Question Bank
39 Pages
Contributed by
Priyanka Uday Ratti
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- College VisionTo transform the budding engineers into academically excellent, highly intellectual andself disciplined engineering graduates to mould them as good citizens with the spirit of integrityand morality that would cater to the needs of our nation.College MissionTo impart quality education with high standards of excellence in engineering andtechnology, to provide an excellent infrastructure in a serene and conducive atmosphere thatwould motivate the students in their pursuit of knowledge in the field of engineering andtechnology.Department VisionTo produce technically competent Electronics and Instrumentation Engineers with ethicaland moral values, who can tackle the challenges facing the society and industry at national leveland global level.Department MissionM1: To provide fundamental knowledge and quality technical education through effectiveteaching-learning process.M2: To prepare graduates to meet the needs of industry through creative projects, soft skills andindustry interaction.M3: To create passion for learning to pursue higher studies and research towards serving societywith moral and ethical standard.Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)PEO 1: To acquire a strong foundation in the mathematical and scientific concept and applyingthem in core engineering.PEO 2: To gain in-depth knowledge in the field of electronics and Instrumentation Engineeringwhich is necessary to formulate, analyze and solve engineering problems.PEO 3: To train students in carrying out project works to synthesize the platforms and fields ofengineering.PEO 4: To create interest for lifelong learning to excel in higher studies and research.PEO 5: To produce ethical engineers with adequate soft skill to exhibit professionalism in multi-disciplinary field.Downloaded from:
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- Program Outcomes (POs)PO 1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineeringfundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineeringproblems.PO 2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complexengineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics,natural sciences, and engineering sciences.PO 3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problemsand design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriateconsideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmentalconsiderations.PO 4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge andresearch methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, andsynthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.PO 5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, andmodern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineeringactivities with an understanding of the limitations.PO 6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge toassess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilitiesrelevant to the professional engineering practice.PO 7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineeringsolutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and needfor sustainable development.PO 8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilitiesand norms of the engineering practice.Downloaded from:
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- PO 9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member orleader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.PO 10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with theengineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and writeeffective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receiveclear instructions.PO 11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of theengineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member andleader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.PO 12:Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability toengage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)PSO 1 - Analyze and Implement circuits and devices: Apply the fundamentals ofmathematics, science and basic engineering knowledge to analyze and implement electric andelectronic circuits, transducers and measurement devices.PSO 2 - Techniques and tools usage in Instrumentation and Control: Apply appropriatetechniques and tools to identify, formulate, design and analyze engineering problems in the fieldof electronics, instrumentation and process control.PSO 3 - Managerial skills: Understand ethical issues, environmental impact and acquiremanagerial skills to communicate effectively in industry and society.Downloaded from:
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- GE 6075 PROFESSIONAL ETHICS IN ENGINEERINGS.No.CourseOutcomeStatement1 CO1Explain about the awareness on Engineering Ethics on Human, Social, MoralValues and Loyalty to appreciate the rights of others.2 CO2 Explain about the ethical issues related to engineering.3 CO3 Explain about the engineers as responsible.4 CO4 Explain about the responsibilities and rights in the society.5 CO5 Explain about the global issues in an environment.6 CO6Explain about the Moral Leadership Corporate Social Responsibility.CO-PO MAPPINGCOPO1PO2PO3PO4PO5PO6PO7PO8PO9PO10PO11PO12PSO1PSO2PSO3CO1 3 - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - 3CO2 3 - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - 3CO3 3 - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - 3CO4 3 - -- - -- - - 3 - - - - - -- 3CO5 3 - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - 3CO6 3 - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - 3AVG 3 - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - 33 - Substantially 2 - Moderate 1 - Slightly34 IV YEAR EIE QUESTION BANK PECDownloaded from:
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- UNIT – I –HUMAN VALUESPART – A1. What are human values? [U]Values decide the standard of behavior. Some universally accepted values are freedom justiceand equality. Other principles of values are love, care, honesty, integrity, self respect.2. What are ethical values? [U]Trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring is ethical values3. Distinguish values from ethics and culture. [AZ]a) Values are mainly related to individuals and since they are related to justice, they remain the samefor everyone. E.g. truth, honesty, empathy, self respect.b) Values do not change from individual to individual. Ethics is common to a group of individuals; thegroup may be religious or professional. Ethics is mostly based on some code or law and judgment ofany action is based on code of conduct or law. Ethics change from individual to individualc) Culture commonly refers to conduct of a group. E.g. system of worship, it may differ from society tosociety, nation to nation or religion to religion.4. What is integrity? [Apr/ May 2017][U]Integrity is the unity of character based on moral values. Consistency in attitudes, emotions andconduct in relations to morally justified actions and values are also the part of integrity of individual. Itimplies honesty, trustworthiness.5. Define work ethics [R]By one’s work one cannot harm others. Any worker cannot escape accountability. Worker hasthe moral responsibility to see that no other person’s right, private or freedom is impaired ortransgressed.6. What is service learning? [U]Service learning tells that one has moral responsibility to increase the desirable effects and todecrease the harmful effects. Any service should increase the desirable result.7. Mention some civic virtues? [U]Good citizen demand civic virtue. It is the principle of not harming the surroundings .it alsoincludes living peacefully, respect for others, protecting the environment and being normally andethically good.35 IV YEAR EIE QUESTION BANK PECDownloaded from:
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- 8. Write short notes on caring and sharing. [U]a) Caring is the essence of moral life. Caring involves feelings, relationship, contends with otherpersons and protecting others and causing least damage to others.b) Sharing means sharing of feelings, ideas thoughts, resources and profits.c) Sharing is always mutually beneficial. Sharing morally acceptable feelings, resources and materialsis a value.9. Write notes on honesty? [Apr/ May 2018] [U]Any human being should imbibe honesty -honesty in acts, honesty in speech and honesty inbeliefs. Honesty is the fundamental virtue in human relationship even though in may be difficult tofollow some times.10. What is courage as a value? [Apr/ May 2017] [U]Courage implies self respect and governs confrontations with danger and risk. It is notexcessive rashes or cowardice, but it is the middle ground. Taking calculated risks and boldness infacing crises are the hallmarks of courage as a human value. It defines the mental makeup of anindividual in taking bold decisions even under adverse situations.11. Define co -operation. [R]Co -operation means extending help to others, for a good cause. Co -operation may be throughan idea, a suggestion, an assistance or physical work which extends to others for common benefit.12. Define empathy. [Apr/ May 2018] [R]Empathy means putting self in a position of someone else and thinking as the later andreasoning suitable action.13. Define spirituality. [R]Spirituality raises a man above the materialistic world into a realm where he seeks peace andreal happiness.14. Define Integrity? [Apr/ May 2017] [R]Integrity is the bridge between responsibility in private and professional life.15. Define Compromise? [R]a) In a negative sense it means to undetermined integrity by violating one’s fundamental moralprinciples.b) In a positive sense, however, it means to settle differences by mutual concessions or to reconcileconflicts through adjustments in attitude and conduct.16. Give the two aspects of Honesty? [U]36 IV YEAR EIE QUESTION BANK PECDownloaded from:
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- a) Truthfulness – meeting responsibilities concerning truth -telling.b) Trustworthiness –Meeting responsibilities concerning trust.17. Differentiate Self -respect and Self -esteem? [AZ]a) Self-respect: It is a moral concept; refers to the virtue properly valuing oneself.b) Self-esteem: It is a psychological concept; means having a positive attitude toward oneself, even ifthe attitude is excessive or otherwise unwarranted .18. Define Yoga [R]a) Yoga recognizes the interconnection and interaction between body and mindb) Yoga provides the best means of self-improvement and attaining one’s full potentialc) To increase the strength and flexibility of the body.d) Can help keep stress and tension at bay and facilitate the mind to a state of well-being and peace.19. Types of Yoga [AZ]a) Jnana Yoga- The path of wisdom. Covers Yama and Niyama and is the science of acquiring properknowledge.b) Bhakti Yoga- The Yoga of universal love and affection.c) Karma Yoga – The Yoga of selfless service that covers pratyahra and is the science of action.d) Raja Yoga – The highest Yoga. Covers Dharana, Dhyana and Samashi and is the science ofconcentration and meditation.20. Define Meditation [Apr/ May 2018] [R]Meditation is a universal spiritual wisdom and a practice found at the core of all the greatreligious traditions, leading from the mind to the heart. Mediation works to increase mindfulness,to train your mind to more clearly see things as they are, and to train your mind to create new ways ofbeing.21. Types of mediation [AZ]a) Concentrationb) Reflective Meditationc) Mindfulness Meditationd) Heart-Centred Meditatione) Creative Meditation37 IV YEAR EIE QUESTION BANK PECDownloaded from:
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- PART – B1. Explain some important human values [U]2. Write a detailed note on work ethics. [Apr/ May 2017][R]3. Explain integrity and honesty in ethics. [U]4. Explain the importance of self confidence in ethics. [NOV/ DEC 2016 ,Apr/ May 2018] [U]5. Explain caring, sharing and living peacefully. [U]6. Explain character and spirituality and their importance in ethics. [Apr/ May 2016] [U]7. Explain the role of Yoga and meditation in the field of professional excellence and StressManagement. [Apr/ May 2015] [U]PART – C1. Explain commitment and empathy. [U]2. Explain civic virtue and respect for others and also explain importance of Cooperation. [U]UNIT – IIENGINEERING ETHICSPART – A1. Define Ethics? (Apr/May 2014) [R] Study of right or wrong. Good and evil. Obligations & rights. Justice. Social & Political deals.2. Define Engineering Ethics? [R] Study of the moral issues and decisions confronting individuals and organizationsengaged in engineering / profession. Study of related questions about the moral ideals, character, policies and relationships ofpeople and corporations involved in technological activity. Moral standards / values and system of morals.3. What is the need to study Ethics? [U] To responsibly confront moral issues raised by technological activity.38 IV YEAR EIE QUESTION BANK PECDownloaded from:
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