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- 2SUMMARY1. Electric Charge : Just as masses of two particles are responsible for the gravitational force,charges are responsible for the electric force. Electric charge is an intrinsic property of a particle.Charges are of two types : (1) Positive charges (2) Nagative charges.The force acting between two like charges is repulsive and two unlike charges it is attractivebetween .2. Quantization of Electric Charge : The magnitude of all charges found in nature are an integralmultiple of a fundamental charge.,neQ where e is the fundamental unit of charge.3. Conservation of Electric Charge : Irrespective of any process taking place, the algebraic sumof electric charges in an electrically isolated system always remains constant.4. Coulomb's Law : The electric force between two stationary point charges is directly propor-tional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distancebetween them.2210221rqq41rqqkFIf0qq21then there is a repulsion between the two charges and for0qq22, there is a attrac-tion between the charges.5. Equation for Force using Columb’s Law, when two charges are placed in a medium havingdielectric constant k.(1) The electric forceFexperienced by a test charge (q0) due to a source charge (q) whenboth are placed in a medium having dielectric constant k and separated by a dis-tance r, is given by :rˆkrqq41F2210FrPO(q)(qo)Hererˆis the unit vector directed from q to q0.(2) The equation of coulomb's force may be written as follows : rˆrkqq41F2210(3) If the source charge and test charge are separated by a number of medium of thickness1 2 3d , d , d ........ having dielectric constants ........k,k,k321respectively, then theelectric force on charge q0due to a charge q is given by 02 2 201 1 2 2 3 3qq1ˆF r4k d k d k d 020i iqq1ˆF r4k d ORIn this equation kiis dielectric constant of medium which spreads through the distance dialong the line joining q and q0.
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- 3For example, see the figure below :Here, the space between the charges q and q0is filled with medium (1, 2, 3). The thickness ofmedium 1 is d1and its dielectric consant is k1Similarly the thickness of medium 2 and 3 is d2andd3of medium 3 and their dielectric constants are k2and k3respectively.6. Conditions for Equilibrium in Various Cases :Suppose three charges q1, q2and q are situated on a straight line as shown below :If q1and q2are like charges and q is of unlike charge then,(1) Force on q1 212211011rqrrq4qF(2) Force on q2 222211022rqrrq4qF(3) Force on q =2222110rqrq41FNow, from above equations, it is clear that various equilibrium conditions can be as follows :(a) Condition for1Fto be zero is, 22121221221rrrqqrrqrq(b) Condition for2Fto be zero is, 221221221122rrrqqrrqrq(c) Condition for F to be zero is,222211rqrq222121rrrqIf 21q,qandqare of same type charges in nature, then,(1) Charge q will be in equilibrium, if0rqrq4qF222211021 2 1 12 2 21 2 2 2q q q rr r q r (2) Charges q1and q2will not be in equilibrium.
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- 47. Electric Field Intensity : The electric force acting on a unit positive charges at a given point inan electric field of a system of charges is called the electric field or the intensity of electric fieldEat that point.qFE The SI unit ofEisCNor1Vm.Ifn21r...,.........r,r are the position vectors of the chargesn21q.,.........q,qrespectively, then theresultant electric field at a point of position vectorris, jn1j3jjrrrrqkE 8. Electric Dipole : A system of two equal and opposite charge, separated by a finite distance iscalled electric dipole.Electric dipole momenta2qp The direction ofpis from the negative electric charge to the positive electric charge.9. Electric field of a dipole on the axis of the dipole at point z = z ^32kpE z p for z az Electric field of a dipole on the equator of the dipole at point y = y ^3kpE y p for y ay 10. The torque acting on the dipole place in an uniform the electric field at an angle , sinEp||,Ep11. Electric Flux : Electric flux associated with surface of areaA, placed in the uniform electricfield. cosEAAEwhere,is the angle betweenAandE,Its SI unit is2NmCor V.m.12. Gauss's Law : The total electric flux associated with the closed surface,0SqE d a where,qis the net charge enclosed by the surface.
