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Tabeed Malpani
- COST ACCOUNTINGReconciliation of Financial and Cost Accounts Sushmitha VAsst Professor,MESIOMUNIT 5: RECONCILIATION OF COST AND FINANCIAL ACCOUNTSINTRODUCTIONFor any given period of time, usually, the results shown by Financial Statements and the CostStatement will not be the same. It is essential to identify the reasons for the difference in resultsand reconcile the same. For ascertaining the Reasons of Difference in Profits or Losses shown bythe two different Accounting Systems, a Statement of Reconciliation or a MemorandumReconciliation Account is prepared.CAUSES OR REASONS FOR DIFFERENCE IN RESULTS AS PER FINANCIALACCOUNTS AND COST ACCOUNTSThe following are the reasons or causes for the differences in results as pe Financial Accounts:1)Certain items are recorded only in Financial Accounts but not in Cost Accounts.2)Certain items are considered only in Cost Accounts but not recorded in Financial Accounts.3)Difference on account of Treatment for Overheads3)Method of Depreciation4) Method of Stock ValuationThese factors have been explained in detail as followsItems Recorded only in Financial Accounts, but not Considered in Cost Accounts1. Expenses and LossesCertain items of Expenses and Losses are recorded only in Financial Accounts, but notconsidered while preparing a Statement of Cost. The following are some examples of Expensesor Loses considered only in Financial Accounts:a) Interest on Loans (Mortgage Loans, Debentures, etc.)b) Cash Discount allowedc)Fines, Damages and Penalties paid for Contravention of Lawe) Donationsf) Expenses incurred for raising Capitalg) Loss on Sale of Assetsh) Loss on Sale of Investmentsi)Loss on account of damage or destruction of asset due to fire accident, theft, etj) Loss due to Scrapping of Machineryk) Preliminary Expenses written offl)Intangible Assets amortized or written off
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- COST ACCOUNTINGReconciliation of Financial and Cost Accounts Sushmitha VAsst Professor,MESIOM2. Incomes and GainsCertain items of Incomes and Gains are recorded only in Financial Accounts, but not consideredwhile preparing a Statement of Cost. The following are some of the examples of Incomes orGains only in Financial Accounts:a) Interest on Bank Depositsb) Income from Investmentc)Rental Incomed)Transfer Fees receivede) Profit on Sale of Assetsf) Profit on Sale of Investmentsg) Interest on Loans advancedh) Cash Discount receivedi)Commission receivedj) Damages received3. Appropriation of ProfitsOne of the uniqueness of Financial Accounting is providing for future by appropriating Profitsand creating Reserves and provisions. Such practice is not adopted in Cost Accounting. Someexamples of Appropriations found only in Financial Statements but not in Cost Statements, are. Provision for Tax. Proposed Dividend. Provision for Bad Debts. Provision for Future Losses. General Reserves. Any other specific reserve like Dividend Equalization Reserve, Redemption Reserve, etc.ITEMS CONSIDERED ONLY IN COST ACCOUNTS, BUT NOT RECORDED INFINANCIAL ACCOUNTSFinancial Accounting considers only actual expenses incurred (with the exception ofDepreciation). However, in Cost Accounting, Notional Expenses (i.e., expenses, which are notincurred but are likely to be incurred and Opportunity Cost (value of benefit lost of an alternativeor course of action which in not adopted) are also recorded. Some examples of items, which areconsidered only in Cost Statement but not recorded in Financial Statements, are. Notional Salary (Salary of Proprietor or Owner). Notional Rent (i.e., Rent for building and premises owned by Owner). Interest on Capital (even if the actual liability does not exist)
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- COST ACCOUNTINGReconciliation of Financial and Cost Accounts Sushmitha VAsst Professor,MESIOM1 Treatment of OverheadsIn Financial Accounting, the Overheads are recorded on an actual basis. However, in CostAccounting Overheads are absorbed into Cost of Product or Service, based on certainrelationships. For example, Factory Overheads are absorbed as a percentage of Direct Wages,Office Overheads are absorbed as a percentage of factory Cost, etc. On account of this, theOverheads considered in Costing Books might be more or less than the actual amount incurred(over-absorbed or under-absorbed). This is one of the major reasons