Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism Notes and MCQs
65 Pages
Contributed by
Yash Kuruvilla
- 108SUMMARYImportant tips of each topic1. Biot-Savart;s law :0202ˆµ 1 dl × rdB =4π rIn Vaccum or AIRµ 1 dl sinθdB =4π rr 02r 02ˆµ µ 1 dl × rdB =4π rIn any Mediumµ µ 1 dl sinθdB =4π r2. For a WIRE(A) Finite length of a wire 01 2sin sin4 IBd 01 2cos cos4 Id(B) Infinite length of a wireo21o210OR90 0I1 14 d B 0 0I I24 d 2 d (C) Semi - infinite length of a wireo2o190;0 010 14 d B014 d
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- 1093. For a RING :(A) For N = 1 turn 2032 22µ I aB =2 a + x(B) For N = N turns 2032 22µ I aB = N2 a + x (C) At the centre (x = 0)0IB N2a (D) At x >> a03µ 2MB =4π x[Just as, mag. field on the axis of a Bar-magnet]Where m = magnetic moment4. For Solenoid(A) Finite length solenoid 0µ nIB = sin α + sin β2NnWhere Where andare angles mode at the either end of the solenoids.n = no. of turns per unit length ; N = total no. of turns.(B) Infinite length solenoido90 0µ nIB = 1 + 120B = µ nINnWhere (C) Mag. field at either endo90and0 0µ nIBend Point = 0 + 12
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- 11001nI2 Binside21Bend (D) Toroid0µIB = N2π r 5. Force on a charged particle in magnetic field.(A)BVqF sinBVqFDirection of force can be determine by using(B) Fleming's Left and ruleFirst finger indicatesdirection of magnetic field.Middle finger indicatesdirection of motion of POSITIVE charge particleThumb indicatesdirection of force(C)oo180or0If charged particle moves on straight line.(D)BVqFBVie90Ifocharged particle moves on circular path of radius rqmV2B1qBmK2qBpqBmvr (E) Ifis neither zero nor perpendicular it performs Helical path. radius of helical pathqBsinVmr periodic time2π mT =qB pitch of the helix tanr2qBcosm2cosT No. of pitchescetandisPitch
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- 1116. Lorentz's forceF = q E + V × B 7. CyclotornFrequency12 BqfT m8. Force between two parallel current carrying wires.0 1 2µ I IF =2π Y0 1 2µF I I=2π YCase (i) If I1and I2are flowing in same direction Attraction.Case (ii) If I1and I2are flowing in opposite direction Repulsion.9. Torque acting on a rectangle frame sinBINA(i) If frame is parallel to the fieldo00(ii) If frame is perpendicular to the fieldo90BINA10. Moving coil Galvano meter.(i)BINA Krestoning Wheredeflection in galvanometer KBINAKIBNA (ii) Current sensitivity (SI) :The deflection produced in the Galvanometer per unit current flowing throught it.IBNASI K (iii) Voltage sensitivity (SV) :The deflection produced in the Galvanometer per unit voltage applied to it.KRBNARSIIRVSVI1I2y
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- 11211. Bar magnet and its pole strength (m)Pole strength : The strength of a magnetic pole to atiract magnetic material towards itself. Unit is NewtonAmp meterTesla Pole strength of the magnet depends on the nature of material of magnet and area ofcross- section. m does not depend upon length.12. Magnetic dipole moment (M) :2mM dir-nis from south pole to North pole unit isTeslameterNewtonmeterAmp213. Cutting of a rectangular bar-magnet.If a bar-magnet of length L and breadth b is cut into n equal parts then(i) Length of each partnLL (ii) Breadth of each partnbb (iii) Mass of each partnww (iv) Pole-strength (m) of each partnmm (v) Magnetic moment (M) of each partnMM (vi) Initial (Original) moment of inertia of a bar22bLW121I (vii) After cutting new moment of inertia2nII
