- 212SUMMARY The path of the light propagation is called ray, but a bundald of such rays is called beam of light. The relation between focal length and radius of curvature is2Rf (for both the mirror) or R = 2f. In the case of plane mirror, R is infinite and therefore its focal length is also infinite. For mirrors, Gauss' equation is,R2f1v1u1where, u = object distance, v = image distance, f =focal length, R = Radius of Curvature. Lateral magnification for mirrors is given byuvh'hm , where,'h= height of image, h = height ofobject. The ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction for the given twomedia is constant, i.e.,1212sin θ= nsin θ= Constant.where n21is known as the refraative index of medium–2 with respect to medium–1. For a compound slab of different transparent media general form of Snell's Law is written as:1 1 2 2n sinθ n sinθ Lateral shift x = t .112nθ 1n If two plane mirros M1and M2are inclined at angleθ, then no. of images form360n = -1θ In concave mirror, when objects is between P and F, image formed is virtual, ereect and magnified.mis positive. However, when object lies beyond F, image formed is real and inverted.m is negative. In convex mirror, image is always virtual and erect, whatever be the position of the object. Critical angle11C sinn where, n = refractive index medium.Asrvnn 'C'.CCrv increases with temperature.
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- 213 Refraction from a spherical surface (for lens)(1) For refrection from rarer to denser medium :1 2 2 1-n n n -n+ =u v R(2) Form denser to rarer medium :Rnnunvn1221 Lens Maker's Formula is : 1 21 1 1= n-1 -f R R For Convex lens : R1= +, R2= –, f = +Convave lens : R1= –, R2= +, f = – Power of lens1fP when f = 1m,P = 1 diopter (D)For Convex lens P = +,Convave lens P = – If two lenses are in contact coaxilly,(i)212121mmm)iii(PPP)ii(f1f1f1 For Prism equation is given byδ= i + e – A or A+δ= i + eAt minimum angle of deviation,δm= 2i–A. ei For thin prismmA(n 1) mA δsin2nAsin2 Newton's formula f2= x1.x2 The relation betweenδ, A and n is :δ= A(n– 1)Angular disperson,v r v rθ δ δ (n n )A Dispersive powerV r V rδ -δ n nω = = ,δ n 1Where,V rn +nn =2 (i) Resolving power of human eye = 1'(ii) R.P. of Microscope =2nsinθλ(iii) R.P. of Telescope =1.22.λD
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- 214WAVE OPTICS Problem Solving Skills :(1) Resultant intensity2 2 2I R b 2 bcosa a 1 2 1 2I I +I +2 I I cos If021III ´ÜÜå21 0 0 0 0I = I + I + 2I cos 4 I cos (2) Phase differance 2x Form1 2 1 2I = I +I +2 I I cosWhen cos = +1 2max 1 2 1 2 1 2I I I 2 I I I I cos = –1 221minIII 221221minmaxIIIIIIIf the Sources are incoherent, I = I1+I2If W1and W2are widths of two Slis then ,222121baIIWWIn the interfernce pattern maxminI=I22a+ba - bwhere a, b = Amplitude.In young's double slit experiment(a) Position of bright fringesDnλdx (where n = 0 for centeral fringe)(b) Positiion of dark fringes x 2n 1 λD2d(c) Width of each bright fringes = width of each darkfringesλDβdx
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- 215(d) when entire apparatus is immersed in a medium of refractve index n, fringe width becomes''λ D λD β' βd nd n nxx (e) Angular fringe widthdλDβ(f) fringe visibility is V = Imax– Imin/ Imax+ IminA thickness t of a medium of refractive index n is equivalent to a length nt in vacuum or air. This iscalled optical path length.When a thin transperent plate of thickness t and refractive index n is placed in the path of one of theinterfering waves, fringe width remains unaffected but the entire patern shiffts by D1 t . 1 tdx n n Law of Malus :20cosIIBrewster's law :Pn = tan θthe intensity of porlarised light :2II0where0I = intensity of unpolarsed lightAccoding to Doppler's effect for light waves'Vf f 1C where'f= apparent frequency of lightf= true frequency of lightA symbol of refractive index is also denoted byµ
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- 216MCQ Questions(1). The velocity of light is maximum in a medium of________________.(A) diamond (B) water (C) glass (D) vaccum(2). A light of wavelength 320 nm enters in a medium of refractive index 1.6 from the air of refractive index1.0 The new wavelength of light in the medium will be____________nm.(A) 520 (B) 400 (C) 320 (D) 220(3). "Bhautik" runs towards a plane mirror with a speed of 20 ms–1, what is the speed of his image ?(A) 45 ms–1(B) 20 ms–1(C) 15 ms–1(D) 7.5 ms–1(4). A ray of light is incident at an angle 300on a mirror, The angle between normal and reflected rayis___________.(A)15(B)30(C)45(D)60(5). The no. of images formed between two parallel plane mirror are ______________.(A)(B) 0 (C) 180 (D) 360(6). To get five images of a single object one shold have two plane mirrors at an angle of___________.(A)36(B)72(C)180(D)302(7). If a glass rod is immersed in a liquid of the same refractive index, then it will______________.(A) appear bent (B) appear longer (C) disappear (D) appear shorter(8). For four different transperent medium41 32 21____________ .n n n (A)41n1(B)41n(C)14n(D)14n1(9). A Plane mirror produces a magnification of_____________.(A) 0 (B) +1 (C) –1 (D)(10). A ray light passes through four transperent mediawith refractive indices4321n,n,n,n as shown infigure The surfaces of all media are parallel, if theemergent ray DE is parallel of the incident ray ABwe must have_______________E
