- SOC/VI/XI2020 (CBCS)(6th Semester) SOCIOLOGYELEVENTH PAPER (Urban Sociology)Paper – XIFILL IN THE BLANKSUNIT – 11. The Industrial Revolution of the 17thand 18thcentury happened mainly in_______,__________and America.2. Urban sociology is concerned with _______ _________and related structures of theurban areas.3. Urban Sociology developed in North America through a number of sociologists at theUniversity of __________during 1915- 1940.4. Robert E. Park propounded the ___________ ___________in his study of Americanurban society.5. The Metropolis and Mental Life influential for the growth of Urban Sociology was thework of ___________ ___________.6. The term ______________represents a way of life.7. The concept urbanism was given its final shape by _________ ___________.8. Louis Wirth says contacts between city dwellers are _________ and _________in nature.9. Secondary relations tend to be more rational, ____________and ______________.10. City life is characterized by formal, impersonal _______________contacts.11. Louis Wirth says cities have become the favourable _____________ ___________ofnew biological and cultural hybrids.12. Diversity in urban cities stems from ethnic and cultural _____________of the urbanpopulation.13. Rural-urban convergence refers to the striking ___________between the village and townor town in community life.14. _________ _______opines that the city effects are wider than the city itself.15. Everywhere big cities are characterized by_______ _______.16. Sub-urban areas are like ____________cities built around a major city.17. Urban sociology is the sociological study of life and _______ ______________in cities.18. The study of urban society helps ________ _________in making and implementingpolicies for the city.19. Majority of ___________happens from rural to urban areas.20. Study of urban population under Urban Sociology helps in controlling _____________________and under population within the urban areas.Unit- II1. The most populated city during the 18thCentury was ________________.2. During the early 20thCentury India, the most populated city was__________________.
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- 3. Origin of Industrial Sociology was closely related due to the growth of _________________________4. Urban Sociology was first developed in University of ______________.5. In India, Patrick Geddes an Urban Sociologist was associated with University of_________________.6. Multiple forms of Class and hierarchies are commonly found in ___________.7. Various races and groups are mostly common in ________, not _________areas.8. Social ____________is a feature of cities, and _____________is a feature of rural areas.9. Large scale _____________ _____________is a feature of cities.10. Push factor is a part of ________areas, and pull factor is a part of________ areas.11. During the early 19thcentury, there were only ___ cities in the World.12. Pre-industrial cities were __________ in nature.13. Industrial cities exhibit high level of ____________.14. Plebian cities are formed due to the outcome of _____________.15. Natural increase in population is due to high __________rate than the death rate.16. According to the 1901 census, only _______ of the total population in India lived in thecities.17. Expansion of urban areas results in engulfing _______ __________areas as part of thecity.18. ___________is a process that mainly occurs from rural to urban areas.19. Expansion of trade and _________, establishment of industries increases the process ofUrbanization.20. The concept __________was formulated during 2016 by Dipankar Gupta.Unit – III1. According to Shah, the principle of residential unity of ___________ and wife waspractice to a great extent in Indian urban areas.2. Ram Krishna Mukherjee‟s study of Bengal society was mainly on ____________.3. The study of Kinship in rural areas suffers from the same dichotomous _________ofopposition between the rural and urban area.4. In North Indian Kinship system, a wife is expected to be more closely related to her_________5. I.P Desai‟s study of kinship was conducted in ____________ .6. The feature that defines urban culture is the ______________ of persons it entails in alimited space which creates the possibility of building up a vast array of sub-cultures.7. If villages are the symbol of cultural homogeneity, the cities symbolise cultural8. According to Bogardus, “ _____________ characterise a city”.9. The urbanites attach supreme importance to their own _________________ .10. Urbanity and mobility are positively __________11. Urban neighbourhood may not possess the same characteristics as _______________ .12. Urban neighbourhood are much more walk able than their __________ counterparts.13. Urban neighbourhoods are usually found in the ___________ core of a city.14. Saraswati Raju states that urban neighbourhood does not exhibit the traditional pattern ofsegregation by ____________ .15. Huge rates of ______ are experienced by residents of urban neighbourhood.
