Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents Notes and MCQs
23 Pages
Contributed by
Gulzar Dubey
- 174SUMMERY1. Net flux through the surface B dA = BA cos= angle between area vectorA& magnetic fieldB• if = 0 then max = BA• if = 90 then = 02. Unit of magnatic flux is weber (wb) in SI unit and maxwell or Gauss x cm2in CGS unit where 1wb = 108maxwell• other units = tesla m2=NmA=JouleA=Volt CoulombA= Volt x sec = ohm x coulomb = henery x AA• Its dimensional formula = M1L2T–2A–13. Faraday’s Law• The induced emf = – Nddt= – Nddt(AB cos t)• If A alone is changing = – NB cos tdAdt• If B alone is changing = – NA cos tdBdt• If alone is changing = + NABsin t4. Motional emf = – Bvl sin where, = angle betweenvB5. If conducting rod moves on two parallel conducting rails placed in magnetic field perpendicular to planeof close loop.• induced emf = – Bvl• induced current I = =BRvl• magnetic force F = IlB =2 2BRvl• power dessipated P =2 2BR2v l= Fm• vwherel = distance between two railsR = Resistance of the loop
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- 1756. Self induction• self inductance L =N• induced emf = – LdIdt• unit of L iswbA= ohm x sec = Henery• dimensional formula of L is M1L2T-2A-2• magnetic potential energy of inductor U =12LI2• magnetic energy density Sm=UAl=20B27. Mutual Induction• Mutual inductance M =1 12NI=2 21NI• induced emf = 2= – M1dIdtOR 1 = – M2dIdt8. Relation between M, L, & L2For two magnetically coupled coils M = k1 2L Lwhere k = coefficient of coupling or coupling factor(0 k 1)k =magnetic flux linked in sec ondarymagnetic flux linked in primary9. Combination of inductances• series Ls= L1+ L2if they are situated close to each other then Ls= L1+L2+ 2M• Parellel Lp=1 21 2L LL LORp1L=11L+21Lif they are situated close to each other thenLp=21 21 2L L ML L 2M 10. Growth & decay of current in LR circuit• The value of current at time t after closing the circuit I =RtL0I [1 e ]
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- 176where I0= Imax=R• The value of current at time t after opening from the steady state condition I =RtL0I e• Time constant =LR11. A.C. generator• emf V = NAB sin t = Vmsin t• current I =mVRsin t = Imsin t• A.C. current & voltage are positive for half the cycle & negative for the rest half. So aweeragevalue of ac quantity is zero over a complete cycle.• at t =T4from the begining I or V reach their maximum value.12. Series LCR circuit• current I = Imcos (t – )where Im=mVz = phase difference between V & I• Voltage V =22R L CV (V V ) • Impedence2 2 2 2L C1z R (X X ) R ( L )c • Phase difference tan =L C L CRX X V VR V 13. At resonance• XL= XCthenz= R then 0=1LCthen f0=12 LC• Half power band width =RL• Q-factor Q =0=1 LR C
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- 17714. Power• P = VrmsIrmscos where cos = power factor15. Parellel LC circuit in series with R•z=221R1( c )L • tan =11R( c )L 16. Transformer•ps sp s pINI N = r = transformation ratio
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- 178MCQFor the answer of the following questions choose the correct alternative from amongthe given ones.1. A coil having area 2m2is placed in a magnetic field which changes from 1 wb /m2to 4 wb/m2in aninterval of 2 second. The emf induced in the coil of single turn is....(a) 4 v (b) 3 v (c) 1.5 v (d) 2 v2. Two different loops are concentric & lie in the same plane. The current in outer loop is clockwise &increasing with time. The induced current in the inner loop then, is..........(a) clockwise (b) zero(c) counter clockwise (d) direction depends on the ratio of loop radii3. A ring of radius r is rotating about its diameter with angular velocity in a perpendicular magneticfieldBIt has 20turns.The emf induced is(a)wtSinrB202(b)wtcosrB202(c)2rB210 (d)wtsinwrB2024. A magnetic fieldT1022acts at right angles to a coil of area 200 cm2with 25 turns. The averageemf induced in the coil is 0.1 v when it removes from the field in time t. The value of t is(a) 0.1 sec (b) 1 sec (c) 0.01 sec (d) 20 sec5. The magnetic flux linked with a coil, in webers, is given by the equation7t3t42. Then themagnitude of induced emf at 2 sec will be ...(a) 15 v (b) 19 v (c) 17 v (d) 21 v6. A solenoid of 1.5 m long with inner diamter of 4 cm has three layers of windings of 1000 turns each& carries a current of 2 A. The magnetic flux through a cross section of the solenoid is nearly.....(a)wb105.27(b)wb1031.66(c)wb101.26(d)wb101.457. A coil has an area of 0.05 m2& it has 800 turns. It is placed perpendicularly in a magnetic field ofstrength , 4x10–5Wb/m-2. It is rotated through 90oin 0.1 sec. The average emf induced in the coilis...(a) 0.056 v (b) 0.046 v (c) 0.026 v (d) 0.016 v
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- 1798. A bar magnet is moving along the common axis of two coils A &B towards A. current is induced in(a) Only A (b) Only B(c) both A& B in same direction (d) both A & B in opposite direction9. A coil having n turns & resistanceRis connected with a galvanometer of resistance 4R. Thiscombination is moved from a magnetic field W1Wb to W2Wb in t second. The induced current inthe circut is....(a)Rnt5WW12(b)Rt5WWn12(c)RntWW12(d)RtWWn1210.When a train travels with a speed 360 km h-1along the track separated by 1 meter. The verticalcomponent of earth's magnetic field isT101.04.What is the value of induced emf between therails ?(a)V102(b)V104(c)V103(d)V111. An electron moves along the line AB,which lies in the same plane as a circular loop of conductingwires as shown in figure. What will be the direction of current induced if any, in the loop ?(a) No current will be induced(b) The current will be clockwise(c) The current will be anticlockwise(d) The current will change direction as the electron passes by12. A circular loop of radius R carrying current I lies in X-Y plane with its centre at origin. The totalmagnetic flux through x-y plane is.....(a) Directly proportional to I (b) Directly proportional to R(c) Directly proportional to R2(d) zero
