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Swati Kant
- AITS-CRT-II-(Paper-1)-PCM(S)-JEE(Advanced)/14FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942website: www.fiitjee.com1ANSWERS, HINTS & SOLUTIONSCRT –II(Paper-1)Q.No.PHYSICS CHEMISTRY MATHEMATICS1.C C B2.A D A3.C D B4.D A C5.B D A6.D C D7.C B D8.B C C9.C C A10.A C A11.B, D D A, B, D12.A, B, C A, B, C, D A, B, C, D13.A, B, C B A, B14.B, D A, B, C, D A, B, C15.A, B, D B, C, D A, D1.1 2 22.7 6 33.4 1 44.3 2 05.1 4 6ALL INDIA TEST SERIESFIITJEEJEE(Advanced)-2014From Classroom/Integrated School Programs7 in Top 20, 23 in Top 100, 54 in Top 300, 106 in Top 500 All India Ranks & 2314 Studentsfrom Classroom /Integrated School Programs & 3723 Students from All Programs have been Awarded a Rank in JEE (Advanced), 2013
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- AITS-CRT-II-(Paper-1)-PCM(S)-JEE(Advanced)/14FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942website: www.fiitjee.com2PPhhyyssiiccss PART – I3.2edmF v Avdt 2( Av )H2 7.2HmvN qEcosR …(i)HN 0(HNhorizontal component of normal force)qER(1cos ) =21mv2qEN8.3 2F0.02A10n 10 kg / ms 10 poise2dv1dx 9. Velocity of bike Vb= 30 m/ sLet velocity of car be Vcfobs= factualcsobsoVVVV120 Hz = 100 Hz cV33030330 VC= 30 m/sDistance between initial and final pulse of horn= Vso t - VCt {t is duration of emission of sound}= (330 – 30) 6 = 1800 mThis wave train travels with 330 m/s and cross bike rider moving with velocity of 30 m/s towardsit.time taken =bsoVVtrainwaveoflength=1800 1805330 30 36 sec11. Kinetic friction acts opposite to relative velocity w.r.t. contact surface.12. XL= 2XCCX= 4XCLX= 2XLLXCX= 2XL 4XC= 2[XL 2XC] = 014. Since vertical Impulse is acting on AHence momentum of A & B will constant in horizontal direction only.and M.E. of A & B will remain constant
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- AITS-CRT-II-(Paper-1)-PCM(S)-JEE(Advanced)/14FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942website: www.fiitjee.com3SECTION –C1. Angular momentum Conservation22 201 MRMR mR '2 2 0M'M 2m U =0M'R RM 2m 2. M.E. Conservationmg(4) 2 2k 1x mv2 2kx = 55mg + kx = ma5520 = 2aa = 17.5 m/sec23. =qBRtmg = 0.45. t =2 2dE B C M1000secB mg= 1
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- AITS-CRT-II-(Paper-1)-PCM(S)-JEE(Advanced)/14FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942website: www.fiitjee.com4CChheemmiissttrryy PART – IISECTION – A1. In (C), the tautomeric form will beOC6H5C6H5H5C6H5C6OHC6H5C6H5H5C6H5C6The tautomeric form, contains sp-hybridised carbon in ring, making it unstable. tautomerism is not shown by (C).2.2AgBr 2OH OHOHHydroquinol 22Ag s 2H O OO 2Br aqHydroquinone3. PV= constant1105VP Constant100 1P1051P 100 751P100orP 105 ( for N2or O2= 7/5)P1= 0.93P, 7% decrease in pressure.4. O2–is replaced by X-8/3, so formula of spinel is MgAl2X3and deficiency by one anion.5.W RTM V RTSlopeM3 30.082 293M4.65 10 10 5.16 106gC6. 5 4PBr s PBr Br 22 5 2 3N O s NO NO sp 3 25 4 6PCl s PCl PCl sp d 32 6 2 4Cl O s ClO ClO sp PClClClClClCl
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- AITS-CRT-II-(Paper-1)-PCM(S)-JEE(Advanced)/14FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942website: www.fiitjee.com57.H(I)H(II)H(III) (IV)(Conjugate base)(Aromatic)(Non-aromatic)(anti-aromatic) (anti-aromatic)H(III) and (IV) both are anti-aromatic, but (IV) has more resonating structures than (III).So, stability of conjugate bases: (I) > (II) > (IV) > (III)And pkaorder is: (I) < (II) < (IV) < (III)8. pH = 9.71, 10H 1.95 10 2 3PrNH HCl PrNH Cl 2a3Pr NH HKPrNH 2a3Pr NHKH PrNH 23PrNH0.1PrNH 9.CH2COOHCldilaq. NaOH ACH2OHCOOHHOOCH22 2 7acidicNa Cr OCOOHCOOH8 4 3Pr oduct(C H O )OOO10.CMeCH 2 2H /Ni Bp 2 catalystCHMeCH2HCHMeCH3Ring expansionMeCH3HMeMe
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- AITS-CRT-II-(Paper-1)-PCM(S)-JEE(Advanced)/14FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942website: www.fiitjee.com611. CH3CH3CH3CH3Trans - 1, 2 - dimethyl cyclohexaneTrans - 1, 3 - dimethyl cyclohexaneNo plane of symmetry in both the above isomers, hence optically active.12. 4NO BFB FFFFNo. of bonds in 4BF 4= B. O. ofNO 3.0 , i.e. one sigma bond and two bonds. It has 5 sigma and two , bonds. NO+is diamagnetic and4BFis also diamagnetic B—F bond energy is lower in4BFthan in BF3, due to presence of back bonding in BF3.13.2 22o102H /H 2H /H2p H0.059E E log2H 14.o o of fH H products H reac tants = –166 – (–51) = – 115 KJ mol–1So= 266 – 243 = 23J = 0.023 KJmol-1K-1Ho= –veSo= +ve Go= Ho- TSoGowill be –ve at all temperature and the reaction is favour at temperature.15. Formula of complex is : [Co(SCN)2(NH3)4]3[Co(ox)3] Linkage isomerism is due to presence ofSCN Optical isomerism is exhibited due to presence of [Co(ox)3]3–which has asymmetric structure. Geometrical isomerism is exhibited by [Co(SCN)2(NH3)4]+partSECTION – C1. 3 2 2 3 2Black pptAgNO H S O Ag S 2.SbFFFFFFSbFFFFFSb-hybridisation is sp3d2= total 6 hybrid orbitals per sb-atom.
