option _a Opton _b Option _c Option_d
    TYBScIT Sem VI Subject : Quality Assurance
    Sample Questions For Self Practice
    In the following model, integration is a major issue. v model incremental prototype waterfall
    The following model works in multiple iterations. spiral iterative incremental v model
    The following model helps in understanding the requirements before creating actual
    software. v model incremental prototype iterative
    21 Which of the following is not included in failure costs? rework repair
    failure mode analysis
    none of the mentioned
    22 Which of the following is not included in External failure costs? Testing
    help line support
    warranty work complaint resolution
    23 Which of the following is not an appraisal cost in SQA?
    inter-process inspection
    maintenance quality planning testing
    24 What is prevention cost?
    The cost arises from efforts to prevent defects.
    The cost arises form defects identified internally to correct them
    The cost arises from efforts to prevent cost.
    The cost arises from efforts to implement cost
    Which of the following defect attribute denotes the order in which defects need to be fixed?
    Severity Priority Intensity Complexity
    26 What do you understand by V&V in software testing? Verified Version
    Version Validation
    Verification and Validation
    Version Verification
    27 Identify the disadvantage of Spiral Model.
    Doesn’t work well for smaller projects
    High amount of risk analysis
    Strong approval and documentation control
    Additional Functionality can be added at a later date
    28 Which two models doesn’t allow defining requirements early in the cycle? Waterfall & RAD
    Prototyping & Spiral
    Prototyping & RAD Waterfall & Spiral
    29 Agile Software Development is based on
    Incremental Developmen
    Iterative Development
    Linear Development
    Both Incremental and Iterative Development
    30 Which of the following does not apply to agility to a software process?
    Uses incremental product delivery strategy
    Only essential work products are produced
    Eliminate the use of project planning and testing
    It is based on iterative model
    31 Which of the following is not a software testing generic characteristics?
    Different testing techniques are appropriate at different points in time
    Testing is conducted by the developer of the software or an independent test group
    Testing and debugging are different activities, but debugging must be accommodated in any testing strategy
    None of the mentioned
    32 Test cases should uncover errors like
    Nonexistent loop termination
    Comparison of different data types
    Incorrect logical operators or precedence
    All of the mentioned
    33 In which testing level the focus is on customer usage? Alpha Testing Beta Testing Validation Testing both alpha and beta
    What is the goal of the requirements analysis and specifications phase of software develoment life cycle?
    understanding the customer requirements and organize them in an informal document
    Analyzing the cost of development
    Determine scope of the software
    designing model

