- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE45Subject – Event Management (602) Class : TYBBA (2013 Pattern)PROF . SWATI BHALERAO www.dacc.edu.inUNIT 1. INTRODUCTION TO EVENT AND EVENT MANAGEMENT1. Who is the creative side of the event design industry?a. Event plannerb. Event managerc. Event coordinatord. Event administrator2. Compared to other marketing communications tools, PR is the:a. Excellent at closing salesb. Worst for generating trust & confidencec. Average for generating trust & confidenced. Best for generating trust & confidence3. Which of the following is incorrect?a. Sponsorship can make immediate salesb. Carry simple awareness based messagesc. Make an interesting association for the audienced. Provide sponsors an opportunity to blend all the tools of the promotional mix4. Which of the following is not a main reason for the growth of sports sponsorship?a. Its propensity to attract large audiencesb. High visibility opportunitiesc. High feedback opportunitiesd. Simple segmentation, large audiences who share similar characteristics5. The most popular form of sports' sponsorship is:a. Leagueb. Eventc. Teamd. Individual
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE45Subject – Event Management (602) Class : TYBBA (2013 Pattern)PROF . SWATI BHALERAO www.dacc.edu.in6. The group to where the suppliers of the stage, venue and security can coordinate.a. Reception.b. Programc. Logisticsd. Secretariat7. The most important information a meeting planner can determine prior to an event is:a. Past events held by the groupb. Expected attendancec. The budgetd. Group demographics8. Budgeting an event, negotiating contracts, arranging the speaker, and organizingAudio visual needs is part of which stage of the event planning process?a. Researchb. Designc. Planningd. Coordinating9. Which of the following is the most popular type of event site used?a. Hotel/Resortb. Convention Centerc. Banquet Halld. Club10. Serves different purposes. The most common purposes are to raise funds, and toincrease awareness of a particular group, cause, or destination. Different types ofevents that are classified by purpose.a. Public eventsb. Cultural eventsc. Non profit organizationsd. Corporate events11. Corporations and associations produce special events for their membersa. Meetingsb. Private eventsc. Political eventsd. Public events
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE45Subject – Event Management (602) Class : TYBBA (2013 Pattern)PROF . SWATI BHALERAO www.dacc.edu.in12. An event manager must recruit personnel during which stage of an event managementplan?a. coordinating the eventb. staging the eventc. scheduling the eventd. negotiating the contract for the event13. Event marketing isa. A goodb. A servicec. Tangibled. A product14. Which of the following is not a recognized type of plan?a. Businessb. Successionc. Ad hocd. Financial15. What does the acronym SMART stand for?a. Suitable, measurable, actionable, realistic and timelyb. Specific, measurable, actionable, realistic and timelyc. Standardized, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timelyd. Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely16. Which is an example of a threat in event managementa. Favorable newspaper articleb. Financial stabilityc. Successful traffic flowd. Economic downturn17. What is the purpose of an itinerary?a. To list all the contact details of your colleagues and suppliersb. To keep track of your company’s financec. Ro track the event’s development and schedule during planning and hostingd. To provide guests with information about what your event will entail
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE45Subject – Event Management (602) Class : TYBBA (2013 Pattern)PROF . SWATI BHALERAO www.dacc.edu.in18. Why should you research into whether or not there are other similar corporate eventshappening around the same time as yours?a. Because you can look into what they’re doing and emulate itb. Because hosting your event at the same time could affect its attendancec. Because you can suggest teaming up with them to make your event biggerd. Because you’ll know it’s a good time to host your event if others have picked thattime19. What might you do to ensure that your event meets good health and safety standards?a. Send guests an email saying they should be careful when they attendb. Put up safety notices throughout the venue so people are remindedc. Hire a safety inspector to be present on the day of eventd. Carry out a risk assessment of the venue and whenever new arrangements aremade20. When booking a supplier, service, entertainer, etc., what should you determine?a. That they have public liability insuranceb. That they have attended events like yours in the pastc. That they will fully sponsor your eventd. That they are the most local option available21. You’ve found a venue online that you think would be suitable. What should you do?a. Book it immediately so you have a back up at all timesb. Visit the venue to further determine its suitabilityc. Compare its renting price with others and go with the cheapest optiond. Compare its location with others and select the venue nearest to you22. Event staff who work for no pay are called:a. Casual staffb. Volunteer staffc. Part-time staffd. Event staff
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE45Subject – Event Management (602) Class : TYBBA (2013 Pattern)PROF . SWATI BHALERAO www.dacc.edu.in23. Ensuring that local community stakeholders are supportive of the event isimportant because:a. It helps the smooth running of the eventb. It is a legal requirementc. It helps to attract local participantsd. It discourages participants from outside of the community24. It is advisable that the Event Director:a. Is solely responsible for making important decisions about the eventb. Consults with stakeholders before making important decisions about theeventc. Leaves import decisions about the event to stakeholdersd. Forms a committee to make decisions about the event25. Which of the following is not a function of the event organising committee?a. Provide advice to the event directorb. Take a share of the tasks involved in organising of the eventc. Develop the event management pland. Share in the process for making important decisions about the event26. Which of the following should be developed first:a. The events marketing strategyb. Sponsorship proposals for the eventc. Event pland. A work breakdown structure27. Event planning subfields include all of the following except:a. Lambingb. Sports eventsc. Retail eventsd. Meetings and conferences28. External stakeholders might include:a. City agenciesb. Mediac. Governmentd. All of these
