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- 200MCQFor the answer of the following questions choose the correct alternative from among the given ones.(1) Who produced the electromagnetic waves first ?(A) Marconi (B) Maxwell (C) J.C. Bose (D) Hertz(2) The dimensional formula ofo oE is _______________(A)2 2L T(B)2 2L T(C)1 1LT(D)1 1L T(3) A plane electromagnetic wave is incident on a material surface. The wave deliversmomentum P and energy E(A) P=0, E0 (B) P0, E=0 (C) P0, E0 (D) P=0, E=0(4) Ifx mV ,V and Vare the velocity of the v rays, x rays, micro waves respectively inspace, then(A)r x mV V V (B)r x mV V V (C)r x mV V V (D)r x mV V V (5) If ,r x mand are the wave lengths of the r-rays, x rays and micro waves respec-tively in space then(A)r x m (B)r x m (C)r x m (D)r m x (6) According to Maxwell, a changing electric field produces(A) emf (B) Electric current(C) magnetic field (D) radiation pressure(7) An electromagnetic wave going through vaccum is described by E=oE sin(kx-ωt).Which of the following is independent of the wavelength?(A)ω(B) k/ω(C) kω(D) k(8) Which of the following have zero average value in a plane electromagnetic wave?(A) Electric energy (B) Magnetic energy(C) Electric field (D) None of these.(9) If the relative permeability and dielectric constant of a given medium are equal tornd K respectively, then the refractive index of the medium is equalto__________(A)rK(B)r oE (C)o oE (D)r1/ k(10) Astraonomers have found that electromagnetic waves of wavelength 21cm arecontinuously reaching the Earth’s surface . Calculate the frequency of this radia-tion. (c= 3810m/s)(A) 14.28 GHz (B) 1.428 kHz (C) 1.428 MHz (D) 1.428 GHz
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- 201(11) Electric field in an electromagnetic wave is given by E=50 sinω(t-x/c) N1C.Intensity of this wave is ___________-2Wm(A) 50 (B)81.1 10 (C) 3.3 (D)195.5 10(12) The amplitude of the electric field in a parallel beam of light of intensity 2.0-2Wmis _______(A)138.8NC(B)119.4NC(C)19.7NC(D) None of these.(13) Speed of electromagnetic wave is the same(A) for all wavelengths (B) in all media(C) for all intensities (D) for all frequencies(14) The maximum electric field in a plane electromagnetic wave is1900NC. The waveis going in the x direction and the electric field is in the y direction. The maxi-mum magnetic field in the wave is ____________T(A)83 10(B)63 10(C)627 10(D)1027 10(15) Electromagnetic waves are produced by(A) a static charge (B) a moving charge(C) an accelerating charge (D) chargeless particles(16) Maxwells equations are derived from the laws of___________(A) electricity (B) magnetism(C) both electricity and magnetism (D) mechanics(17) Which of the following electromagnetic waves has the longest wavelength?(A) Radio waves (B) Infrared radiations(C) x rays (D) visible rays(18) Which of the following electromagnetic waves has the highest frequency?(A) radio waves (B) micro waves (C) r rays (D) x rays(19) Which of the following electromagnetic waves is used in telecommunication?(A) radio waves (B) visible radiations(C) ultraviolet rays (D) micro waves(20) The maximum value ofEin an electromagnetic waves in air is equal to46.0 101Vm. The maximum value ofBis ____________(A)51.8 10 T (B)42.0 10T (C)122.0 10 T (D)131.8 10T(21) Dimensional formula of intensity of radiation is _____________(A)1 2 2M L T(B)1 0 2M L T(C)1 2 3M L T(D)1 0 3M L T
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- 202(22) The frequency of an electromagnetic wave in free space is 3MHz. When it passesthrough a medium of relative permeabilityrε=4.0 , then its frequency(A) becomes half (B) become doubled(C) remain same (D) become2times(23) The frequency of electromagnetic wave having wavelength 25mm is _________ Hz(A)101.2 10(B)57.5 10(C)81.2 10(D)67.5 10(24) Unit of energy density of electromagnetic wave is _________(A)3Jm(B)2Jm(C)2wm(D) None of these(25) What is the ratio of velocities of light rays of wavelengths04000A and08000A invaccum ?(A) 1:2 (B) 1:1(C) 2:1 (D) cannot be determined(26) Which of the following rays are not electromagnetic waves?(A)rays (B)rays (C)rays (D) heat rays(27) A new system of unit is evolved in which the values of0 and0ε are 2 and 8respectively. Then the speed of light in this system will be(A) 0.25 (B) 0.5 (C) 0.75 (D) 1(28) Our eyes respond to wavelength ranging from(A) 400nm to 700nm (B)to(C) 1mm to 700nm (D)700nm to 800nm(29) In microwave oven, we use electromagnetic oscillators which produce electro-magnetic waves in the wavelength range(A) 1mm to 10m (B) 0.7mto 1mm(C) 0.1m to 1mm (D) 0.1mto 0.7m(30) What is the direction ofE B in an electromagnetic wave?(A) same as that ofE(B) same as that ofB(C) same as the direction of propagation of electromagnetic wave(D) none of these(31) The wavelength of x rays is of the order of(A) 1cm (B) 1m (C) 1micron (D)1angstrom
