- 1SRM VALLIAMMAI ENGINEERING COLLEGE(An Autonomous Institution)COMMON TO THE DEPARTMENTOFCIVIL ENGINEERING & ELECTRONICS AND INSTRUMENTATIONENGINEERINGQUESTION BANKVIII SEMESTERMG6851– Principles of ManagementRegulation – 2013Academic Year 2019 – 2020Prepared byDr. L. Sujatha, Assistant Professor (Sel.G) /MBAMr. K. Guru, Assistant Professor (OG)/MBAMr. J.Anand, Assistant Professor (OG)/MBAMs. K. Rathna Priya, Assistant Professor (OG)/EIEMr. G. Shiva, Assistant Professor (OG)/EIEDownloaded from: annauniversityedu.blogspot.com
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- 2SRM VALLIAMMAI ENGINEERING COLLEGE(An Autonomous Institution)QUESTION BANKSUBJECT : MG6851 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENTSEM / YEAR: VIII / IVUNIT I – INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONSDefinition of Management – Science or Art – Manager Vs Entrepreneur - types of managers managerialroles and skills – Evolution of Management – Scientific, human relations, system and contingencyapproaches – Types of Business organization - Sole proprietorship, partnership, company-public andprivate sector enterprises - Organization culture and Environment – Current trends and issues inManagement.Q.NoQuestionsBTLevelCompetencePART - A1List out the roles played by managers in an Organisation.BTL1Remembering2Differentiate Entrepreneur & Manager.BTL2Understanding3Show your understanding about the term Management.BTL3Applying4Point out the functions of management.BTL4Analyzing5Assess the concept of scientific management.BTL5Evaluating6What is your opinion about unity of command?BTL6Creating7Define Organization.BTL1Remembering8Distinguish between Public and Private Limited CompaniesBTL2Understanding9Illustrate the characteristics of managers.BTL3Applying10Explain the skills required by managers in an Organization.BTL4Analyzing11Evaluate the factors affecting Business Environment.BTL5Evaluating12Can you assess the value of Systems approach to management?BTL6Creating13Describe organization culture.BTL1Remembering14Summarize time and motion study.BTL2Understanding15Show your understanding of the term Esprit de Corps.BTL3Applying16Classify the types of partners.BTL4Analyzing17What is sole proprietorship and partnership?BTL1Remembering18Interpret the various types of Organizations.BTL2Understanding19What is private enterprise?BTL1Remembering20Quote the current trends in Management.BTL1RememberingPART - B1(i) Is management an art or science? Discuss.(3)BTL1Remembering(ii) Describe the various functions of Management.(10)2Discuss the principles and techniques of scientific management.(13)BTL2UnderstandingDownloaded from: annauniversityedu.blogspot.com
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- 33Examine the fourteen principles of management advocated by HenryFayol.(13)BTL3Applying4Classify the different roles and functions of managers and explainthem in detail.(13)BTL4Analyzing5Summarize the views of different schools of management.(13)BTL5Evaluating6(i) How would you prioritize the facts of Contingency Approach?(5)BTL6Creating(ii) What information would you use to support the view Systemsapproach in Management?(8)7Enlighten the relevance of environmental factors that affect globalbusiness.(13)BTL1Remembering8Express the different types of business organizations.(13)BTL2Understanding9(i) Describe the various experiments in Hawthorne Studies.(5)BTL3Applying(ii)State the findings of Hawthorne experiments.(8)10Explain the evolution of management in detail.(13)BTL4Analyzing11(i) List the main characteristics of Public Enterprises.(5)BTL1Remembering(ii) Differentiate Sole proprietorship and partnership.(8)12(i)Predict the relative importance of each type of skills to lower,middle and upper level managers.(5)BTL2Understanding(ii) Give the current trends & issues in management(8)13(i) Infer the concept of Globalization.(3)BTL4Analyzing(ii) List the various challenges of management in present scenario.(10)14(i) State the elements of Organization culture.(3)BTL1Remembering(ii) Identify the different types of culture in an organization.(10)PART – C1Mr. Naidu was a young officer in a nationalized bank in Chennai. He wasapproached by Mr.Datta, owner of a small textile plant for a loan to renovatehis plant. Naidu gave him a loan of Rs. 50,000. The bank‟s branch manager,who saw no future in textiles, was shocked at the loan transaction. He toldNaidu to stay close to Datta until money was paid back. Naidu stuck so closethat he became Datta‟s financial adviser. The loan was paid. But Naidubecame Datta‟s partner and resigned his bank job. Naidu collectedinformation about the textile industry there was huge scope for the industry.Within six years, Naidu set up another textile plant to his employees Naiduwas friendly and highly flexible boss. He preferred to lead by example ratherthan tell people how to do their jobs. However, Naidu committed a bigmistake of not grooming a successor. Therefore, there was a vacuum at thetop when he had a severe heart attack and died.Answer the following questions:i) What were the qualities of Naidu as a Manager? (5 marks)ii) Discuss the roles played by managers according to Mintzberg. Whatroles of the manager did Naidu play? (5 marks)iii) Do you think Naidu was successful Manager? (5 marks)BTL5EvaluatingDownloaded from: annauniversityedu.blogspot.com
