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- E-BUSINESSSmt DIVYASHREE D V, MESIOM Page 2COURSE OBJECTIVETo make the students understand the computer application in various Electronic businessactivities and its processing. It provides sufficient support for real business world informationthrough various computer applicationsCOURSE OUTCOMEThe students able to analyse the importance of information Technology and also demonstratean understanding of the foundations and importance of E-commerce; retailing in E-commerceby: analyzing branding and pricing strategies, implement in their professionals in future.
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- E-BUSINESSSmt DIVYASHREE D V, MESIOM Page 3CHAPTER1: INTRODUCTION TO E-BUSINESSTWO MARKS QUESTIONS1. What is E-commerce? 2018E-Commerce refers to the online transactions (i.e.) buying and selling ofgoods and/or services over the internet.Examples of E-Commerce:(a) Online shopping:(b) Electronic payments:2. Define E-business/E-tailor 2017,2015E-Business is the conduct of business on the Internet, not only buying andselling, but also servicing the customers and collaborating with thebusiness partners. E-Business includes customer service (e-service) andintra-business tasks.Examples:• An online system that tracks the inventory and triggers alerts at specificlevels is E-Business Inventory Management is a business process. Whenit is facilitated electronically, it becomes part of E-Business.• An online induction program for new employees automates part orwhole of its offline counterpart.3. What is B2B model? 2016Business - to - Business (B2B) is a transaction that exists betweenbusinesses, such as those involving• a manufacturer and wholesaler, or,• a wholesaler and a retailer
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- E-BUSINESSSmt DIVYASHREE D V, MESIOM Page 44. Name any four examples of B2B. 2018,2015• Orders for Electronics manufacturing• Shipping and Warehousing• Motor Vehicles• Acknowledgement of Payments5. What is Web auction? 2017,2015Online auctions are places that people can go in order to buy or sell goodsor services online for a small fee. Anyone can sell an item and anyonecan bid on an item. The highest bidder wins the auction and pay for thegood or service and then expects for to receive their winningin the next couple of days through the mail or some other way ofdelivery.Example:• Auction-Warehouse - http://www.auction-warehouse.com• Craigslist - http://www.craiglist.org• E-Bay – http://www.ubid.com6. Differentiate private network and public network. 2016SLNOPUBLIC NETWORK PRIVATE NETWORK1These are the networks usuallyowned by a commercial chain-like or some malls andcommunity centresThese are the networks usuallyowned by an individual – usuallybe located in Homes and Offices2Neither your device will bevisible on the network nor willyou be able to see any otherdevices on the networkDevice is visible to others andeveninitiate a data transferbetween devices on the commonnetwork
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- E-BUSINESSSmt DIVYASHREE D V, MESIOM Page 53Features such asHomegroupwon’t work whenyour PC is connected to aPublic Network. This saves themachine from malicious attacksand defends it from attacksfrom threats over a network.Features such as Homegroup willbe enabled by default for the userto take advantages of high-speeddata transfer via LAN7. What is EDI? 2015Electronic data interchange (EDI) is the electronic transmission ofstructured data by agreed message standards from one computer system toanother without human intervention. It is a system for exchanging businessdocuments with external entities like,• Interchanges between health care providers and insurers• Travel and hotel bookings• Education• Supply chain management• Administration• Tax reporting
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- E-BUSINESSSmt DIVYASHREE D V, MESIOM Page 6SIX MARKS QUESTIONS1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of E Business to buyers?2018Advantages of E commerce• Gives freedom to make choices: It also gives customers an opportunity tolook for cheaper and better quality products.• Increase in variety of goods: As the market will expand the variety ofgoods available will also expand.• It gives more choice and alternatives: E-Commerce provides more choiceand alternatives to customers that will increase the choice of vendors orproducts• Convenience of Shopping at Home: allows the consumers to shop onlineconveniently and home shopping on the internet provides a lot ofopportunity and convenience.• Ensure Secrecy: the various security measures that are in built are used inE Commerce transactions to prevent any unauthorised access toinformation on the internet• More Competitive Prices and Increased Price comparison capabilities:Consumers can make comparison shopping. There are several onlineservices that allow customers to browse multiple ecommerce merchantsand find the best prices.• Time compression: Online stores can be open 24/7; people cancommunicate as their schedules permit; time zones disappear formanagers collaborating with partners on other continents.• Quick Delivery of Digitized Products/Services: E-Commerce allowsquick delivery in the case of digitized products such as music, software.DISADVANTAGES OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE• Ecommerce Lacks That Personal Touch: Not that all physical retailershave a personal approach.• System and data integrity: To create cost effective response to the variedtechnical and human threats to website security.
