116 Pages
Contributed by
Daanish Kirti Mehrotra
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- First EditionFirst EditionFirst EditionFirst EditionFirst EditionAugust 2006 Ashvin 1927ReprintedReprintedReprintedReprintedReprintedNovember 2006 Kartika 1928December 2007 Agrahayana 1929June 2009 Asadha 1931January 2010 Magha 1931January 2011 Magha 1932August 2012 Shravana 1934November 2013 Kartika 1935January 2015 Magha 1936December 2015 Pausa 1937December 2016 Pausa 1938January 2018 Pausa 1939November 2018 Kartika 1940January 2019 Pausa 1940August 2019 Shravana 1941PD 70T BS© National Council of Educational© National Council of Educational© National Council of Educational© National Council of Educational© National Council of EducationalResearch and Training, 2006Research and Training, 2006Research and Training, 2006Research and Training, 2006Research and Training, 2006` 50.00ISBN 81-7450-111-6ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDq No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalsystem or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the priorpermission of the publisher.q This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way oftrade, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise disposed of withoutthe publisher’s consent, in any form of binding or cover other thanthat in which it is published.q The correct price of this publication is the price printed on this page,Any revised price indicated by a rubber stamp or by a sticker or by anyother means is incorrect and should be unacceptable.Publication TeamHead, Publication : M. Siraj AnwarDivisionChief Editor : Shveta UppalChief Production : Arun ChitkaraOfficerChief Business : Bibash Kumar DasManagerEditor : R.N. BhardwajProduction Assistant : Prakash Veer SinghCoverCoverCoverCoverCoverAmit SrivastavaOFFICES OF THE PUBLICATIONDIVISION, NCERTNCERT CampusSri Aurobindo MargNew Delhi 110 016 Phone : 011-26562708108, 100 Feet RoadHosdakere Halli ExtensionBanashankari III StageBengaluru 560 085 Phone : 080-26725740Navjivan Trust BuildingP.O.NavjivanAhmedabad 380 014 Phone : 079-27541446CWC CampusOpp. Dhankal Bus StopPanihatiKolkata 700 114 Phone : 033-25530454CWC ComplexMaligaonGuwahati 781 021 Phone : 0361-2674869Printed on 80 GSM paper withNCERT watermarkPublished at the Publication Divisionby the Secretary, National Councilof Educational Research and Training,Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi110016 and printed at YoungPrinting Press, S-119, Site-II,Harsha Compound, Mohan NagarIndustrial Area, Ghaziabad (U.P.)2020-21
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- FOREWORDThe National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2005, recommends thatchildren’s life at school must be linked to their life outside the school. Thisprinciple marks a departure from the legacy of bookish learning whichcontinues to shape our system and causes a gap between the school, homeand community. The syllabi and textbooks developed on the basis of NCFsignify an attempt to implement this basic idea. They also attempt todiscourage rote learning and the maintenance of sharp boundaries betweendifferent subject areas. We hope these measures will take us significantlyfurther in the direction of a child-centred system of education outlined inthe National Policy on Education (1986).The success of this effort depends on the steps that school principalsand teachers will take to encourage children to reflect on their own learningand to pursue imaginative activities and questions. We must recognise that,given space, time and freedom, children generate new knowledge byengaging with the information passed on to them by adults. Treating theprescribed textbook as the sole basis of examination is one of the keyreasons why other resources and sites of learning are ignored. Inculcatingcreativity and initiative is possible if we perceive and treat children asparticipants in learning. Not as receivers of a fixed body of knowledge.These aims imply considerable change in school routines and modeof functioning. Flexibility in the daily time-table is as necessary as rigourin implementing the annual calendar so that the required number ofteaching days are actually devoted to teaching. The methods used forteaching and evaluation will also determine how effective this textbookproves for making children’s life at school a happy experience, rather thana source of stress or boredom. Syllabus designers have tried to addressthe problem of curricular burden by restructuring and reorientingknowledge at different stages with greater considertation for childpsychology and the time available for teaching. The textbook attempts toenhance this endeavour by giving higher priority and space toopportunities for contemplation and wondering, discussion in smallgroups, and activities requiring hands-on experience.The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)appreciates the hard work done by the textbook development committeeresponsible for this book. We wish to thank the Chairperson of the advisory2020-21