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  • sr no Question Option _a Opton _b Option _c Option_d
    TYBScIT Sem VI Subject : Quality Assurance
    Sample Questions For Self Practice
    Software tester focuses more on complex part of the software. Which of the following testing principle implies this?
    Testing shows presence of defects
    Pesticide paradox
    Testing is context dependent
    Defect Clustering
    36 Maintenance testing is performed using which methodology? Retesting Sanity testing
    Breadth test and depth test
    Confirmation testing
    37 Following are fundamental test processes arranged randomly. What will be the logical sequenal flow of these acvies.1. Test Closure acvity5,4,2,1,3 5,2,3,4,1 5,4,2,3,1 5,2,4,3,1
    38 Exit criteria is determined during
    Planning and Control
    Implementation and execution
    Evaluating exit criteria and Reporting
    Analysis and Design
    39 What is pesticide paradox?
    If the same tests are repeated over and over again , eventually the same set of test cases will no longer find any new bugs
    A small number of modules contain most of the defects
    Testing can show that defects are present , but can not prove that there are no defects
    Finding and fixing defects does not help if the system built is unusable and does not fulfill the users need and expectations.
    40 When testing principles are useful? During testing
    During execution
    During review Throughout life-cycle
    A city field in software accepts 3 to 25 alpha characters only. Using Boundary Value Analysis technique what will be the possible number of combinations?
    2, 3, 25, 26 1, 3, 25, 27 2, 3, 25, 27 1, 3, 25, 27
    42 Which are the independent considerations that apply to input domain testing ? validity of inputs
    Validity of output
    Number of faults Errors
    On which the Robust Boundary Value Testing forces attention ?
    Exception Handling
    Error Input Output
    On which assumption Strong Normal Equivalence Class testing is based ,which states that
    errors will result in a combination of faults ?
    single multiple double random
    Named the testing which is a hybrid of boundary value analysis and equivalence class
    Robust Equivalence
    Robust Boundary Value
    Special Value
    Nmaed a Decision tables in which all the conditions are binary ? Extended Limited Single Several
    Named the approach which is a systematic approach where the different input
    combinations and their corresponding system behaviour (output) are captured in a
    Cause Effect Graph
    Program Graph Equivalence Class Decision Table
    Which coverage is executed on the program, when every node in the program Graph is
    Edge Chain Program Node
    Named the coverage when given a set of test cases for a program constitute and
    executed on the program, every edge in the program Graph is traversed.
    Edge Coverage Path Coverage Chain Coverage Node Coverage
    Mention the name which slices S(v,n) refer to statement fragments that contribute to the
    value of v at statement n.
    Forward Backward Upward Downward
    List the elements used in DD-path graph to represent DD-paths of its program graph, and
    control flow between successor DD-paths.
    path,nodes nodes,edges edges,graph nodes,graph

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  • sr no Question Option _a Opton _b Option _c Option_d
    TYBScIT Sem VI Subject : Quality Assurance
    Sample Questions For Self Practice
    In which method all the nodes are travesered in program graph ? graph coverage Edge coverage Node coverage path coverage
    Which is type of coverage for exercising a set of rules such that each condition is
    evaluated to both true and false?
    path coverage
    Statement and branch coverage metrics are part of Analysis Model Design Model Testing Source Code
    State another anme to Statement coverage Line coverage Path coverage Code coverage Decesion coverage
    A city field in software accepts 3 to 25 alpha characters only. Using Boundary Value Analysis technique what will be the possible number of combinations?
    2, 3, 25, 26 1, 3, 25, 27 2, 3, 25, 27 1, 3, 25, 27
    57 Which are the independent considerations that apply to input domain testing ? validity of inputs
    Validity of output
    Number of faults Errors
    Stongly typed languages would include the following where ( states open boundary and [denotes closed boundary
    (a,b] [a,b] (a,b) [a,b)
    59 What is the naother anme of Weak Normal Equivalance Class ?
    single fault assumption
    fault assumption
    multiple fault assuption
    60 Real-time Boundary value problem does not include following temperature pressure air commision problem
    This is the person who prepares the artifact for inspection
    Scribe Moderator Author Reviewer
    One of the following is not a a characteristic of nice domain
    orthogonal complete linear inconsistent
    Which testing invoves testing of software with software environmental factors like
    database , operating system , where the application is supposed to work ?
    Interface testing
    Integration testing
    System Testing Unit Testing
    Name the testing that involves testing of many units by combing them together to form a
    module or sub module.
    Interface testing
    Integration testing
    System Testing Unit Testing
    Namwd matrix starts with the requirements as stated in the requirement specification
    and goes forward upto test results.
    Traceability Testing Specification Execution
    What will be carried out through the inspection of requirement specification?
    Verification Design Validation Requirement Validation.
    Which model describes verification and validation activities associated with software
    development during the entire lifecycle? RAD Model Incremetal VV Model Validation Model
    The project team along with architests and designers may walk through the design to
    find the completeness and give comments, if any this process is called as Design Validation
    Implementation Prioritorisation

