American Literature Question bank with Answers
Question Bank
37 Pages
Contributed by
Prajwal Hallale
- DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISHPAPER XII, OPTION- AAMERICAN LITERATURE, ENG/VI/CC/12-ASEMESTER- VIUNIT-I: THE OLD MAN AND THE SEAI. Multiple Choice Questions:1. Santiago is believed to be a :a. Salaob. murdererc. Solazod. Beggar2. Santiago is consistently aided by:a. Joe Dimaggiob. The sharksc. Other fishermend. Manolin3. The length of the Marlin is:a. 17 feetb. 18 feetc. 19 feetd. 20 feet4. The Old Man and the Sea was published in the year:a. 1950b. 1951c. 1952d. 19535. How long does it take for the sharks to arrive and attack the marlin:a. One hourb. Five hoursc. One dayd. Fort five minutes6. How does Hemingway describe Santiago‟s eyes?a. They are full of pain.b. They are blank with defeat.c. They betray the weariness of his soul.d. They are the color of the sea7. Who is Santiago‟s hero?a. Harry Trumanb. Joe DiMaggioc. Dick Sisler
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- d. Fidel Castro8. The great Joe DiMaggio suffers from what affliction?a. A bone spurb. Alcoholismc. A ruined kneed. Failing eyesight9. How long does it take for the sharks to arrive and attack the marlin?a. Ten minutesb. One hourc. Six hoursd. A full day10. The Old man and The Sea is set in:a. Marshall Islandb. Canary Islandc. Puerto RicoD. Cuba11. Of what did Santiago always dream?a. Manolinb. His Wifec. Lionsd. Fish12. In what year was the Old Man and the Sea published?a. 1951b. 1952c. 1965d. 195313. When the novella opens, how long has it been since Santiago last caught a fish?a. 64 daysb. 84 daysc. 82 daysd. 85 days14. How does Hemingway translate the word “Salao” as a depiction of Santiago?a. Crazyb. Selfishc. Oldd. “the worst form of unlicky15. How does Hemingway describe Santiago‟s eyes?a. they are full of painb. they are filled with defeatc. they betray the weariness of defeat
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- d. they are the color of the sea16. .Who is Santiago‟s only friend?a. Manolinb. Joe Di Maggioc. Harry Trumand. Allan Poe17. What hangs on the wall of the old man‟s shack?a. Picture of his diseased mother.b. His fishing equiptment.c. Skeleton of a fish he caught.d. Pictures of sacred Heart of Jesus and another of Virgin of cobre.18. Why does Santiago not let his lines drift like the other fishermen?a. He is a stubborn man who prefers the old-fashioned way of fishing.b. It is dangerous, as he might become tangled with another boat.c. He is no longer young or strong enough to control a dri>ing line.d. He believes it is imprecise, and he strives always to be exact.19. During his great struggle with the marlin, what does Santiago wish repeatedly?a. He wishes he were younger.b. He wishes for better equipment.c. He wishes that the fishermen who mocked him earlier were present to witnesshis victory.d. He wished that the boy, Manolin, was with him.20. In order to help himself catch the fish, what did Santiago do?a. He promised to recite ten Hail Mary‟s and ten Our Fathers.b. He promises to pay more attention to Manolin upon his return.c. He lightens the boat by throwing all unnecessary weight overboard.d. He ties the skiff to a buoy so that the fish cannot pull it farther out to sea.21. The Old Man and the Sea can be interpreted as a double allegory namelya. Man‟s struggle with hardships, and his ability to endure.b. Nature of man‟s struggle with life, and of the artist‟s struggle with his art.c. Man‟s struggle with his nemesis, and his victory.d. The power of Strength, and victory.22. How does Santiago think about his adversary, the Marlin?a. He considers that he and the Marlin are brothersb. He praises the fish because it promises to bring a wonderful price at market.c. He believes that the fish is a test of his worth, sent to him by Godd. He believes that the Marlin is stronger than expected.23. How does Santiago articulate his philosophy that destruction is inevitable?a. The world is such an inhospitable place that no death should be mourned.b. Out, out, brief candle!c. Even the worthiest opponents must fall.d. Everything in the world kills everything else in some way.24. The old man remembers that once, when he killed a female marlina. The male marlin swam alongside the boat as though in mourning.
