History of the USA 1776-1945 Question Bank (Fill in the Blanks)

Question Bank 5 Pages

Contributed by

Vijayent Chanda
  • History Paper 12(a)
    History of the USA 1776-1945
    Question Bank (Fill in the Blanks)
    Unit I
    1. George Washington belonged to the state of Virginia
    2. Columbus discovered America in 1492
    3. The first Continental Congress of 1774 was held in Philadelphia
    4. The number of colonies during the American Revolution was 13
    5. The Chief architect of American Constitution was Thomas Jefferson
    6. The American President who secured purchase of Louisiana was Thomas Jefferson
    7. In the beginning of the 19
    century, there were only two independent nations in the New World, the
    United States and Haiti
    8. The author of a pamphlet called “common sense” which had great influence during the American War of
    Independence was Thomas Paine
    9. “The duties of all public offices are plain and simple that men of intelligence may readily qualify
    themselves for their performance.” This was the statement of Jackson
    10. The “Battle of Golden Hill‟ occurred in New York
    11. The Federalist Papers was written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Clay.
    12. The state which passed laws aimed at annihilating a tribe of Cherokees that had adopted many of the
    white man‟s ways was Georgia
    13. The first two political parties in post-independent America were Republicans and Federalists
    14. The Suffolk Resolves was a declaration made on September 9,1774 by the leader of Suffolk county
    which boycotted imported goods from Britain.
    15. The oldest institution of higher learning in the United States was Harvard College, Massachusetts
    16. Andrew Jackson (March 15,1767-June 1845) was the seventh President of the United States
    17. The leather and shoe traders who sailed from England and settled in Virginia in the 17
    century were
    called Cordwainers
    18. The King of England during the American Revolution was King George III
    19. The war of 1812 was also known as Madison’s War
    20. The Monroe Doctrine was the guiding principle in American foreign policy.
    Unit II
    1. The term „Manifest Destiny‟ was first used by O‟Sullivan, an influential journalist during the westward

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  • 2. The Oregon Question was a matter of concern right from the first European exploration over division
    of Oregon territory.
    3. Mexico recognized the Rio Grande Boundary and ceded New Mexico and California to USA by the
    treaty ofGuadelupe
    4. The first cotton mill in the US was started in 1770
    5. Texas was admitted to the Union in 1845 as a slave state
    6. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 was virtually a compromise between the North and South, Free
    and Slave states
    7. The main orator over the passing of Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 was Democratic Senator Stephen A.
    Douglas of Illinois
    8. The first American railroad was built through Baltimore and Ohio
    9. The compromise of 1850 admitted California to the Union as a Free State
    10. The heated debate over admission of California and New Mexico to the Union lasted from January to
    11. Daniel Webster was a great orator who devoted all his oratory skill to plea for sectional harmony and
    preserving the Union
    12. The famous Missouri Compromise of 1820 silenced the question of slavery almost a generation
    13. The Texans rose in revolt against Mexican government in 1835
    14. The Frontier Thesis or Turner Thesis is the argument advanced by historian Frederick Jackson Turner in
    1893 that American democracy was formed by the American Frontier
    15. The President of the United States during the Mexican War of 1846 was James K. Polk
    16. In 1830, the US Congress passed the Indian Removal Act which forced the native Indian tribals to
    move to the west
    17. As a result of the Mexican War (1846), the southern boundary between US and Mexico was fixed at Rio
    18. Turner first announced his thesis in a paper entitled The Significance of the Frontier in American
    History delivered to American Historical Association in 1893
    19. In 1849, the Californians adopted a Constitution which excluded slavery
    20. The proposal for admission of California to the Union as a free state which sharpened sectional conflict
    was known as the Wilmot Proviso
    Unit III
    1. Negro slavery was first introduced in America by the Dutch
    2. A system of forced labour which was prevalent in southern United States of America was known as
    Peonage system

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  • 3. A network of secret routes and safehouses used byfugitive slaves to escape to free states and Canada
    with the aid of abolitionists was called The Underground Railroad
    4. In 1859, Harper‟s Ferry was raided byJohn Brownwho planned to free slaves by force
    5. The 13
    Amendment abolished slavery in the USA
    6. Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin in Kentucky
    7. The extremist group in abolitionist organization was the Garrisonians
    8. Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a book about the life and death of a slave named Uncle Tom written by Harriet
    Beecher Stowe in 1851
    9. To resolve the controversy over slavery issue, the US Congress adopted a rule that no further petition
    relating to slavery question be discussed and be rejected as soon as it came before the House which was
    known as the Gag Rule
    10. The American President who struggled for the removal of the Gag Rule was John Quincy Adams
    11. During the 1820s, the most active white crusader against slavery was Benjamin Lundy of New Jersey
    who published the anti-slavery newspaper “The Genius of Universal Emancipation.”
    12. In 1776, the highest number of slaves was found in Virginia with South Carolina coming next
    13. On 22
    September, 1862, President Lincoln made his Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation to be
    effective from 1
    January, 1863
    14. A group of anti-slavery democrats and Liberty party supporters joined with New England Whigs and
    formed a new party known as The Free Soil Party
    15. The American Civil War ended on 13
    May, 1865 with the surrender of Robert E Lee at Pamito Ranch,
    16. Lincoln proclaimed his Reconstruction Plan on 8
    17. The significance of the unwritten Compromise of 1877 was pulling of the last troops out of the south
    and formally ending the Reconstruction Era
    18. A series of violent civil confrontations in the US between 1854 and 1861 which emerged from a
    political and sectional debate over the legality of slavery in the proposed state of Kansas was known as
    Bleeding Texas
    19. The constitutional cause of the American Civil War was difference in the constitution on the question of
    state’s sovereignty
    20. The anti-slavery journal “The Liberator” was founded by the enthusiastic abolitionist Lloyd Garrison
    Unit IV
    1. The Ku Klux Klan was an organization which terrorized the ambitious Negroes
    2. In 1867, Oliver Hudson Kelly founded an organization for state control of railroads and grain elevators
    known as the Grangewho were also members of Patriots of Husbandry