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- 42In 2006-07 PTC Food division decided to enter the fast growing (20-30%annually) snacks segment, an altogether new to it. It had only one nationalcompetitor– Trepsico'sTrito. After a year its wafer snack brand–Ringo,fetched 20% market share across the country. Ringo's introduction wascoincided with the cricket world cup. The wafer snacks market is estimated tobe around Rs. 250 crores. The company could take the advantage of itsexisting distribution network and also source potatoes from farmers easily.Before the PTC could enter the market, a cross-functional team made acustomer survey through a marketing research group in 14 cities of thecountry to know about the snacks of eating habits of people. The resultshowed that the customers within the age-group of 15- 24 years were the mostpromising for the product as they were quite enthusiastic about experimentingnew snack taste. The company reported to its chefs and the chefs came outwith 16flavours with varying tastes suiting to the targeted age-group.The company decided to target the youngsters as primary target on theassumption that once they are lured in, it was easier to reach the wholefamily. Advertising in this category was extremely crowded. Every week two-three local products in new names were launched, sometimes with similarnames. To break through this clutter the company decided to bank uponhumour appeal. The Industry sources reveal that PTC spent about Rs. 50Crores on advertisement and used all possible media-print and electronic,both including the creation of its own website, Ringoringoyoungo.com withoffers of online games, contests etc. Mobile phone tone downloading was alsoplanned which proved very effective among teenagers. The site wasadvertised on all dotcom networks. EM TV, Shine TV, Bee TV and otherimportant channels were also used for its advertisement along with FM radiochannels in about 60 cities with large hoardings at strategic places. Analystsbelieve that Ringo‟s success story owes a lot to PTC's widespread distributionchannels and aggressive advertisements. Humour appeal was a big success.The Ringo' was made visible by painting the Railway bogies passing acrossthe States. It has also been successful to induce Lovely Brothers' FutureGroup to replace Trito in their Big-Bazaar and chain of food Bazaars. PTC ispaying 4% higher margin than Trepsico to Future group and other retailers.Trito's share has already been reduced considerably. Retail tie-ups, regionalflavours, regional humour appeals have helped PTC. But PTC still wants abigger share in the market and in foreign markets also, if possible.Answer the following questions:i) What is SWOT analysis? (5 marks)ii) What are the strengths and weakness of PTC? (5 marks)iii) What are the opportunities and threats of PTC? (5 marks)BTL5Evaluating3Discuss the effects of globalization and liberalization in improvingorganizational growth. (15)BTL6Creating4Explain the issues of organizational culture in modern business organizations.(15)BTL6CreatingDownloaded from: annauniversityedu.blogspot.com
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- 5UNIT II – PLANNINGNature and purpose of planning – planning process – types of planning – objectives – setting objectives –policies – Planning premises – Strategic Management – Planning Tools and Techniques – Decisionmaking steps and process.PART - AQ.NoQuestionsBTLevelCompetence1Define Planning Premises.BTL1Remembering2Differentiate strategic planning and tactical planning.BTL2Understanding3State the importance of setting organizational objectives in modernorganization.BTL3Applying4Classify the types of plans.BTL4Analyzing5Evaluate the SWOT analysis matrix.BTL5Evaluating6Can you assess the steps in planning?BTL6Creating7Describe MBO.BTL1Remembering8Discuss the steps in decision making process.BTL2Understanding9Show the planning tools available in business management.BTL3Applying10Differentiate objectives and goals.BTL4Analyzing11Conclude your understanding about planning.BTL5Evaluating12What information would you use to support the view of Delphi technique?BTL6Creating13What is meant by rational decision making?BTL1Remembering14Summarize the types of policies.BTL2Understanding15List the characteristics of sound policy.BTL3Applying16Point out the importance of rational decision making.BTL4Analyzing17What is intuitive decision making?BTL1Remembering18Distinguish programmed and non-programmed decisionsBTL2Understanding19Write about the strategies and programs.BTL1Remembering20How would you explain strategic management?BTL1RememberingPART - B1How would you describe the different types of plans?