- Smt DIVYASHREE D V,MESIOM Logarithms with table MTBDALogarithms using Log tableIn mathematics, the logarithm table is used to find the value of the logarithmicfunction. The simplest way to find the value of the given logarithmic function is byusing the log table.Logarithmic Function DefinitionThe logarithmic function is defined as an inverse function to exponentiation. Thelogarithmic function is stated as followsFor x, a > 0, and a≠1,y= logax, if x = ayThen the logarithmic function is written as:f(x) = logaxThe most 2 common bases used in logarithmic functions are base e and base 10.The log function with base 10 is called the common logarithmic function and it isdenoted by log10or simply log.f(x) = log10The log function to the base e is called the natural logarithmic function and it isdenoted by loge.f(x) = logexTo find the logarithm of a number, we can use the logarithm table instead of usingmere calculation. Before finding the logarithm of a number, we should know aboutthe characteristics and mantissa part of a given number• Characteristic Part – The whole part of a number is called thecharacteristic part. The characteristic of any number greater than one ispositive, and if it is one less than the number of digits to the left of thedecimal point in a given number. If the number is less than one, thecharacteristic is negative and is one more than the number of zeros to theright of the decimal point.
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- Smt DIVYASHREE D V,MESIOM Logarithms with table MTBDA• Mantissa Part – The decimal part of the logarithm number is said to be themantissa part and it should always be a positive value. If the mantissa part isin a negative value, then convert into the positive value.
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- Smt DIVYASHREE D V,MESIOM Logarithms with table MTBDA
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- Smt DIVYASHREE D V,MESIOM Logarithms with table MTBDAHow to Use the Log Table?The procedure is given below to find the log value of a number using the log table.First, you have to know how to use the log table. The log table is given for thereference to find the values.Step 1: Understand the concept of the logarithm. Each log table is only usable witha certain base. The most common type of logarithm table is used is log base 10.Step 2: Identify the characteristics and mantissa part of the given number.For example, if you want to find the value of log10(15.27), first separate thecharacteristic part and the mantissa part.Characteristic Part = 15Mantissa part = 27Step 3: Use a common log table. Now, use row number 15 and check columnnumber 2 and write the corresponding value. So the value obtained is 1818.Step 4: Use the logarithm table with a mean difference. Slide your finger in themean difference column number 7 and row number 15, and write down thecorresponding value as 20.
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- Smt DIVYASHREE D V,MESIOM Logarithms with table MTBDAStep 5: Add both the values obtained in step 3 and step 4.That is 1818+20= 1838. Therefore, the value 1838 is the mantissa part.Step 6: Find the characteristic part. Since the number lies between 10 and 100, (101and 102), the characteristic part should be 1.Step 7: Finally combine both the characteristic part and the mantissa part, itbecomes 1.1838.
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- Smt DIVYASHREE D V,MESIOM Logarithms with table MTBDA2. Find the value of log102.872Solution:Step 1: Characteristic Part= 2 and mantissa part= 872Step 2: Check the row number 28 and column number 7.So the value obtained is 4579.Step 3: Check the mean difference value for row number 28 and mean differencecolumn 2. The value corresponding to the row and column is 3Step 4: Add the values obtained in step 2 and 3, we get 4582. This is the mantissapart.Step 5: Since the number of digits to the left side of the decimal part is 1, thecharacteristic part is less than 1. So the characteristic part is 0Step 6: Finally combine the characteristic part and the mantissa part. So itbecomes 0.4582.Therefore the value of log 2.872 is 0.4582.
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- Smt DIVYASHREE D V,MESIOM Logarithms with table MTBDASample :Consider a number with four digits say 4839 and will observe the logarithm valuefor this number with variations.Sl noNumberCharacteristicsMantissaLog value1Log 4839(4 digits – 1 ) = 368473.68472Log 48392(5 digits – 1 ) = 468474.68473Log 483925(6 digits – 1 ) = 568475.68474Log 483.9(3 digits – 1 ) = 268472.68475Log 48.39(2 digits – 1 ) = 168471.68476Log 4.839(1 digits – 1 ) = 068470.68477Log 0.4839- ( 0 zeros + 1 ) = - 168471.68478Log 0.04839- ( 1 zero + 1 ) = - 268472.68479Log 0.004839- ( 2 zeros + 1 ) = - 368473.684710Log 0.00483925- ( 2 zeros + 1 ) = - 368473.684711Log 0.000483925- ( 3 zeros + 1 ) = - 468474.684712Log 483(3 digits – 1 ) = 268392.683913Log 48(2 digits – 1 ) = 168121.681214Log 4(1 digits – 1 ) = 060210.602115Log 0.4- ( 0 zeros + 1 ) = - 160211.602116Log 0.04- ( 1 zero + 1 ) = - 260212.602117Log 0.04000- ( 1 zero + 1 ) = - 260212.602118Log 0.048- ( 1 zero + 1 ) = - 268122.6812
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- Smt DIVYASHREE D V,MESIOM Logarithms with table MTBDAProblems:1. Find log 28.93The given number is greater than 1. The number of digits before decimalpoint is 2.Therefore characteristics is 2 – 1 =1Mantissa in log table for 28throw 9thcolumn is 4609Add : mean difference in the same row at 3rdcolumn is 5So fractional part is 4614Therefore log 28.93 = 1.46142. Find log 0.08285The given number is lesser than 1. The number of zeros after decimal pointis 1.Therefore characteristics is - (1 + 1) = -2 i. e 2Mantissa in log table for 82ndrow 8thcolumn is 9180Add : mean difference in the same row at 5thcolumn is 3So fractional part is 9183Therefore log 0.08285 = 2 . 91833. Find log 289.3The given number is greater than 1. The number of digits before decimalpoint is 3.Therefore characteristics is 3 – 1 =2Mantissa in log table for 28throw 9thcolumn is 4609Add : mean difference in the same row at 3rdcolumn is 5So fractional part is 4614Therefore log 289.3 = 2.4614
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- Smt DIVYASHREE D V,MESIOM Logarithms with table MTBDA4. Simplify using log table: 83.67 * 0.0347 * 0.038Solution : since log is not attached with the problem first prefix log wordLet x = 83.67 * 0.0347 * 0.038Applying log on both sidesLog x = Log (83.67 * 0.0347 * 0.038)Applying logarithm lawLog x = log 83.67 + Log 0.0347 + log 0.038Note:• The second term 0.0347 has 1 zero after decimal point therefore thecharacteristic is negative 2 . The table value for mantissa should be searchedfor 3470.• The third term 0.038 has 1 zero after decimal point therefore thecharacteristic is negative 2 . The table value for mantissa should be searchedfor 3800.Keep in mind in the above two cases although the characteristic is negative butmantissa part is positiveTherefore Log x = 1.9226 + 2.5403 + 2.5798Log x = 2 + 2 + 1.9226 +0.5403 + 0.5798Log x = 4 + 3.0427Log x = 1.0427When log attached with a variable will shift from one side to other side it becomesAntilogTherefore x = antilog 1.0427( search in antilog table page same as log table method)x = 0.1104
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- Smt DIVYASHREE D V,MESIOM Logarithms with table MTBDA5. Simplify using log table22.3840.0564Let x = 22.3840.0564Taking log both sideslog x = log 22.3840.0564Log x = log 22.384 – log 0.0564Log x = 1.3498 – 2.7513( here in second term, mantissa is also negative)Log x = - 2 +1.3498 – 0.7513Log x = 2 + 0.5985Log x = 2.5985x = antilog of 2.5985x = 396.8
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