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- b. Bit the tail off the female.c. Returned with a posse of marlins seeking revenge.d. Made a sound like there were nails being driven through his fins.25. How many times in the novel does Santiago dream about lions at play on the beachesof Africa?a. Sevenb. Threec. Fived. Ten26. When does Manolin come to Santiago's shack?a. Evening of day fiveb. Morning of day fivec. A week later laterd. He doesn't27. Why does the thought of selling the fish‟s meat disappoint the old man?a. He knows people will cook the marlin, but it is best eaten raw.b. Market prices are low, and Santiago will get only a fraction of what the fish isworth.c. Because marlin has an unpleasant taste, Santiago wishes he caught somethingthat made for better eating, like a shark.d. The people who will eat the meat are unworthy. .28. What was Santiago‟s problem with the left hand?a. He had broken three of the fingers.b. It was paralyzed.c. It was Crampedd. It was trembling so much he couldn‟t.29. The Marlin represents:a. Defeat and betrayalb. Deathc. Happiness and optimismd. Courage and perseverance30. What does Manolin do when he sees Santiago return?a. He yells at him for going out too far out.b. He Cheers for him for being victorious.c. He cries for Santiago‟s suffering and defeat.d. He Cries for Santiago‟s foolishness.31. How did the Old man kill the big fish?a. He shot it through the head with his gunb. He towed it behind the skiff.c. He cut it up and put the pieces in the boat.d. He pulled the fish close, got him turned on his side, held the line with his foot, andharpooned it.32. How are Santiago‟s eyes described in “The Old Man and the Sea”?
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- a. They are tired and vacantb. they are the colour of the seac. they are full of paind. they are blood shot33. What does Santiago wishes for constantly during his struggle with the marlin?a. he wishes that the boy, Manolin, were with himb. he wishes he had more couragec. he wishes he were youngerd. he wishes for more sunshine34. Santiago is believed to be salao. How does Hemingway translate this word?a. selfishb. deeply sadc. the worst form of unluckyd. too old35. How does Santiago finally kill the marlin?a. he harpoons it through the heartb. He bashes its head with his clubc. he lashes it to the inside of his boatd. he bashes its head with his club36. Which literary award did The Old Man and the Sea win in 1953?a. The Nobel Prizeb. The Sundance Awardc. The Booker Prized. The Pulitzer Prize37. After his unlucky streaks, Santiago takes his skiff into the:a. Panama Canalb. South Seac. Cuban Sead. Gulf StreamKEY:1. A2. D3. B4. C5. A6. D7. B8. A
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- 9. B10. D11. C12. B13. B14. D15. D16. A17. D18. D19. D20. A21. B22. A23. D24. A25. B26. B27. D28. C29. D30. C31. D32. B33. A34. C35. A36. D37. DII. Fill in the Blanks:1. Santiago‟s draws inspiration from his idol ________2. Santiago associates his youth with ____from his dreams.