(13)BTL1Remembering2What is the main idea of MBO? Explain the process of MBO, itsbenefits and limitations.(13)BTL2Understanding3Illustrate the types of planning.(13)BTL3Applying4(i) Point out the concept of strategic and operational planning.(5)BTL4Analyzing(ii) Infer your understanding on the general planning process adopted bythe business organizations.(8)5(i) Summarize the nature of Objectives.(3)BTL5Evaluating(ii) Conclude the various objective setting methods.(10)6(i) How would you explain the objectives of planning?(3)BTL6Creating(ii) How could you determine the objectives for a manufacturingorganization?(10)7List the types of goals organizations might have and the plans they usefor accomplishment.(13)BTL1Remembering8(i) Interpret the essentials of formulating policies.(3)BTL2Understanding(ii) Express the different types of strategies.(10)Downloaded from: annauniversityedu.blogspot.com
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- 69(i) Classify the different types of Decisions.(3)BTL3Applying(ii) Apply some of the tools for developing organizational strategies.(10)10Analyze the different planning techniques.(13)BTL4Analyzing11Identify the various types of Policies with examples.(13)BTL1Remembering12(i) Differentiate strategies and policies.(3)BTL2Understanding(ii) Give the steps involved in strategic management Process.(10)13(i) Classify the various levels of strategies.(3)BTL4Analyzing(ii) Connect how strategic management is implemented in anOrganization.(10)14(i) Why is decision making is important in an Organization?(3)BTL1Remembering(ii) Write the steps involved in Decision making process with suitableexamples.(10)PART - C1Tata group has set its objectives of doubling its objectives of doubling profitevery three years and sales revenue every four years.Answer the following questions:i) Give your comment on objectives of TATA group. (8 marks)ii) Give guidelines for objective settings. (7 marks)BTL5Evaluating2MBO aims at joint goal setting of superior and subordinate managers. In anMNC,Japanese managers involve Indian subordinate managers in goal settings.Indians feel this practice different because they are used to traditionalobjectives settings where in the managers dictate objectives to subordinates.When Japanese managers try to involve the Indian subordinate managers ingoal setting, Indian Managers feel that Japanese managers are not capable ofsetting objectives by themselves.Answer the following questions:i) Discuss the problems faced between Japanese Managers andIndian subordinate managers. (5 marks)ii) How can Japanese managers solve the problem? (5 marks)iii) Discuss the features of MBO. (5 marks)BTL6Creating3Policy making is guide to action in Organisation–Demonstrate withexamples. (15 marks)BTL6Creating4Administration essentially is a decision-making process: Elucidate thisstatement and explain the various types of decisions taken by executives.(15 marks)BTL5EvaluatingDownloaded from: annauniversityedu.blogspot.com
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- 7UNIT III – ORGANIZINGNature and purpose – Formal and informal organization – organization chart – organization structure –types – Line and staff authority – departmentalization – delegation of authority – centralization anddecentralization – Job Design - Human Resource Management – HR Planning, Recruitment, selection,Training and Development, Performance Management, Career planning and management.PART - AQ.NoQuestionsBTLevelCompetence1Define departmentation.BTL1Remembering2Distinguish authority and power.BTL2Understanding3Explain the concept „delegation of authority‟.BTL3Applying4Analyze the bases of span of control.BTL4Analyzing5Assess the concept of job design.BTL5Evaluating6Can you assess the importance of Human resource management?BTL6Creating7What is centralization and decentralization?BTL1Remembering8Contrast formal and informal organization.BTL2Understanding9Classify the different types of staff in organization.BTL3Applying10What is the theme of human resources