Modern India - II

Multiple Choice Questions 36 Pages

Contributed by

Raghavan Raj Oza
  • PAPER 11 (Modern India II)
    UNIT 1
    Tick the correct answer:
    1. Who was the founder of the Indian Association?
    (a) Surendranath Banerjee
    (b) A.O.Hume
    (c) Dadabhai Naoroji
    (d) G.K.Gokhale
    2. Who among the following was the first president of the Indian National
    (a) G.K.Gokhale
    (b) W.C.Banerjee
    (c) A.O.Hume
    (d) Dadabhai Naoroji
    3. The Marxist approach of the historiography of the national movement are
    represented by
    (a) R.Palme Dutt
    (b) A.C.Majumdar
    (c) Lord Hamilton
    (d) R.C.Majumdar
    4. The chief method of the early nationalist leaders to get their demand was
    (a) include the masses in their political agitation
    (b) constitutional agitation
    (c) revolutionary terrorism
    (d) organising popular festivals
    5. Gandhi’s idea of Satyagraha was based on
    (a) non-violence and truth
    (b) to instill Hindu-Muslim unity
    (c) channelizing the Indian masses into the fold of Indian nationalism
    (d) prayer and dedication
    6. The ‘drain of wealth’ was propounded by
    (a) Sumit Sarkar
    (b) Aurobindo Ghosh
    (c) Dadabhai Naoroji
    (d) R.C.Dutt

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  • 7. The author of the book “Poverty and un-British Rule in India” was
    (a) Dadabhai Naoroji
    (b) GK Gokhale
    (c) Ramesh Chandra Dutt
    (d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
    8. The Ilbert Bill sought to
    (a) impose restrictions on the Vernacular Press
    (b) enable Indian magistrates to try Europeans in their courts
    (c) create racial discrimination against Indian judges
    (d) encourage Indians to enter the Indian Civil Service
    9. The Indian national movement upto 1905 was dominated by leaders who are
    often described as
    (a) militants
    (b) moderates
    (c) extremists
    (d) pacifists
    10. What was called the ‘steel frame’ of British Indian administration
    (a) the Civil Service
    (b) the Army
    (c) thePolice
    (d) the Judiciary
    11. The Vernacular Press Act of 1878 tried to
    (a) encourage the Vernacular Press
    (b) curtail the liberty of the Indian Press
    (c) suppress open criticism of Government policy by newspapers in Indian
    (d) gave more freedom to the Press
    12. Who said the Indian National Congress was a ‘microscopic minority’?
    ( a) Lord Lytton
    (b) Lord Curzon
    (c) Lord Ripon
    (d) Lord Dufferin
    13. The Viceroy during the Partition of Bengal was
    (a) Lord Curzon
    (b) Lord Lytton
    (c) Lord Ripon
    (d) Lord Dufferin

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  • 14. The Partition of Bengal took effect on
    (a) 16, October, 1903
    (b) 16, October, 1904
    (c) 16, October, 1905
    (d) 16, October, 1906
    15. The system of separate electorate was introduced in the
    (a) The Morley-Minto Reforms, 1909
    (b) The Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms, 1919
    (c) The Govt. Of India Act, 1935
    (d) The Indian Councils Act, 1892
    16. Two weapons of the Swadeshi Movement were
    (a) Satyagraha and non-cooperation
    (b) swadeshi and boycott
    (c) prayers and petitions
    (d) violence and civil disobedience
    17. The All India Muslim League was established in
    (a) 1885
    (b) 1906
    (c) 1911
    (d) 1916
    18. The Partition of Bengal was repealed in
    (a) 1906
    (b) 1909
    (c) 1912
    (d) 1916
    19. Which of the following is called the Moderate phase in the national movement
    (a) 1885-1900
    (b) 1885-1905
    (c) 1885- 1910
    (d) 1885- 1915
    20. The Extremists believed in
    (a) prayers and petitions
    (b) violence and armed struggle
    (c) appeal to British public opinion
    (d) self reliance and constructive work
    21. The Ghadar Party was a/an
    (a) Sikh organisation in Punjab
    (b) Muslim organisation in UP
    (c) Indian revolutionary organisation set up in USA
    (d) rebel organisation in Bengal