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- 18013. Consider the situation shown in the figure. The wireAB is sliding on the fixed rails with a constantvelocity. If the wire AB replaced by semi circular wire the magnitude of the induced current will.(a) Increases (b) decreased(c) Remain same (d) depending on whether the semicirclebulge is towards the resistance oraway from it.14. Two similar circular loops carry equal currents in the same direction.On moving the coils furtherapart, the electric current will(a) Remain unchanged (b) Increasing in both(c) Increasing in one decreasing in other (d) Decreasing in both15. When the number of turns in a coil is make four time without any change in length of the coil, its selfinductance becomes......(a) unchanged (b) two times(c) four times (d) sixteen times16. A metal road moves at a constant velocity in a direction perpendicular to its length & a constantuniform magnetic field too. Select the correct statement (s) from the following.(a) The entire rod is at the same electrical potential(b) There is an electric field in the rod(c) The electric polential is highest at the centre of the rod.(d) The electric polential is lowest at the centre of the rod.17. Two co-axial solenoids are made by a pipe of cross sectional area 10 cm2and length 20 cm If oneof the solenoid has 300 turns and the other 400 turns, their mutual inductance is........(a)H108.44(b)H108.45(c)H104.24(d)H108.4418. The self inductance of a straight conductor is...(a) zero (b) very large (c) very small (d)19. Two coils of self inductances 2 mH & 8 mH are placed so close togather that the effective flux in onecoil is completely half with the other.The mutual inductance between these coils is.......(a) 4 mH (b) 6 mH (c) 2 mH (d) 16 mH20. In circular coil. when no. of turns is doubled & resistance becomes half of the initial then inductancebecomes....(a) 4 times (b) 2 times (c) 8 times (d) No change
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- 18121. In the figure the magnetic energy stored in the coil is(a) zero (b) infinite (c) 25 J (d) 16 J22. When the switch S turned off.(a) Both B1and B2die out promptly(b) Both B1and B2die out with some delay(c) B1dies out promptly but B2with some delay(d) B2dies out promptly but B1with some delay23. A transformer of efficiency 90% draws an input power of 4 kW. An electrical applience connectedacross the secondary draws a current of 6 A.The impedence of device is.........(a)60(b)50(c)80(d)10024. The armature of dc motor has 20resistance. It draws current of 1.5 A when run by 220 V dcsuppy. The value of back induced in it will be(a) 150 V (b) 190 V (c) 170 V (d) 180 V25. A thin semicircular conducting ring of radius R is falling in a magnetic field B. Which is in limited areaas shown in figure. At the position MNQ,the speed of ring is and the potential difference developedacross the ring is(a) zero (b)2RB2and M is at higher potential(c)RBand Q is at higher potential (d)RB2and Q is at higher potential26. Two identical circular loops of metal wire are lying on a table near to each other without touching.LoopA carries a current which increasing with time.In response the loop B.......(a) Is repelled by loop A (b) Is attracted by loop A(c) rotates about its centre of mass (d) remains stationary
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- 18227. A wire of length 2m is moving at a speed 2ms-1keep its length perpendicular to uniform magneticfield of 0.5 T. The resistance of circuit joined with this wire is6. The rate at which wolrk is beingdone to keep the wire moving at constant speed is ..........(a)1ω3(b)2ω3(c)1ω6(d) 228. Two identical magnets moving towards a coil, connecting a condenser at rear side shown in fig., withequal speed from opposite sides Then(a) Both plate will be positive(b) There is no charging of condenser(c) Plate 1 will be positive and 2 negative(d) Plate 2 will be positive and 1 negative29. A rectangular loop with a sliding rod of length 2m & resistance2. It moves in a uniform magneticfield of 3T perpendicular to plane of loop. The external force required to keep the rod moving withconstant velocity of 2ms-1is(a) 2N (b) 4N (c) 6N (d) 8N30. A conducting rod PQ of length 4l is rotated about a point O in a uniform magnetic fieldB.ThenPO (a)2Q PBωV V2 (b)2Q O5V V Bω2 (c)2Q O9V V Bω2 (d)2A QV V 4 Bω
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- 18331. As shown in figure after a long time the battery is disconnected and short circuiting the points A & B.The current in circuit after 2ms after the short circuit is.(a)Ae12(b)Ae1(c) 0.2A (d)Ae232. The variation of induced emf with time in a coil if a short bar magnet is moved along its axis withconstant velocity is.(a) (b)(c) (d)33. A square loop of side 10 cm and resistance 2is moved with velocity oas shown in fig. Theuniform magnetic field is 3T with what speed should the loop be moved so that a steady current of1.5 mA flows in the loop.(a)1cms1(b)1cms2(c)1cms3(d)1cms434. An inductor-resistor-battery circuit is switched on at t = 0. If the emf of battry is find the chargepasses through the battery in one time constant .(a)maxie(b) max-1 ie(c)maxie(d)maxτ i
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