planning?BTL4Analyzing11Evaluate how career planning is related to career development.BTL5Evaluating12How would you evaluate the usage of Functional Departmentation?BTL6Creating13Describe Training.BTL1Remembering14Distinguish on the job and off the job training.BTL2Understanding15Show your understanding about assessment centers.BTL3Applying16Infer why performance management is important?BTL4Analyzing17Write an example of how functional authority works in an organization.BTL1Remembering18Compare Line and Staff Authority.BTL2Understanding19Write about the Performance Management.BTL1Remembering20Describe the concept of organizing.BTL1RememberingPART - B1Examine the different types of organizational structures followed bythe companies.(13)BTL1Remembering2(i) Interpret the key elements in organizational design?(6)BTL2Understanding(ii) Distinguish the benefits of formal and informal organization.(7)3(i) Demonstrate the benefits of Decentralization.(3)BTL3Applying(ii) Relate the concept of centralization and decentralization in anOrganization.(10)4(i) Analyze the importance of employee training.(3)BTL4Analyzing(ii) List and explain about the various methods of training.(10)5(i)Delegation is the ability to get result through others - Conclude.(3)BTL5Evaluating(ii) Summarize the guidelines for effective delegation.(10)6Describe various performance appraisal techniques?(13)BTL6Creating7(i)Quote about the matrix Organization Structure with their relativeadvantages and limitations.(5)BTL1RememberingDownloaded from: annauniversityedu.blogspot.com
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- 8(ii)Explain line and functional organizational structures with itsadvantages and limitations.(8)8Summarize the various types of departmentation.(13)BTL2Understanding9Illustrate various sources of recruitment with their relative advantagesand disadvantages.(13)BTL3Applying10(i)Write about human resources planning.(5)BTL4Analyzing(ii)Analyze the Human Resource Management activities in a businessorganization.(8)11What is Span of Control? Write down the different factors influencingspan of Control.(13)BTL1Remembering12i) What is meant by selection process?(3)BTL2Understandingii) Discuss the tasks associated with identifying and selectingcompetent employees.(10)13List and explain the nature and purpose of organization.(13)BTL4Analyzing14Define staffing. Identify the steps involved in selection process.(13)BTL1RememberingPART - C1A MNC with headquarters in Canada is in a dilemma to decide whether toadopt a line or a line and staff organisation structure. Highlight theadvantages of line and line and staff organisation structure. According to youwhich structure would be suitable for a huge MNC? (15 marks)BTL 5Evaluating2XYZ Company has various strategic business Units such as Textiles,InfoTech, Pharma and electronics. Write about the different forms ofdepartmentation. Which form of departmentation is suitable? (15 marks)BTL 6Creating3Explain the different stages of career. Also explain the importance of careerdevelopment. (15 marks)BTL 6Creating4Jacob, one of your assistants in a fire insurance company, is responsible for agroup of clerical workers who review changed policies, endorsements, andriders, calculate commissions, and maintain records. He is very meticulous,and everything coming out of his group is perfect. He does not delegateauthority and responsibility but rechecks in detail all the work turned out byhis faction. He keeps turning back to them careless and inaccurate work untilit is perfect. As a result he is busy from early morning until late at nightdoing detail work and neglecting his role as supervisor. His workers havefigured him out and are taking it easy. They do slap-dash work and correct itas often as he returns it. You are afraid about Jacob‟s workaholic behaviourand heading for a nervous breakdown. You have told him in general terms todelegate authority and responsibility and to discipline his group.He says that you just can‟t find people any more who have pride in their workor concern for the company and that if he fires any of his people or they quitthe replacements would most likely be more terrible.1) Why people do not delegate authority and responsibility? (3marks)2) What are Jacob‟s responsibilities as a supervisor? (3marks)3) Which can he delegate and how? (3marks)4) What are the leadership characteristics that Jacob lacks? (3marks)5) How can you go about developing them in him? (3marks)To answer the above questions follow the steps below: First, study the case carefully, identifying the management principlesinvolved, where possible. Gain as sound an understanding as possible, within the time available,through private study. Apply the systematic Analysis methodology. Discuss your analysis and conclusions.BTL 5EvaluatingDownloaded from: annauniversityedu.blogspot.com
