- SKN SITS, LONAVALADEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGS.E. Electrical Subject:- ADE (UNIT-II)((MARKS))(1/2/3...)2((QUESTION))Determine the output frequency for a frequency division circuit thatcontains 12 flip-flops with an input clock frequency of 20.48 MHz((OPTION_A))10.24 kHz((OPTION_B))5 kHz((OPTION_C))30.24 kHz((OPTION_D))15 kHz((CORRECT_CHOICE))(A/B/C/D)B((EXPLANATION))(OPTIONAL)((MARKS))(1/2/3...)1((QUESTION))Which statement BEST describes the operation of a negative-edge-triggered D flip-flop?((OPTION_A))The logic level at the D input is transferred to Q on NGT of CLK.((OPTION_B))The Q output is ALWAYS identical to the CLK input if the D input isHIGH.((OPTION_C))The Q output is ALWAYS identical to the D input when CLK = PGT.((OPTION_D))The Q output is ALWAYS identical to the D input.((CORRECT_CHOICE))(A/B/C/D)A((EXPLANATION))(OPTIONAL)
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- SKN SITS, LONAVALADEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGS.E. Electrical Subject:- ADE (UNIT-II)((MARKS))(1/2/3...)2((QUESTION))Propagation delay time, tPLH, is measured from the ________.((OPTION_A))triggering edge of the clock pulse to the LOW-to-HIGH transition of theoutput((OPTION_B))triggering edge of the clock pulse to the HIGH-to-LOW transition of theoutput((OPTION_C))preset input to the LOW-to-HIGH transition of the output((OPTION_D))clear input to the HIGH-to-LOW transition of the output((CORRECT_CHOICE))(A/B/C/D)A((EXPLANATION))(OPTIONAL)((MARKS))(1/2/3...)1((QUESTION))How is a J-K flip-flop made to toggle?((OPTION_A))J = 0, K = 0((OPTION_B))J = 1, K = 0((OPTION_C))J = 0, K = 1((OPTION_D))J = 1, K = 1((CORRECT_CHOICE))(A/B/C/D)D((EXPLANATION))(OPTIONAL)
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- SKN SITS, LONAVALADEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGS.E. Electrical Subject:- ADE (UNIT-II)((MARKS))(1/2/3...)1((QUESTION))How many flip-flops are in the 7475 IC?((OPTION_A))1((OPTION_B))2((OPTION_C))4((OPTION_D))8((CORRECT_CHOICE))(A/B/C/D)C((EXPLANATION))(OPTIONAL)((MARKS))(1/2/3...)2((QUESTION))How many flip-flops are required to produce a divide-by-128 device?((OPTION_A))1((OPTION_B))4((OPTION_C))6((OPTION_D))7((CORRECT_CHOICE))(A/B/C/D)D((EXPLANATION))(OPTIONAL)
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- SKN SITS, LONAVALADEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGS.E. Electrical Subject:- ADE (UNIT-II)((MARKS))(1/2/3...)2((QUESTION))The phenomenon of interpreting unwanted signals on J and K while Cp(clock pulse) is HIGH is called ________.((OPTION_A))parity error checking((OPTION_B))ones catching((OPTION_C))digital discrimination((OPTION_D))digital filtering((CORRECT_CHOICE))(A/B/C/D)B((EXPLANATION))(OPTIONAL)((MARKS))(1/2/3...)1((QUESTION))What is another name for a one-shot?((OPTION_A))Monostable((OPTION_B))Multivibrator((OPTION_C))Bistable((OPTION_D))Astable((CORRECT_CHOICE))(A/B/C/D)A((EXPLANATION))(OPTIONAL)
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- SKN SITS, LONAVALADEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGS.E. Electrical Subject:- ADE (UNIT-II)((MARKS))(1/2/3...)1((QUESTION))On a master-slave flip-flop, when is the master enabled((OPTION_A))when the gate is LOW((OPTION_B))when the gate is HIGH((OPTION_C))both of the above((OPTION_D))neither of the above((CORRECT_CHOICE))(A/B/C/D)B((EXPLANATION))(OPTIONAL)((MARKS))(1/2/3...)1((QUESTION))One example of the use of an S-R flip-flop is as a(n):((OPTION_A))racer((OPTION_B))astable oscillator((OPTION_C))binary storage register((OPTION_D))transition pulse generator((CORRECT_CHOICE))(A/B/C/D)C((EXPLANATION))(OPTIONAL)