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  • sr no Question Option _a Opton _b Option _c Option_d
    TYBScIT Sem VI Subject : Quality Assurance
    Sample Questions For Self Practice
    Who is responsible for defining test strategies in testing? Test Lead
    Manager Test Manager Moderator
    With which testing Design phase testing is associated which covers design specification
    as well as structural testing? Unit interface integration acceptance.
    Which testing is an onsite acceptance test? Beta Gamma Alpha Unit
    Which testing is also known as field testing? Beta Gamma Alpha Unit
    What is an offsite acceptance test? Alpha Gamma Beta Unit
    Which Testing is carried out at clients site by the end users or the stake holders of the
    product? Beta Gamma Alpha Unit
    Which Testing is carried out at the end of software deveopment process and before
    handing over the software to clients? Beta Gamma Alpha Unit
    Find which of the following are the types of acceptance testing. Alpha Testing Beta Testing
    Both Alpha and
    Beta Testing Unit testing
    Which model explains the validation activities associated with different phases of
    software development. Verification VV Waterfall validation
    Program level designs are associated with _________ testing. Unit Componant Integration Acceptance
    the testing done to find whher the application is alive or not and also finds whether the
    user can work with it or not.
    Interface testing
    Integration testing
    System Testing Smoke Testing
    Which testing is done when the developemnt organisation wishes to check that the
    uninstallation is clean or not ?
    Updation testing
    Installation testing
    Pre-requisite testing
    Unstallation testing
    Who is the final user group or people who are actually sponsoring the project ? Developers Managers Customers Testers
    Which team includes test managers,test leads and testers as per the scope of testing? Development Analysis Testing Maintainance
    Which is a technique used for constructing the program structure while at the same time
    carrying out tests to uncover errors related with interfacing?
    Testing System Testing Unit Testing
    Who is not involved in System Testing ? Developers Designer User Testers
    85 The type of testing which is done after development is over it is called as Big-bang testing
    Sandwich testing
    Unit testing system testing

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  • sr no Question Option _a Opton _b Option _c Option_d
    TYBScIT Sem VI Subject : Quality Assurance
    Sample Questions For Self Practice
    86 The test which is performed at debugger mode is Unit testing system testing Big-bang testing Sandwich testing
    87 Graphical User Testing is also known as UI testing UX testing UML testing UMI testing
    Which testing refers to testing the software on multiple configrations to check behaviours of different system components and their combinations.
    System testing
    Compatibility testing
    V testing Integration testing
    89 Testing process of which is more parallel to multiplatform testing ?
    nationalization system
    overall system
    internationalization system
    live system
    90 Which testing is intended to check the level of security and protection. Security testing
    performance testing
    operatability testing
    system testing
    Which of the following is software metric that provides a quantitative measure of the logical complexity of a program?
    Cyclomatic Complexity
    stress complexity
    Function Point Complexity testing
    In a flow graph, node that contains a condition and is characterized by two or more edges emanating from it, is called as
    Parent node Two Edge node Predicate node Computational Node
    Which testing involves basic functionality testing of software to ensure application is running and one can work with it?
    regression testing
    Grey box testing
    Smoke testing Sanity testing
    94 Which testing is done to check major behaviour and functionality of application? Sanity testing Smoke testing Security testing Recovery testing
    When different combination of input requires different combination of actions,Which of the following technique is used in such situation?
    Boundary Value Analysis
    Equivalence Partition
    Decision Table Decision Coverage
    96 Which of the following Use Cases are useful?
    Performance Testing
    Business Scenarios
    Static Testing Unit Testing
    97 Which testing has to be completed before integration testing can be done? Stress testing
    Functional testing
    Unit testing Load testing
    98 Which is a type of testing that determines the stability and robustness of the system? Adhoc testing Stress testing
    performance testing
    system testing
    99 What is Cyclomatic complexity? Black box testing
    White box testing
    Yellow box testing Green box testing
    Which testing is a type of software testing that is performed to check whether the system is capable of or able to handle the errors that may happen in future ?
    Monkey testing Adhoc testing
    Error handling testing
    Execution tesing

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