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- 3. The marlin fish that the old man kills attracts _____ sharks.4. The old man tells the fish that he will stay with it until he is ____5. Santiago during his youth has defeated “the great negro of Cienfuegos” in a Matchof _______________.6. In 1953, Hemingway was awarded _____________________ for The Old Manand the Sea.7. Santiago chastises his ____ for cramping.8. Santiago treats the marlin as his _____9. Santiago claims that there is no one worthy of eating the _____10. Santiago offered to make yellow rice and _______________ for Manolin fordinner.11. Hemingway purposefully likens Santiago to the biblical character of_____________.12. Santiago compare the sea to ____________, referencing it as being wild and outof control.13. The tourists in the terrace café mistake the Marlin‟s skeleton for ___________.14. Santiago‟s Eyes are described as Cheerful and __________________.15. As he rows away from shore and into the Gulf Stream, Santiago think of ______as his friends.16. Manolin was_________ years old when Santiago took him out to fish.17. Santiago‟s _____ were as old as erosions in a fishless desert.18. Santiago‟s sail resembles a flag of permanent ____19. The Old Man and the Sea was published in the year _______.20. The Old Man and the Sea won the _________Prize in 1954.Key:1. Joe DiMaggio2. the lions.3. Mako4. Dead5. Arm Wrestling6. The Pulitzer Prize7. hands
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- 8. friend9. marlin10. Fish11. Christ12. Women13. Shark14. Undefeated15. Flying fish16. 517. scars18. defeat19. 195220. Pulitzer PrizeUNIT II: CATCHER IN THE RYEI. Multiple Choice Questions:1. The animals in Central Park whose fate Holden often wonders are:a. The beggarsb. The squirrelsc. The ducks in the lagoond. The kids on the meadow2. Holden attempts to have sex with:a. Sallyb. Sunnyc. Janed. Sandra3. The name of Holden‟s brother who died was:a. Phoebeb. Kevinc. Allied. George4. What is the name of the school Holden is attending at the beginning of his story?a. The Whooton Schoolb. Pencey Prepc. Don Bosco Highd. Elkton Hills5. Holden tries to punch Stradlater immediately after
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- a. Stradlater refuses to answer Holden‟s questions about his date.b. Stradlater suddenly attacks himc. Stradlater brags about his sexual conquestsd. Stradlater rips his hound‟s-tooth jacket6. According to Holden, he knew he was happy when he wasa. Holding hands with Janeb. Writing essays for Mr. Spencerc. Fooling “phonies” with elaborate liesd. Listening to Ernie piano7. The elevator operator at the Edmont offers to get Holdena. Drugsb. Complimentary breakfastc. A prostituted. Movie tickets8. Phoebe chastises Holden because, in her mind, hea. Smokes too many cigarettesb. Dates terrible womenc. Is too niced. Doesn‟t like anything9. Holden leaves Mr. Antolini‟s apartment becausea. Mr. Antolini passes out drunkb. He feels sickc. He thinks Mr. Antolini made a pass at himd. Mr. Antolini throws him out10. Who is the narrator of the novel, The Catcher in the Rye?a. D.B.b. Allie.c. Holden Caufieldd. Ackley11. When the novel begins, Holden describea. Taking a train to New Yorkb. Recuperating in a tuberculosis rest homec. Riding a carousel in Central Parkd. Dining out with his sister Phoebe12. What is the name of the book of short stories written by D.B.?a. The Bloody Chamber.b. The Matisse Stories.c. The Yellow Wallpaper.d. The Secret Goldfish.
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- 13. What is the school Holden attends at the beginning of the novel?a. Columbia.b. Whooton School.c. Elkton Hills.d. Pencey Prep.14. Why is Holden back early from the fencing match?a. The team lost, so they did not need to stay any longer.b. He left the equipment on the subway.c. He got lost and gave up.d. He quit the team.15. Who is Mr. Spencer?a. An elderly man Holden helps take care of.b. The dean of students at Pencey Prep.c. Holden's grandfather.d. Holden's hinovel teacher.16. What two reasons does Holden give for not talking about his early childhood?a. The two reasons Holden gives for not talking about his early childhood are thatkind of thingbores him, and that his parents would be upset if he shared anythingpersonal about them.b. That he felt neglected, and hated his parents.c. That he hated school, and doesn‟t like to bring back memories of his school days.d. That he had no childhood memories, and had no real friends.17. What item of clothing did Holden buy during the team‟s trip to New York?a. A hound‟s-tooth jacketb. A red hunting hatc. A brown derbyd. A pink leisure suit18. What happened to James Castle when the boys tormented him?a. He took back the thing he said about the conceited boy.b. He fell into a coma and had to be hospitalized.c. He climbed out the window and down a tree.d. He jumped out of the window, and died.19. After Holden checks into his room at the Edmont Hotel, what does he see out of hiswindow?a. A paradeb. A flock of ducks flying away from the Central Park lagoonc. A variety of bizarre sex acts going on in other rooms of the hoteld. Jane and Stradlater20. Why does Holden refer to D.B.'s writing in Hollywood as prostitution?a. because he feels that D.B. sold himself out for money.b. Because D.B writes about the promiscuous life of Hollywood.c. Because D.B doesn‟t care much about the subject of what he writes.d. Because D.B sold himself to the world of entertainment.
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