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- SKN SITS, LONAVALADEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGS.E. Electrical Subject:- ADE (UNIT-II)((MARKS))(1/2/3...)1((QUESTION))What is the difference between the 7476 and the 74LS76?((OPTION_A))the 7476 is master-slave, the 74LS76 is master-slave((OPTION_B))the 7476 is edge-triggered, the 74LS76 is edge-triggered((OPTION_C))the 7476 is edge-triggered, the 74LS76 is master-slave((OPTION_D))the 7476 is master-slave, the 74LS76 is edge-triggered((CORRECT_CHOICE))(A/B/C/D)D((EXPLANATION))(OPTIONAL)((MARKS))(1/2/3...)2((QUESTION))Which of the following is correct for a gated D flip-flop?((OPTION_A))The output toggles if one of the inputs is held HIGH.((OPTION_B))Only one of the inputs can be HIGH at a time.((OPTION_C))The output complement follows the input when enabled.((OPTION_D))Q output follows the input D when the enable is HIGH.((CORRECT_CHOICE))(A/B/C/D)D((EXPLANATION))(OPTIONAL)
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- SKN SITS, LONAVALADEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGS.E. Electrical Subject:- ADE (UNIT-II)((MARKS))(1/2/3...)1((QUESTION))With regard to a D latch, ________.((OPTION_A))the Q output follows the D input when EN is LOW((OPTION_B))the Q output is opposite the D input when EN is LOW((OPTION_C))the Q output follows the D input when EN is HIGH((OPTION_D))the Q output is HIGH regardless of EN's input state((CORRECT_CHOICE))(A/B/C/D)C((EXPLANATION))(OPTIONAL)((MARKS))(1/2/3...)2((QUESTION))How can the cross-coupled NAND flip-flop be made to have active-HIGHS-R inputs?((OPTION_A))It can't be done.((OPTION_B))Invert the Q outputs.((OPTION_C))Invert the S-R inputs.((OPTION_D))Invert only R.((CORRECT_CHOICE))(A/B/C/D)C((EXPLANATION))(OPTIONAL)
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- SKN SITS, LONAVALADEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGS.E. Electrical Subject:- ADE (UNIT-II)((MARKS))(1/2/3...)1((QUESTION))When is a flip-flop said to be transparent?((OPTION_A))when the Q output is opposite the input((OPTION_B))when the Q output follows the input((OPTION_C))when you can see through the IC packaging((OPTION_D))Not possible.((CORRECT_CHOICE))(A/B/C/D)B((EXPLANATION))(OPTIONAL)((MARKS))(1/2/3...)1((QUESTION))Which of the following is correct for a D latch?((OPTION_A))The output toggles if one of the inputs is held HIGH.((OPTION_B))Q output follows the input D when the enable is HIGH.((OPTION_C))Only one of the inputs can be HIGH at a time.((OPTION_D))The output complement follows the input when enabled.((CORRECT_CHOICE))(A/B/C/D)B((EXPLANATION))(OPTIONAL)
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- SKN SITS, LONAVALADEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGS.E. Electrical Subject:- ADE (UNIT-II)((MARKS))(1/2/3...)1((QUESTION))A J-K flip-flop is in a "no change" condition when ________.((OPTION_A))J = 1, K = 1((OPTION_B))J = 1, K = 0((OPTION_C))J = 0, K = 1((OPTION_D))J = 0, K = 0((CORRECT_CHOICE))(A/B/C/D)D((EXPLANATION))(OPTIONAL)((MARKS))(1/2/3...)1((QUESTION))A correct output is achieved from a master-slave J-K flip-flop only if itsinputs are stable while the:((OPTION_A))clock is LOW((OPTION_B))slave is transferring((OPTION_C))flip-flop is reset((OPTION_D))clock is HIGH((CORRECT_CHOICE))(A/B/C/D)D((EXPLANATION))(OPTIONAL)
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- SKN SITS, LONAVALADEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGS.E. Electrical Subject:- ADE (UNIT-II)((MARKS))(1/2/3...)1((QUESTION))Which of the following describes the operation of a positive edge-triggered Dflip-flop?((OPTION_A))If both inputs are HIGH, the output will toggle.((OPTION_B))The output will follow the input on the leading edge of the clock.((OPTION_C))When both inputs are LOW, an invalid state exists.((OPTION_D))The input is toggled into the flip-flop on the leading edge of the clock andis passed to the output on the trailing edge of the clock.((CORRECT_CHOICE))(A/B/C/D)B((EXPLANATION))(OPTIONAL)((MARKS))(1/2/3...)1((QUESTION))What is the hold condition of a flip-flop?((OPTION_A))both S and R inputs activated((OPTION_B))no active S or R input((OPTION_C))only S is active((OPTION_D))only R is active((CORRECT_CHOICE))(A/B/C/D)B((EXPLANATION))(OPTIONAL)
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