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- 217(A)21nn (B)43nn (C)41nn (D)32nn (11). A convex lens forms a real image of an object for it s two different positons on a screen if hight of theimage in both cases be 16 cm and 4 cm then height of the object is__________cm.(A) –4 (B) 4 (C) –8 (D) 8(12). In shown figure two parallel rays incident on amirror they are reflected as paraller rays as shownin the same figure what is the nature of the mirror ?(A) plane mirror (B) concave(C) convex (D) plano–concave(13). The power of plane glass is__________.(A)(B) 0 (C) 2D (D) 4D(14). A convex lens is made up of three diffrent materials as shown in figure, forpoint object placed on its axis, the no. of imges formed are__________.(A) 4 (B) 2(C) 3 (D) 1(15). Two thin lenses of focal lengths1f and2f are coaxially placed incontact with eachother then, the powerof combination is__________.(A)2ff21(B)21ff(C)2121ffff(D)2121ffff (16).If thin prism of5gives a deviation of2then the refractive index of material of prism is_________.(A) 1.4 (B) 1.5 (C) 1.6 (D) 1.0(17). It is difficult to see through the fog because _________________(A) light is seattered by the doplets in the fog.(B) fog absorbs light.(C) rafractive index of fog is infinity.(D) light suffers totl internal reffection.(18). what is the time taken in seconds to cross a glass plate of thikness 6 mm andµ = 2.0by light ?(A)11108(B)11104(C)11102(D)111016(19). Which of the following diagrams shows correctly the dispersion of white light by a prism ?(A) (B) (C) (D)
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- 218(20). Read the following quetions and choose if________________.(A) both assertion and reason are true and the reason is correct explanation of the assertion.(B) both assertion and reason are true but reason do not explain the assertion.(C) Assertion is true but the reason are false.(D) both assertion and reason are false.(1) Assertion : Focal lengh of a lens for red colour is smaller than its focal length for violet colourReason : is becuser Vn n(A) B (B) A (C) C (D) D(21). In which of the following cases a man will not see image grater than himself.(A) convex mirror (B) concave mirror (C) plane mirror (D) none of these(22). A glass slab n =1.5of thikness 9 cm is placed over a written paper what is the Shift in the latters ?(A) 6 cm (B) 3 cm (C) 2 cm (D) 0 cm(23). A concave mirror of focal length 20 cm forms an virtual image having twice the linear dimensions ofthe object, the position of the object will be ___________cm(A) 7.5 (B) –10 (C) 10 (D) –7.5(24). In experiment to find focal length of a concave mirror a graph is drawn between the magnitude of u andv.The graph looks like___________.(A) (B) (C) (D)(25). A mark at the bottom of the liquid appears to rise by 0.2 m, If depth of the liquid is 2.0 m then refractiveindex of the liquid is________________.(A) 1.80 (B) 1.60 (C) 1.33 (D) 1.11(26). A Sound wave travels from air to water. the angle of incidence is1αand the angle of reflection is2αIf the snell's Law is valid then,___________________.(A)1 2α (B)21α (C)21α (D)21α (27). 1.6 is a refractive index of plano-convex lens, then the redius of curvature of the curved sunface is 60cm. The focal length of the lens is_______ cm(A) 50 (B) 100 (C) –50 (D) –100(28). One convex lens and one concave lens placed is contect with eachother. If the ratio of their power is32and focal length of the combination is 30 cm, then indivedual focal lengths are__________.(A) 15 cm and –10 cm (C) 30 cm and –20 cm
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- 219(B) –15 cm and 10 cm (D) –30 cm and –30 cm(29). A thin prism of3, angle made from glass of refractive index 1.5 is combined with another thin prismmade from glass of refractive index 1.3 to produce dispersion without deveation. what is the angle ofPrism of second prism.(A)3(B)3(C)5(D)5(30). If a ray of light is incident on a plane mirror at an angle of30then deviation produced by a planemirror is____________.(A)60(B)90(C)120(D)150(31). The frequency of a light wave in a material is144 10zHand wavelensth is 5000A. Therefractive index of material will be____________ ( take8 -13×10 m sc =)(A) 1.5 (B) 1.7 (C) 1.33 (D) None of thense32. Mono chromatic light of wavelength 399 nm is incident from air on a water n 1.33Surface.The wavelength of refracted light is ________________nm(A) 300 (B) 600 (C) 333 (D) 44333. If the refractive index of a material of an equilateral Prism is3, then angle of minimum deviation willbe____________.(A)50(B)60(C)39(D)4934. If the critical angle for total internal reflection from a medium to vacuum is30then velocity of lightin the medium is _____________ms–1( take c = 3.0108ms–1)(A) 2.0108(B) 1.5108(C) 108(D) 1.510–835. A ray of light passes from glass n 1.5to medium n 1.60The value of the critical angle ofglass is___________.(A)1516sin1(B)1516sin1(C)21sin1(D)1615sin136. A double convex lens of focal length 6 cm is made of glass of refractive index 1.5, The radius ofcurvature of one surface is double than that of the other surface. The value of small radius of curvatureis_________.(A) 6 (B) 9 (C) 12 (D) 4.537. When a ray of light enters in a transperent medium of refractive index n, then it is observed that theangle of refraction is half of the angle of incidence. The value of angle of incidence will be _________.