of difference in resultsshown by Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting.2 Method of DepreciationThe reason for Difference in results between the two systems. The difference in the Amount ofwould be on account of the Method of Depreciation followed. In Financial Accounting, themethod of calculating Depreciation is usually Straight-Line Method or Written-Down ValueMethod whereas in Cost Accounting, it is usually the Machine Hour Rate Method.3 Method of Stock ValuationIn Financial Accounting, Stocks are valued at Cost Price or Net Realizable Value, whichever isless. However, in Cost Accounting, the Stocks are valued at Cost Price. On account of thedifference in Stock Valuation Policy, the results shown by Financial Statements and CostStatements could be differentSTATEMENT OF RECONCILIATIONA Statement of Reconciliation or Reconciliation Statement is a Statement prepared to present thereasons for difference in results under the two Accounting Systems, thereby enabling theaccuracy of both the systems and transparency in recording of business transactionsMEMORANDUM RECONCILIATION ACCOUNTMemorandum Reconciliation Account is an alternative to Statement of Reconciliation. It isprepared to present the reasons for difference in the results shown by Financial Statements andCost Statements. The account is not a part of Double Entry System. Hence, it is calledMemorandum Reconciliation Account
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- COST ACCOUNTINGReconciliation of Financial and Cost Accounts Sushmitha VAsst Professor,MESIOMPROBLEMSProblem 1The Net Profit of a manufacturing company appeared as Rs64,500 as per Financial Records forthe year ended 31stMarch 2018. The Cost Books, however, showed a Net Profit of Rs86,460 forthe same period. A careful scrutiny of the figures revealed the following facts:Income Tax provided in Financial Books 20,000Bank Interest credited in Financial Books 250Works Overhead under-recovered 1,550Depreciation charged in Financial Accounts 5,600Depreciation recovered in Costing Books 6,000Administrative Overheads over-recovered 850Loss due to Obsolescence charged in Financial Accounts 2,800Interest on Investments not included in Cost Accounts 4,000Stores Adjustment (credited in Financial Books) 240Loss due to Depreciation in Stock Values charged in Financial Books 3,350Prepare a Reconciliation StatementProblem 2The Net Profit of Buddha Engineering Company appeared as Rs1,28,755 as per FinancialRecords for the year ended 31stMarch 2018. The Cost Books, however, showed a Net Profit ofRs1,72,400 for the same period. A scrutiny of the figures revealed the followingWorks Overhead under-absorbed 3,120Administration Overheads recovered in excess 1,700Depreciation as per Cost Books 12,500Depreciation as per Financial accounts 11,200Interest on Investments not included in Cost Accounting 8,000Income tax provided in Financial Accounts 40,300Loss due to Obsolescence shown in Financial Accounts 5,700Bank Interest and Transfer Fees credited in Financial Accounts 750Credit for Stores Adjustment in Financial Records 475Loss on account of fire accident, charged in Financial Accounts 6,750Prepare a Memorandum Reconciliation AccountProblem 3Prepare a Reconciliation Statement from the following informationNet Loss as per Cost accounts 3,44,800Net Loss as per Financial Accounts 4,32,090Works Overhead under-recovered in Cost Accounts 6,240Depreciation overcharged in Cost Accounts 2,600
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- COST ACCOUNTINGReconciliation of Financial and Cost Accounts Sushmitha VAsst Professor,MESIOMAdministration Overheads recovered in excess 3,400Interest on Investments 17,500Goodwill written off 11,400Income Tax paid 80,600Stores Adjustment credited in Financial Books 950Loss on Damaged Stock shown in Financial Accounts 13.500Problem 4The Net Profit of ARM Engineering Company appeared as Rs75,970, as per Financial Recordsfor the year ended 31stMarch 2018. The Cost Books, however, showed a Net Profit of Rs75,400for the same period. The difference was due to the following:The Closing Stock of Finished Goods in Financial Books was valued at 14,500, while the samein Cost Books was 14,100. The Stores Adjustment credited in Financial Books was Rs 570, TheWork in Progress in Financial Books was valued at 9,600 and in Cost Books at 10,000.Prepare a Statement of Reconciliation.Problem 5From the following figures, prepare