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE45Subject – Event Management (602) Class : TYBBA (2013 Pattern)PROF . SWATI BHALERAO www.dacc.edu.in29. The Glastonbury music festival promotes greener events through:a. Travelb. Water reusec. Green policed. Signs30. Growth opportunities for special events include:a. Global businessb. Public relationsc. Marketing and retail salesd. All of these31. The use of celebrity sponsorship, endorsements and advertisements for eventscombines which of the following:a. Guaranteed interest in and publicity for the eventb. Guaranteed success for the eventc. Provides a proven, safe and stable option for eventsd. None of the abovee. All of the above32. Events Marketinga. Mass consumersb. Smaller, discrete, alternative or underground consumersc. Proms audiencesd. Teenagerse. Glastonbury festival attendees33. The department(s) that an event management company will have is (are)a. Creativeb. Productionc. Client servicingd. All of the above34. Inspiring the staff is a good reflection of which type of skill?a. Negotiatingb. Leadershipc. Project managementd. Budgeting
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE45Subject – Event Management (602) Class : TYBBA (2013 Pattern)PROF . SWATI BHALERAO www.dacc.edu.in35. Which of the following is a not-for-profit organization that is located in almost everycity in the United States and Canada?a. MPIb. CSMc. CVBd. CFEE36. Determining where a special event should be held, what the focus should be, and itslocation helps answer the event planner's questions during which stage of the eventplanning process?a. Researchb. Designc. Planningd. Coordinating37. Budgeting an event, negotiating contracts, arranging the speaker, and organizingaudiovisual needs is part of which stage of the event planning process?a. Researchb. Designc. Planningd. Coordinating38. Which of the following is the most popular type of event site used?a. Hotel/resortb. Convention centerc. Banquet halld. Club39. Serves different purposes. The most common purposes are to raise funds, and toincrease awareness of a particular group, cause, or destination. Different types of eventsthat are classified by purpose.a. Public eventsb. Political eventsc. Cultural eventsd. Non-profit organizationse. Corporate events
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE45Subject – Event Management (602) Class : TYBBA (2013 Pattern)PROF . SWATI BHALERAO www.dacc.edu.in40. Special events limited to a select group of individuals. A variety of events include socialfunctions as well as business functions. Admission or entrance into a private event isby membership or invitation.a. Social eventsb. Public eventsc. Private eventsd. Colleges and universitiese. Meetings41. Stage events and rallies. For example, national and provincial parties hold conventionsthat generate income for hotels, transportation, businesses, and restaurants.a. Corporate eventsb. Tourist attractionsc. Public eventsd. Political evente. Cultural events42. Fairs, festivals, and other similar events can be large or small. They can also have localor national appeal. For example, religious groups hold many events, ranging fromreligious retreats and sponsored trips to sacred cities. Art communities and groupscreate and host a variety of these type of events. Concerts, theatre events, museumcollections, and movie premieres are all types of these events.a. Trade shows/trade fairsb. Retreatsc. Cultural eventsd. Social eventse. Public events43. Often participates in parades and flag-raising ceremonies which follow strict rules ofprotocol.a. Private eventsb. Military eventsc. Corporate eventsd. Cultural eventse. Political events
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE45Subject – Event Management (602) Class : TYBBA (2013 Pattern)PROF . SWATI BHALERAO www.dacc.edu.in44. Promotes events. Disneyland’s Main Street Electric Parade is an example of this.a. Social eventsb. Consumer showsc. Public eventsd. Tourist attractionse. Cultural events45. Many departments in educational insitutions are involved with these types of events.Annual events include orientation, career day, and convocation. There are also arrangedconcerts, guest speakers, and award receptions.a. Public eventsb. Social eventsc. Colleges and universitiesd. Non-profit organizationse. Forums46. There are numerous of these organizations that organize events such as golftournaments, wine receptions, auctions, luncheons, etc.a. Non-profit organizatonsb. Tradeshows/trade fairsc. Tourist attractionsd. Social eventse. Politcal events47. This type of event makes up a large part of the private events industry. Weddings, barmitzvahs, anniversaries, birthdays, and other family celebrations generate a significantamount of banquet and entertainment revenue. Amateur sporting events are also a largecomponent of the social events market. Recitals, dance and community theatreproductions, and family-focused events also fit into this category.a. Political eventsb. Cultural eventsc. Social eventsd. Tourist attractionse. Public events
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE45Subject – Event Management (602) Class : TYBBA (2013 Pattern)PROF . SWATI BHALERAO www.dacc.edu.in48. Sponsor events to introduce new products, reward outstanding performance, increasesales motivation, or simply to provide information. Incentive travel is a lucrativesegment of the corporate market. Company employees with outstanding performancemay receive unique travel experiences to a desirable destination.a. Corporate eventsb. Exhbitionsc. Symposiumsd. Trade shows/trade fairse. Tourist attractions49. Corporations and associations produce special events for their members.a. Meetingsb. Military eventsc. Private eventsd. Political eventse. Public events50. Typically involves a general group session in a large auditorium, followed bycommittee meetings in small breakout rooms. They are usually held regularly , maybeanually, and occur for at least three days. Trade and technical conventions are oftenheld in conjunction with exhibitions.a. Forumsb. Conventionsc. Conferencesd. Seminarse. Congresses51. Similar to conventions but usually deal with specific problems or developments ratherthan with general matters.a. Lecturesb. Congressesc. Symposiumsd. Conferencese. Panelsf. 14.
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