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- 11314. Cutting of a thin bar-magnet for thin bar magnet b = 02L w m IL ; w ; m ; In n n n 15. Magnetic field and Magnetic flux :(i) Magnetic field is denoted by B and its units are2 2 2. Weber Newton Joule Volt seeTeslam Amp meter Amp m m(G) unit is Gauss 1 Tesla = 104Gauss16. Magnetic permeability : oAbsolute permeability of air or vaccumAmpmetertesla1047typermeabilirelativerr0 0µ B mag. Flux density in materialµ = = =µ B mag. Flux density in vaccum17. Intansity of magnetising field (H-1) :It is the degree or extent to which a magnetic field can magnetise a substance.BHmeterAmpereunit wbmJteslamJwbNteslamNmA32CGS unit : OerstedmeterAmp80Oersted1 18. Intensity of magnetisation (I)(i) It is the degree to which a substance is magnetised when placed in a magnetic field.(ii) It is also defined as the pole strength per unit cross-sectional area of the substance.(iii) It is also defined as Induced dipole moment per unit volume.VolumeMAmI meterAmpereisunit
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- 11419. Magnetic susceptibility mand permeabilityo mB = B + B0 0= µ H + µ 10= µ H + I0 mB = μ H 1 + χmr1 20. Coulomb's law in magnetism.221rmmKF where m1, m2= pole strengthwhere70K 104 in SI unit= 1 in CGS unit21. Magnetic field due to bar-magnet(i) On axis of a bar-magnet032MB axis4 r(ii) On equator of a bar-magnet03MBequator4 r22. Bar-magnet in magnetic field.(i) Torque sinMB(ii) Work 21coscosMBW (iii) Potential energy cosMBBMU23. Tangent Galvanometer :In equilibrium tanBBHWhere0nIB2rn = no. of turnsr = radius of the coilI = Current to be measured = angle made by needle from the direction of BHin equilibrium.
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- 11524. Deflection magnetometer :It works on principle of tangent law(i) A-Position :The magnetometer is set perpendicular to magnetic meridian so that magnetic field dueto magnet is in AXIAL position.0H32MB B tan4 r (ii) B-position :The arms of magneto meter are set in magnetic meridian so that the magnetic field dueto magnet is at its equatorial position.H3MB B tan4 r (iii) Comparison :2121tantanMM321rr25. Vibration Magnetometer :Periodic timeHIT 2MB 2H2TBI4M(i) Comparison of horizontal components of earth's magnetic field at two places.HIT 2MB but I and M are constant 21222H1HH2TTBBB1T
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- 116(ii) Comparison of magnetic moment of two magnets of same size and massHMB12T but I and BHare constant.2122212TTMMM1T 26. Diamagnetic material : magnetic dipole moment M = 0 experience fore towards weak mag. field. magnetic susceptibility.Vem27. Paramagnetic material :magnetic dipole moment = M = 0experience force towrards strong mag. field.magnetic susceptibilitymVe. 28. Curie Law :T1TC29. Curie - weiss law :At temperature above curie temperature the magnetic susceptibility of force magnetic materialis inversely proportional toCTT CTT1CTTC
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- 117MCQFor the answer of the following questions choose the correct alternative from amongthe given ones.1.An element dxd(where dx = 1 cm) is placed at the origin and carries a large current I= 10 Amp. What is the mag. field on the Y-axis at a distance of 0.5 meter ?(a)Tkˆ1028(b)Tkˆ1048(c)Tkˆ1028(d)Tkˆ10482. Two straight long conductors AOB and COD are perpendicular to each other and carry currents I1and I2. The magnitude of the mag. field at a point "P" at a distance "a" from the point "O" in adirection perpendicular to the plane ABCD is(a) 01 2I I2 a(b) 01 2I I2 a(c) 12 2021 2I I2 a(d) 0 1 21 2I I2 a I I 3. BR graph. The mag. field B at a distance r from a long straight wire carrying a current varies withr as shown in Fig.(a) (b)(c) (d)4. A current path shaped as shown in figure produces a mag. fieldat point "P", the centre of the arc BC. If the arc subtends anangle of 300and the radius of the arc is 0.6 meter. What is themagnitude of the field at point P if the current is 3 AMP ?(a)T1062.26(b)T1062.27(c)T1062.37(d)T1062.28
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