- CBCSVI SEMESTER;DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS;OBJECTIVESNAME OF THE PAPER: QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUES -IIPAPER – XSECTION –AMULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (200X1=200)MODULE-IChoose one from the following :1. The graph of the normal distribution depends on:(a) Mean and standard deviation(b) Harmonic and standard deviation(c) Harmonic mean(d) Standard deviation2. ____________use the division of a circle into different sectors.(a) Conversion graphs(b) Frequency polygon(c) Sector graph(d) Line graph3. Dividing upper and lower limits of a particular class we get:(a) Class interval(b) Class frequency(c) Class boundary(d) Class mark4. Graph of time series is called(a) Polygon(b) Histogram(c) Ogive(d) Historigram5. Cumulative Frequency is _____________frequency.
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- (a) Increasing(b) Decreasing(c) Fixed(d) None of these6. Total angles in Pie Chart(a) 360(b) 90(c) 180(d) 457. A Histogram is a set of adjacent(a) Rectangles(b) Triangles(c) Squares(d) Lines8. The process of systematic arrangement of data in rows and columns is called(a) Array(b) Tabulation(c) Classification(d) None of these9. While constructing frequency distribution, the number of classes useddepends upon(a) Number of observation(b) Size of class(c) Range of data(d) None of these10. The graph of frequency distribution is called(a) Curve(b) Histogram(c) Cumulative Frequency Polygon(d) Ogive11. Data which have been arranged in ascending or descending order iscalled_______ data?(a) Grouped data(b) Classified(c) Array
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- (d) Ungrouped data12. The graph of a cumulative frequency distribution is called(a) Frequency polygon(b) Histogram(c) Cumulative frequency polygon(d) Ogive13. In constructing a histogram, if the class interval size of one class is doublethan others, then the width of that bar should be?(a) Doubled(b) Half(c) One(d) Quarter14. Component bar charts are used when data is divided into(a) Parts(b) Groups(c) Circles(d) None of these15. In pie- chart, the arrangement of the angles of the different sectors isgenerally?(a) Anti-clockwise(b) Arrayed(c) Clock-wise(d) Alternative16. The graphs of the symmetrical distribution are?(a) J-shaped(b) U-shaped(c) Bell-shaped(d) None of these17. For a given class 30-44, the midpoint will be ______?(a) 30(b) 34(c) 37(d) 3518. Class mark is the value which divides a class into______ equal parts?
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- (a) Four(b) One(c) Three(d) Two19. A frequency touches the axis(a) Yes(b) No(c) Sometimes(d) None of these20. Graphical and numerical methods are specialized process utilized in(a) Education statistics(b) Descriptive statistics(c) Business statistics(d) Social statistics21. Individual respondents, focus groups, and panels of respondents arecategorized as(a) Primary data sources(b) Secondary data sources(c) Itemized data sources(d) Pointed data sources22. The variables whose calculation is done according to the height, length, andweight are categorized as(a) Discrete variables(b) Flowchart variables(c) Measuring variables(d) Continuous variables23. Statistics branches include(a) Applied statistics(b) Mathematical statistics(c) Industry statistics(d) Both A & B24. When each member of a population has an equally likely chance of beingselected(a) Non-random sampling method(b) Quota sample
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- (c) Snowball sample(d) An equal probability selection method25. Which of the following is not a form of non-random sampling?(a) Snowball sampling(b) Quota sampling(c) Purposive sampling(d) All of the above26. Which of the following will give a more accurate representation of thepopulation from which a sample has been taken?(a) A large sample based on the convenience sampling technique(b) A small sample based on simple random sampling(c) A small cluster sample(d) A large sample based on simple random sampling27. The process of drawing a sample from a population is known as____________.(a) Sampling(b) Census(c) Survey research(d) None of the above28. A _____ is a numerical characteristic of a sample and a _____ is a numericalcharacteristic of a population.(a) Sample, population(b) Population, sample(c) Statistic, parameter(d) Parameter, statistic29. A graph that uses vertical bars to represent data is called a_____-(a) Line graph(b) Bar graph(c) Scatter-plot(d) Vertical graph30. The goal of _____ is to focus on summarizing and explaining a specific setof data.(a) Inferential statistics(b) Descriptive statistics