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  • 22. The All India Muslim League was founded under the leadership of
    (a) Sayyid Ahmad Khan and Muhammad Iqbal
    (b) Aga Khan and Nawab Salimullah of Dacca
    (c) Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Sayyid Ahmad Khan
    (d) Muhammad Iqbal and Aga Khan
    23. The most outstanding leaders of the extremists were
    (a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Aurobindo Ghosh, Bipin Chandra Pal, Lala Lajpat Rai
    (b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Aurobindo Ghosh, Bipin Chandra Pal, GK Gokhale
    (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Aurobindo Ghosh, Bipin Chandra Pal, WC Banerjee
    (d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Aurobindo Ghosh, Bipin Chandra Pal, AO Hume
    24. Who was the first woman president of the Indian National Congress?
    (a) Sarojini Naidu
    (b) Sucheta Kripalani
    (c) Annie Besant
    (d) Rajkumari Amrit Kaur
    25. Who was the first Muslim president of the Indian National Congress?
    (a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
    (b) Badruddin Tyabji
    (c) Sayyid Ahmed Khan
    (d) Abdul Kalam Azad
    26. The nationalist approach to Indian national movement historiography
    (a) deny the basic contradiction between the interests of the Indian people and
    British colonialism
    (b) believed it was a struggle of the elite
    (c) propounded that it was a class struggle
    (d) tried to show the exploitative character of British colonialism
    27. The earliest public association of modern India was
    (a) Landholders Society
    (b) Bengal British Indian Society
    (c) Poona Sarvajanik Sabha
    (d) Madras Native Association
    28. The main disagreement between the moderates and extremists on the
    Swadeshi movement was
    (a) on the ‘extended boycott’ to include, apart from boycott of foreign goods,
    boycott of schools and colleges, courts, title and government services
    (b) on extending the movement to the rest of India
    (c) on the creative use of traditional popular festivals as a means to reach out to
    the masses
    (d) on the setting up the National Council of Education

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  • 29. The Swadeshi movement subsided because of
    (a) repression by the government
    (b) Hindu-Muslim disunity
    (c) repeal of the Partition of Bengal
    (d) none of the above
    30. Which association is considered to be the most important predecessor of the
    Indian National Congress?
    (a) Bengal British Indian Society
    (b) Indian Association
    (c) Madras Native Association
    (d) Bombay Presidency Association
    31. ‘Vande Mataram’, which became the national song was written by
    (a) Rabindranath Tagore
    (b) Aurobindo Ghosh
    (c) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
    (d) Bipin Chandra Pal
    32. Which among the following is the main factor for the rise of Indian nationalism?
    (a) clash of interests of the Indian people with British colonial interests
    (b) benevolent rule of the British
    (c) reducing the age limit for sitting in the Indian Civil Service examination
    (d) the viceroyalty of Lord Lytton
    33. The remarkable aspect of the Swadeshi movement was the active participation
    of the
    (a) the royal princes
    (b) the peasants
    (c) the government servants
    (d) the students and women
    34. The author of ‘New Lamps for Old’ was
    (a) Bipin Chandra Pal
    (b) Aurobindo Ghosh
    (c) Motilal Nehru
    (d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
    35. The extremists criticized the moderates for their
    (a) mendicant technique of appealing to British public opinion
    (b) appeasement of the princely states
    (c) radical economic policy
    (d) advocacy of non-violence

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  • 36. The real motive of the Partition of Bengal, according to the nationalists, was
    (a) administrative
    (b) religious
    (c) political
    (d) economic
    37. The early nationalists believed the main reason for India’s poverty was
    (a) the famines
    (b) high taxation
    (c) the constant wars fought by the British
    (d) migration of workers to foreign countries
    38. The main failure of the extremists was
    (a) they could not give positive lead to the people
    (b) they were very few in number
    (c) they lacked the support of the people
    (d) they supported communalism
    39. Revolutionary terrorism was caused by
    (a) agricultural indebtedness
    (b) rediscovery of Indias past
    (c) influence of western thought
    (d) government repression and failure of the political struggle
    40. The first session of the Indian National Congress was attended by
    (a) 72 members
    (b) 100 members
    (c) 156 members
    (d) 202 members
    Answer key
    1- a, 2- b, 3- a, 4- b, 5- a, 6- c, 7- a, 8- b, 9- b, 10- a, 11- c, 12- d, 13- a, 14- c, 15- a, 16- b,
    17- b, 18- c, 19- b, 20- d, 21- c, 22- b, 23- a, 24- c, 25- b, 26- d, 27- a, 28- b, 29- a, 30- b,
    31- c, 32-a, 33- d, 34- b, 35- a, 36- c, 37- b, 38- a, 39- d, 40- a

    Page 6

  • Fill in the blanks
    1. The first session of the Indian National Congress was held in 1885 at
    2. The respected moderate leader who was called the Grand Old Man of India was
    3. ________________ said ‘Swaraj is my birthright and I shall have it’.
    4. The leaders of the Home Rule movement were B.G. Tilak and
    5. Swadeshi or use of Indian goods and boycott of ______________ goods was
    proclaimed and pledged during the Swadeshi movement.
    6. The Landholders Society and the Bengal British Indian Society merged in 1851 to
    form the __________________
    7. The Indian Councils Act of 1892 _______________ the number of members in the
    Imperial Legislative Councils as well as the provincial councils.
    8. The most important administrative reform the Indians desired was the
    ______________ of the higher grades of administrative services.
    9. The Indian National Congress in its early phase dealt with three broad types of
    grievances political, economic and __________________
    10. The Viceroy of India at the time of the foundation of the Indian National Congress
    was ____________________
    11. The theory which believed that the Congress was founded to provide an outlet to
    the increasing discontent against British rule was called the _________________
    12. The ______________ movement carried intense propaganda all over the country in
    favour of the demand for the grant of self government after the First World War.
    13. The early nationalists demanded the _________________ of judiciary from the
    14. The chief instrument through which the early nationalists spread the ideas of
    nationalism was the _____________
    15. The _________________ were expelled from the Congress after the Surat Split of