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- 16. Voluntary association gives the individual a feeling of __________ with his fellowmen.`17. Voluntary groups are persons organised for _____________ membership without statecontrol for the furtherance of some interest of its members.18. The largest voluntary group in Mizoram is the __________________ .19. People form voluntary groups for the ________ of others.20. Caste and religious differences can be obliterated to some extent by inducing segregationon ________________.Unit -IV1. Increased urbanization is a major concern for the _______________countries, since theyoften lack the infrastructure and basic services.2. Currently there are about ______ ___________people living in the slums.3. _____________refers to the position that prostitution should be banned and third partiescriminalised with the prostitute herself not liable to state penalties.4. ___________makes all prostitution illegal and all parties liable to penalties, including theprostitutes.5. A person below an age specified by the law, exhibits behaviour which may be dangerous tosociety or to himself / herself, then such an individual may be called a _______ __________.6. Crimes committed by minors are called __________ ______7. In the case of delinquent acts, instead of a trial a juvenile has an __________after whichhe/she receives a disposition and a sentence.8. Juvenile delinquency is more an ________than a rural phenomenon.9. ________ ________ _____was passed to provide care, protection, treatment, developmentand rehabilitation of neglected or delinquent juveniles.10. Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2015 has been passed by _________ofIndia.11. The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act came into force from 15thJanuary_______.12. The word addiction is generally used to describe ________ dependence.13. The total reaction to the deprivation of drug is known as „__________ ___________‟.14. __________dependence occurs when an individual comes to rely on a drug for the feeling ofwell-being it produces.15. If the people living in place exceed the number of person the place can accommodate, it iscalled _____________16. Growing shortage of _____________is the beginning of overcrowding.17. The 2011 Census of India recorded ____________urban slum households.18. _________problems change with the passage of time.19. All social problems are deviations from the _______situation.
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- 20. All social problems are caused by____________ social conditions.Unit – V1. The Mizoram Municipalities Act was passed in ______.2. The tenure of Municipal council is ___years.3. The number of executive councilors is _____in a municipal council.4. The municipal ward committee consists of _____ members.5. The present Aizawl Municipal corporation consists of ________councillors.6. JNNURM was launched in the year _______.7. AMRUT means Atal Mission for _____________and Urban Transformation.8. The mission launced on 2ndOct 2014 with the objective of universal sanitationcoverage is ________ ________ _________.9. IHSDP stands for Integrated Housing and ______Development Programme.10. National Urban Livelihoods Mission was launched in the year _______11. All the daily activities of human beings are carried out on _____12. Prices of land and house rents _______with increase in population.13. ________ ___________is the possible remedy to check population growth.14. Crowding and congestion are the results of ___________growth of towns.15. Planning help human beings in leading a ________and fuller life.16. Urban outlook is acquired through life ___________17. The urban man is ______open to change than the rural man.18. ___________is the prime mover of society.19. Society is a hierarchy of social_________.20. Rural behavior is strictly governed by ________and standards of the group.ANSWER KEYSFILL IN THE BLANKSUNIT-I1. Europe, Britain2. Social relationship3. Chicago4. Ecological Approach5. George Simmel6. Urbanism7. Louis R.Wirth8. Fleeting, partial
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- 9. Calculative, intellectual10. Secondary11. Breeding ground12. Heterogeneity13. Similarities14. Kingsley Davis15. Sub-urban areas16. Satellite17. Human interaction18. Urban planners19. Migration20. Over-populationUNIT-II1. London2. Kolkata3. Industrial towns4. Chicago5. Bombay/Mumbai6. Cities7. Cities, rural8. Heterogeneity, homogeneity9. Division of labour10. Rural, urban11. 2112. Feudal13. Technology14. Revolutions15. Birth16. 10.8%17. Semi-urban18. Migration19. Commerce20. RurbanUNIT-III1. Part kin2. Communal tension3. Assertion
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- 4. Agnates of her husband5. Mahuva town6. Diversity7. Heterogeneity8. Class extremes9. Class welfare and happiness10. Connected11. Rural neighbourhood12. Suburban13. Downtown14. Religion or caste15. Stress16. Community17. Voluntary18. Young Mizo Association19. Benefit20. Economic basisUNIT-IV1. Less- developed2. One billion3. Abolitionism4. Prohibitionism5. Juvenile delinquent6. Delinquent Acts7. Adjudication8. Urban9. Juvenile Justice Act10. Parliament11. 201612. Physical13. Abstinence syndrome14. Psychological15. Coercion16. Overcrowding17. Housing18. 1.3 crore19. Ideal20. Pathological
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- UNIT-V1. 20072. Five (5)3. Three (3)4. Ten (10)5. Nineteen (19)6. 20057. Rejuvenation8. Swatch Bharat Mission9. Slum10. 201311. Land12. Increase13. Town planning14. Unplanned15. Richer16. Experiences17. More18. Education19. Relations20. Norms
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