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- 203(32) A plane electromagnetic wave of frequency 25MHz travels in free space along thex direction. At a particular point in space and timeE= 6.3ˆj1VmthenBat thispoint is__________(A)ˆ2.1 10 T8i (B)ˆ2.1 10 T8k (C)ˆ1.89 10 T9k(D)ˆ2.52 10 T7k(33) The magnetic field in a plane electromagnetic wave is given By=3 112 10 sin (0.5 10 + 1.5 10 t)T7x . The expression for electric field is(A)3 11 160 sin(0.5 10 1.5 10 )xE x t Vm (B)3 11 160 sin(0.5 10 1.5 10 )zE x t Vm (C)11 3 160 sin(1.5 10 0.5 10 )zE x t Vm (D)15 11 3 160 10 sin(1.5 10 0.5 10 )zE x t Vm (34) Light with an energy flux of3 -3w m or Wmfalls on a non-reflecting surface atnormal to surface. If the surface has an area of220m. The average force exertedon the surface during 30 minutes is________(A)56.48 10 N(B)23.60 10 N(C)61.2 10 N(D)32.16 10 N(35) Energy density of an electromagnetic wave of intensity-20.02 Wmis _______(A)11 36.67 10 Jm (B)6 36 10 Jm(C)10 31.5 10 Jm(D) none of the above(36) The waves used in communication are generally called(A)rays (B)rays (C) microwaves (D) radiowaves(37) For an electromagnetic wave, the phase difference between vectorsEandB(faraway from the source)(A) 0 (B)2(C)(D)32(38) In an electromagnetic wave, if the amplitude of magnetic field is103 10 T, theamplitude of the associated electric field will be________(A)2 19 10 Vm (B)10 13 10 Vm (C)2 13 10 Vm (D)18 11 10 Vm (39) The electric and magnetic field of an electromagnetic wave are(A) in phase and perpendicular to each other(B) in phase and parallel to each other(C) in opposite phase and perpendicular to each other(D) in opposite phase and parallel to each other
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- 204(40) The direction of electric and magnetic vector foran electromagnetic wave travelling along X-axisare shown in fig. A and B then(A) A is correct, B is wrong(B) B is correct, A is wrong(C) Both A and B are correct(D) Both A and B are wrong(41) The dimensions of1are(A)0 1 1M LT(B)0 1 1M L T(C)0 2 2M L T(D)0 1 2M LT(42) The dimension ofrkis(A)0 1 1M L T (B)0 1 1M LT(C)0 2 2M L T(D)0 0 0M L T(43) The frequency of light wave of wavelength05000 Ais _______Hz(A)146 10(B)21.5 10(C) 1.5 (D)16 10(44) Unit of0Cis same as that of(A) current (B) resistance (C) electric charge (D) velocity(45) The amplitude of the magnetic field part of an electromagnetic wave in vaccum isBm = 510 nT. Then the amplitude of the electric part of the wave is_________(A)111.53 10 /V m(B) 1.53 V/m(C)21.53 10 /V m(D)81.53 10 /V m(46) If the direction of magnetic fieldBat some instant is along +ve Z direction andthe electromagnetic wave is propagating along +ve X direction, then the directionof electric fieldEat that instant is_________(A) along -ve Y direction (B) along +ve Y direction(C) along +ve X direction (B) along -ve X direction(47) Relation between amplitudes of electric and Magnetic field is..............(A)0 0E B (B)0 0E cB (C)00BEc(D)00cEB(48) If a source is transmitting electromagnetic wave of frequency68.2 10 Hz, then thewavelength of the electromagnetic waves transmitted from the source willbe______(A) 36.6m (B) 42.3m (C)40.5m (D)50.9mECBECB
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- 205(49) The velocity of light in vaccum can be changed by changing____(A) frequency (B)wavelength (C)amplitude (D) none of these(50) An electromagnetic wave going through vaccum is described by E=Eo sin(kx-ωt)then B=Bo sin(kx-ωt) then(A) E0B0=ωk (B) E0k = B0ω(C) E0ω= B0k (D)none of these(51) If the wavelength of light is04000A then the number of waves in 1mm length willbe___(A)2.5 (B)2500 (C)250 (D)25000(52) The SI unit of displacement current is_________(A) coulomb (B)henry (C) ampere (D)faraday(53) The electromagnetic waves do not transport_______(A) energy (B) charge (C)momentum (D)information(54) An electric charge oscillating with