Advertising adn sales promotion MCQs with Answers
Multiple Choice Questions
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Contributed by
Shashank Sahni
- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE – 45MCQ SUb:aDvERtISInG& sAlesPROMOtIOn(605) class: bbaty vi semProf.Maya Jadhav…….media can give 24 hour exposure.a)Televisionb) Printc) Internetd) Flex BoardANSWER -a2.It is popularly known as free form of promotiona)Advertisementb) Publicityc) Personal Sellingd) marketingANSWER -b3.Which among the following is an example of Trade promotion?a)Couponsb) Samplesc) Push Moneyd) None of theseANSWER –c
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE – 45MCQ SUb:aDvERtISInG& sAlesPROMOtIOn(605) class: bbaty vi semProf.Maya Jadhav among the following is a Pull Strategy?a)Trade promotionb)Consumer Promotionc) Sales Force Promotiond) None of theseANSWER -b5.If a company gives false message to the customers, it is known asa)Obscene adsb)Subliminal adsc) Deceptiond) None of theseANSWER -c6.The strategy that encourages dealers and distributors to sell a product isknown asa)Pushb) Pullc) Combinationd)marketingANSWER –a
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE – 45MCQ SUb:aDvERtISInG& sAlesPROMOtIOn(605) class: bbaty vi semProf.Maya Jadhav image of product in the minds of target group is calleda)Marketingb) positioningc) Brandingd)PopularisingANSWER -b8.The process of purchasing space in a media isa)Media Spacingb) Media Schedulingc) Media Purchasingd) Media BuyingANSWER -d9.The plan that show time, date and frequency of an advertisement isa)Media Planb) Media Schedulec) Media Timed)Media SpaceANSWER –b
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE – 45MCQ SUb:aDvERtISInG& sAlesPROMOtIOn(605) class: bbaty vi semProf.Maya Jadhav of advertisement messages that share a single idea or theme isa)Advertisement Campaignb)Advertisement Groupc) Advertisement Clusterd) Advertisement SeriesANSWER -a11.Point of Purchase Ads are also known asa)In-Store Advertisingb)b) Built-in Advertisingc)c) Green Advertisingd)d) Stock AdvertisingANSWER -a12.The specific carrier within a medium is calleda)Media Carrierb)b) Media Busc) Media Vand) Media vehicleANSWER –d
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE – 45MCQ SUb:aDvERtISInG& sAlesPROMOtIOn(605) class: bbaty vi semProf.Maya Jadhav among the following is not a mechanical test?a)Psychogalvanometerb)b) Techistoscopec)Camera testd)Consumer dairy testANSWER -d14.A series of actions that media planners take to attain the media objectivesa)Media Functionb)Media Strategyc) Media Policyd)Media optionANSWER -b15.Direct mail advertising sends messages througha)Audiob) Videoc) Maild) None of theseANSWER –c
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE – 45MCQ SUb:aDvERtISInG& sAlesPROMOtIOn(605) class: bbaty vi semProf.Maya Jadhav of the following is more of personal medium of advertisement?a)Internet Advertisementb)b) Broadcast Mediac) Direct Mail Advertisingd) Print MediaANSWER -c17.Independent organization of creative people for advertisement andpromotional tools are calleda) Advertisement Makersb) Advertisement Creatorsc) Advertisement Developersd) Advertisement AgencyANSWER -d19.Which tool of the promotional mix consists of short-termincentives to encourage the purchase or sale of a product or service?b)Advertisingc)public relationsd)direct marketinge)sales promotionANSWER –d
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE – 45MCQ SUb:aDvERtISInG& sAlesPROMOtIOn(605) class: bbaty vi semProf.Maya Jadhav a company wants to build a good “corporate image,” it will probablyuse which ofthe following marketing communications mix tools?a) advertisingb) public relationsc)direct marketingd)sales promotionANSWER direct communications with carefully targeted individualconsumers to obtain an immediate response.d)Personal sellingb) Public relationsc) Direct marketingd)Sales promotionANSWER -c22.Which of the following promotional forms is often described as being tooimpersonal and only a one-way communication form?e) advertisingb) personal sellingc) public relationsd) sales promotionANSWER -a
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE – 45MCQ SUb:aDvERtISInG& sAlesPROMOtIOn(605) class: bbaty vi semProf.Maya Jadhav promotion tool that may include coupons, contests, premiums,and other means of attracting consumer attention is best described asbeing which of the following?f) advertisingb) personal sellingc) public relationsd) sales promotionANSWER -d24.A is a promotion strategy that calls for using the sales force and tradepromotion to move the product through channels.a) push strategyb) pull strategyc) blocking strategyd)integrated strategyANSWER -a25.Which of the following strategies is usually followed by B2Ccompanies with respect to promotion strategy?h) Push strategyb) Pull strategyc) Blocking strategyd) Integrated strategy
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE – 45MCQ SUb:aDvERtISInG& sAlesPROMOtIOn(605) class: bbaty vi semProf.Maya Jadhav -b26. ___________ is financial support of an organization, person, or activityexchange for brand publicity and association.A. fellowship.B. sponsorship.C. loan.D. bargain.ANSWER: B27. Connecting millions of users worldwide, the ____________has truly created aseamless market and a global consumer.A. MediaB. AdvertisementsC. InformationD. InternetANSWER: D28.Account services are also called as_______________.A. client services.B. public services.C. company service.D. promotional service.ANSWER: A
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI,PUNE – 45MCQ SUb:aDvERtISInG& sAlesPROMOtIOn(605) class: bbaty vi semProf.Maya Jadhav ________is a departments within a company that is responsible for producingsome or all of that company's marketing communication.A. Full-service agency.B. In-house agency.C. Marketing agency.D. PR agency.ANSWER: A30. _________manage a company's brand and product line.A. Brand assistants.B. Brand executives.C. Brand managers.D. Brand associate.ANSWER: C31. Who develop the verbal brand message?A. Designers.B. Directors.C. Copy writersD. Creative directors.ANSWER: C32. Who controls the flow of work through the approval and production process?A. Traffic manager.B. Media manager.C. Free lancer.D. Creative director.ANSWER: A
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