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- 513. Electric field due to an infinitely long straight charged wire,,rˆr12E0where, r is the perpendicular distance from the charged wire.14. Electric field due to bending of charged rod,15. Electric field due to uniformly charged thin spherical shell,(1) Electric field inside the shell0E (2) Electric field at a distance r from the centre outside the shell,2202rRrqkEwhere, R = radius of spherical shell.16. Electric field due to a uniformly charged density sphere of radius R,(1) Electric field inside the region of the sphere,30 0Q r rE4 R 3
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- 6(2) Electric field outside the sphere, 02320r3Rrr4QrEwhere, Q is the total charge inside the sphere.17. The information about the work done to take an electric charge from one point to the other in agiven electric field, obtained from the quantities called electric potential and electric potentialenergy.18.BAdrEis the line-integral of electric field between point A and B and it shows the work done bythe electric field in taking a unit positive charge from A and B. Moreover, it does not depend onthe path and0drE .19. "The work required to be done against the electric field to bring a unit positive charge frominfinite distance to the given point in the electric field, is called the electric potential (V) at thatpoint".Electric potential at point P isPpdrEVIt unit is.voltcoulombJouleSymbolicallyCJV Its dimensional formula is1321ATLMAbsolute value of electric potential has no importance but only the change in it is important.20. "The work required to be done against the electric field to bring a given change (q) from infinitedistance to the given point in the electric field is called the electric potential energy of thatelectric charge at that point."pPpqVdrEqU The absolute value of electric potential energy has no importance, only the change in it is impor-tant.21. Electric potential at point P, lying at a distance r from a point charge q isrkqVp22. The electric potential at a point at distance r from an electric dipole is ,rp41rv20( For r > > 2a)Potential on its axis is,rp41V20Potential on its equator is0V 23. Electric potential at a pointrdue to a system of point chargen21q,.........q,qsituated at positionat positionn21r,.........r,risn1iiirrkqV
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- 7The electric potential at pointr, due to a continuous charge distribution is 041rVvolumeirr'drThe electric potential due to a spherical shell is 01 qV For r R4 r and 01 qV For r R4 R 24. A surface on which electric potential is equal at all points is called an equipotential surface. Thedirection of electric field is normal to the equipotential surface.25.dVEdlgives the magnitude of electric field in the direction ofdl.To find E from V, in general, we can use the equationV V Vˆ ˆ ˆE i j kx y z The direction of electric field is that in which the rate of decrease of electric potential withdistancedVdlis maximum, and this direction is always normal to the equipotential surface.26. The electrostatic potential energy of a system of point chargesn21q.,.........q,qsituated at positionsn21r,.......r,risni ji 1iji jkq qUrwhereijijrrr 27. The electrostatic potential energy of an electric dipole in an external electric field E, isU E p Ep cos 28. When a metallic conductor is placed in an external electric field,(i) A stationary charge distribution is induced on the surface of the conductor.(ii) The resultant electric field inside the conductor is zero.(ii) The net electric charge inside the conductor is zero.(iv) The electric field at every point on the outer surface of conductor is locally normal to thesurface.(v) The electric potential inside the region of conductor is the same every where.(vi) If there is a cavity in the conductor then, even when the conductor is placed in an externalelectric field, the resultant electric field inside the conductor and also inside the cavity isalways zero.This fact is called the electrostatic shielding.
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- 8When electric charge is placed on the metallic conductor :(i) The electric field inside the conductor is zero everywhere.(ii) The charge is distributed only on the outer surface of the conductor.(iii) The electric field on the surface is locally normal, and is equal to nˆE0 .(iv) If a charge is placed inside the cavity in the conductor, the electric field in the conductorremains zero.29. "A device formed by two conductors seprated from each other is called a capacitor." Its capaci-tance isVQCconstant. The unit of C isvoltcoulombwhich is also called farad.F10pF.F10F1126 30. The effective capacitance in series connection is C then,..........C1C1C1C1321The effective capacitance in parallel connection is C then,.........CCCC32131. The capacitance of the parallel plate capacitor isdAC0.32. The energy stored in the capacitor is2VQ2CVC2QU22and the energy density = energystored per unit volume,E2120whereEelectric field.33. When a dielectric is placed in an external electric field0E , polarisation of dielectric occurs dueto electrical induction. The electric field produced by these induced charges is in the oppositedirection to the direction of external electric field. Hence the resultant electric field E, inside thedielectric is less than the external electric field0E .The dipole moment produced per uint volume is called the intensity of polarisation or in shortpolarisation.nˆPbSinceEP , P E0 e ex x is called the electric susceptibility of the dielectric medium.10 exis called the permittivittyof the dielectric medium.0is called the relativepermittivity of that medium and it is also called the dielectric constant K.
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- 9i.e.K r0EK 1 , E .K 0exThus in the dielectric the electric field reduces to thethKpart.PED0 is called the electric displacement. Gauss Law in the presence of dielectric iswritten asqdsD , where q is only the net free charge.34. when there is air (or vacuum) between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor, the capacitance isdAC0. On placing a medium of dielectric constant K, the capacitance is.CK'C Thus thecapacitance becomes K times, due to the presence of the dielectric.35. With the help of Van-De-Graf generator a potential differance of a few nillion volt can beestablished.
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