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- 9UNIT IV – DIRECTINGFoundations of individual and group behaviour – motivation – motivation theories – motivationaltechniques – job satisfaction – job enrichment – leadership – types and theories of leadership –communication – process of communication – barrier in communication – effective communication –communication and IT.PART - AQ.NoQuestionsBTLevelCompetence1Define Leadership.BTL1Remembering2Differentiate group and individual behaviour.BTL2Understanding3Show your understanding on the concept of motivation.BTL3Applying4Classify the different types of communication.BTL4Analyzing5Evaluate the various motivation techniques.BTL5Evaluating6What information would you use to support the view of Job Enrichment andJob enlargement?BTL6Creating7How would you describe the advantages of Democratic Leadership Styles?BTL1Remembering8Interpret personality.BTL2Understanding9What is Grapevine communication?BTL3Applying10Brief about X and Y Theory.BTL4Analyzing11Summarize the various types of leadership styles.BTL5Evaluating12What is your opinion about „Noise‟ in communication?BTL6Creating13What is brainstorming?BTL1Remembering14Distinguish motivators and hygiene factors.BTL2Understanding15List the important barriers to communication.BTL3Applying16Analyze your understanding on job satisfaction.BTL4Analyzing17List few monetary and non-monetary rewards.BTL1Remembering18How does leadership differ from management?BTL2Understanding19Quote the various elements in Maslow‟s hierarchy of needs.BTL1Remembering20How would you show your understanding about the concept downwardcommunication?BTL1RememberingPART - B1Define motivation. Explain the theories of motivation in detail.(13)BTL1Remembering2Express the process of communication.(13)BTL2Understanding3Compare and contrast between Verbal and written communication.(13)BTL3Applying4(i) Analyze the characteristics of a good leader.(5)BTL4Analyzing(ii) Differentiate the various styles of leadership.(8)5(i) Identify barriers to effective interpersonal communication.(5)BTL5Evaluating(ii) How would you overcome the barriers in communication?(8)6“Communication through electronic media is helpful for effectivebusiness”. Do you agree with the statement?(13)BTL6Creating7Explain in detail about the various types of leadership with itsdifferent styles.(13)BTL1Remembering8(i) Summarize the X and Y Theory with example.(7)BTL2Understanding(ii) Distinguish Maslow‟s theory with Herzberg‟s theory.(6)Downloaded from: annauniversityedu.blogspot.com
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- 109(i) Compare Job enrichment and Job Enlargement.(5)BTL3Applying(ii) Write about the group and individual Behaviour.(8)10(i) Explain how motivation important for organization development /achievement? Justify your answer with Maslow‟s hierarchy of needs.(9)BTL4Analyzing(ii) Point out the various motivational techniques used inorganizations.(4)11Examine the theories of Leadership.(13)BTL1Remembering12(i) Money is a motivator – Interpret.(3)BTL2Understanding(ii) Differentiate financial and non-financial motivators.(10)13Contrast the obstacles to the leader flexibility and leader styles basedon them?(13)BTL4Analyzing14(i) What is the need for grapevine communication?(4)BTL1Remembering(ii) Quote the various formal organizational communication.(9)PART - C1XYZ Corporation has a lot of barriers to communication. List the possibilityof the various barriers. Also suggest the ways to overcome them. (15 marks)BTL6Creating2“Job performance of individual is significantly influenced bythe employee‟s attitude” – Discuss. (15 marks)BTL6Creating3Mr. Karthik has worked in a traditional conservative organisation. He shiftedto a new organisation in a metropolitan city. The new job profile puts him in aposition to take highly risky decisions. Though he performs well, he feels thatthe environment is very risky environment. What makes the differencebetween the two organizations? Would you advise him to continue in hisjob? (15 marks)BTL5Evaluating4The country head of Z InfoTech finds it difficult to communicate to his bossin California. Sometimes it is due to difference in timings, sometimes due todifference in meanings of words. Phone lines are noisy and signal breakssometimes. What do you think would be the type of barriers faced by himwhile communication takes place between people of different countries?(15 marks)BTL5EvaluatingDownloaded from: annauniversityedu.blogspot.com
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