a Reconciliation Statement and determine financial profitNet profit as per costing books 66,760Factory overhead under-recovered in costing 5,700Administration overhead recovered in excess 4,250Depreciation charged in financial books 3,660Depreciation recovered in costing 3,950Interest received but not included in costing 450Income-tax provided in financial books 600Bank interest credited in financial books 230Stores adjustment (credited in financial books) 420Depreciation of stock charged in financial accounts 860Dividends appropriated in financial accounts 1,200Loss due to theft and pilferage provided only in financial books 260Problem 6A manufacturing company disclosed a net loss of Rs. 3,47,000 as per their cost accounts for theyear ended March 31, 2004. The financial accounts however disclosed a net loss of Rs. 5,10,000for the same period. The following information was revealed as a result of scrutiny of the figuresof both the sets of accountsFactory overheads under-absorbed 40,000Administration overheads over-absorbed 60,000Depreciation charged in financial accounts 3,25,000Depreciation recovered in cost accounts 2,75,000
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- COST ACCOUNTINGReconciliation of Financial and Cost Accounts Sushmitha VAsst Professor,MESIOMInterest on investments not included in cost accounts 96,000Income-tax provided 54,000Interest on loan funds in financial accounts 2,45,000Transfer fee (credit in financial books) 24,000Stores adjustment (credit in financial books) 14,000Dividend received 32,000Prepare a statement showing reconciliation between the figure of net loss as per cost accountsand the figure of net loss shown in the financial books.Problem 7Find out the Profits as per Costing Records from the information given.Profits as per Financial Records: 1,58,500The following details are ascertained on comparison of Cost and Financial Accounts:Opening Stock of Material in Cost Accounts 32,600Opening Stock of Material in Financial Accounts 33,000Opening Stock of Work in Progress in Cost Accounts 20,000Opening Stock of Work in Progress in Financial Accounts 19,000Closing Stock of Material in Cost Accounts 36,000Closing Stock of material in Financial Accounts 34,400Closing Stock of Work in Progress in Cost Accounts 16,000Closing Stock of Work in Progress in Financial Accounts 16,200Interest remitted but ignored in Cost Accounts 800Interest charged but not considered in Financial Accounts 6,000Preliminary Expenses written off 13,000Overhead Expenses charged in Financial Accounts 1,21,000Overheads recovered in Cost Accounts 1,26,000Problem 6From the following particulars, prepare a Memorandum Reconciliation Account and find out theLoss as per Financial Records:Net Loss as per Cost Accounting 1,72,400Works Overhead under-recovered 3,120Administration Overhead over-recovered 1,700Depreciation charged in Financial Accounts 11,200Depreciation recovered in Cost Accounts 12,500Interest received not included in Cost Accounts 8,000Loss on Sale of Assets shown in Financial Accounts 5,700Income Tax provided in Financial Books 40,300Bank Interest credited in Financial Books 750Value of Opening Stock in Cost Accounts 52,600
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- COST ACCOUNTINGReconciliation of Financial and Cost Accounts Sushmitha VAsst Professor,MESIOMValue of Opening Stock in Financial Accounts 54,000Value of Closing Stock in Cost Accounts 52,000Value of Closing Stock in Financial Accounts 49,600Interest charged in Cost Accounts but not in Financial Accounts 6,000Preliminary Expenses written off in Financial Accounts 800Provision for Doubtful Debts in Financial Accounts 150Stores Adjustment credited in Financial Books 475Problem 7The financial profit and loss account of a mfg co. for the year ended 31stmarch 2018 is asfollows:ParticularsAmountParticularsAmountTo materials used50,000By sales1,24,000To carriage inwards34,000To factory expenses12,000To direct wages1,000To administration expenses4,500To selling expenses6,500To debenture interest1,000To net profit15,0001,24,0001,24,000The amounts charged in Cost Accounts are as follows:Factory OH Rs 11,500Office OH Rs 4,590Selling OH Rs 6,640No charge has been made in Cost Accounts in respect of debenture interest. Prepare a statementof cost and reconcile the profits as per financial accounts with that of cost accounts.
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