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- (c) Both a & b(d) None of the above31. Which of these is not a method of data collection?(a) Questionnaires(b) Interviews(c) Experiments(d) Observations32. A census taker often collects data through which of the following ?(a) Standardized tests(b) Interviews(c) Secondary data(d) Observations33. The mean of a sample is(a) Always equal to the mean of the population(b) Always smaller than the mean of the population(c) Computed by summing the data values and dividing the sum by (n-1)(d) Computed by summing all the data values and dividing the sum by thenumber of items34. Which of these represent qualitative data?(a) Height of a student(b) Liking or disliking of (500) persons of a product(c) The income of a government servant in a city(d) Yield from a wheat plot35. Population census is conducted through(a) Sample survey(b) Accounting(c) Investigation(d) Complete enumeration36. Data classified by many ______are said to be quantitative.(a) Characteristics(b) Categories(c) Affinities(d) Attributes37. A graph consists of _______ lines.(a) Parallel line
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- (b) Smooth curve(c) Curve(d) Straight38. The Normal distribution is ___________________?(a) Platykurtic(b) Mesoukurtic(c) Leptokurtic(d) None of these39. A distribution is called ______ distribution if it has two modes.(a) Uni-modal(b) Bi-modal(c) Tri-modal(d) None of these40. Statistics are _____________expressed.(a) Descriptive(b) Ability(c) Qualitatively(d) QuantitativelyKEYANSWER - UNIT I-QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUE-IIQuestionKeyAnswerQuestionKeyAnswer1a21b2c22a3d23d4d24d5a25d6a26d7a27a8b28c9b29b10b30b11c31c12d32b
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- 13a33d14b34b15c35d16c36d17c37d18d38b19a39b20b40dSECTION-BFILL IN THE BLANKS1. _______ is the difference between two class limit.2. Technical & trade journals are the source of _______ __data.3. A time series is an arrangement of data according to __________.4. The graph obtained by joining the mid-points of tops of adjacent rectanglesin histogram is called________.5. The lower class boundary of 25 -35 will be______.6. Any data collected by the investigator personally from the informants arecalled ______ data.7. A circle in which sectors represents various quantities is called____________.8. ________ is a set of elements taken from a larger population according tocertain rules.9. Data which have not been arranged in systematic order is called_______data.10. Total area under the normal curve is ____________.11. Normal distribution is ______ shaped.
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- 12. Village Patwari collecting the data about cotton crops is the example of________ Data.13. Proportion becomes percentage when multiplied by___________.14. _______ statistics is a branch of statistics that deals with the techniques thatare used to organize, summarize, and present the data.15. Statistics laws are true for _______run.16. The study that deals with the methods to make decisions about populationbased on sample results is called _________________ statistics.17. A _______ is the periodic collection of information from the entirepopulation.18. _____is a presentation of information using lines on two or three axes suchas x, y nd z.19. _______is a form of diagrammatic presentation of data by joining mid-points of the tops of all rectangles in a histogram.20. ________sampling is that method of sampling in which each and every itemof the universe has equal chance of being selected in the sample.QuestionNoAnswer1.Class interval2secondary3Time4Frequency polygon
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- 5256Primary7Pie-chart8Sample9Raw10111Bell12Primary1310014Descriptive15Long16Inferential17Census18Graph19Polygon20RandomPAPER- X (QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUE-II)Module - II1. Which of the following is not a pre-requisite for a good measure of centraltendency?(a) It should not be rigidly defined(b) It should be based on all observations(c) It should not be affected by fluctuation of sampling(d) None of the above2. Which one of the following is a pre-requisite for a good measure ofdispersion?(a) It should be affected by fluctuation of sampling(b) It should be easy to calculate(c) It should not be based on all observations(d) All of the above3. In an open ended frequency distribution:
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