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- AITS-CRT-II-(Paper-1)-PCM(S)-JEE(Advanced)/14FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942website: www.fiitjee.com73.OO3RCO HOOO Pr oduct XThe number of sp2– carbon is X are 10, the sum 1 + 0 = 14. n nsnM nX M X ne L.H.S For, n nM X ne nM nX R.H.S 100.059 0.01E logn 0.1 n = 25.2 21 1A B AB2 2 A A B B A B1 1H e e e2 2 – 100 =x 0.5xx2 2 x = 400 KJmol–1x = 4 102KJmol–1
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- AITS-CRT-II-(Paper-1)-PCM(S)-JEE(Advanced)/14FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942website: www.fiitjee.com8MMaatthheemmaattiiccss PART – III1.ˆ ˆu xi 3xj , |u| = 2x, x > 0Now22ˆu u 2i u i 2 22 22 x x 2 3x x 1 3x 2 24 x x x 1 4x 2x 1 Squaring, 16x2(x2– x + 1) = 16x4+ 4x2+ 1 – 16x3– 4x + 8x2 16x2= 12x2– 4x + 14 32 1 2x8 2 x =2 1u 2 1 2 1 a = 2, b = 12. 2000x6+ 100x5+ 10x3+ x – 2 = 0 3262x 10x 12000x 2 010x 1 662x 1000x 12 1000x 110x 1 1000x6– 1= 0 or2x210x 1 x = –(10x2– 1)21x10 which is not possible 20x2+ x – 2 = 01 161x40 , m = –1, n = 161, r = 40 (m + n + r) = 2003. Let P(a cos , b sin )Slope ofbcp tana 2 2a btan sin22ab P()yC(0, 0)x2 22absin2 tana b Using sin 2 1 and222be 1a 22b2atan 1b1a 222 1 etan 1e e4+ 4e2tan2 – 4 tan3 0
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- AITS-CRT-II-(Paper-1)-PCM(S)-JEE(Advanced)/14FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942website: www.fiitjee.com9 22sine 2tan sec tan1 sin 4. 1k1 k 1 k k 1 k 2T cosk k 1 k k 1 Let1xk,1yk 1 2221 k 1 1 k k 21 y 1k 1 k 1k 1 1 1k1 1T cos cosk 1 k , substituting n = 2, 3, 41 1n1 1S lim cos cosn 1 2 2 3 6 n120S6 k k = 7205. EAC = – EAB = + It is given that tan( – ), tan and tan( + ) form a G.P.Thus 2 222 2tan tantan tan tan1 tan tan tan = 1, = 45º, thusABDCEAD = DE =5 2, so that area (ABC) =1BC AD CD AD 50tan2 Now, cot , cot( – ), cot form an A.P.2 cot(45º – ) = 1 + cot cot = 3 50ABC3 6. ABCD is a trapezium and its area = 1a b h2Wherea bEF2 (mid parallel)Area = 2r(EF)Now equation of EF is y = –x + c ….. (1)From equation (1) passes through (r, r) c = 2rx + y = 2r, hence E = (2r, 0) and F(0, 2r)2 2EF 4r 4r 2 2r Area ABCD = 2r ·22 2r 4 2r24 2 r 900 2 , r2= 225 r = 157. A2– 2A + 2I = 0Divide B by A2– 2A + 21 B = (A2– 2A + 21)(f(A)) + A – I
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- AITS-CRT-II-(Paper-1)-PCM(S)-JEE(Advanced)/14FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942website: www.fiitjee.com100 1B A I1 0 8. FG = pDE = qHI = rIn AFGP AG AFsinA sinB sinC bpAGa ,cpAFaABICDFGHENow, incircle of ABC is the ex–circle opposite to A for AFG the semi perimeter of AFG isAFG1 bp cp SpS p2 a a a AFGA Sp Ar S tan tan2 a 2 Since r = (s – a)Atan2sps aa p a1a s Similarlyq b1b s r c1c s 9. Since the coefficient ofˆkin bothAandBare the same, the only way thatAandBcan beparallel is that f(t) = –f(t), f(t) = g(t)The first differential equation, f(t) = –f(t) f(t) = p cos t + q sin t. (p, q R) = 2 2p q sin t ,ptanq 2 2maxf t M p q 2 2 2 2A f t g t 1 p q 1 Ais constant10. A upon simplification (a + b + c) (a – b) (b – c) (c – a)The only way this can be 0 is (a + b + c) = 0 fixed point is (1, 1)11. x x0 0t f x t dt f t dt sinx cosx x 1 x0x t f t dt= x0f t dt sinx cosx x 1 x x x0 0 0f t dt t f t dt f t dt sinx cosx x 1 Again differentiatingx f(x) + f(x) + f(x) – xf(x) – f(x) > f(x) – sin x – cos xf(x) = f(x) – sin x – cos xSolving this linear differential equationWe get, f(x) e–x= e–xcos x + cIf x = 0, f(0) = 0 f(x) = ex– cos x
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