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- 220(A)-1n2cos2 (B)-1ncos2 (C)-1n2sin2 (D)-1nsin2 38. A prsim of glass is shown in figure A, ray incident normally onone face is totally reflected. Ifθis45, the index of refractionof glass is_____________.(A) <2(B) >2(C) = 2 (D) None of these39. A convex lens made up of a material of refractive index1n isimmersed in a medium of refractive index2n as shown in thefigure. The relation between n1and n2is___________.(A)1 2n n(B)1 2n n(C)1 2n n(D)1 2n n40. Two plano–convex lenses of radius of curvature R and refractive indexn 1.5will have equivalentfocal length equal to R, when they are placed__________.(A) at distance R (C) at distance4R(B) at distance2R(D) in contact with each other41. A double convex lens made of glass of refractive index 1.6 has radius of curvature 15 cm each. The focallength of this lens when immersed in a fluid of refractive index 1.63 is____________.(A) –40.75 (B) –407.5 (C) –125 (D) 12.542. One ray of light suffers minimum deviation in an equilateralprism P additlonal prism Q and R of indentical shown infiqure. The ray will now suffer____________.(A) greater devaition (C) total internal reflection(B) same divaition as before (D) no devaition43. Which of the following colours is scattered minimum ?(A) Violet (B) red (C) blue (D) yellow44. Angle of minimum devaition for a prism refractive index 1.5 is equal to the angle of the prism Then theangle of prism___________ ', sin 48 36 0.75given (A)62(B)82(C)60(D)4145. In a thin prism of glass (ang= 1.5) which of the following relation between the angle of minimumdeviationδmand the angle of refraction r will be correct ?(A) δ2mr (B)δ2mr(C) δ 1.5mr (D) δmrn2n1n2
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- 22146. An observer look at a tree of height 10 meters away with a telescope of magnifying power 10. To him,the tree appears______________.(A) 10 times taller (B) 10 times smaler (C) 10 times nearer (D) 20 times nearer47. A normal person wants to see two pillars at a distant 11 km away separately. The distance between twopillars should be approximately_________.(A) 1 m (B) 3.2 m (C) 0.5 m (D) 1.6 m48. When the length of microscope tube increases, its magnifying power________.(A) decreases (B) increaes (C) does not change (D) none of these49. The focal lengths of objective and the eye–piece of a compound microscpe are fo and fe raspectively.Then___________.(A) Fo> Fe(B) Fo< Fe(C) Fo= Fe(D) none of these50. The magnifying power of a telescope is 9.0 when it is focussed for parallel rays, then the dictancebetween its objective and eye–piece is 20 cm The focal lengths of lenses will be___________.(A) 15 cm, 5 cm (B) 18 cm, 2 cm (C) 10 cm, 5 cm (D) 11 cm, 9 cm51. A plano convex lens of f = 20 cm is silvered at plane surface New f will be___________cm(A) 20 (B) 40 (C) 30 (D) 6052. A ray of light from denser medium strikes a rarer medium at angle of incidence i. The reflected andrefracted rays make an angle of90with each other The angle of reflection and refration are r andr 'respectively. The crictical angle is ________________.(A) sin–1(tan p) (B) tan–1(tan r) (C) tan–1(sin i) (D) sin–1(tan r)53. Relation between critical angle of water Cwand that of the glass Cgis _________. (given, nw= 4/3, ng= 1.5)(A) Cw< Cg(B) Cw= Cg(C) Cw> Cg(D) Cw= Cg= O54. The radius of curvature of convex surface of a thin plano–convex lens is 15 cm and refractve index ofits material is 1.6 The power of the lens will be___________.(A) 6 D (B) 5 D (C) 4 D (D) 3 D55. A ray of light passes through a prism having refractive index n = 2, Suffers minimum deviation Ifangle of incident is double the angle of refration within prism then angle of prism is____________.(A)30(B)60(C)90(D)18056. An air bubble inside glass slabn =1.5appear from one side at 6 cm and from other side at 4 cm.Then the thikness of glass slab is____________cm(A) 5 (B) 10 (C) 15 (D) 2057. The magnifying power of objective of a compound microscope is 5.0 If the maginfying power ofmicroscope is 30, then magnifying power of eye–piece will be_________.(A) 3 (B) 6 (C) 9 (D) 12
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