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- group in Social Science, Professor Hari Vasudevan and the Chief Advisorfor this book, Professor Yogendra Singh for guiding the work of thiscommittee. Several teachers contributed to the development of thistextbook; we are grateful to their principals for making this possible. Weare indebted to the institutions and organisations which have generouslypermitted us to draw upon their resources, material and personnel. We areespecially grateful to the members of the National Monitoring Committee,appointed by the Department of Secondary and Higher Education,Ministry of Human Resource Development under the Chairpersonship ofProfessor Mrinal Miri and Professor G.P. Deshpande, for their valuable timeand contribution. As an organisation committed to systemic reform andcontinuous improvement in the quality of its products, NCERT welcomescomments and suggestions which will enable us to undertake furtherrevision and refinement.DirectorNew Delhi National Council of Educational20 December 2005 Research and Trainingvi2020-21
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- TEXTBOOK DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEECHAIRPERSON, ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR SOCIAL SCIENCE TEXTBOOKS AT THEHIGHER SECONDARY LEVELHari Vasudevan, Professor, Department of History, University of Kolkata,KolkataCHIEF ADVISORYogendra Singh, Emeritus Professor, Centre for the Study of Social System,Jawaharlal Nehru University, New DelhiMEMBERSAbha Awasthi, Professor (Retd.), Department of Sociology, LucknowUniversity, LucknowAmita Baviskar, Professor, Institute of Economic Growth, University of DelhiAnjan Ghosh, Fellow, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, KolkataBalka Dey, Programme Associate, United Nations DevelopmentProgramme, New DelhiDisha Nawani, Professor, Gargi College, New DelhiD.K. Sharma, Professor (Retd.), Department of Education in Social Sciences,NCERT, New DelhiJitendra Prasad, Professor (Retd.), Department of Sociology, M.D.University, RohtakMadhu Nagla, Professor, Department of Sociology, M.D. University, RohtakMadhu Sharan, Project Director, Hand-in-Hand, ChennaiMaitrayee Choudhari, Professor, Centre for the Study of Social Systems,Jawaharlal Nehru University, New DelhiRajiv Gupta, Professor (Retd.), Department of Sociology, University ofRajasthan, JaipurSarika Chandrawanshi Saju, Assistant Professor, RIE, Bhopal, NCERT,New Delhi.2020-21
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- Satish Deshpande, Professor, Department of Sociology, Delhi School ofEconomics, University of Delhi, DelhiVishwa Raksha, Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Jammu,JammuMEMBER-COORDINATORManju Bhatt, Professor, Department of Education in Social Sciences,NCERT, New Delhiviii2020-21
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- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe National Council of Educational Research and Training acknowledgesKaruna Chanana, Professor (Retd.), Zakir Husain Centre for EducationStudies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi; Arvind Chouhan,Professor, Department of Sociology, Barkatullah University, Bhopal;Debal Singh Roy, Professor, Department of Sociology, Indira GandhiNational Open University, New Delhi; Rajesh Mishra, Professor, Departmentof Sociology, Lucknow University, Lucknow; S.M. Patnayak, Professor,Department of Anthropology, University of Delhi, Delhi; Sudershan Gupta,Principal, Government Higher Secondary School, Paloura, Jammu;Mandeep Choudhary, PGT (Retd.), Sociology, Guru Hari Kishan PublicSchool, New Delhi; Seema Banarjee, PGT, Sociology, Laxman Public School,New Delhi; Rita Kanna, PGT (Retd.), Sociology, Delhi Public School, NewDelhi for providing their feedback and inputs.Acknowledgements are due to Savita Sinha, Professor and Head (Retd.),Department of Education in Social Sciences for her help and support.The Council expresses its gratitude to Press Information Bureau,Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India; V. Suresh,PGT, Zoology, Sri Vidhya Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Uttangari,Tamil Nadu; and L. Chakravarthy, Photographer, Uttangari, Tamil Nadu,for using their photographs in the textbook. Different photographs werealso provided by R.C. Das, Photographer, CIET, NCERT. Council alsoacknowledges his contribution. Some photographs were taken from thedifferent issues of Business and Economy, Business World and BusinessToday magazines. The Council thanks the copyright holders and publishersof these magazines.The Council also gratefully acknowledges the contributions ofMathew John, Proof Reader and Uttam Kumar, DTP operator and otherstaff members of the Publication Department, NCERT for their supportin bringing out this textbook.2020-21
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