a frequency of 1kilo cycles/s can radiateselectromagnetic waves of wavelength(A) 100km (B)200km (C) 300km (D)400km(55) The frequency 1057MHz of radiation arising from two close energy levels inhydrogen belongs to_____(A) radio waves (B)infrared waves (C)micro waves (D)rays(56) Electromagnetic waves travelling in a medium which has relative permeability 1.3and relative permeability 2.14 speed of electromagnetic waves in this mediumwill be_____(A)83.6 10 /m s(B)81.8 10 /m s (C)61.8 10 /m s(D)613.6 10 /m s(57) A plane electromagnetic wave is incident on a material surface. If the wave deliv-ers momentum p and energy E, then(A) p=0,E=0 (B)p 0, E 0 (C)p 0, E = 0(D) p = 0,0E (58) Maxwell’s modified form of Ampere’s circuital law is____(A)B . dS (B)oB . dS i (C)EodB . d +dtol i (D)qod1B . d +dtol i (59) The wavelength of x rays is of the order of(A) 10–3m (B) 10–5m (C) 10–10m (D) 10–12m(60) A point source of electromagnetic radiation has an average output power of 800W.The maximum value of electric field at a distance of 4.0m from the source is(A)164.7Vm(B)157.8Vm(C)156.72Vm(D)154.77Vm
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- 206(61) A plane electromagnetic wave8 1100 cos(6 10 4 )zE t x Vm propagate in a mediumof refractive index(A)1.5 (B)2.0 (C)2.4 (D)4.0(62) A plane electromagnetic wave of wave intensity-210ωmstrikes a small mirror ofarea 202cm, held perpendicular to the approaching wave. The radiation force onthe mirror will be(A).116 6 N(B)111.33 10 N(C)101.33 10 N(D)106.6 10 N(63) An observer is at 2m from an isotropic point source of light emitting 40w power.The rm.s value of electric due to the source at the position of the observeris_____(A)8 15.77 10 Vm (B)117.3Vm(C)8 157.7 10 Vm (D)11.73Vm(64) Electromagnetic waves used in medicine to destroy cancer cells(A) radio waves (B)infrared rays(C)gamma rays (D)ultraviolet rays(65) What is the name associated with the equationE .ddtdt (A) Gauss law for electricity (B) Gauss law for magnetism(C) ampere’s law (D)faraday’s law(66) What oscillates in an electromagnetic wave?(A)EandB(B)B(C)E(D)none of these(67) Which of the following rays are not electromagnetic waves?(A)rays (B)rays (C)rays (D)heat rays(68) The rms value of the electric field of the light coming from the sun is 720 N/c.The average tatal energy density of the electromagnetic wave is(A)6 34.58 10 Jm (B)9 36.3 10 Jm (C)12 381.35 10 Jm (D)3 33.3 10 Jm (69) What is the wave length of range of electromagnetic waves?(A) 10-8m to 1015m (B) 10-15m to 108m(C) 10-15m to 1015m (D) 108m to 1015m(70) What is the wavelength range of visible light?(A)010 A to0100A (B)04000 A to07000A(C)08000 A to010000A (D)010000 A to015000A
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- 207(71) Unit ofoC is same as that of(A)current (B)resistance (C)electric charge (D) velocity(72) In electromagnetic spectrum, the visible light lie between(A) radiowaves and microwaves(B) ultraviolet rays and infrared rays(C) ultraviolet rays and x rays(D) infrared rays and microwaves(73) Which of the following statements is not true in case of electromagnetic waves?(A) they are light waves (B)theay are transverse waves(C) propagates through space (D) they are longitudinal waves(74) The oscillating electric and magnetic field vectors of an electromagnetic wavesfar away from source are oriented along(A) Mutually perpendicular direction and differ in phase by090(B) Mutually perpendicalar and in same phase(C) In same direcfi on and in same phase(D) In same divecfi on and differ in phaseby 90o(75) Which of the following option of electromagnetic waves is in order ofincreasing frequency ?(A) microwaves, ultraviolet rays, x rays(B) gamma rays, ultraviolet rays, radiowaves(C) radiowaves, visible light, infrared rays(D) gamma rays, visible light, ultraviolet rays(77) The sum delivers310Wm-2of electromagnetic flux to earth’s surface. The totalpower that is incident on a roof of dimension 8m x 20m will be________(A)54 10 w(B)42.56 10 w(C)56.4 10 w(D)51.6 10 w(77) Bolometer is used to detect ___________.(A) infrared rays (B) ultraviolet rays (C) x rays (D)rays(78) Range of frequency of microwaves is about__________.(A)530kHz to 1710kHz (B)54MHz to 890MHz(C) 3GHz to 300GHz (D)144 10 Hzto147 10 Hz(79) SI unit of displacement current is(A) coulomb (B)ampere (C)faraday (D)
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