Organizational Behaviour

Model Question Paper

Question Paper 4 Pages

Contributed by

Prajwal Hallale
    Year BBA
    Organizational Behaviour
    Model Question Paper
    1) What is attitude?
    2) Give the meaning of perception
    3) What is job enrichment?
    4) What is ABC model?
    5) What is organizational change?
    6) State any 2 characteristics of Learning
    7) What is organizational behavior modification
    8) Give the meaning of organizational behavior
    9) What is Halo effect?
    10) What is group norms
    11) What is group dynamics
    12) State the types of Leadership styles
    13) Give the meaning of Stereotyping
    14) What is group think?
    15) What is interpersonal conflict?
    16) What is Reenforcement?
    17) What is Learning

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    18) What is social perception
    19) What is sensitivity training?
    20) Define organisation ?
    21) What is inter personal perception ?
    22) What is self esteem?
    5 marks Questions.
    1). Explain the applications of OB in Management ?
    2). Distinguish between Positive and negative Reinforcement ?
    3). What is resistance ? Why change is resisted?
    4). Explain the factors affecting the group performance ?
    5). Explain the steps in organisational behaviour modification?
    6). Explain factors influencing Perception?
    7). Define Group ? State its Characteristics ?
    8). Explain the functions of small groups?
    9). What are the factors influencing organizational change?
    10). Discuss the contribution of other disciplines to OB?
    11). Explain the Barriers to Attitude?
    12). Explain briefly the strategies to resolve inter-personal conflicts ?
    13). Briefly explain the cognitive Theory of Learning ?
    14). Explain any 6 types of groups ?
    15). Explain the types of changes ?
    16). What is personality? Explain the determinants of Personality?
    17). How does sensation differ from perception, Explain?
    18). Explain the characteristics of Learning Organization ?

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    19). Discuss the functions of groups ?
    20). Explain the different approaches of the study of OB ?
    21). What is Positive attitude ?, what are the benefits of Positive attitude ?
    14 Marks Questions
    1). What is Motivation ? Discuss in detail the Maslow's Needs Hierarchy Theory ?
    2). Explain various Leadership styles with appropriate examples ?
    3). Explain how an understanding of attitude is useful for study of Organisational
    4). Explain the factors affecting the Organisational Change ?
    5). What is Personality ?, Explain the factors determining personality ? How
    personality influences OB
    6). Define group ? Explain different types of Group ?
    7). Discuss the resistance to change and suggest strategies to overcome resistance
    to change ?
    8). What is Learning ? Explain Cognitive and Observational Learning ?
    9). Write Short note on :-
    a). Observation b). Barriers to attitude c). Group think
    10) What is perception? Explain factors influencing perception.
    11)What is personality? Explain how personality attributes influencing OB?
    12) Write a short note on
    a) Emerging issues on OB
    b) Inter personal conflict
    13) What is Attitude? Explain the components and sources of attitude
    14) What is Learning? How does it help to solve organizational problems?

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