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- E-BUSINESSSmt DIVYASHREE D V, MESIOM Page 7• E-Commerce Delays Goods: Ecommerce websites deliver to take a lotlonger to get the goods into consumer hands. Ecommerce might actuallybe faster than purchasing goods from a physical store.• System scalability: It means regular up graduation of the website isrequired when the number of website users increase over period of timeor during busy seasons.• Dependent on internet: E-Commerce is dependent on internet.• Many Goods Cannot Be Purchased Online: Despite its manyconveniences, there are goods that consumer cannot buy online.• Products people won’t buy online: There are various products which thecustomers would like to first touch and feel and then buy it.• Ecommerce Does Not Allow Experiencing the Product before Purchase:It cannot touch the fabric of the garment when consumers wants to buyand check• Loyal customers: Great amount of effort is put on building a customerrelationship by the organizations and retaining them is rather a bigger job.• Shopping is Social Experience: People love to shop in the mall because itgives them an opportunity to have fun with friends and family.• Too Many Competitors: If there are thousands of online stores sellingsimilar products.• Security: prone to card fraud, or worse, identity theft.2. Briefly explain the salient features of E- commerce. 2018,2017• Ubiquity: Ubiquity of E-Commerce means E-Commercetechnological features are available anywhere and, we can connect tothe Internet at any time, because they are web-based.• Global reach: Technologies within ecommerce seamlessly stretchacross traditional cultural and national boundaries and enableworldwide access.• Universal Standards: Individuals, businesses and governments useone set of technological, media and Internet standards to useecommerce features.• Information Richness: Information provided on the web can be maderich, by adding color to the textual information, and adding audioand video clips. Users can access and utilize text messages andvisual and audio components to send and receive the information.• Interactivity: E-Commerce technologies are interactive means itallow for two way communication between the merchant and the
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- E-BUSINESSSmt DIVYASHREE D V, MESIOM Page 8customer. Technologies used in ecommerce require consumerinteractions in order to make an individual feel as though he is anactive participant in the transaction process.• Information Density: Information density means the total amountand quality of information available to all the market participants,consumers and merchants alike.• Personalization / Customization: Technologies within E-Commerceallow for the personalization and customization of marketingmessages groups or individuals receives.3. Briefly explain the basic component of E-commerce 2015• Warehouse operations: A decent store with its own warehouseoperations has thousands of products at any time on its inventory,employs at least a couple of dozens of people to store products,pick and pack, and prepare for delivery. That’s why so many largecompanies choose to outsource their fulfilment operations to “thirdparty logistics” suppliers such as Anchor 3PL or the ever-growingFulfilment by Amazon so they can focus on what they do best.• Suppliers and supply chain management: In an increasingcompetitive market there is a lot to come up with a great idea,drive good traffic and convert it to sales but can’t do that withoutthe right products, delivered at the right time, with a price themarket is willing to pay. Suppliers meant a whole lot whenecommerce was not around. Now – even more so. When it comesto ecommerce, suppliers can provide you with the rightmerchandise but they can also take the stocks burden off yourshoulders. Amazon, for example, relies heavily on its marketplacepartners to increase listed products number, without buying stocksfor those products.• Shipping and returns: Shipping is usually an outsourcedservice. The best thing to do, unless you’re swimming in cash andyou want to start competing the likes of FedEx and DHL,is employone of the shipping providers and negotiate your way to amarketable shipping cost. Such a cost is likely to be, in the future,one you will be paying yourself – so pay attention. Once you’vecontracted these shipping providers integrate their system withyours so you can streamline packaging and delivery but your storehas to handle all the communication.
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- E-BUSINESSSmt DIVYASHREE D V, MESIOM Page 9• Client Relationship Management (CRM) – CRM or CustomerRelationship Management is a strategy for managing anorganisation's relationships and interactions with customers andpotential customers. A CRM system helps companies stayconnected to customers, streamline processes, and improveprofitability.• Showroom and offline purchases: Ecommerce is a complicated andhighly competitive business. That’s why it need greattech. Shopify is one of the best companies out there in the marketof ecommerce solutions for small to midsized online retailers.• Marketing and loyalty programs: there is an increasing number ofmarketing solutions can use to market the products and store butnot all are alike. Not all are as efficient. Focus on: Search engine optimization and paid searchresults Email marketing Social media Branding• Loyalty is really hard to acquire these days. Especially when itcomes to ecommerce. Most users will be searching for the lowestprice and buy from whomever the seller is. But can fight the trendwith loyalty programs such as: Rewarding purchases – reward your users with pointsthey can spend on store. It’s really effective in keepingyour customers tied to the brand, as well as makingthem feel great about it social shopping – make your customer feel like a kingwhen he can give out discounts and freebies to its peersand friends Reward social media – most online users have somekind of influence in their micro community of friends.Encourage them to take part in your story, share yourproducts and reward them with freebies and discounts.• Ecommerce catalogue and product display: Make sure you don’t over-design your store – your productsare the most important items. Make them shine.
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- E-BUSINESSSmt DIVYASHREE D V, MESIOM Page 10 Analyze and predict: predictive analytics is the practice ofanalyzing user’s behaviour and predicting what they wouldrather buy at any given time. Search, search and let’s not forget search: most of yourcustomers will be using a search engine to navigate to yourstore. Make sure your store is optimized. Once there, when indoubt, they will want to search for products. Make sure your site search works. Finally – when theirorder was shipped they will want to search for its location. Show them.4. What are virtual communities? Discuss the importance of virtualcommunities. 2016The term is originally attributed to Howard Rheingold’s book "TheVirtual Community," which was published in 1993. A virtual communityis a group of people who share common interests, feelings or ideas, orpursue similar goals over the Internet or over any collaborative network.Social media is the most common vehicle for this sharing and interaction,which can potentially transcend geographical boundaries, race, culture,political views and religion when people are connected by anothercommon interest or agenda.Importance of Virtual community• Instant information exchange that is not possible in a real-lifecommunity.• Interaction allows people to engage in many activities from theirhome, such as: shopping, paying bills, and searching for specificinformation.• Users of online communities also have access to thousands of specificdiscussion groups where they can form specialized relationships andaccess information in such categories as: politics, technical assistance,social activities, health (see above) and recreational pleasures.• Virtual communities provide an ideal medium for different types ofrelationships because information can easily be posted and responsetimes can be very fast.• Communities can give users a feeling of membership and belonging.• Users can give and receive support, and it is simple and cheap to use.
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