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  • 3. A popular name given to the statutes passed by the southern slave states to assert some kind of continued
    prejudice against the blacks is known as Black Codes
    4. Rich silver deposits were found in Colorado in 1859
    5. The US witnessed rapid industrialization during the second half of the 19
    6. The US Supreme Court‟s interpretation of the 14
    Constitutional Amendment- No tate might deprive
    any person of life, liberty or proper without due process of law” as a prevention of corporation was
    regarded as the Magna Carta of business corporation
    7. After the Civil War, Captains of Industry replaced farmers a the sovereign political class
    8. Wisconsin Idea was a phrase given to a series of laws introduced by Robert Marion La Follette when he
    was elected Governor of Wisconsin in 1900
    9. The “Gilded Age” was a term thatMark Twainused to describe the period of the late 19
    century when
    there had been dramatic expansion of American wealth and prosperity
    10. From 1880 to 1914, more than 22 million people migrated from Europe to USA
    11. Andrew Carnegie was a Scottish American industrialist who led the enormous expansion of the
    American steel industry in the late 19
    12. The term „Populist‟ and „Populism‟ are commonly used for anti-elitist movement. It is also known as
    The People’s Party
    13. The Omaha Platform was the party programme adopted at the formative convention of the Populist
    Party held at Omaha, Nebraska on July 4,1892
    14. The Progressive Movement was an era of widespread social activism and political reforms across the
    US from 1890s to 1920s
    15. The term Big business is often used to characterize industrial expansion after the American Civil War
    16. The most prominent leader in the demands for women‟s suffrage and better schools during the
    progressive era was Jane Adams
    17. The members of the Populist Party werePoor white cotton farmers in the south
    18. Woodrow Wilson was the third and last progressive President who made far-reaching changes in the
    American economy
    19. The three progressive Presidents of the US were Franklin D. Roosevelt,Howard Taft and Woodrow
    20. The Populists or People‟s Party were an agrarian-based political movement aimed at improving
    conditions for the country‟s farmers and agrarian workers founded in 1891
    Unit V
    1. The New Deal Diplomacy was propounded by Franklin D. Roosevelt
    2. The underlying principle of the US policy during the two world wars was neutrality

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  • 3. The US entered the First World War on April 2,1917 when five US vessels were sunk by the Germans
    4. The US President during the first world war was Woodrow Wilson
    5. At the end of the First World War, President Wilson proposed 14 points in order to maintain world
    peace in the future
    6. The League of Nations was founded on 10
    January,1920 and it ceased operations on 20
    7. Roosevelt‟s New Deal had three components-direct relief, economic recovery and financial reforms
    which were called the Three R’s
    8. The worldwide economic downturn that began in 1929 and lasted until about 1939 is called the Great
    9. Causes of the Great Depression of USA were unequal distribution of wealth, high tariffs and war
    10. A group of 20,000 disgruntled World War I veterans who marched on Washington DC in 1932 to cash
    in on the army bonuses were refused by the Congress. They were known as Bonus Army
    11. The massive crash of US stock market on October 29,1929 was known as Black Tuesday
    12. Roosevelt‟s decision to cut back on deficit spending which put millions of Americans back on the street
    was known as Roosevelt’s Recession
    13. Roosevelt‟s New Deal was supported by Labour Unions, Communists,Socialists, Liberals, religious and
    ethnic minorities
    14. The main opponent of the New Deal was Barry Goldwater of the Republican Party
    15. The immediate cause of the US entry into World War II was the bombing of Pearl Harbour in Haiti by
    the Japanese
    16. Japan bombarded Pearl Harbour on 7
    17. Roosevelt‟s proposal to the Congress on a programme by which goods be lend to Britain for war efforts
    was known as Land-Lease Programme
    18. The US Congress declared war on Japan on 8
    19. The first Atom Bomb dropped by the US on Hiroshima on 6
    August,1945 was named Little Boy
    20. The second atom bomb dropped on 9
    August,1945 was named Fat Man

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