    Page 7

  • 16. The _______________ reacted strongly against the Ilbert Bill.
    17. The Ghadar Party pledged to wage revolutionary war against the ______________
    in India.
    18. The Indian national movement upto 1905 was dominated by leaders described as
    the _______________________
    19. The capital of British India was shifted from Calcutta to Delhi in ________________
    20. Surendranath Banerjee and _________________ formed the Indian Association in
    Answer key (Fill in the blanks)
    1. Bombay
    2. Dadabhai Naoroji
    3. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
    4. Annie Besant
    5. British/ foreign
    6. British India Association
    7. decreased
    8. Indianisation
    9. administrative
    10. Lord Dufferin
    11. safety-valve
    12. Home Rule
    13. separation
    14. press
    15. extremists
    16. europeans
    17. British
    18. moderates
    19. 1911
    20. Anandamohan Bose

    Page 8

    Paper XI Unit 2 (Modern India Part II )
    I.Tick the correct answer
    1.In what technique Gandhi fought the problems of Indian farmers
    (a) Poorna Swaraj (b) Satyagraha (c)hartals (d) Fasting
    2.In which year Gandhi returned to India.
    (a) 1915 (b) 1916 (c) 1914 (d) 1920
    3.The resistanced towards the Rowlatt Act resulted in
    (a)Champaran Satyagraha (b) Mill Strike (c)Jallianwalabagh Massacre
    (d) Independence
    4. Who is the first national leader who recognized the role of the masses and mass action in
    the struggle for national liberation?
    (a) Mahatma Gandhi (b) Jawaharlal Nehru (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (d) M.N Roy
    5. In which year the Jallianwala bagh massacre happened?
    (a)1919 (b) 1920 (c) 1918 (d) 1920
    6. The Non-Cooperation movement was launched on
    (a) 31
    August 1921 (b) 31
    August 1920 (c) 31
    August 1919 (d) 31
    August 1916
    7.What was the tool of Non- Cooperation Movement?
    (a) violent protest (b)non-violent means (c) violent means (d)none of the above
    8. Who was the Viceroy of British India during the Non-Cooperation movement?
    (a) Lord Ripon (b) Lord Chelmsford (c) both (a) and (b) (d) only (a)
    9.The Non-Cooperation Movement lasted till
    (a) 1921 (b) 1923 (c) 1922 (d) 1930
    10.Which of the following were the demands of Non-Cooperation Movement?

    Page 9

  • 1)solving Khilafat problem
    2)resentment to Jallianwalabagh Massacre
    3)attainment of Swaraj
    (a)1 and 2 (b) 1 and 3 (c) only 2 (d) All
    11. The Non-Cooperation Movement was withdrawn beacause of the
    (a) Gandhi imprisonment (b) Jallianwala massacre (c) Chauri Chaura incident
    (d) none
    12. Who was the pioneer of Chauri Chaura incident?
    (a) Shah Naim Ata (b) M.N. Roy (c) Bhagwan Ahir (d) Bhairo Nath
    13. Who was the President of Indian National Congress when they met at an emergency
    session at Lahore in December 1929?
    (a) Jawaharlal Nehru (b) A.O Hume (c) Mahatma Gandhi (d) Lala Lajpat Rai
    14.Why Gandhi hit upon the idea of salt as a symbol for Civil Disobedience Movement?
    (a)because salt price was high (b) because salt was hard to find (c) beacause salt was a
    basic necessity of human existence. (d) because salt can be easily find
    15. The Dandi March commenced on
    (a) 12
    March 1930 (b) 11
    March 1930 (c) 20
    March 1930 (d) 10
    March 1930
    16. The Dandi March commenced from
    (a) Madras Ashram (b) Lucknow Ashram (c) Sabarmati Ashram (d) Champaran Ashram
    17. They covered the distance between the Ashram and Dandi in
    (a) 26 days (b) 24 days (c) 23 days (d) 25 days
    18. Gandhi and his followers reached the coast of Dandi on
    (a) 7
    April 1930 (b) 5
    April 1930 (c) 10
    April 1930 (d) 6
    April 1930
    19. Who was the Viceroy of India during the Civil Disobedience Movement ?
    (a) Lord Irwin (b) Lord Curzon (c) Lord Ripon (d) Lord Canning

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